Killed the two gods of the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns of Grade 7 bloodline again. Ye Fei no longer did it. Instead, he handed over the remaining enemies to Long Guang, Liu Henmo and the others. He raised his foot and walked into the deepest palace of the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns.

There is the place where the quasi-emperor, the ancestor of Wanku, seriously injured the seal.

Only when Ye Fei passed by, under the altar that sealed the ancestors of the Ten Thousand Caves, there were already bones lying down. Many of these bones still had blood stains that were not dried up, and the skeleton was also very petite.

“It’s a life sacrifice! In order to save the ancestors of the Wanmo Caves, Wanmoku must capture many babies and hold a life sacrifice. The ancestors of the Wanmo Caves may wake up at any time!” Liu Henmo The murderer was covered in blood and rushed in from the outside. Then, he looked up at the altar, exclaiming, even fear.

Ye Fei’s eyes were full of ice and cold, and he raised his sword and shook his head and said: “He can’t live with me. If I said that the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns are going to be destroyed, then it will definitely be destroyed. No Destruction Sword order. Give me a suck!”

Chapter 2542 Old Demon in Ten thousand caves

Chapter 2542 Old Demon in Ten thousand caves

The plan of Ten thousand cave Old Demon is very good. He sealed himself to avoid falling, and used the sacrifice of three thousand boys and girls to borrow Power of Heaven and Earth to eliminate his sword wounds severely wounded by the heroes of Earth Sovereign. If this goal is really achieved by the Old Demon of Ten Thousand Caves, Ten Thousand Demon Caves It can not only turn the crisis into peace, but also quickly cultivate new gods and ancestors, and reproduce the power of the Demon Palace.

The only thing that made Wanku Old Demon didn’t expect Ye Fei, who was able to control the Ghost God’s tripod in the realm of the gods, first slashed the discipline Tianhen ancestor, and followed Wandemon Cave In the end, human ancestors and a large number of gods died in battle, and the destruction of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave is inevitable.

Of course, for a quasi-emperor like Wanku Old Ancestor, knowing that he is not dead, he can build a Demon Palace again at any time, but unfortunately, this time Wanku Old Demon was seriously injured. In the process of self-sealing, simply can’t react quickly, let alone calm the current chaos.

Ye Fei, also captured the weakest moment of Wanku Old Demon, without the Destruction Sword order, directly transformed into the scary sword mountain of several hundred meters, this sword mountain can teach the world , And more powder Star Fragmentation River.

a trifling demonic path altar, simply cannot stop the destruction of the Destruction Sword order, the black gold Divine Sword, from the interruption of the altar, crossing across, not only blocked the old Demon, but sacrificed through sacrifice , In exchange for the power of heaven and earth.

At the same time, without the Destruction Sword order, it is the other way round, devouring and refining these forces of heaven and earth, and constantly growing the profound energy consumed by Ye Fei.


Even in the self-seal, Old Demon of Wanku still senses the crisis, and Ye Fei’s deep malice, Ye Fei is not trying to kill him, but It is to suck and refining him. If all of this is done, the human ancestor is that’s all. The key is that Ye Fei is just a god, and Wanku Old Demon is an angry demon roar.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth were everywhere, and the magic sound vibrated, making the void tremble violently. This is Prestige of Sovereign! Had it not been for Ye Fei to have the Ghost God tripod, he could fight against the ancestors, the Ancient God Golden Body, but to a certain extent, resist the attacks of the ancestors, he would never dare to risk the ancestors of Tianhen, let alone come alone and face the caves Old Demon this quasi-emperor.

Hearing this magic sound, Liu Hengmo who followed followed, did not hum, and was stunned by the shock of vomiting blood. Facing this quasi-Prestige of Sovereign, Ye Fei also felt qi and blood surge. He hurriedly took out the Ghost God cauldron. The soul cauldron released the light of Nine Nether to condense the ghost Gate of the Gods. Ye Fei’s body was even more Purple Gold rays of The light permeated, as if turned into an Asura armor, completely protecting him.


The billowing Quasi Prestige of Sovereign, like a wild beast, invisibly roars at Ye Fei, and Ye Fei roars like standing in a turbulent current Among the rivers, lakes and rivers, Motionless As Mountains, indestructible as a sword!

“You can actually resist the Prestige of Sovereign! And that sword, but the sword that exists in Jianshan?” Old Demon of Wanku seemed to be asking, but in fact it was affirmed and found simple Prestige of Sovereign, unable to force Ye Fei back, in the sky suddenly there were countless children sobbing.

On the altar, I saw Old Demon within the body that originally came from my seal. Suddenly, blood was sparkling, and countless small Corpse Insects crawled out. The moment they flew out of the coffin, these Corpse Insects, When the wind gets bigger, it turns into a strange monster with a baby face.

“Children, kill all the rebels for this emperor!”

In the sky, the roar of anger resounding through the Old Demon of Wanku, the monsters with baby faces, immediately Become ferocious-looking, extremely hideous, everywhere all is ghost shadow, they not only want to attack Ye Fei, but also fly out to punish those rebellious.

Moreover, each of these monsters possesses the attack power of Divine Sovereign Realm. When hundreds of monsters rush towards themselves, the feeling is that the human ancestors will be stunned.

Ye Fei also didn’t know that if it was the Old Demon of the Emperor Peak State, the monster released would not be a god, but an ancestor! Relying solely on these monsters, Old Demon, makes many forces endlessly afraid. Unfortunately, these Ye Fei don’t know, he also not at all, facing the emperor’s fear, but there is a kind of newborn calves do not fear tigers’ aura and murderous aura.


The immortal Sword Soul turns into sword fire. The beam of light generally shines behind Ye Fei. Then, Ye Fei grabs the beam of flame of this sword with one hand and cuts it forward, destroying the sword energy immediately. Breaking these swooping Corpse Insect ghost infants, at the same time, stronger rays of light emerged from the Ghost God cauldron. The six heavenly cauldrons directly suppressed the Quartet in the form of reincarnation.

Suddenly, it was another terrifying fist, which turned into seven starlight lights, like stars collapsed, with light everywhere, completely submerging the entire altar space, and I don’t know how many Corpse Insects there are. The ghost infant, irradiated by the ghost Gate of the Gods, lost his ghost qi and directly turned into a shriveled Corpse Insect, falling to the ground, Old Demon, suddenly deeply shocked.

“Your cultivation is the way of Ghost God, which is stronger than the way of my Ghost King! Hahaha, luck is here, it is really unstoppable, with your Ghost God way, What is the purpose of this emperor’s badly wounded skin? It is directly turned into a Ghost King, swallowing you, and mastering the real Ghost God Avenue! roar! “

Old Demon in Wanku, the last popularity disappeared , Only the ghost qi was left, and at the same time, in his sealed body, a Divine Soul with a thick ghost qi rushed out. It just yelled to the sky. The rest of the Corpse Insects, having heard the command, began to scream. The ghost infant of Ten Thousand Caves was constantly being swallowed by the Divine Soul of the Old Demon of Wanku, and as it was swallowed, a terrifying Ghost King power was emitted, rendering the entire palace like a ghost.

Ye Fei then realized that he still underestimated the quasi-emperor, even if the quasi-emperor of Wanku Old Demon has been hit hard by the Earth Sovereign heroes and lost most of the battle strength, but Wanku Old Demon The cultivation produced Ghost King Divine Soul, still terrifying matchless, and at the same time Ye Fei’s heart has a strong anxiety, “You can’t let the Old Demon sky swallow these ghost babies, otherwise his Divine Soul will completely become a Ghost King. I will also miss the only chance to kill this quasi-emperor!”

“Xiaocao, come out to work…”

In times of crisis, Ye Fei also ignores it. Xiaocao was very afraid of ghosts, so he quickly picked up the grass from the beast seal space. Xiaocao was actually not angry, and didn’t mean to be afraid. The moment he was picked up, Xiaocao had already stepped on Dragon Tortoise, with his head high, raised his Divine Beating Whip, and hit Divine Soul, which was being transformed by Wanku Old Demon. past.


At a critical moment, Divine Soul of Wanku Old Demon unexpectedly broke out a strange ghost shield, blocking the attack of Divine Beating Whip, which shocked Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise. Xiaocao hit Divine Soul , Has always been crushed, but this time I missed it?

Ye Fei’s heart can’t help but become nervous. He thought that the quasi-emperor who was seriously injured and dying should be very easy to deal with. Now it seems that what he thinks is too simple.

“Xiaocao, let’s retire!”


Xiao Cao shook his head, indicating that Xiao Cao is very angry now, and at the same time, Xiao Cao He changed his habit of fearing ghosts and found that Divine Beating Whip was blocked. Xiaocao immediately waved his small hand, and unexpectedly burst out five terrifying divine lights, which not only penetrated the ghost shield of Old Demon, but also directly penetrated thousands of people. Divine Soul of Old Demon!

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei suddenly felt like a dumbstruck, and Dragon Tortoise was so weak that he almost couldn’t run away. When he noticed the movements of Dragon Tortoise, Xiaocao thought it was a god. The light was useless, a panic flashed across his small face, and there was a stubborn color that was not convinced.

Chapter 2543 The quasi-emperor’s body is falling

Chapter 2543 The quasi-emperor’s body is falling


Xiaocao is completely free. It is no longer a single hand to release the divine light, but two hands together, continuously shooting Five Colored Divine Light forward. These divine lights all form a beam of light, whistling. With the Divine Soul constantly piercing through the Old Demon of Wanku, the ancestor of Wanku was a little stupid in shock on the spot.

He is a quasi-emperor. Even if he is severely injured and unable to use his magical powers, his Divine Soul is still powerful. Even at a critical moment, he can completely abandon his body and completely Become a Ghost King and still have a chance to kill Ye Fei.

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