Hear this command. In the heavenly demon mountain, a silhouette wearing a yin and yang daoist robe once again walked out, “The deity Yang fixes the sky! It is you, who killed Yangming and Yang Hao, hindered me from the Yin and Yang Palace, and boarded the seat of the evil?”

, Turned out to be the palace owner of Yin Yang Palace!

Yang Dingtian’s tone seemed to be inquiring, but it was full of affirmation and murderous intention, but this murderous intention was not for the Chiyue Divine Dynasty, but for the Ghost God tripod on Ye Fei This cauldron can communicate Yin and Yang and contact Ghost God. It is of great use to Yin and Yang Palace. Before coming, Chiyue Divine Dynasty had promised to kill Ye Fei and give this Cauldron to Yin and Yang Palace!

The heavenly demon Palace Lord on the other side also sneered. The emperor’s coffin contained the immortal spirit of the ancient emperor. It was of great use to him to understand the way of the ancient emperor. Before, he had always wanted to swallow it alone. So I did everything possible to prevent Zheng Tai and Yang Dingtian from taking action until they found that Ye Fei could not be left alone in the Heavenly Demon Palace, and the bones were very dry. Finally, they decided to join forces with Chiyue Divine Dynasty.

This is also a collaboration between Divine State and Magic State. Two quasi-emperors, an ancient emperor projection, and many ancestors walked towards the emperor’s coffin together; indifferent and ruthlessly contempt for Ye Fei.

Such a scene is shocking and even more sad. In this way, Heaven’s Chosen, alone in the Devil Mountain, beheading the ancestors, defeating the emperor, if he does not die, it will become a climate, helplessness, gap in realm, and a disadvantage in numbers in the future. Finally, let the rise of this child come to an end.

“This child, I’m exhausted, what a pity!”

People sighed from the crowd. Facing the power of the ancient emperor’s projection, the gods, Long Guang, and Long Jiaojiao all looked pale, and a deep despair appeared.

“Ye Fei, I hurt you, you shouldn’t come to save me…” God, a heavy touch appeared in his eyes, and a strange and resolute rays of light, but no and the others God says too much.

The ancient emperor of the sky once again took out his palm. With this palm, the ancient emperor exhausted all his strength. In the sky, his golden light composed of hair became complete with this blow. Burn.

Bone Wanku and Yang Dingtian also sneered. Almost at the same time, they cooperated with the ancient emperor and attacked the emperor coffin, “Ye Fei, although your emperor coffin is strong, it is not your real Power, now our two quasi-emperors are also teaming up with Your Majesty. How can you resist a trifling coffin of the dead?”


tone barely fell, the whole emperor The coffin, the sword power within 1000 meters, was forcibly forced back 500 meters in an instant, then 400 meters, 300 meters, and two hundred meters.

Finally, the sword power of the emperor coffin was forced back to within 100 metres!

Chapter 2527 Tai Witch Magic Power

Chapter 2527 Tai Witch Magic Power

The scope of the emperor coffin is still shrinking, 100 meters, nine ten meters , 80 meters…Finally, when the sword power of the emperor coffin was forced back to the range of 50 meters, the inside of the emperor coffin suddenly heard a cry of anger and desolation.

Hearing this scream, Ye Fei’s Heavenly Palace, without the Destruction Sword order, trembled again, turned into a streamer, forcibly rushed out of the Heavenly Palace, and once again imprinted on the emperor’s coffin.


The weaker sword power once again improved, Ye Fei was surprised to find that this emperor coffin can actually use the Devouring Power without the Destruction Sword order. Swallow, the human ancestors and quasi-emperor magical powers who attacked the emperor coffin.

These were swallowed by Divine Ability and transformed into a stronger sword power, emanating from the emperor coffin, even the distance of the sword power suppressed by the ancient emperor, again, from 50 meters, breakthrough 60 meters , Seventy meters.

The immortal spirit of the emperor coffin, in a little bit, regained the lost territory.

Bone Wankuu and Yang Heaven Locking City were shocked, “This emperor’s coffin, the sword might be so terrifying…”

“Break the emperor! The scarlet moon is destroyed. The resistance of the emperor coffin completely angered the ancient emperor composed of that golden rays of light. The huge red moon divine light descended from the void, as if it had picked off the bright moon and smashed it forward. It was also at this time that the emperor coffin The sorrow was even worse, and a strong ancient Prestige of Sovereign faintly exuded, deadly, resisting the bright moon fifty steps away!

“Fifty steps, weakened by the sword power of the emperor coffin, we are not enough to kill Ye Fei!” The face with bones was extremely ugly. All of you who watched the battle were also in an uproar.

When the ancient emperor and the quasi emperor joined forces, everyone thought that Ye Fei was completely finished, but the emperor’s coffin was so strong that it was unexpectedly strong. It could resist and hold the 50-meter sword firmly. The scope of power cannot break through.

“This child is immortal today, it will shock the world!” Many martial artists’ hearts are trembling. The Taoist realm is not terrifying, but the Taoist who can control the emperor coffin is definitely a nightmare in the heavenly demon hall. .

Bone Wankuan was so angry that he became mad. Behind him, the huge white bone hole, like an ancient corpse demon, awakened, and the hollow eye socket directly shot out the white bone beam, shining in all directions, “All The ancestors, the gods listen to the order! If anyone can cooperate with my heavenly demon temple and punish this child, all the secrets, magical powers, and treasures of this child can be shared by you!”


The bone-worn promise made the crowd boil.

Among these spectators, there are many gods and ancestors of other forces. In front of the bones, they are greedy, but they didn’t do anything. Renzu, no longer hesitate.

“Since the Lord of Heavenly Demon Palace is dead, I will wait and obey!”

“I heard about this leaf demon secretly and learned the ancient magical powers of Heavenly Palace of despair, my deity I’ve longed to think about it, let’s watch it.”

“hmph, Ye Mo, you didn’t expect to have today… My Cai Family and Qin Family’s revenge for being destroyed, won’t just be counted. It’s gone.”

In the crowd, there are still a few remaining martial artists from the Qin and Cai families; the heavenly demon hall can get news in advance, and the Chiyue Divine Dynasty and Yinyang Palace can come quickly. Contribute to the whistleblowing.

At this time, they have to see how Ye Fei died with their own eyes.

When a large number of gods, human ancestors, were tempted to surround the emperor coffin from all sides, and at the same time, they all attacked the emperor coffin in unison, no one thought Ye Fei could be in this battle. In, the whole body retreated. The faces of Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao were even paler.


Many martial artists, combined with a single blow, even with the strength of the emperor’s coffin, they can’t resist, “Go, grab that glimmer of survival!”

Ye Fei’s ears heard the mournful sword roar of the emperor coffin. Then, the entire emperor coffin suddenly rose from the ground and rushed towards that ancient emperor, with a solemn expression on his face. Bone Wanku and Yang Dingtian were even more angry, carrying a large number of human ancestors, gods and monarchs, and they had already sent out the horrible Divine Ability beams of light. When these beams of light gathered together, even the emperor coffin could not resist.

The entire empty emperor coffin was suppressed on the ground by the deadly space, and even the shrouded area of ​​Jianwei was compressed to only 20 meters left, and it was around the emperor coffin. Ye Fei felt his body was suppressed by an invisible force. He vomited blood on the spot. Together with Long Guang and the others, he was seriously injured. This was only a 20-meter back shock.

If the emperor’s coffin sword power enveloped in ten meters, maybe, without the ancient emperor’s action, just these gods and ancestors combined with Divine Ability coercion, they can be suppressed and lose their combat capability .

“Damn it, is there no way to get rid of the current predicament?” Ye Fei thumped the ground with a fist, full of chagrin in his heart, he still underestimated the battle strength of the emperor, and highly valued the emperor coffin The formidable power, “Uncle Long, Jiaojiao, I’m sorry, I’ve caused you to fall into a desperate situation with me, second brother, I’m sorry, I couldn’t, I really saved you.”

Ye Fei’s face was full of self-blame, but his heart burned with a shocking fighting spirit, that is a kind of pride that even if it is death, he will fight to the last breath and shed the last drop of blood.

This pride also moved Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao, and made people’s faces even more ashamed, “Ye Human Sovereign, I finally know why I can only become a god of humanity, And you can become a Human Sovereign! You are the same as Wang Bai, although your face is abominable, you will always have the mind and spirit that I don’t have.”

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