gods sighed, but a strange and mysterious power emerged throughout the soul. This power is not profound power or Divine Consciousness, but a very strange soul power .

When this kind of power appeared, the originally extremely weak human god suddenly became extremely powerful. “Ye Fei, in Heaven Realm, although I am not a climate, I was lucky enough to get a taboo too witchcraft. , Named Golden Punishment Great Witch Scripture, this sutra does not cultivate profound strength, does not practice fleshy body, only strengthens the soul, recruits heroic spirits! Today, my human gods sacrifice with souls, summon, immortal forever, Earth Sovereign heroic spirits! “


The soul of the gods and human beings suddenly stepped up into the air, directly, sitting on the coffin of the emperor, in the hands, the incantion continued, forming one after another The peculiar Heavenly God pattern first, when these divine runes are condensed together, summon unexpectedly emerges a void altar. At this time, the gods and gods step by step towards the void altar, and when he walks out each step, his soul will be faded. .

Human God, this is a sacrifice of oneself, trying to break time and space, using the emperor’s coffin as a guide, summon the true immortal spirit of Earth Sovereign!

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei’s heart suddenly fiercely trembled, “Human God, I don’t allow you to do this! I’m here to let you live, not let you die!”

“Third Brother, you are wrong. When my fleshy body was taken and transformed into a demon body, the gods and humans were already dead. Now I am just a lonely ghost. The reason for not dying depends on my heart. Hate, I want revenge, revenge on the heavenly demon temple, revenge on the quasi-emperor, although the ants are weak, they also have the aspirations to rise above the sky! Ye Human Sovereign, this world will depend on you in the future! I will sacrifice the world with my soul, Summon heroic spirit! Soul, return, Earth Sovereign, return!”

hong long long!

The sky trembled, and a strange Power of Heaven and Earth suddenly appeared in the void.

Chapter 2528 Earth Sovereign Heroes

Chapter 2528 Earth Sovereign Heroes

This power descended on the altar, and instantly absorbed all the souls of the gods and men The power formed a special beam of light, violently shining on the emperor’s coffin.

At this time, the sword power range of the emperor coffin has been approached ten meters. This distance happens to be the range where the ancestors and quasi-emperors can attack. It is not a frontal attack, but everyone The counter-shock force created by the magical powers is enough to shake all the lives in the emperor coffin ten meters into dust.

The bones are withered, Yang Dingtian, Imperial College of Supreme Learning Shaoqing Zhengtai, the four ancestors of the heavenly demon temple, the gods and ancestors of other forces, all face greed and madness at this time Rather than attacking the emperor coffin desperately, scrambling to slay Ye Fei first, and seize all treasures and cultivation techniques from Ye Fei.

But at this moment, they all saw an unforgettable scene in their lives. The bones were withered, and they were shocked to see the man and god who had been dragged by him like an ant and did not resist. Freed from the shackles, the most brilliant soul rays of light burst out unexpectedly.

“That’s the Soul Evocation technique of the wizard. It’s no wonder that this person has fallen into the Hall of Souls and can keep his soul sober…” Needless to say, it must be the fleshy body of the human god who was taken away and lost Martial. After Dao’s supernatural powers, he turned to the Tao of the witch in anger!

Moreover, this kind of Tao doesn’t need to be too high realm. As long as the power of the soul is strong enough and the sacrificed item is precious enough, it can arouse heaven and earth, summon heroic spirits.

At this time, the gods use the emperor coffin as a guide, and their souls are sacrificed to summon the world and awaken the heroic spirits.

“Don’t stop it!”

Above the void, the ancient emperor finally spoke, and when he spoke, it was a roar that was extremely angry. Originally, the red moon ancient emperor projection came, and coupled with heavenly demon, the two quasi-emperors of Yin and Yang, would surely be able to suppress the emperor’s coffin and punish Ye Fei. The only thing that the ancient emperor Chiyue didn’t expect was that Ye Fei spared his life and saved the tiny goddess, who actually cultivated into a great wizard.

The scarlet moon is broken!

The huge bright moon reappeared, but instead of attacking Ye Fei and the emperor’s coffin, he directly attacked the altar, trying to destroy the force that was calling for the heroic spirit. The two quasi-emperors, Yang Dingtian and Bone Wanku, were also furious, wishing to smash Ye Fei into pieces. Their Divine Ability rays of light is even more direct. They compressed the rays of light of the emperor coffin sword power from ten meters to five meters, three meters, two meters, one meter!

“Ye Fei, die!”

The bones are all withered and white, as if the incarnation has become too ancient corpse demon, the huge corpse claws, force the first to grab Ye Fei, Ye Fei breathes deeply, suddenly lifting up the tripod of Ghost God, ready to fight.


There was a huge dragon roar in his ear. Knowing that with Ye Fei’s own battle strength, it is difficult to withstand the attack of the quasi-emperor, Long Guang, without hesitation, incarnation became the Primordial Demon Dragon, the huge dragon claw, grabbed the Ghost God cauldron, and smashed it at the bone demon hand.


Ghost God Kanae shattered, even Long Guang’s body shattered into a huge blood hole, and just behind the dragon body, Ye Fei’s body suddenly exuded divine might, black gold. The emperor sword, with a brilliant sword light, teaching the world, cut off the giant hand of white bones, but before Ye Fei could make another move, behind his bones withered, suddenly walked out of the cold silhouette of Yangding Tian.

“This cauldron is good, it is broken repeatedly and not bad, it is my Yin and Yang Palace, the treasure of the town palace! Yin and Yang, Overturning Heavens Hand!”


Another horrible yin and yang divine light swept across the void, not only shattered the sword light, but also caused this space to suddenly turn upside down. The three Ye Fei immediately turned their heads down, their feet up, spinning and rolling frantically stand up.

Long Guang, who was already seriously injured, screamed immediately, but did not turn back into his body. Instead, he rushed out with the body of the ancient demon dragon, resisting Yang Dingtian, and the two quasi-emperors withered bones. “Ye Fei, give up the emperor coffin, take my daughter and go!”

“No, father, I won’t go! Ye Fei, you go, our father and daughter, we will break the queen for you!” Long Jiaojiao did not Leaving, but the same incarnation Primordial Demon Dragon, facing up.

Ye Fei’s heart is fiercely trembling, followed by a sad sigh, Long Family father and daughter are like this, if he escapes alone, is it a man? Thinking of this, Ye Fei moved his body, suddenly like a god, stepping on the emperor coffin, and boarding the altar of the god.

Many martial artists also looked at Ye Fei curiously. Now the emperor’s coffin is no longer supported, and the ancient emperor’s attack is about to destroy this altar. Ye Fei, what should he do to restore this certain death situation?

After all, although the human god summons out the altar of heaven and earth and calls the heroic spirit with his own soul, but in the end, the realm of the human god is too low and the soul is too weak. Although he can summon out the altar, he cannot. Quickly summon out the Earth Sovereign immortal hero.

But Ye Fei still understands the true intentions of the gods. After all, in the realm, he is not only the Human Sovereign, but also the Witch Sovereign! Although Ye Fei did not know how to summon the heroic spirits, he also sacrificed in Heavenspan.

“Human God, look at it, I will avenge you! The heroes of Earth Sovereign will also return! Heaven and earth as a lesson, I, Ye Fei, sacrifice to me in the name of the Witch King The bloodline is just to awaken the immortal spirits of Earth Sovereign! Earth Sovereign, wake up!”

Ye Fei roared, and raised his sword on the spot, piercing his palm, fiercely pressing it on the altar of heaven and earth Above, at this time, the bright moon transformed by the ancient emperor Divine Ability had already blasted over the altar, and might fall in an instant, turning Ye Fei and the altar into powder together. But Ye Fei didn’t seem to see it, only the palm of his hand was burning, trying to get his own blood to stain the entire altar.

Seeing Ye Fei’s actions, the beast print space, Xiaocao’s already crying eyes are red and swollen. Suddenly, taking advantage of Dragon Tortoise’s attention, Xiaocao suddenly took out a handful of Divine Sword, and fiercely in his own With a stroke on the palm, the blood of the immortal spirit suddenly flew towards the altar like a fountain of blood. This time, Dragon Tortoise did not stop it, but opened its mouth at the same time, and suddenly spouted a big mouth of the blood of the hot monster dragon. Essence, Xiaocao, Dragon Tortoise, all became sluggish and weak.

Directly face the heaven and earth to sacrifice, Ye Fei feels the bloodline of the whole body. It follows the altar and merges into the heaven and earth. It is only a very short breathing time. Ye Fei’s body has only The skins and bones are left, and even Heavenly Palace and Divine Soul are unstable and are about to collapse; but the bloodline sacrifice of Ye Fei, and the help of Xiaocao Dragon Tortoise, finally detonated this altar of heaven and earth. .

Especially the blood of Xiaocao’s immortal spirit seems to have a natural affinity for sacrifice, but the blood of immortal spirit merges into the altar. Over the altar, the rising winds, scudding clouds immediately poured in and opened it. A door to time and space.

At this time, there is a silhouette full of fighting intents, like the Ghost King walking out of hell, stepping out of the gate of time and space, the scary sword glow tearing the world, “Who is it, summon Out of the emperor’s heroic spirit?”

“It’s me, Human Sovereign…” Ye Fei spoke weakly. He wanted to raise his eyes hard, looking towards Earth Sovereign, but because of the sacrifice, his whole body The blood essence was all sucked up. If it weren’t for Xiaocao’s help, he would probably be like a man or god, and he would be sucked to death by the power of sacrifice.

Therefore, after summon finally returned to the heroic spirit of Earth Sovereign, Ye Fei finally couldn’t bear it, and his eyes went dark and fainted.

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