Ye Fei has already begun to believe that Liu Hengmo , the group of people, are real impatients and will slaughter the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns , but believe that it is of great importance and Ye Fei will not take risks easily. He looked towards Long Guang. Long Guang shot immediately, grabbed Liu Henmo’s head, and used the demonic path secret technique to search for the soul forcibly. Liu Henmo didn’t resist, but let Long Guang look through his memory with a hatred face. .

“What he said is true! The ancestor of Ten Thousand Demon Caves did fight on Heavenly Demon Mountain and suffered heavy losses. At present, there is only one ancestor sitting in Ten Thousand Demon Mountain. Old Demon in Ten Thousand Demon Caves is even more seriously injured. The seal has already lost the ability to do it.” Long Guang put down his hands, nodded to Ye Fei, and Liu Hengmo was sweaty. The feeling of being read through the memory was uncomfortable.

Ye Fei didn’t say much. The experience of Heavenly Demon Mountain made him finally learn that when indifferent, he must be indifferent. The evil things in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave were done. The heroes of Earth Sovereign didn’t have time to deal with them. Then he would replace Earth Sovereign and slaughter the evil Demon Palace!

“Liu Hengmo, get up. From now on, I accept your allegiance. Now, you immediately go back and gather all those in the clan who are willing to avenge the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns. Remember, I only give You three days, three days later, if you don’t arrive, I will leave.”

Ye Fei has finished walking to a mountain by himself, sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain. What he did is actually a test. , If these people arrive as scheduled, he will accept this power, if these people just want to use him to deal with the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, then he will not be easily fooled.

“Master, rest assured, as long as I can slaughter the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, I will hate the demons, and I am willing to fight with the whole family!”

“Master, it does not take three days, at most two days, I Just bring the whole family to kill…”

“The people who hate the Ten Thousand Demon Caves are not limited to our family. I have a few friends. The families are all destroyed by the Ten Thousand Demon Caves. They all want revenge in their dreams, old slaves. Now, go and invite them all.”

These families, with hatred soaring to the sky, dispersed.

Long Guang couldn’t help being a little worried, “Ye Fei, Liu Hengmo, who hates Ten Thousand Demon Caves in his bones, can be believed, but other people have no soul search, so it’s hard to be true.”

“Uncle Long, no doubt about employing people, no doubts, I have decided to establish a Great Influence that is not lost to the desperate Heavenly Palace. If anyone who seeks refuge in this person must search for their souls, how can they condense the hearts of the people? , Can defeat other Ten Great Influences, and even take charge of the entire Chiyue Divine Dynasty!” Ye Fei’s words were flat. But when I heard Long Guang’s father and daughter’s ears, there was a stormy sea.

Ye Fei, has such a lofty ambition to become a Divine State, the new overlord of Ten Great Influences?

“Well, Ye Fei, you have this ambition, I am a half-dragon human, as a striker!” Long Guang was also aroused by pride, and Long Jiaojiao’s eyes were bright, she felt domineering Big Brother Ye, really handsome.

Sent away Liu Henmo and the others, Ye Fei was not idle, but ordered Dragon Tortoise to all around the sword mountain, and all the remaining sword stones were excavated, Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao also helped to refine the impurities of these sword stones to form nearly ten thousand, natural Divine Swords.

After that, Ye Fei walked into Jianshan alone with these Divine Swords, let Xiaocao, attach all these Divine Swords to spirits, because of killing the gods, he got a lot of profound veins, and Xiaocao eats them. I became full and motivated.

The tri-color divine light transforms into a multicolored divine light, which also makes the ability of the grass attached to the spirit more terrifying. For other spirit masters, it is difficult to complete the spirit, the grass only needs With a wave of the small hand, the colorful divine light has automatically evolved into the divine runes, like a natural brand, integrated into the stone sword, which also allows Ye Fei to see the scariest side of the immortal spirit clan.

That is the mass production of Divine Weapon, an immortal spirit clan, a powerful workshop for refining Divine Weapon, just like a humanoid war machine.

Three days later, Liu Henmo did as promised. He brought hundreds of Heavenly Monarchs and seven hidden Taoists to Jianshan again. Other Patriarchs also came one after another. No one fled or confided in the news. On the contrary, there were three more families that came, including many Loose Cultivator Heavenly Monarch, Daojun, who also came after hearing the news.

“Master, we are all people hatred as deep as the sea to the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns. As long as the master can resist the ancestors of the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, we are all willing to die, rather than die. Be a demon slave!”

“I would rather die than die!”

Nearly ten thousand Heavenly Monarchs and hundreds of Taoist monarchs roar together. This is something that should not be underestimated. Power, both Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao were a little moved. Ye Fei was also unceremonious and coldly ordered, “Since you enter my door, let me obey my orders, Uncle Long, you are in charge of you, all Taoists! Long Jiaojiao , You are in charge of all Heavenly Monarch! Da Hei, send them weapons!”


Dragon Tortoise opened his mouth and spewed out countless congenital stones engraved with divine runes Jian, then triumphantly, looking at countless people’s shocked expressions, Liu Hengmo trembled with excitement, “I finally made the right bet this time. We finally have the hope of revenge. The master can rest assured that as long as this time, I, Liu The hate demon does not die. My life and the lives of my children and grandchildren are all yours.”

“I don’t want your life. I only want you to live and do things for me.” Patted Liu heavily. On the shoulders of the hate demon, under the gaze of countless people worshiping and awe, Ye Fei raised the Destruction Sword order in his hand.

“Now, I give an order to send troops to slaughter the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns!”

“Send troops and kill demons!”


The anger of nearly ten thousand martial artists condenses together and directly turns into a tumbling magic cloud, covering the sky and the sun, with the light of Divine Sword, killing to the place of the ten thousand demon cave.

Chapter 2540 Tianhen ancestor

Chapter 2540 Tianhen ancestor

People like Liu Henmo are the coolies of Ten Thousand Demon Caverns. In terms of Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, there are no secrets that can be hidden.

“Please look at the master, the front is where the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns are located. As long as you want to enter, you first need to break through the Mountain Protecting Great Array of Ten Thousand Demon Caverns. The subordinates dare to take a few people and pretend to be prisoners. It looks like, first enter the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, and also kill the key gods who opened the Mountain Protecting Great Array, and then charge an army to smash the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns in one fell swoop!” Liu Henmo suggested suggested.

Ye Fei nodded and said, “Ye Fei nodded and said, “Ye Fei nodded and said, “Ye Fei nodded and said,” At that time, Ye Fei had already put on a phantom mask and changed into one of the gods of the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, Liu Henmo and the others, who became entourage Taoists, deliberately holding several Patriarchs behind Ye Fei.

Long Jiaojiao takes the team of people and stays at the end. She will command the remaining Heavenly Monarch and Daojun of these families to surround the entire Ten Thousand Demon Caverns to ensure that no one can escape. .

“Stop, do and so on!”

The discipline stationed at the entrance of the palace where the Ten Thousand Demon Cave is located is very vigilant. Although they don’t know about the rebellion in Jianshan, they have recently In the past three years, a large number of ancestors in the Ten Thousand Demon Caves were killed in battle, and even the ancestors of the Zhun Ten Thousand Demon Caves were severely wounded and sealed, and the guards of the entire Ten Thousand Demon Caves became much tighter.

It’s just this kind of interrogation. For Liu Hengmo, he is too familiar. Ye Fei hasn’t spoken yet, Liu Hengmo has strode up, and the Beatles cursed: ” Your brains are broken, and the one who is coming back is the God of Heavenly Cruelty! Do you dare to stop it? Not quickly, please come, the God of Heavenly Fierce Lord, there is a major event over Jianshan!”

“What, sword Mountain…” The stationed discipline was shocked. Even though Liu Henmo looked a little strange, they still knew Ye Fei’s disfigured Tianchou Shenjun, and the matter was about Jianshan. These disciplines did not dare to neglect and hurried. Run to inform the god of the gods.

At the same time, this God of Heavenly Fierce is an evil formation cultivator, proficient in all kinds of Formation, and is the key figure in controlling all the Formations of the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns. Hearing the Return of God of Heavenly Fierce, God of Heavenly Fierce is still a bit strange Why did Tiancan not notify Renzu but first to inform him, but years of tyrannically abused power have already made Tianxian God Lord lose his due vigilance.

He walked out easily, but the moment he saw Ye Fei, the expression of the god of heavenly fierceness changed his color violently, “No, you are not a godless, you are disfigured !”

The phantom mask can change the appearance, but it is only effective in the realm of the prince. When facing the prince, it is easy to be seen through. If the situation is not right, the phantom mask will immediately want to retreat. .

At the moment when he backed away, behind Ye Fei, a huge Azure Dragon fire wing suddenly stretched out, and the whole person suddenly appeared in front of this person with an afterimage, and the god of the gods roared. At the same time as both hands forming seals, he immediately used himself as the formation eye, and began to mobilize the various evil formations in the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, trying to retreat Ye Fei. At this time, a huge sword light, slashing the heavens and the earth, destroying the emperor, with infinite Ancient God Strength smashed the Formation of the guardian of the god of the gods.

The entire Ten Thousand Demon Caverns resounded with a roar of swords. The God of Heavenly Fate had collapsed in Heavenly Palace, Divine Soul was shattered and fell in front of Ye Fei. At this time, Ye Fei’s appearance was taken off. The phantom mask, the huge sword light, and the Death Aura, swept forward again. I don’t know how many disciplines, violent death, of the magic cave.

Ye Fei does not have any sympathy for these disciplines. After all, the disciplines of the Ten Thousand Demon Caves are the method of life sacrifice for the old Demon of the Ten Thousand Demon Caves of the cultivation. It is evil and cruel. Ye Fei naturally does not need to show mercy. .

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