Even if we respect Earth Sovereign as a human being, but generally speaking, heroic spirits break into others within the body, usually with only one purpose, that is, Seize Body For Rebirth!

“You guessed right, this emperor is here for body possession. Your bloodline is exhausted and your profound energy is not there. At this time, it is the best time for body possession. Now, you have two choices, one , Do your best to absorb the Heaven and Earth Source of the Refining Sword Order, reshape the Heavenly Palace, condense the wheel, cross the sky bridge, step on the mountain, and use my strength to step into the Divine Court!”

“Second, if you are incompetent and unable to cross the life and death catastrophe of Divine Court, the breakthrough god, the emperor, when the body possesses your body, destroys your Divine Soul, and the hero of the ancient emperor overrides your bloodline and returns to the realm. Gather the old ministry, erect the battle flag, fight against the sky, and slay the gods and demons! From now on, in the two worlds, there will be swords and soldiers, and millions of corpses will be laid down. I have no regrets, and my sword will not stop!”

No. 2533 Zhang Yi Nian Hua Asura

Chapter 2533 Yi Nian Hua Asura

After Earth Sovereign finished, a tyrannical energy, like a storm, poured into Ye Fei’s within the body, simply Regardless of whether Ye Fei can bear it or not, it is clear that Earth Sovereign’s words are not just a joke. If Ye Fei cannot use this energy, the breakthrough god, Earth Sovereign, may really take possession of the heroic body and live by birth.

Such a situation, Ye Fei will naturally not allow it to happen, he roared, and subconsciously began to operate Ghost God Zhentianjue, this cultivation technique was created by Ghost God and passed on by ancient gods. Formidable power is the breakthrough realm, the best cultivation technique of refining profound power.

When the town of heaven was in motion, behind Ye Fei, a huge ghost Gate of the Gods clearly appeared. That door seemed to be able to communicate with Ghost God, connect with Nine Nether, and distribute Out of the aura of Ghost God.

At this time, I feel a lot of Heaven and Earth Source pouring into Ye Fei’s body. Even without Destruction Sword order to help save, Ye Fei can mobilize the ghost Gate of the Gods to disperse some of the pressure.

Earth Sovereign’s voice also had a hint of surprise, “Could it be that you have seen Ghost God, why did you use Ghost God’s cultivation technique? However, Ghost God is inherently inferior to the ancient gods. Although your cultivation technique is strong, you must The breakthrough god is still lacking. First of all, the rule you need is a very difficult choice!”

The rule also has strengths and weaknesses, and it needs to match the cultivation technique, even if it is not. It conflicts with the cultivation technique of cultivation. For example, a martial artist of the cultivation Flame Divine Ability realizes that the Water Law can not improve his battle strength, but will weaken his Divine Ability and cause huge hidden dangers to the body.

Earth Sovereign At this point, the intention of body possession seems to be stronger. Ye Fei’s heart was even more vigilant, but he didn’t speak, and it was useless to speak. All he can do now is to do his best to break through God!

hong long long!

Within the body qi and blood roared. With a large amount of Heaven and Earth Source and profound energy supplemented, Ye Fei’s dried up qi and blood began to fill up, and all his injuries recovered. This is the time of breakthrough. Without any hesitation, Ye Fei’s consciousness has communicated the world, and once again understood the 4th layer law, breakthrough to the realm of Daojun, Ye Fei’s Comprehend Laws, there are currently three, namely, the law of war magic and the law of madness, all of which are 4th layer laws. , Also corresponds to the realm of Daojun’s mid-term.

Therefore, he has to break through the gods, at least, but also need to understand two laws to get the opportunity of breakthrough, the third law, Ye Fei will soon be determined, that is the sword and tripod law!

“This kind of law fits my sword dao, and can stimulate the formidable power of the Ghost God tripod to the greatest extent…I must firmly control the sword tripod, show me!”

Ye Fei growled in consciousness, and his body suddenly sat in the void like an ancient god. Behind him, the sword cauldron was filled, but it was much weaker than a war demon and crazy magic. No way, the law of the sword and tripod was understood by Ye Fei in the realm of Heavenly Monarch. It is only the 3rd-layer law, which is a bit worse than the 4th layer law of the breakthrough Daoist later.

“However, the level difference of the rules is not irreversible. As long as I have enough perception and accept enough Heaven and Earth Sources, I will still be able to increase the law of Jianding from the 3rd-layer to the 4th layer. ! The law, give me promotion!”

Within the body origin whistling, Ye Fei is not refining these origins, but is crazy, pouring these origins into the sword cauldron law, the whole sword cauldron, Immediately the rays of light were released, and its breath continued to climb, and the sense of heaven and earth became stronger and stronger. Finally, after three months of transformation.

The law of the sword and tripod has been upgraded from the 3rd-layer to the 4th layer!

Ye Fei’s realm, also from the middle period of the Daoist, breakthrough to the late Daoist. His heart was filled with joy, “March is the first realm, same realm, who has my breakthrough speed?”

“hmph, today’s Human Sovereign, is really good-for-nothing from generation to generation! It should be noted that there are 9th layer in heaven, and geniuses in different ranks. At present, you can still dominate in Divine State, but when you step out of Divine State and enter a higher heaven, you will find that your little talent is in the real In front of the genius, you can only be ruthlessly crushed. If you want to survive, you will continue the breakthrough for the emperor within three months. If you don’t break through the Taoist Perfection, the emperor will destroy your Divine Soul and body possession of your body!”

The voice of Earth Sovereign snarled directly at Ye Fei’s Divine Soul. I don’t know when, this terrifying hero actually stood silently behind Ye Fei’s Divine Soul. Ye Fei immediately have one’s hair stand on end. But I can only grit my teeth and start a crazy continuous breakthrough.

At this time, Earth Sovereign sneered again, “What you have learned is too complicated and not sophisticated. With the ghost Gate of the Gods, you barely condense the law of sword and tripod, but with the law of Perfection, you How to condense, or ask the emperor to teach you an ancient magical power to condense the 4th layer law faster?”

“Earth Sovereign old ghost, shut up! My law, I will understand why you are hypocritical…” Ye Fei was stunned. Since Earth Sovereign is uneasy and kind, how can he accept Earth Sovereign’s alms.

The real power belongs to you only if you control yourself. The rules are the same. Besides, Ye Fei has long thought about his 4th rule, what he should understand.

Heavenly Demon Mountain and his party, I took the risk alone and despised the ancestors and quasi-emperors. Although I didn’t rely on my own power, through the emperor coffin, I understood a little bit. Men are crazy and men are fighting. ! This is the real fighting spirit, and also my belief alone. Therefore, my 4th 4th layer rule should be the rule of mad fighting! “

hong long!

Following Ye Fei’s words, between Heaven and Earth, a slight change suddenly appeared. This change made Ye Fei’s imposing manner violent. , Like a mad god of Fight Heaven and Earth, breaking everything in the world.

Earth Sovereign also looked at Ye Fei in shock, slowly absorbing the laws of mad warfare, changing from an ordinary young man to A crazy War God who despises heaven and earth. From this, Ye Fei’s realm has also changed from the later stage of Daojun to Daojun Perfection. At this time, he can be called a half-step god!

But Ye Fei This is not satisfied. In the end, the condition for Earth Sovereign not to body possession is that he wants to break through the gods. “It’s only a half-step gods, and I can’t resist this suddenly crazy old ghost. I need to become stronger, and then I To set foot on the Divine King Palace, to find Zhao Yu! God, give me a breakthrough!


Ye Fei’s Divine Soul suddenly roared like an ancient god, he no longer cultivation Ghost God, but suddenly transformed the cultivation technique, and cultivation again Ancient God Golden Body, this is the method of becoming an ancient god. It is stronger and more terrifying than Zhentianjue. It is as strong as Earth Sovereign. When he senses the cultivation technique of Ye Fei cultivation, his heart is also shocked. And surprise.

“Ancient gods cultivation technique! This is a level higher than the ancient magical powers, the way to becoming a god, well, it seems that my Human Sovereign lineage has not been cut off. With you in the earth, my Earth Sovereign can be at ease if I die! Ye Fei, since you surpassed my expectations, the emperor will use his last strength to help you, soar up, and let your ancient gods reach a stronger realm! “

Earth Sovereign’s tone suddenly became sad, and at the same time his heroic spirit began to collapse, and turned into a mysterious light, flooding into Ye Fei’s Divine Soul, Ye Fei’s scared hair stands on end, I thought that Earth Sovereign harboring malicious intentions really wanted the body to possess him. Until the hero of Earth Sovereign fuse with Ye Fei completely, Ye Fei was shocked to discover that he was not at all possessed by the body, but he was passive. The heroic spirits of possessed Earth Sovereign also absorbed all the power possessed by the heroic spirits of Earth Sovereign.

This power not only allowed him to break through the Dao Monarch, the Condense Divine Court, and this in a very short period of time. At the same time, Ye Fei was shocked to feel that the Ancient God Golden Body he was cultivation, a kind of shackle, was also broken in an instant. When he did not react at all, Ye Fei’s ancient god realm had gone from Mortal Realm and forcibly improved. Arrived in the Asura realm!

Chapter 2534 Swords the Emperor’s Sky

Chapter 2534 Swords the Emperor’s Sky

Ancient God Golden Body, there are three realms, They are Mortal Realm, Asura Realm, and Ancient God Realm.

Among them, Mortal Realm corresponds to the martial artist’s Dao and God levels, and Asura Realm corresponds to the human ancestor and The level of the ancient emperor and the ancient gods correspond to the ancient gods!

The ancient god Cannian said that if Ye Fei can reach the ancient gods, he can Fleshy Body To Turn Into A God, Called the god of strength.

Originally, Ye Fei breakthrough god should still be in Mortal Realm, but the heroic spirit of Earth Sovereign performed some peculiar sacrifice at the expense of himself. This kind of sacrifice not only allowed Ye Fei to cross three levels in a row, and the breakthrough reached the god level, it also made Ye Fei’s Ancient God Golden Body jump and wait. Level, directly, from Mortal Realm, breakthrough to Asura.

This is completely different from the previous, Earth Sovereign solemnly vowed threat to him, to body possession of his body. Ye Fei’s heart can’t help but wonder, “Earth Sovereign, why is this?”

“Your Majesty is inspiring you! Unpolished jade wont be able to become a powerhouse, although you are expensive as Human Sovereign, But there is no battle strength of Human Sovereign. Even if your body falls, Your Majesty is deeply embarrassed. Therefore, Your Majesty threatens your life and sacrifices with your own heroic spirit, forcibly, to help you break through the gods. But from then on, Your Majesty’s heroic spirit dissipated , The last trace was also erased by heaven and earth. In the future, you can only rely on yourself!”

In the void, a sad cry came from the emperor coffin, Ye Fei Only then did I know that Earth Sovereign did not possess his mind, but only selflessly helped him grow. In the end, Earth Sovereign even sacrificed his heroic spirit and was permanently erased from heaven, earth, time and space.

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