The first thing he did to return to Divine State was to enter the restaurant and ask for information. As soon as he came in, he heard the bad news. The combined forces of Sword Palace and Wind and Cloud Sect actually invaded Qing State, the Sky Martial Country army was defeated, and the owner of the country was killed!

Although he didn’t have a deep friendship with the four major powers of the Northern Territory, he was also a native of his hometown after all. Now, he is dead. The anger in Ye Fei’s heart was instantly ignited.

“These information is true, where did you get it?” Ye Fei stared at these people coldly.

Feeling Ye Fei’s anger, Liu Hengmo, these martial artists of the Magic State, are full of killing intents and don’t mind killing people on the spot. After all, the customs of the Magic State are brutal and bloody warfare, like a disagreement. , Killing people in the street is the most common thing in Magic State.

Feeling the killing intent of these people, a martial artist who talked loudest before, was so scared that he knelt on the ground with his legs soft and kowtow, “Senior, spare my life, I don’t know. If these news come out, I have committed the taboo of the Death Struggle Palace,”

“Dead Struggle Palace? Is this the location of the Death Struggle Palace?” Ye Fei was a little surprised. He didn’t expect the Transmission Array of the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns. Teleported to the boundary of Death Fight Palace.

However, considering that the Palace of Death is famous for the battlefield of life and death, the martial artist of Mozhou has always been combative, and there must be some people. If he hopes to show his skills in the battlefield of life and death, Ye Fei is relieved.

I didn’t even bother to ask these little martial artists, but directly ordered the humanity: “Take me to the Palace of Death!”

“Senior is not from the Palace of Death?” Then The martial artist is confused, but looking at a group of fierce martial artists behind him, this person is very witty and dare not ask more, but obediently and honestly leads the way.

It was not until Ye Fei walked out that many martial artists on the restaurant secretly gave a sigh of relief, and then whispered again about Ye Fei’s identity and the origin of the death battle palace.

One of them still feels that Ye Fei is familiar, but he can’t remember it. After all, the Mozhou group has a great influence on Ye Fei, regardless of his temperament or state. Change.

But this change, when Ye Fei came to the Palace of Death, surrounded by hundreds of martial artists from the Magic State, he recognized the discipline of the Palace of Death, who once participated in the Demon League. Ye Fei.

“God does not have eyes, this Ye Mo is not dead yet!”

This is the first reflection of Ye Fei, the many disciplines of the Death Struggle Palace, and then, They were furious, sending out a warning signal while surrounding Ye Fei like a pack of wolves.

“Ye Mo, you are so courageous, you took my Big Dipper Divine Fist back then, we did not find you, you still dare to come and die!” Inside the Death Strike Palace, A god Elder rushed out with anger.

“Impudent, dare to be disrespectful to Young Master, get in and tell your palace lord to come out and speak!” Seeing the impudent attitude of Death Fighting Palace, Long Guangyuan was angry, and directly one after another said monster qi Dragon Boxing , Smashed forward, and slammed the god of death battle palace back with a punch. The god was shocked. Only then did he discover that Ye Fei today is very different from the imperial city three years ago.

Not only does the territorial horror increase, but the imposing manner on the body also exudes a faintly overlord power.

“This Ye Mo, what has he experienced in the Devil in the past three years, and how did he earn such a group of martial artists like wolves and tigers?” The spirit of the gods was ups and downs. , I am very embarrassed and embarrassed that I cannot retreat.

Fortunately at this moment, a powerful ancestor has already walked out of the Chonghua platform of the Palace of Death, “My name is Huali ancestor! Ye Fei, you are here this time, but you are here to return Big Dipper Divine Fist.”

“No, Junior came this time, it was actually to collect debts! Back then, on the imperial city Divine List, your palace Jiang Hui owed me 5,000,000 profound veins for three years It’s sad! Since Jiang Hui doesn’t return, I can only ask for it by myself. I don’t think I can renege on a debt, right?”

See this The Huali ancestor had a bad attitude, and Ye Fei would naturally not try to please him, but his attitude, this remark, immediately made Huali ancestor angry.

“Impudent, do you really think that if you are lucky enough to survive from the Devil State, you will be able to go wild in my palace of death? Not to mention your Qing State, which is now at stake, just rely on your dare to speak to the deity like this, The deity can kill you!”


The power of the terrifying ancestors, turned into invisible pressure, squeezed the air and made a sound; Long Guang and the Others are nervous, like facing a big enemy, but Ye Fei has a calm expression, and walks towards the Huali ancestor without evading, “There is a kind of you to kill, but I can guarantee that after I die, die The Big Dipper Divine Fist of Dougong is bound to be like a Chinese cabbage on the side of the road, you can pick it up at your fingertips!”


While speaking, Ye Fei suddenly appeared behind Ye Fei. Dipper’s natural phenomenon, whizzing and spinning, as if stars orbit.

Chapter 2550 Walking right into a trap

Chapter 2550 Walking right into a trap

What Ye Fei displayed is the Taikoo of Death Fight Palace Supernatural power, Big Dipper Divine Fist, this divine fist, is the strongest knack in the Palace of Death, and will never be passed on. Once it is passed on, the Palace of Death will suffer an extremely heavy blow.

At this time, I suddenly saw that Ye Fei had actually learned Big Dipper Divine Fist, the whole discipline of the Palace of Death, all shocked, even the ancestors of Huali who shot were both shocked and angry. Killing Ye Fei, and I’m afraid that Ye Fei will really be killed. The peculiar learning of the palace of the death battle palace has really become a Chinese cabbage on the roadside.

But to be an ancestor, Huali also has several points of quick wit, “hmph, the deity is not easy to kill you, but it can capture you, and imprison you in the palace of death forever!”

Stars in the sky emerged, forming Big Dipper, with the power of the stars and the power of the ancestors, they wanted to suppress Ye Fei strongly. On Ye Fei’s body, there is a bright Purple Gold divine light. This is the light of the ancient gods. It gives Ye Fei an extremely powerful defense. It directly bears the power of the stars, the power of the ancestors, and the same Big Dipper. Divine Fist, collided with the Big Dipper stars of the ancestors.


When the two fists collide, even the void was blown and exploded, and the Big Dipper stars condensed by the two of them exploded one after another, but The ancestor of Huali, still relying on the superiority of the realm, finally suppressed Ye Fei’s seven stars, and it was a fist of stars, moved towards Ye Fei and hit his chest. Seeing this scene, the disciplines of Death Struggle Palace were applauded.

“Ye Mo, challenge our ancestors, you are still a few blocks away!” Huali ancestors are high-spirited and vigorous, want to be strong, suppress Ye Fei, facing such a dangerous situation, Long Guanghe Long Jiaojiao’s nervous palms were sweating, but Ye Fei let out a long roar, the seven stars dispersed, and the Six Roads of Samsara, composed of six heaven and earth gods, reappeared and burst out again.

The complexion of the ancestor of Huali suddenly became even uglier than pig liver, because when he wanted to continue to be strong and crush Ye Fei Liuding, Ye Fei’s Liuding was , Which hides the most terrifying Ghost God tripod.

This black cauldron is a ghost emperor condensed and polished by the ancient gods. It has already transformed into a very special Divine Weapon, especially Ye Fei, which is inspired by the realm of the gods, Ghost God Kanae immediately burst out with the power of his enemy’s ancestor. I only heard a loud explosion sound. The Big Dipper Divine Fist of the Hualiren ancestor, not only failed to break the black cauldron, but was surging by the power of the black cauldron’s Nine Nether, and the blood of the counter-shock, retreated continuously, stepping on the void. Deep cracks came out.

All the disciplines who saw this scene were shocked. Even the ancestor of Huali, who had some dumbstruck, stared at Ye Fei, shocked to speak. Ye Fei still looks like a serene. It seems that it’s not himself who had conspired against the ancestors just now, and he moved towards Huali ancestors very politely and said: “Huali ancestors, you are right, we juniors are indeed a little different from you. A street.”

this remark, ability The Huali ancestor wanted to humiliate Ye Fei and deliberately said it. As a result, at this time, instead of humiliating Ye Fei, he was also beaten in the face, Huali. The anger of Renzu, the whole world seemed to be a dark cloud.

But at the moment when the ancestor of Huali was about to become angry, suddenly a stronger power descended from the void, and is a human ancestor, appeared next to the ancestor of Huali, preventing Huali from becoming angry At the same time, I looked towards Ye Fei in surprise, “Ye Fei name is not in vain, Divine Sovereign Realm, you are not the strongest, but you are definitely the boldest. You are not enough to take the Big Dipper Divine Fist from my palace of death. Do you want to come to my Palace of Death to make trouble?”

“Dare to ask what Senior is called?” Ye Fei has a simple smile on his face. This smile is very contagious, and it makes the new ancestor of the mad fighter, There is an illusion that Ye Fei is an honest duty, making trouble everywhere, it seems that the death battle palace has a great misunderstanding of Ye Fei.

“Old man wars wildly!”

“Crazy wars Senior, I’m not here to make trouble, in fact, I’m here to collect debts. Jiang Hui owes me 5,000,000 profound veins. This is black and white. It’s written, I don’t think the Palace of Death is renege on a debt, right?”

Hua Li Ancestor and Mad Fighting Ancestor furious together, “Nonsense, you obviously took Big Dipper Divine Fist, threaten Jiang Hui to owe it, and you still have the face to come over and collect the debt!”

If it weren’t for the fear of Ye Fei, Big Dipper Divine Fist would really make Big Dipper Divine Fist bad. The two ancestors would both beat Ye Fei. The urge to die, Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao, not only sweated their palms, but also cold sweats on their foreheads.

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