” Acknowledge allegiance, yes , you just need to tell me, how many babies did you use for the birth sacrifice when you broke through to the present state?” Ye Fei’s face showed a simple and honest smile.

This honest man’s smile is very contagious. The subconsciously reminiscences of the gods said, “As of this Monarch breakthrough, there are no 10,000 births, but at least 8,000. Lord Wang, are you right? I am also interested in the method of life sacrifice in the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns?”

The gods were pleased and looked towards Ye Fei, but he was puzzled to find that Ye Fei’s smiling expression was completely cold when he heard his words. , The gods reacted fiercely, “Not good, this swindler cheated me…”

“Yes, it cheated you!”

Boom ka!

At the moment when the prince retreated in horror, Ye Fei had once again raised his sword, the black gold Divine Sword of several hundred meters, with a huge whistling, instantly, the prince had been smashed into pieces from head to toe.

Long Jiaojiao said angrily: “Three years ago, Earth Sovereign Senior killed these scums. I still feel cruel. Now, after listening to this god, I only feel that I killed them. , They are all cheaper.”

“It’s okay, besides Jianshan, there should be a large number of Ten Thousand Demon Caves disciplines guarded outside. As long as we kill out, we can kill them. Take revenge for those who died innocently!”

Ye Fei raised his sword, took a heavy step, took the lead, and walked out of Jianshan, with a faint feeling of anxiety in his heart.

Chapter 2538 Liu Hengmo

Chapter 2538 Liu Hengmo

Beyond the sword mountain, there is still no ancestor, just two gods, There are also dozens of Taoist monarch’s ten thousand demon cave recipes. At the same time, they are not only responsible for guarding the sword mountain, but also supervising the slave and mining the sword Mountain Sword stone.

The so-called sword stone refers to the many mountains and rocks that have undergone changes under the influence of sword power in the past three years. These rocks have absorbed sword power and gradually changed from ordinary stones to Contains a large number of unique sword stones. Once polished, it is a natural Divine Sword. If it is engraved with divine runes, the formidable power is comparable to Divine Weapon.

It is also for this reason. Three years ago, many forces outside Jianshan slaughtered wildly and competed for control here. In the end, Ten Thousand Demon Caverns were stronger, at the expense of an ancestor, not only Occupied here, but also captured a large number of martial artists who are responsible for mining ore.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei secretly felt amused, but at the same time, it was inevitable that he had more murderous intention and anger towards Ten Thousand Demon Caves, not only giving birth to babies, but also forcing others to be slaves.

“It seems that there is a lot of resentment in Ten Thousand Demon Caverns…” Ye Fei didn’t know what he thought. He dragged Divine Sword step by step towards Jianshan. Behind him, Long Guang Suspicious silhouette with Long Jiaojiao.

The Ten Thousand Demon Caverns invite resentment. What does it have to do with them? Right now, Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao just want to return to the City of Gods and Demons as soon as possible to see what happened to the Dragon Race.

Only Dragon Tortoise, who faintly understood Ye Fei’s plan, was so excited and inexplicably excited. Before Ye Fei could do it, he roared, and he opened his mouth and spouted a billowing demon wind. This demon wind also carried The paralyzing poison mist, a few nearby Wanmon Cave recipes, did not understand what was going on, as soon as the poisonous wind passed, his face turned blue and he fell straight to the ground.

“What’s the matter, within Jianshan, how could there be a tortoise and three strangers…” The two guarding gods were startled, and they shot the poison in the air and rushed here again. Come, just don’t wait for them to rush towards Ye Fei, Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao’s father and daughter, have already transformed into the Primordial Demon Dragon at the same time, rolling the dragon flame, like Aurora Lightning, moved towards one of the gods killed.

Boom ka!

It is another terrifying several hundred meters Divine Sword, cutting off the world, and in an instant, it caught the other god of Ten Thousand Demon Caves that caught off guard, from head to toe, Smashed into meatloaf. Ye Fei frowned and shook his head. There are many gods in this Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, but most of them rely on external forces and borrow the demonic path to make sacrifices. This way, the life and death catastrophe, breakthrough gods can be avoided.

It can be said that these all are the weakest gods, so weak that Ye Fei of the same realm can be smashed to death with a single sword. Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao on the other side, only beckoned, quickly beheaded the other god.

“Oh my god, they are who, they actually killed the god with two tricks…” The rest of the Ten Thousand Demon Caves were in chaos, and it was too late to guard the slaves, but I just wanted to have two more legs. , So you can run faster.

At this time, there is another dazzling sword light, turning into a sea of ​​terrifying blood, covering the disciplines of these ten thousand demon caves around Jianshan, as well as all martial artist slaves, all shrouded in it, endless death The sword energy instantly penetrated the Heavenly Palace and Divine Soul of these disciplines, and even shattered the spiritual shackles on the martial artist slaves.

“From now on, you are free, let’s all go.” Ye Fei said calmly. Many of these martial artists who could be rescued have a blank face. They were arrested here, desperate for the future, just mining ore like walking corpse, who would have thought that they still have a day to regain their freedom; Heavenly The slave martial artists below Monarch were all crying, and quickly escaped from this nightmarish mountain of swords.

But there were also more than a dozen slave martial artists in the realm of Taoism. Not only did they not leave, they also discussed for a while and knelt down to Ye Fei in silence. Ye Fei can’t help but wonder, Long Guang even shouted in a deep voice, “Why don’t you go, what do you mean by kneeling?”

“Seniors, we want to go, but we can’t. We are all hostages sent by the family. We are brought here to suffer from the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns. If we escape, the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns will definitely destroy our family. So Senior really wants to save us. He also asked Senior to slaughter the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns. After the saddle, serve for the Senior!”

After that, these princes, together, solemnly kowtow to Ye Fei, some even on the spot, swear by Demon Soul, this is also the highest oath of the demonic path martial artist, once It is posted that there are very few demonic path martial artists who dare to violate, because once violated, Heart Demon will enter the body in the future, affecting future cultivation.

Long Guang also pondered then said, “I know that the families around the Ten Thousand Demon Caves are slaves of the Ten Thousand Demon Caves. Not only do they become cannon fodder during battles, they are also responsible for contributing babies to the Ten Thousand Demon Caves. The life sacrifice, the fate is very miserable, but the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns are the forces of the Demon Palace, and there are more quasi-emperors in it, and there are a large number of human ancestors…”

“Senior, what you said is three You don’t know the Ten Thousand Demon Caves a year ago. Three years ago, there were a large number of ancestors in Ten Thousand Demon Caves who went to the Heavenly Demon Mountain to compete for the emperor’s coffin. As a result, they all fell in the first battle and when the Sword Mountain appeared, the quasi-emperor of Ten Thousand Demon Caves I personally came to investigate and lost another human ancestor. Even the quasi-emperor himself was severely wounded and dying. Otherwise, the Ten Thousand Demon Caves would not detain our family patriarchs here, trying to persecute our clan. Sacrifice three thousand boys and girls to save Old Demon’s injuries!” Among those kneeling, there was a middle-aged man with a majestic face, lifts the head, and he was the first to contact him. Other companions, come together, kneel down for help.

Ye Fei could not help but said curiously to this person: “Who are you?”

“Liu Family Patriarch is near the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, of course, We say that we are the masters of the family, but in fact they are just the animal slaves of the Ten Thousand Demon Caves, but all the talented children and beautiful women in our clan were captured and tortured by the Ten Thousand Demon Caves and then sacrificed. So that there are more than ten thousand people in our clan. , The strongest realm, only our few Taoists Early-Stage, the other families are the same.”

Hearing Liu Henmo’s words, the other families patriarch all looked miserable, together Hately said: “We can’t live on such days. We only ask three Seniors to help us uphold justice. As long as we can destroy the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, we are willing to lead the family to swear a blood oath to descendants and grandchildren from this child and be loyal forever. , Never betray!”

Dongdong dong!

Liu Henmo took the lead and kowtowed to Ye Fei together. They could see that Ye Fei was not only terrifying in battle strength, but also leading Ye Fei did not refuse these people to swear a blood oath. After experiencing the tragic battle between the Chiyue Divine Dynasty and the Heavenly Demon Mountain, Ye Fei has already known deeply that there is a powerful force behind him and how much help he is in his cultivation.

In this way, he can not only obtain a large amount of cultivation resources, he will no longer fight alone in the face of other forces’ pursuit and killing. Moreover, wind and rain always asks for news of his death. Ye Fei is worried about Wind and Cloud Sect. He will take the opportunity to attack Qing State. If so, why not, pull up a team in Demon State, and build a Great Influence that belongs only to him?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly flashed a rays of light called ambition.

Chapter 2539 is the first to show its glory

Chapter 2539 is the first to show its glory

“Since I want to build power, I will not only conquer a large number of Heavenly Monarch, Daojun martial artist, I also want to gather enough high-level battle strength, such as gods and human ancestors. Qing State is not enough to have a human ancestor, and I need gods like Long Guang and Pan Wang to sit in the town. Moreover, I am currently Ancient God Golden Body, already breakthrough Asura, when you can use the secret technique of the ancient gods, seize the bloodline of others, and shape my relatives!”

Ye Fei, don’t forget, Ye Shanshan, Ye Xiaochan, Luo Xiajun and other brothers, Friends like Jing Wushou, Lin Heaven’s Chosen, and Brojun Dongfang Yu, none of them have a strong martial artist bloodline. This will also seriously affect their Marital Dao Path. Since they decided to return to Qing State, he certainly has to bring back enough weight. Gifts are good, and Ten Thousand Demon Caves are undoubtedly the best gift!

“Are you sure, the quasi-emperor of the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns is really severely injured and dying?” Ye Fei’s eyes stared at Liu Hengmo very clearly.

“I dare to swear with my life! Then Old Demon is really bad. His real body has been sealed and placed on the altar of the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, waiting for three thousand boys and girls to sacrifice. This altar was built by us! Senior doesn’t believe me, but he can search my soul and read my memory.” Liu Henmo’s eyes flashed with amazing hatred and determination, and that hatred moved Ye Fei.

But think about it, the whole family, not only reduced to the animal slaves of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, but also forced to give the babies of the clan to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave for sacrifice every year. Such hatred will never last forever. disappear.

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