But Earth Sovereign didn’t mean to underestimate the Scarlet Moon Ancient Emperor. Instead, he solemnly said: “As an emperor, you can still bend and stretch, be strong and weak, and your battle strength is not strong. But it allows you to live the longest! However, what you said is right. With you, there is still a day in the world. Without you, the road to the world’s cultivation may be completely broken. Go ahead and continue later Over your idle emperor, if I dare to stop things in the earth, I will not kill you, he will kill you too!”

Earth Sovereign pointed at Ye Fei, suddenly raised his hand, the emperor coffin opened, and Ye Fei’s body, Has fallen into the emperor coffin.

“Today’s matter, must not be leaked!”

Earth Sovereign did not make any more moves, but coldly dropped these words, already stepped on the emperor’s coffin, and put the dragon Guang and Long Jiaojiao simultaneously led to the emperor coffin. After that, the entire emperor coffin had risen from the sky, rushed out of the heavenly demon mountain, and also rushed into the endless void. Only the horrible Sword Domain continued. Surrounding the entire heavenly demon mountain.

Heavenly demon mountain all around, there are countless bones lying there, as well as the sleeping crowd, the projection of the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon, and the complex eyes looking at the heavenly demon mountain that is broken in half Suddenly, the ancient emperor Chiyue said indifferently: “Where is the sun, Zheng Tai, don’t wake up yet!”


The ancient emperor roared and finally let Zheng Tai , Freed from the sadness, Yang Dingtian knelt in front of the ancient Emperor Chiyue with a panic face, “Imperial Father, what is going on…”

Zheng Tai was shocked Looking at Yang Dingtian, no one didn’t expect that the palace owner of the Yin Yang Palace was actually the prince of Divine Dynasty. Zheng Tai finally realized why Yang Dingtian almost obeyed Divine Dynasty’s orders after he succeeded the palace owner. When attacking the desperate Heavenly Palace back then, it was even more difficult.

This is not for profit, but because Yang Dingtian and Chiyue Ancient Emperor are father and son! The Yin-Yang Palace has already become a part of the Divine Dynasty. Suddenly Zheng Tai appeared, the ancient emperor of the red moon, not as the Imperial Family talked about, cowardly and cowardly, for longevity, but desperate, “Your Majesty is extremely The formidable person of Shan Yin Ren! At this point, the emperors of the Divine Dynasty have nothing to do!”


Imperial College of Supreme Learning Shaoqing Zheng Tai knelt down convincingly. The ancient emperor Chiyue didn’t seem to be aware of anything. He just shook his head with a crying and smiling expression: “You can’t say it, don’t dare to say it! You just need to rot today’s things in your heart, this is the way to save your life. As for these miscellaneous people, Earth Sovereign is benevolent and can’t bear to kill indiscriminately, but the emperor, without this scruples, will take action together and slaughter the whole city!”

Only in this way, today’s affairs will not be revealed!

“And Ye Fei, from today, block all his news! Divine Dynasty, and no revenge on him!” The ancient emperor of the red moon said indifferently, Ye Fei awakened the ancient divine corpse spirit, Did not frighten him, but Ye Fei was able to reverse the chaos of time and space, and summon returned to the heroic spirit of Earth Sovereign, which really scared the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon.


Three days later.

The news of heavenly demon’s destruction and the tragic massacre of heavenly demon city has spread throughout the two states, and even the entire city. People were shocked and started to inquire Specific intelligence. Gradually, many gossips came out.

“It is said that this battle of Heavenly Demon Mountain was the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon, who joined forces with the Heavenly Demon Temple to compete for the Emperor’s Coffin. Unfortunately, in the end, the bones were too greedy and angered the ancient Emperor. So the ancient emperor was angry, slaughtered the demon mountain, killed the entire city, and returned to the Divine Dynasty with the emperor’s coffin.”

“This is the terrifying of the ancient emperor…this heavenly demon mountain, that Many human beings, hundreds of gods, and a dozen human ancestors, said they were destroyed, they were easily slaughtered by the ancient emperor.”

“It’s just a pity that Ye Fei can be in the realm of Taoism, Bear the emperor’s coffin, cut the ancestors, and walk alone on the heavenly demon mountain, just to save the old deceased. This is the way to see the injustice, draw the sword to help, but it is a pity that it has fallen.”

“Yes, Divine State Fengyun, Although he has done a lot of major events, it is a bit worse than Ye Fei. I only sigh that Ye Fei has no strong backing behind him. The situation is supported by the entire Wind and Cloud Sect. Both are the chief of the earth evil, but their destiny is A hell, a paradise.”

“I heard that the Divine King Palace, deliberately, let Zhao Yu marry Fengyun…”


On the restaurant of the Gods and Demons City, the martial artists discussing, suddenly collectively silenced. Today, the God and Demons City is dominated by Dragon Race. At this time, there are two half-dragon humans with faces full of faces. Hanshuang walked off the restaurant and returned to the family report.

“On behalf of patriarch, we still haven’t heard about Young Patriarch, and the whereabouts of patriarch and Eldest Miss…”

Because of whereabouts unknown, Ye Fei is also alive and dead. I don’t know, Dragon Race can’t be a group of dragons without a leader, the strongest Longxing, doing his part, became the patriarch, temporarily commanding Dragon Race.

The first thing Long Xing did when he took office was to order Dragon Race to inquire about the whereabouts of Ye Fei, but the news he received was disappointing time after time. Long Xing’s expression also became sad.

Many Dragon Race Elders simply despaired and couldn’t help saying: “On behalf of patriarch, after asking for so long, there is no news of Ye Fei. Maybe Ye Fei and patriarch… After all, this This time heavenly demon mountain, but there is a real ancient emperor…”

“No, impossible! That is, patriarch is dead, Ye Fei will not die, he has an emperor coffin, and he has a Ghost God tripod ! As the saying goes, good person doesn’t live long, bad person lasts for a thousand years! Just imagine, Brother Ye is not just a curse, it is a disaster star, how could he die so easily!” Long Xing looked firm, I am full of confidence in Ye Fei’s survival.

It’s just this kind of confidence, always a little weird. Knowing that Long Xing’s stubborn temper cannot be persuaded, another Elder said, “The matter of the heavenly demon mountain will have too much influence, sooner or later. There will be Demon Palace forces, investigating us, on behalf of patriarch, have you ever thought of a retreat?”

“hmph, the retreat has already been thought of. Brother Ye told me that most of his men are Focus on the Qing State. Since the Gods and Demons City can’t wait for Brother Ye, then we will go to Qing State and continue to wait!”

A shot of Long Xing’s forehead has determined the future of Dragon Race.

Chapter 2531 Good fortune to make people

Chapter 2531 Fortune to make people

According to Long patriarch’s old expectations, the matter of heavenly demon city quickly aroused After receiving the attention of many Demon Palaces in the Demon State, a large number of powerhouses began to go to the Heavenly Demon City to investigate the cause of the destruction of the Heavenly Demon Palace, but the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon had done absolutely nothing. These forces have achieved nothing. So the Demon Palace forces began to cast their eyes on the place where the emperor coffin was first discovered, which is the forbidden land of gods and demons.

Dragon Race has also become the first suspected target, but Long Xing’s movements are too fast, he shot his forehead that day, and that night, Long Xing took all the half-dragon humans and left in secret. Go to Divine State’s subsidiary state, Qing State.

The power of Demon Palace took the air, and took advantage of the trend to occupy the city of Gods and Demons and the forbidden land of Gods and Demons. At the same time, the retreat of Dragon Race also produced many rumors, that is, the battle of Heavenly Demon Mountain, not only the patriarch dragon Guangzhan died, even Ye Fei had already fallen, otherwise, with Ye Fei’s strength, these half-dragon humans who followed Ye Fei would not migrate so easily.

Gradually, there are rumors that Ye Fei was convinced that Ye Fei was killed in the Divine Demon City. From the Divine Demon City, it has been spread into the Divine State. At the same time, the Divine State and the Chiyue Divine Dynasty are also in the same Time, cancelled the wanted reward for Ye Fei. This also confirms the possible death of Ye Fei.

God King City.

Since the Chiyue Divine Dynasty, Zhao Yu has not stayed at all in Qing State, but returned to Divine King Palace again, because Ye Fei once said that when he is strong enough, he will Set foot on the Divine King Palace personally and take her back. With this longing, Zhao Yu was in the Divine King Palace and became more cultivation. She didn’t want to become a drag on Ye Fei.

She even thought that when Ye Fei was in danger, she would not stand behind her but stand beside Ye Fei, but this idea can never be realized. The news of Ye Fei’s death was passed to Divine State, Divine King Palace immediately, and the news was received.

Learning that Ye Fei is finally dead, it is said that Qiuyun, an ancestor who has never laughed, has a rigid old face, laughed continuously, and hummed unprecedented songs. And Zhao Yu didn’t say anything, but walked silently to the Divine King Palace, the highest and most sinister cliff top, watching the clouds in the sky, silently weeping.

In the end, some of those tears turned into icebergs, some turned into fires, and finally, tears turned into tears of blood. The black hair was covered with white hair, Zhao Yu, White head overnight, just for the life and death of the one you love!

“Ye Fei, did you really die like this? That many tribulations in the realm, we survived, the tribulations of Heaven Realm, you will be able to survive, right, you will come to me , You said, you will set foot on this Divine King palace and come to pick me up…”

On the cliff, Zhao Yuqing’s face is haggard. The hurricane blew from the bottom of the cliff and rolled her white hair. Three days later, these white hairs suddenly formed a blazing divine fire, which swept Zhao Yu’s whole body. In the raging flame, there seemed to be a loud phoenix sound.

“Heart is dead, life is not there, Phoenix Nirvana, Divine King was born! The demon of surnamed Ye, despite his disgusting face, he finally did a good deed. He used his death to stimulate After Zhao Yu, finally took a crucial step, Phoenix Nirvana, and became the real body of Divine King!” Qiuyun ancestor, excited.

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