Long Guang’s hand patted Ye Fei heavily on the shoulder.

In Ye Fei’s heart, a raging fire and fighting intent, like a torch, burned raging. The bloody nature is still there, and he is the enemy of the world, what is his fear? In the distance, the loud voice of the thunderous dragon came, “Patriarch, Young Patriarch, heavenly demon hall and scums have all been killed by us, but Cai Family and Qin Family, many have escaped.”

Hearing this, Long Guang smiled and shook his head: “Now that my Dragon Race is rising, Qin Family and Cai Family are no longer a concern. It is the Heavenly Demon Hall. This time the branch hall is destroyed, the Heavenly Demon Hall is definitely I won’t be reconciled, the Heavenly Demon main hall, and it is very likely, will send the ancestors to retaliate against us.”

Ye Fei calmly asked, “How does Uncle Long plan to respond?”

“It’s very simple. The tribe migrates. First enter the forbidden land of gods and demons, and fight for it to enter the Earth Sovereign heavens! The heavens are opened every ten years. Ten years are enough for my Dragon Race. After the Great Accomplishment, Monster Sovereign is also a breakthrough for the ancestors.” Long Guang is very decisive. Found that the situation was not right, he immediately ordered people to inform Dragon Race, which was actually abandoning the foundation of the city of Gods and Demons, planning to move the whole clan into the Earth Sovereign heavens.

Undoubtedly, this is a very wise decision. The other Elders of Dragon Race have no objection. And soon, they started to build the Teleportation Formation Platform.

This formation was originally Dragon Race preparing to win the battle of the forbidden area, and quickly sent people to occupy the forbidden area of ​​the gods and demons. At this time, it has become the best bridge for Dragon Race to migrate.

Every so long, Ye Fei sees that a large number of the old and weak women and children of Dragon Race, under the protection of many powerful Flood Dragons, quickly enter the forbidden land of gods and demons, but soon, the forbidden land of gods and demons Inside, there was an angry roar from Elder.

“patriarch, Young Patriarch, and Cai Family’s 3000 Killing Formation set up outside of the Earth Sovereign Pass is still running! We can’t crack it for a short time!”

Hearing this bad news, Many half-dragon humans are complexion changed.

Long Xing hit the ground with a fist, and yelled: “Cai Family shameless! No wonder they retreated so fast. It turns out that they actually left a Killing Formation to prevent us from entering Earth Sovereign. Heaven.”

“Patriarch, what can I do? It takes at least ten days to crack these Formations, but the time for the opening of the Earth Sovereign heavens is only today and tomorrow…”

Many Dragon Race people are angry. Obviously, the Cai Family was simply deliberate. The purpose was to prevent the winning family from entering the Earth Sovereign heavens, so that even if the Cai Family failed in the battle of the Forbidden Land, there would be no loss.

“patriarch, Young Patriarch, you are so strong, how about leading us and killing the Cai Family directly and forcing them to hand over the method of breaking the formation?” Long Xingyi suggested fiercely.

Long Guang shook his head, “It’s too late. Cai Gang himself is an old fox. Since he does something like this, he will definitely not wait for the Cai Family and let us attack, Ye Fei, How about we abandon the city of Gods and Demons and leave now?”

Long Guang sighed, now he has nothing to do. Ye Fei is slightly smiled, “It’s only three thousand formations, Uncle Long, you bring clansman with me, I will take you, and walk in!”

In spite of Long clansman’s surprised and puzzled eyes, Ye Fei once again Arriving outside the Earth Sovereign Pass, raising your foot, walked into the three thousand formations.

Chapter 2511 Cuts nine days, kills gods and demon

Chapter 2511 Cuts nine days, kills gods and devil

“Cai Family’s 3000 Killing Formation, unexpectedly Was it cracked like this?”

The Killing Formation outside, many people at Dragon Race couldn’t help being shocked. You know, the 3000 Killing Formation outside of Earth Sovereign is Cai Family is the strongest array. It is the foundation of the Cai Family’s foothold. It is the ancestor of the people, and it is difficult to break the thousands of serial formations to attack the Cai Family. This is also the reason why Cai Family can become the first family in the City of Gods and Demons.

But now, these Killing Formations seem to be fake in front of Ye Fei. This made many dragon clansman, looking towards Ye Fei, their gazes have changed from worship to awe, and the earth evil is number one, and even the Array Grandmaster. These two auras, no matter which one, are so dazzling.

Only Long Jiaojiao has complicated eyes. She is a smart woman. She naturally understands that Ye Fei is probably not her brother at all, but she has misunderstood.

At this time, she always regarded Ye Fei as her elder brother, and let Ye Fei touch her most caress. Just thinking about it, Long Jiaojiao blushed and buried her head in her body. Before, he could not lift his head like an ostrich.

Of course, as the culprit of this incident, Long Xing with a big mouth was naturally beaten up by Long Jiao on the spot. Now his bloody nose and swollen face are extremely painful.

It’s just that no one cares about this little thing anymore. Facing the strong pressure of the heavenly demon main hall, all half-dragon humans have become heavy. At present, for Dragon Race, look for a place The safety zone is the most important thing.

This requires someone to open the Earth Sovereign heavens as soon as possible.

Take a deep breath. Ye Fei didn’t have a Destruction Sword order to hide his body. His Divine Soul walked out of Heavenly Palace. Suddenly, he pointed the sword order to endless void.

Sword Soul mourns again!

Immediately, there seemed to be a huge cry of sorrow throughout the void. The heavens of Earth Sovereign, which had to wait another day to be opened, were suddenly affected. They slowly descended, and the world became trembling. The entire Earth Sovereign pass seemed to become on the when the heavens descended. verge of collapse.

“Oh my God, Dragon Race, not only was it not blocked by Killing Formation, Ye Fei, it seemed that he opened the Earth Sovereign heavens by himself…” In the forbidden area of ​​gods and demons, countless Divine Consciousness gathered, these, They are all big and small forces in the City of Gods and Demons.

They are always paying attention to the forbidden land of gods and demons. Among them, there are many spies from the Qin and Cai families hiding in it. While shocked, they quickly passed the news to the hidden Cai Family and Qin Family.

As expected by Long Guang, Qin Family and Cai Family, simply did not stay in the City of Gods and Demons, waiting for the Dragon Race to attack, but under the common interests, joined forces and gathered together. All the elites of the clan are hidden outside the forbidden land of gods and demons.

It’s just that the two families have no human ancestors, and there is no treasure that can compete with Monster Sovereign and Ghost God. They can only wait, waiting for the human ancestors of the heavenly demon main hall to come and wait. Dragon Race, 3000 Killing Formation outside of the Earth Sovereign pass, broke the blood.

But in reality, fiercely slapped Qin Family and Cai Family.

Cai Gangqi’s face turned blue, and he punched the void on the spot, “Asshole, those three thousand Killing Formation, it is my Cai Family Race Protecting Treasure, then Ye Fei, how could it be impossible? I’m walking past hurt?”

“Could it be that Ye Fei was the one who inspired the Forbidden Land?” Cai Ming suddenly thought that not long ago, the Forbidden Land had also moved. At that time, Cai Family’s The gods were very puzzled, thinking about it now, maybe at that time, Ye Fei broke through the Killing Formation and hid it.

Wake up, Cai Ming and the Cai Family who once stayed behind the Earth Sovereign Pass are both showing remorse and annoyance. If they could have been more careful, check the 3000 Killing Formation outside the pass… …Unfortunately, this World, there is no if.

Therefore, Cai Ming and the gods of the Cai Family can only have eyes full of red, watching the heavens slowly descending in the Earth Sovereign Pass. The sorrow not made by Destruction Sword has become even worse.


Suddenly, without the Destruction Sword order, it turned into a divine light of destruction. This divine light tore through the heavens and revealed the true face of the days , Inside, is actually a terrifying killing battlefield.

Countless bones fell on the ground. These bones, including Heavenly Monarch, Taoist monarchs, gods, and ancestors, and a mighty and sad ancient sovereign aura breath, emanating from within.

But the most eye-catching thing is that among the bones, a huge battle flag, that battle flag is tattered and faintly visible, a majestic royal character.

“Could this be the army of Earth Sovereign? After the death of Earth Sovereign, they all died here?” Ye Fei rushed to the Earth Sovereign heavens, Long Guang, and All the dragon clansman, following closely from behind, also rushed in.


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