Divine King’s true body is the strongest martial arts in the Divine King Palace. Except for the first generation of Divine King, the rest, including the children of Divine King, can’t be trained because they have to be trained. The door body not only needs a powerful bloodline, but also a powerful perception. And Zhao Yu, not only has a strong perception, but also a rare possession of the Phoenix bloodline of the first generation Divine King.

This is also the reason why the ancestors of Qiuyun were willing to accept Zhao Yu as a disciple and cultivated them carefully. “With the gift of concubine, there is no way in this life to understand the ancient emperor’s way, but Yu’er can! big brother, Divine State is still too young. I think, with Yu’er’s talent, I would send her to the emperor’s heaven. Maybe in the future, my Divine King Palace will become the lord of Divine State!”

“But, Zhao Yu What about the marriage with Fengyun?” An elegant and poised middle-aged man stood beside Qiu Yun. By his side, the same divine fire was filled with powerful quasi-sovereign aura breath. He is the contemporary Divine King of Divine King Palace, and Qiu Yun’s elder brother, Qiu Divine King.

Hearing what his brother said, Qiuyun Renzu shook his head indifferently, seemingly dissatisfied: “The situation is strong, Yu’er’s talent may not be much worse. Besides, Yu’er has a deep love for Ye Fei. Now that Ye Fei has just died, you have brought her together with Fengyun, which is too revealing. I think it’s better to let Yuer go to Huangtian for cultivation for a period of time. Maybe in Huangtian, she will meet, better than Ye Fei. People with better Fengyun might be better.”

“haha, younger sister, what you said makes sense, so let Zhao Yu enter the emperor, and let her know what is true Genius, compared with Heaven’s Chosen of Emperor Tian, ​​this Ye who can only rely on the foreign object, the fox exploits the tiger’s might, is actually ridiculous.” Autumn Divine King no longer opposes, but solemnly, hand in a token, To the ancestor of Qiuyun.

In this regard, Zhao Yu, who is standing on the cliff, knows nothing. She just looked at the sky sadly. In her heart, she didn’t believe that Ye Fei really died. She was more In fact, it is hate, hate her inability, can only look at the person she loves, falling into crisis again and again.

“From now on, I, Zhao Yu, want to become stronger! He is born, I live with him, he dies, I die with him!”


Zhao Yu’s body was completely transformed into a fire, but in the flame, there was an ice Divine Fire Phoenix, carrying a monstrous flame, which was gradually born from the flame.

It is another winter and snow season. The mountains are full of ice and snow. At this time, at the top of the ice and snow, Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao are looking worriedly at the emperor’s coffin that exudes strong sword power.

This emperor coffin, Ye Fei has entered March.

For three months, Ye Fei was silent, only the emperor coffin exuded a huge sword cry like a heartbeat. This sword cry made Demonic beast acknowledge allegiance in the mountains and no strangers should enter. .

The pervasive sword power first filled the top of Snow Mountain, and then the entire mountain range. Gradually, it turned into a sword mountain with mountains and rocks. Under the influence of sword power, it was born in the stone. The sword, the embryo of the peculiar Divine Sword was born.

The appearance of this sword embryo almost made the nearby martial artists crazy. Countless princes and gods, in order to compete for this sword mountain, but also to kill frantically outside, just to dominate this mountain.

However, no matter how these forces fight, they will not be able to step into the mountain of swords, but even in the periphery, affected by the power of the sword, more and more Divine Sword embryos have been born. The stronger, finally, the movement here attracted the attention of a certain Demon Palace Great Influence. A powerful human ancestor came personally to slaughter all the martial artists who competed for the sword mountain. Finally, they led the team to enter the sword. mountain.

The ancestors who walked into this sword mountain, not at all found treasure, only found a huge altar of heaven and earth, on the altar, a black gold Divine Sword of 1000 meters, towering like a mountain, But it is not that it exudes sword power. What really radiates sword power is actually a silhouette standing on top of giant sword, that silhouette is faintly discernable. It seems that at any time, it will go with the wind, but it gives people a feeling of carrying the whole world.

Chapter 2532 Stepping into Divine Court

Chapter 2532 Stepping into Divine Court

“Who is your Excellency, this sword mountain is the forbidden place of my Ten Thousand Demon Caverns To break in without permission is death. If you abandon your sword and leave, there may be a way out.” The leader of the team, staring greedily at Divine Sword, he did not feel the dangerous breath on that silhouette; no He couldn’t sense it, but compared to the ancient emperor, his sense was too weak.

On the hilt, the heroic spirit of Earth Sovereign lifts the head fiercely. His eyes are full of fighting intents. His body is filled with fighting intent. Then, this fighting intent turned into combat. Read, war sword!

Suddenly, the black gold Divine Sword, which counted 1000 meters, was pulled up by Earth Sovereign with one hand and slashed forward. The huge sword screamed tore the sky, and even shattered the Star River, the belt of the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns. The ancestor of the team, has not yet understood what is going on, the whole body has been exploded. Together with the martial artist he brought, it turned into dust.

At this time, the sword light even, the black gold Divine Sword, shook cheerfully. Killed these demonic path martial artists, Earth Sovereign, and began to use the Destruction Sword spirit to absorb all the energy of all the martial artists who died here during this time. When these energy poured into the black gold Divine Sword, the entire Divine Sword, It turned into a black golden light column, seeming to destroy this world.

While Long Jiaojiao was shocked, she couldn’t help feeling a little unacceptable, “Father, is it too cruel for Earth Sovereign to do this?”

Long Guang shook his head solemnly, “Not Earth Sovereign Cruel, but the martial artists around the Ten Thousand Demon Caves, they are all Blood Asura, they like the birth sacrifice, one cultivation, they will kill dozens of hundreds of boys and girls, the most famous one is the Ten Thousand Demon Cave birth sacrifice, and more Like to use babies…Earth Sovereign Senior, I want to come to feel the deep grievances of this land…”

“It’s just that these grievances are so heavy, Earth Sovereign Senior, take them Is it really okay to infuse the emperor coffin?” Long Jiaojiao was very worried. During this period, Earth Sovereign more than once, injected part of the energy absorbed by the Destruction Sword order into the emperor coffin and partly sacrificed to the heaven and earth to continue to maintain the existence of the heroic spirit. .

Hearing this, even Long Guang didn’t know what to say.

“You don’t need to worry, when my wife made this black gold Divine Sword with his own hands, he wanted to control evil with evil and suppress evil with magic! Therefore, without Destruction Sword order, you can absorb any energy and transform it into yourself The energy of it is more evil than evil, and it is also most Divine most Holy! Everything depends on the person who uses the sword, the person who is right, the sword is right, the person is evil, the sword is evil!”

Earth Sovereign The sword, walking step by step from in the sky, in his hand, without Destruction Sword, it quickly becomes smaller. Instead of having the baleful qi of evil spirits, it is full of the imperial avenue.

Suddenly, Earth Sovereign put the sword on the emperor coffin. The entire emperor coffin exudes infinite suction. It absorbs the energy of the sword order and absorbs enough energy. The emperor coffin becomes brighter and brighter. Yes, it is no longer an emperor coffin, but a huge iron ball. Inside the iron ball, Ye Fei’s body is curled up, still maintaining a tragic look of shriveled weakness.

Sacrifice to heaven and earth, not only Ye Fei consumes a huge amount, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, the same is true, in the emperor coffin, Ye Fei, Xiaocao, Dragon Tortoise, all fell into a deep sleep, Only when a large amount of purple energy poured into the interior of the emperor coffin, Ye Fei’s eyebrows would blink, and the green leaves covered with grass would slightly stretch.

Dragon Tortoise will also unconsciously open its black mouth and bite into the air.

It’s just this scene. Only Earth Sovereign can see it. Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao can’t see it. They are also very worried because of this, “Earth Sovereign Senior, you do this, Ye Fei really Can it be okay?”

Long Jiaojiao still couldn’t help but worry.

Earth Sovereign didn’t answer, just took a deep look at Ye Fei, and then looked again, above the void, the heaven and earth altar that was about to disappear, his eyes flashed inexplicably melancholy, “You Although they are not my descendants, they have the same bloodline as me. Could it be that this is God’s will, God’s will to let me, body possession of your body, Divine Soul, return to this Human World, and fight again?”

“What, what Earth Sovereign did is to take possession of Ye Fei…” Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao, all hair stands on end, and then two angry dragon roars, the father and daughter, at the same time Turned into an ancient demon dragon.

“Earth Sovereign, we will never allow you, body possession Ye Fei!”

“It’s up to you, I want body possession, and the ancient gods can’t stop it! If he doesn’t want to die, Then only, step into the Divine Court and break through the gods, otherwise, my power, after all his body possession, will make him become mine, Slaughter Tool! New Human Sovereign, what choice will you make is to give up , Still fight!”


The heroic spirit of Earth Sovereign suddenly turned into a streamer, directly blasted into the emperor coffin, and rushed into Ye Fei’s body. In the coma, Ye Fei immediately felt that his within the body, which was close to the drained bloodline, was activated again, and then, in his space belt, all the treasures and profound veins were turned into energy. Furiously poured into his body.

“What’s the matter, I didn’t sacrifice to heaven and earth, I almost died, Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao, have they escaped with the grass and Dragon Tortoise… The heroes of Earth Sovereign, did they Appears…”

Vaguely, Ye Fei remembers that before he fell into a coma, he tried his best to threw Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise away, and wanted to entrust him to the hero of Earth Sovereign, but he didn’t insist to speak He was already in a coma. The first thing he woke up at this moment was to check the beast mark space subconsciously, wanting to see if Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise were still there, but, before he mobilized Divine Consciousness, he suddenly felt a strong sting. Almost let him Divine Consciousness, collapsed.

“What’s going on…” Ye Fei’s face was full of horror. Except for Divine Soul, he couldn’t sense his Heavenly Palace, sky bridge, and Daoshan!

“To some extent, you have become a waste! Sacrificing heaven and earth, summon heroes, is not so fun, you know, the sorcerer, why the destruction is every time they summon heroes, You need to make sacrifices by yourself!”

Ye Fei’s mind suddenly heard a strange and powerful voice. That is, the voice of Earth Sovereign, the hero of Earth Sovereign, entered his within the body!

“Earth Sovereign, what are you doing?” Ye Fei Divine Soul, alert and vocalize, the intrusion of the Earth Sovereign heroic spirit, or vocalize from his soul, which caused him a certain kind of crisis.

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