tragedy is that he encountered a grass that specifically restrains Divine Soul. Divine Beating Whip is better. It can condense ghost qi to resist, but the Five Colored Divine Light released by Xiaocao is too much. It was terrifying, and actually penetrated the ghost qi directly, hurting his Divine Soul, which caused the already severely injured Old Demon to immediately get hurt and hurt, and it was too late to swallow the remaining ghost infants.

With a sharp demon roar, the ghost infants nearby suddenly changed their direction again. They were no longer swallowed by Old Demon, but all rushed to the grass. The scared Dragon Tortoise almost flees. Up. But seeing that on Dragon Tortoise’s back, Xiaocao not only is not afraid of ghosts, but also becomes particularly brave. Five Colored Divine Light is still like a rainbow, constantly moving towards the front.

Although I don’t know why the grass is like this, but the grass does not retreat, how can Ye Fei retreat?

The sword light of destruction appeared again, Ye Fei blocked the grass, layers of sword light suddenly turned into sword gangs, and killed all the nearby ghost infants. Ye Fei came forward. Dragon Tortoise’s courage increased sharply, and he was full of grass, and suddenly appeared above Ye Fei’s head.


Dragon Tortoise moved towards a certain direction roared, and the grass squeaked to express understanding, and at the same time, a Five Colored Divine Light, brushed it, moved towards Hit over there.

There, Wanku Old Demon was full of fear and wanted to escape back to his own fleshy body. He is a quasi-emperor. After seeing out of the ordinary, I have already seen that Xiaocao’s Five Colored Divine Light , Seems to be the nemesis of his Divine Soul. Under suffocation and rage, he simply intends to return to the Fleshy body, and then he would rather fall into the incarnation ghost, release the Divine Ability of the quasi-emperor realm, forcibly obliterate Ye Fei, and make him deceive. Shame grass.

Perceiving the action of Wanku Old Demon, a bright sword light suddenly brought a huge whistle and directly passed the interception of those Corpse Insect ghost infants, like a sharp arrow once, by Ye Fei Throwing it straight, falling from the sky, Old Demon’s ears only heard a loud bang. The coffin where his body was stored was already pierced by the sword, and the same was pierced, as well as his body. !

Without the body, the Old Demon of Wanku at this time, that is, completely turned into a lonely wild ghost, the huge excitement almost burst the Divine Soul of the ancestor of Wanku.” Demon, the emperor is fighting with you today!”

I found that I could not escape, Old Demon of Wankuo, immediately went crazy, and rushed to Ye Fei, wishing to bite Ye Fei alive. When he died, suddenly a huge black turtle appeared before his eyes.

Facing the emperor, Dragon Tortoise may be scared witless, but facing the injured Divine Soul of the quasi emperor, Dragon Tortoise is domineering side leakage, full of henchman tyrannize style.


Dragon Tortoise roared domineeringly.

On the turtle’s back, Xiaocao not even think, has worked hard to condense the strongest and strongest Five Colored Divine Light, and penetrated half of the Divine Soul of Old Demon in Wanku. Finally, Wanku Old Demon only left his head, with an expression of infinite humiliation, glaring at Ye Fei, and killed Wanku. Old Demon didn’t expect. He dignified the Quasi-emperor, and the invincible existence of the Demon State will be a Divine Sovereign Realm. The junior, and a black turtle, a mysterious little girl, joined forces to kill.

This is definitely the deadliest and most useless quasi-emperor.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but sympathize with Wanku Old Demon silently.

But he still has to do what should be done.

The howling sword light flashed past, and the last remaining Divine Soul head of the Old Demon in the Ten Thousand Grottoes was cut to pieces, and then Ye Fei quickly rushed to the altar. Raised his hand and held down Wanku Old Demon, his body was not completely dry.

Asura’s blood cutting technique must be performed within one hour of beheading the opponent, because after one hour, the bloodline of the martial artist will be lost and dissipated. Naturally, Ye Fei dare not take care of it, so he hurried to the fastest Speed, cast Asura to cut blood.

Rao is so. Ye Fei also spent a full hour to refining a trace of bloodline blood essence from Wanku Old Demon’s within the body, and couldn’t cultivation the complete Asura blood bead. This made Ye Fei feel depressed, and finally Wanku Old Demon hurt. It was too heavy. He was first severely injured by the Earth Sovereign heroes. It was a miracle that he didn’t die when he was close to the exhaustion. Finally, Ye Fei and Xiaocao took advantage of the void and attacked together.

Not only did the fleshy body die, but also the Divine Soul disappeared. At this time, Ye Fei is lucky to be able to refining a drop of bloodline blood essence.

“I just don’t know if this drop of blood essence can let martial artist have bloodline…” Ye Fei was a little confused, but still thought about it, and put this drop of blood essence into a porcelain bottle. After all, it can break through the existence of the quasi-emperor, and the bloodline of Wanku Old Demon must be out of the ordinary.

“Of course, there are also the cultivation resources of the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, and I can’t let it go!”

Ye Fei’s spirit suddenly turned into an exciting Dragon Tortoise, who is still aside, listen. Xiaocao’s eyes brightened sharply, and Xiaocao squeaked happily, jumped off Dragon Tortoise, and opened his arms to be embraced by Ye Fei. Ye Fei also opened his arms, preparing to hug Xiaocao, but he opened his arms. In an instant, Xiaocao was already a step away in front of him, opened his arms, rushed to the ground, touched it, and fell to the ground. At the same time, a ribbon fell from Xiaocao’s forehead.

Ye Fei found out speechlessly. Before Xiaocao, he had been fighting with his eyes closed. No wonder Xiaocao was suddenly not afraid of ghosts, and he was so brave. Dragon Tortoise even ran over, looking like a hero who worked hard. With a slap in the face, he stretched out in front of Ye Fei, Ye Fei’s face was twitching.

Don’t ask, Xiaocao must have been instigated by this tortoise when he fought like this.

What is depressing is that in this battle, if there is no such bad idea from Dragon Tortoise, Xiaocao will not be so brave. He dares to face many ghosts and babies, as well as the Ghost King Divine Soul of Old Demon. .

It can be said that this time Ye Fei was lucky enough to complete the stunning move of killing the quasi-emperor with Divine Sovereign Realm. Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao were the biggest contributors, and Ye Fei was only Can hold back the depression, took out a pile of black stones, and let Dragon Tortoise roll back to the beast seal space to eat slowly. Then Ye Fei rushed to those unowned ghost infants again. These ghost babies are all evil things refined by Wanku Old Demon, and any one of them is released is a great hidden danger.

What Ye Fei can do is to destroy all these ghost babies.

After that, he personally decapitated the head of Old Demon in Wankuan, so he held it and walked out of the Demon Palace, one step, and stepped into the sky, “Old Demon in Wankuan is dead. , Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, officially annihilated!”

End. Ye Fei no longer pays attention to the fighting outside. Both the ancestor and the quasi-emperor have fallen, and if this is the case, the outsiders cannot win. Those subordinates are too useless.

What he needs is the elite who can fight with him in Divine State, not a group of mobs.

Chapter 2544 War is imminent

Chapter 2544 War is imminent

The departure of Ye Fei, not at all, will change the destiny of the destruction of the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, following the ancestors The quasi-emperor died one after another. The entire discipline of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave knew that they had done a lot of evil and absolutely impossible to surrender. So they began an aimless breakthrough. The two sides broke out again in a desperate battle. In this battle, Long Guang and Long Jiao The charming Monster Sovereign has been very eye-catching.

Monster Sovereign is also innately suitable for half-dragon human cultivation, allowing half-dragon human to repair bloodline defects, transforming from half-dragon into True Dragon clan, especially Longguang’s status as a god. For the Daoist of the Demon Cave, it is definitely the most terrifying nightmare.

I saw the demon dragon passing by, there were corpses everywhere, and the entire Ten Thousand Demon Caverns quickly ignited a soaring fire, and in this flame, Ye Fei was already in the grassland Divine Eyes to guide Next, found the treasure house of Ten Thousand Demon Caverns.

As the former Demon Palace, it is even more evil in itself. The cultivation resources plundered by the Ten Thousand Demon Caves make Ye Fei a little dumbfounded. “There are 5,000,000 profound veins and a lot of Divine Weapon. heavenly materials, earthly treasures. Mystic stone medicine pill, there are countless piles up, but unfortunately, the cultivation technique of the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns is too evil.”

Demon Dao Cultivation Art, either cruel or evil, Ye Fei immediately shook his head and directly a sword light to destroy all these classics. After that, he and Xiaocao were busy collecting various treasures.

Especially those profound veins, as two big households who share the profound veins, Ye Fei and Xiaocao focused on collecting them. Looking at Dragon Tortoise, they have long been tall and tall. But my head was buried in the medicine pill and he was eating and eating. After a while, the medicine pill in this treasure house was actually swallowed by Dragon Tortoise by 10%. Ye Fei and Xiaocao stared sideways. Dragon Tortoise was so guilty and automatic. Run to looting those profound stones.

When Ye Fei came out of the treasury, the entire Ten Thousand Demon Caverns no longer shouted for killing, only the corpses everywhere, and the heavy breathing of survivors.

“Master, fortunately, we finally wiped out the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, and we are finally free. All this is given by the Master. I, Liu hate the devil, and I am willing to lead the family and submit to the master!” Liu Hate Mo was covered with blood, and even one arm was broken, but the moment he saw Ye Fei, Liu Hengmo knelt down immediately, showing his loyalty.

Ye Fei did not reject this loyal, majestic gaze, and coldly swept towards all the families present, “Now you can choose to leave, or choose, to continue to follow me, leave the Magic State, and enter the Divine State , To build a brand new Great Influence, consider the time of one hour. Liu Hengmo. You are good at fighting, take your clansman, enter the treasure house, and choose the treasure that suits you!”

Wan The treasures of the Demon Cave, except for the profound veins, Ye Fei did not move, in order to buy people’s hearts at this time. When seeing Liu Hengmo’s allegiance, you can divide the treasures of the Demon Palace. More martial artists are moved and knelt down. , Once again expressed his loyalty to Ye Fei. Of course, there are also some martial artists who are unwilling to leave their homes and enter the Divine State.

After they all thanked Ye Fei, they took clansman and chose to leave. Ye Fei did not stop it, but let them leave. Of course, the treasures of this Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, these people, don’t Want to participate.

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