“Ye Fei, you really decided to return to Divine State, but I’m from Dragon Race, whereabouts unknown to this day.” Long Guang walked over and said with some worry.

“Uncle Long, don’t worry, Dragon Race and Long Xing. Although they have a big mouth, they are still very capable. Moreover, Wind and Cloud Sect so wantonly inquiring about my death makes me a little worried about the Qing State situation. .Let’s do it, Liu Henmo, you send a group of confidants to stay in Demon State, while listening to the situation of Dragon Race, while organizing all those who are willing to follow me, move into Qing State!”

“As for the others, everyone above the Taoist monarchs will leave the Demon State with me and enter the Divine State!” Ye Fei solemnly ordered, except for some Heavenly Monarch martial artists, and the other martial artists, Ye Fei. Decided to bring them all, enter the Divine State, and also borrow the Divine State and return to the Qing State.

And when Ye Fei was in Magic State, he led the Daojun team and entered Divine State.

The land of Qing State has already been rising winds, scudding clouds.

With the elimination of Lei Zu’s Void Poison, Qing State, not only the ancestors of the people, but also the king of Pan, came, and the Heavenly Dao Divine Tree, with a large number of Spirit Races, to help with the exercise. Medical pill, medicine pill.

Qing State’s martial artist, realm breakthrough is very fast, and most importantly, with the intervention of Lei Zu and Panwangdian, Qing State’s martial artist and cultivation technique have all performed a huge The promotion of this kind of promotion has made Qing State’s young martial artist no less inferior to Divine State in the cultivation technique. The only thing that Qing State lacks is the resources of cultivation, as well as the quantity and quality of bloodline martial artists.

But this kind of gap, after Zhao Qianjun, Fu Renjie, Pompeii, Lu Qing, Bai Yanran, Bai Shizhong, Mad Dog, etc. joined a large number of powerhouses, the Qing State today is already A very powerful force, even if it is not as good as Divine State Ten Great Influences, but it still barely possesses the power of World War I.

It’s just that, after hearing the news that the Wind and Cloud Sect and the Sword Palace were secretly sent by Ziyue, Lei Zu and King Pan were still very sad. They looked towards the one sitting at the bottom. The quasi-emperor and the dean of heavenly punishment.

As for the Chief Alliance Leader, Shang Jing, already on a dark and windy night, he forcibly occupied the Supreme Dean and became a married couple, so he retreated behind the scenes, but Shang Jing’s cultivation The base has not fallen, and it is now the Taoist Early-Stage.

The dean Taishang and the heavenly punishment quasi-di, both by the power of bloodline, have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly, under the guidance of Lei Zu, the breakthrough has reached the realm of a half-step god, and the rest People, such as the guardian Elder of the Six Ways Holy Sect, also broke through to the later stage of the Daoist stage, but the discipline Zhao Qianjun who guarded the Elder was born blue, the first junior powerhouse to become the breakthrough half-step god, and lived up to the name of the evil demon Sword King.

Fu Renjie and Pompeii were a bit worse afterwards, just after the breakthrough of Daojun. It is worth mentioning that Ye Shanshan, relying on the ice bloodline, also broke through Daojun Early-Stage.

Only Ye Fei’s discipline Ye Xiaochan. Since there is no bloodline, the cultivation is relatively slow. At present, he is still in the late stage of Heavenly Monarch. However, relying on the Despair Golden Body and Taiji Sword Dao, it is the bloodline of many Daojun realms. The martial artist is not Ye Xiaochan’s opponent, which makes Lei Zu feel a little shocked. Secretly thought that there are many perverted Masters, and there are many perverted disciplines.

“It’s just a pity, Ye Fei, the discipline, doesn’t have a strong bloodline at all. It is destined that her Marital Dao Path will be more difficult than anyone else, unless she can get something stronger than the Desperate Golden Body Ancient God Golden Body, defying heaven changing fate, using a mortal body to achieve the Ancient God Bloodline!” Lei Zu sighed in the largest Imperial Palace in Sky Martial Country.

The emperor of Sky Martial Country Zhao Sheng, sitting on Dragon Throne at this time, heard Lei Zu’s sigh, and was very anxious, “Everyone, it’s not the time to sigh, we Sky Martial Country and Qing State is almost developed on the head of Wind and Cloud Sect. When Ye Human Sovereign was alive, Wind and Cloud Sect was difficult to enter Qing State because of his vows. Now, Ye Fei’s life or death is uncertain, Wind and Cloud Sect will definitely not miss this opportunity and take back Qing State again!”

Chapter 2545 is only for one battle

Chapter 2545 is for only one battle

“What Your Majesty said is, so, we have two things to do at present. One is to transfer all the important figures below Daojun out of Qing State and enter the black liquid country. Wind and Cloud Sect and Sword Palace are absolutely Unexpectedly, but in a few years, we not only laid down the entire Qing State, but also secretly controlled the neighboring black liquid country!”

This country already belongs to the Divine State territory, and it is an acknowledgement. allegiance in Yin Yang Palace. Who would have thought that the heavenly punishment quasi emperor would dare to pluck the hair on Old Hu’s head, forcibly and the Supreme Dean, guarding Elder and many other older powerhouses, secretly controlling the major Aristocratic families in the black liquid country, and even more invisibly, putting the Imperial Family Overhead.

This is also a retreat left by the heavenly punishment of the Emperor Zhun for Sky Martial Country and the land boundary. Even Lei Zu and King Pan were taken aback. They didn’t know about it beforehand.

“There are so many talents in the land!”

The king of Pan admires the insidiousness of the heavenly punishment of the emperor.

Lei Zu also had no choice but nodded and said: “Since you have made a decision, then leave now, all retreat below Heavenly Monarch, and above, all except juniors will stay! Heavenly back then In the battle of Palace, I ran away timidly. The lord of the palace was killed in battle. Brother was chilled. Now, I can’t make the same mistake again!”

“No, Lei Zu Senior, we want to fight! Human Sovereign is not here, but still There are us!” Fu Renjie and Pompeii yelled together, and the rest of Dongfang Yu, Pojun, Xue Yue, Xia Jun and Luo Yu and the others were all burning fighting intents with anger. “We also want to fight, fight for Ye Fei, and also fight to protect our homeland!”

“Yes, fight!” Ling Siqi was blushing with a small milk can. Shouted crisply, beside her, the dark-faced Daojun Tengshe and Guo Heavenly Monarch were still standing.

In addition to the Imperial Palace, a large number of troops have been assembled. These are the iron troops of the Sky Martial Country that have fought all over the world in recent years. They are led by the four major powers in the Northern Territory.

Further places, many martial artists in the Temple of Humans, Heaven Temple, and Human Sovereign Temple have already appeared. Beside them, the God of Gongzhu brought a large army of wizards and strode forward.

“Your Majesty, Lei Zu, gods and princes, I am waiting here, just for a fight! Sky Martial Country, there are only heroes who died in battle, and no cowards who escaped!” Ye Jian, at the front of the crowd Be brave, like a mighty god tiger, behind him are the many junior powerhouses of Ye Family, Ye Shanshan, Ye Xiaochan, Zhao Si Nian and the others, all of them are here.

No one wants to leave this battle.

Seeing the scene outside the Imperial Palace, Lei Zu and King Pan were silent, and Emperor Zhao Sheng also sighed, “Guys, your heart and soul have been accepted, but this battle is It’s the combination of Jian Gong and Wind and Cloud Sect. In the dark, there is Divine King’s glare like a tiger watching his prey. The attitude of Yin and Yang Palace is unknown. Do you know, what are the consequences?”

“The emperor, you don’t like what you said!”

Zhao Sheng didn’t say anything, and suddenly he threw out a chicken leg. He threw it in Zhao Sheng’s mouth on the spot and saw the chicken leg, Lu Qing and Bai Yanran were pleasantly surprised, “It’s the eight-armed sword demon Senior!”

“There are many dragons!”

The present Institute Head Jiang Zhen, Also exclaimed, he saw that behind Sloppy Daoist, there was actually following a large group of Flood Dragons, and above the Flood Dragon, there were still legendary dragons standing.

These dragon people are naturally the Dragon Race where Long Xing is located. In the middle of the road, Sloppy Daoist learned of the actions of the sword palace and hurried to Qing State, but met with Long Xing. As patriarch, lead this Dragon Race and come to help Qing State.

Seeing these dragons and hearing about the reputation of the Eight-Armed Sword Demon for a long time, except for Zhao Qianjun, who is also a Sword Demon, who was not convinced, both Lei Zu and King Pan were overjoyed, “Well, I have a sword. Demon help, this time the battle of Qing State, we are confident that we will fight.”

Emperor Zhao Sheng swallowed the chicken legs in one bite, high-spirited and vigorous ordered: “Tell my will, All the Qings’ petitions are correct, now, the army can start!”


Inside and outside the Imperial Palace, murderous aura soars into the sky, and flying boats instantly rise into the air, bringing soldiers from Sky Martial Country to the border. On the other side of the border, several countries loyal to the sword palace are deploying troops and generals to make final preparations for the attack on Qing State.

On the foremost mountain peak, a palace has been erected out of thin air. Inside the palace, the former Lord of Cloud Worship, and the Lord of Cloud Worship, are looking at the direction of Cloud Worship with a coldness. “Once, this was my country, but it was stolen by Ye Fei’s boss. Now, this Monarch will crush the territory and regain it. It belongs to me!”

“Li Shenjun, Yin Young Master, Please also two help me! I am grateful to worship Yun, and Ma Bie Shenjun. On behalf of Wind and Cloud Sect, I promise once again that as long as Qing State is captured, Ye Fei’s family will be at the disposal of Jian Gong!”

Lou Baiyun, and respectively bowed their hands to Li Moran, Yin Tianjin, and Ma Bie Shenjun. Obviously, this war is not just as simple as Wind and Cloud Sect and Jian Gong. Divine King Palace, Yin Yang Palace, both acquiesced to their own forces, and some of them came to share a share.

At the same time, this is also a great opportunity for great influences to connect feelings and form alliances. Not only the Four Great Influences, but the rest of the Divine State forces, are more or less, with martial artists coming. Observe this war.

“It’s been so long, Qing State hasn’t moved, and Ye Mo hasn’t appeared. It seems that the rumors are true. Ye Fei may have fallen when he was in the Magic State.”


“It’s a pity that Heaven’s Chosen, a generation comparable to the wind and cloud, has disappeared. You said, if Ye Fei is still alive in this war, wind and cloud, will they come to Qing State, and the two will fight an epic battle? ”

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