Liu Hengmo and the others next to him are all red- eyed , and they are killing them desperately to the front, fighting with the disciplines of these ten thousand demon caves, and hearing the movement of Long Jiaojiao outside, The commanding army without the slightest hesitation launched an assault, and the entire discipline Elder of the Ten Thousand Demon Cavern was in chaos instantly, and more gods emerged from the depths of the palace.

The headed person is even a powerful middle age person ancestor. Seeing that celebrity ancestor, Liu Hengmo’s expression became extremely dignified, and he yelled, “Be careful, master. Old Demon’s discipline, Tianhen ancestor!”

“Liu Hengmo, it turns out that you are a group of lowly slaves who rebel against the courage! And only brought two gods to come, where are you? The Demon Palace, I know what will happen if I offend my Master!” Tianhen Ancestral God changed his feelings. Since the ancestor of Wanku was seriously injured, he has been careful to seal the mountain, afraid of other Demon Palace forces, and took the opportunity to annex it. As a result, Demon Palace The forces did not wait, but instead waited for a group of rebels.

The body of Tianhen Old Demon suddenly burst out with a terrifying magical might, and Liu Hengmo who was also shocked, vomited blood and retreated, looking at the front of that silhouette with a trace of tension and amazement. To avenge the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, courage alone is not enough, the most important thing is to have a strong battle strength, and Ye Fei is the key to their revenge.

In this battle, if Ye Fei wins, they have the hope of revenge. If the ancestor of Tianhenren wins, they will be wiped out. In an instant, all eyes were focused on Ye Fei.

The same is true of the eyes of the ancestors of Tianhen.

“I want to come, it was you who instigated this group of lowly slaves to rebel, you are fine, no matter which Demon Palace you came from, today you are dead, kill, and smile!”

Suddenly incarnation of the ancestor of the sky scars became a ghost face. After the ghost face, there are the silhouettes of countless babies. These are the ghost babies he refined all the year round. They are not only bloody, but also cruel. Once entangled by the ghost infant, not only the martial artist will be sucked up, but even Divine Soul will be gnawed away by the ghost infant and completely disappeared.

However, Ye Fei let the ghost and infant all over the sky pounce on his body. At the same time, the purple-golden ancient god’s light on his body was burning like a star.


Ye Fei raised his hand, raised his sword, without Destruction Sword order, and immediately followed his mind, became a 100 meters Divine Sword, cut the void, Star Fragmentation Chen, Ye Fei ignored the ghost infant, and went straight Killed the Tianhen group.

“Desperate golden body, still use a sword…This is impossible. Three years ago, you should have died on the heavenly demon mountain. You weren’t dead. You dare to come and find the bad luck of my Ten Thousand Demon Cavern, die! “

The ancestor of Tianhen has recognized Ye Fei’s identity, he immediately turned into a scary ghost face, opened his mouth, spouted more ghost babies, whimpered and roared, Tearing the Void.

Ye Fei’s expression also suddenly became cold. The rays of light of the Blood Sword hadn’t disappeared yet. Suddenly, behind him, there appeared a terrifying Ghost God tripod, this Ghost God Zhiding, with the breakthrough of Ye Fei, the formidable power has become more and more terrifying.

hong long long!

In the sky, I only heard the whistling of a ghost tripod, and immediately suppressed all the ghost babies.

The ancestor of Tianhen was extremely shocked to see that, facing the soul cauldron condensed by the ghost God’s Force, he worked so hard to refine the many ghost babies for thousands of years, unexpectedly like a mouse seeing a cat, fearful on all sides After dispersing, he did not dare to attack Ye Fei again. In the end, only the ancestor of Tianhen was left, facing the shock of the terrifying Ghost God Cauldron with extreme fear.

Chapter 2541 Asura Cuts the Blood

Chapter 2541 Asura Cuts the Blood

“I am not willing to!”

Skymark The ancestor uttered a frustrated and angry roar. Since he became the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, he is aloof and remote, tyrannically abuse power. There has never been a god who dares to face him, let alone fight against the sky in battle. Strongly crushed on him, but unfortunately, this time he faced Ye Fei, who was the number one in the earth evil.

The Ancient God Golden Body in the Asura realm can withstand the ancestor’s attack, and will not break in a short time. The ghost god’s force condensed ghost emperor cauldron can even break out an attack power comparable to human ancestors.

Ye Fei, although he is not yet human ancestor, he already has the strength and confidence to fight human ancestors. This is the power of bloodline martial artist. The more powerful the bloodline martial artist, the more It has the ability to fight across borders, and it can form a certain bloodline suppression against low-level bloodline martial artists.

For example, at this time, Ye Fei’s Earth Sovereign bloodline is a tenth grade, and because of being sealed, his bloodline level can be improved, while the bloodline of the ancestor of the sky scar is only Grade 7 , Even under the guidance of the quasi-emperor, the ancestor of Tianhen made a breakthrough all the way to the ancestor of Ren.

But the realm breakthrough of Ten Thousand Demon Caves is a bit special. They do not rely on their own power to break through, but are similar to wizards. They take the path of sacrifice and sacrifice, borrowing the path of Power of Heaven and Earth. In this way, of course, Ten Thousand Demon Caverns can create a large number of gods and a relatively large number of human ancestors in a short time.

Unfortunately, the battle strength of these gods and ancestors is the same realm, the weakest existence, and it is precisely because of this that Ye Fei has no scruples and directly confronts Tianhen ancestors. Unfolding a strong killing, at this time, the ghost emperor cauldron has turned into a dark star, deep and gloomy, like the fist of Death God, hitting the void.

The ancestor Tianhen suddenly felt terrified. The void he was in collapsed in an instant. Also collapsed were his body protection profound strength, huge anger and fear, making The ancestor Tianhen made a roar like a ghost. With his roar, the air actually formed a peculiar vortex, and countless ghost infants, screaming, were sucked into the mouth of the ancestor Tianhen.

“The wrath of the Ghost King!”

In the sky, there is the roar of the ancestor of the sky scar like the Ghost King, and the world is dark under the whistling ghost qi A group, not only blocked the view, but also blocked the Divine Consciousness. Standing in the dark in the sky, Ye Fei saw a pitch black, and what he sensed was pitch black.

But in the darkness, there is a ghost hand with a bloody dark light, caught by fiercely’s moved towards Ye Fei’s throat. The strange thing is that the two forces nearby watching the battle can’t see it When they reached the dark ghost fog, they only saw in horror. Facing the attack of the ancestor of the sky, Ye Fei suddenly felt like an evil, motionless, and let the ghost claws of the ancestor of the sky scar to grab his own. throat.

“Could it be that Liu Hengmo made a wrong bet this time. This person is not from another Demon Palace Great Influence, and he has no ability to fight against the ancestor of the day mark?” Ju tremor, some of the other families couldn’t help but start to retreat. There was already a head of the family, and they began to regret. They shouldn’t be able to resist the oppression. On impulse, they rebelled with Liu Henmo.

“It’s over, Young Master Ye will die. What awaits us is the end of the entire clan!” The Patriarch sighed pessimistically, and suddenly a dragon roar sighed, interrupting these people strongly. “Shut up to the old lady, Big Brother Ye will be fine, he is a natural king!”

Boom ka!

It seems to be to confirm Long Jiaojiao’s words, Just at the moment when the ghost claw was about to jam Ye Fei’s throat, suddenly, Ye Fei’s body came out with a buzzing lightly said. Just when everyone couldn’t understand what was going on, Ye Fei, who seemed to be motionless, suddenly yelled. The Ghost God tripod with his left hand and the right hand black gold Divine Sword smashed into the darkness at the same time. direction.

In that direction, there was also a loud roar of fear from the ancestor of the sky scar, “Impossible, you obviously didn’t use magical powers, how could you break my Heavenly Ghost fog…”

hong long long!

When he spoke, the ancestor of Tianhen already wanted to use the fog to shift his position. Unfortunately, no matter how he shifted his position, he could not escape the Divine Eyes of Xiaocao’s world and Ghost. The double whammy of God’s tripod and non-Destruction Sword order, even with Ye Fei’s current strength, it is still impossible to truly bring out the formidable power of Ghost God’s tripe and non-Destruction Sword order.

When Ye Fei’s Ghost God cauldron fell, the ancestor of the sky scar had already screamed, and the whole body was injured by the terrifying ghost God’s Force, vomiting blood, and then another terrifying Blood Sword rays of light, with Kill and Death Aura, instantly penetrated his throat.

Tianhen ancestor, instantly stared wide-eyed, the stiff corpse, has not fallen into the sky, Ye Fei has grabbed the body of Tianhen ancestor with one hand, coldly said:” The Ghost King bloodline of Grade 7? Even if it will work, just use you. Try the formidable power of the Asura secret technique. In the name of Asura, I deprive you of your bloodline!”

A series of ancient obscure The voice of the ancient gods uttered from Ye Fei’s mouth. He used the Asura secret technique to directly deprive the Ghost King bloodline of the ancestor of the sky scar and condense it into a scarlet bead.

This pearl, named Asura Blood Ball!

As long as refining the blood beads, the martial artist can have a certain kind of bloodline formed by the Asura blood beads, and the Ancient God Secret Technique controlled by Ye Fei is also called Asura blood cutting technique!

“Not enough, Ye Family does not have too many people with bloodline, I still need more bloodline, stronger Ye Family, but also stronger the entire land, bloodline, I want to plunder!”

in the sky, resounding through the cold voice of Ye Fei, he will not have any show mercy for this evil sect that has lost humanity. After killing the ancestor of the sky scar, he immediately rushed to the remnant of the ten thousand demon cave The gods, among these gods, there are also a few geniuses who have Grade 7 bloodline, which should be the discipline of the ancestor of Tianhen.

Since the decision to destroy the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, these people, Ye Fei, one will not let go, Liu Hengmo and the others, even uttered a huge cheer of grievances, and then, with the death of the ancestors , These family forces all have red eyes, many people even would rather be together with the discipline perish of Ten Thousand Demon Caverns than let these enemies go.

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