Ye Fei is still Serene’s slanted way : “Junior also takes this into consideration, so Junior is willing to suffer a little loss. I don’t want the 5,000,000 profound veins, Big Dipper Divine Fist, and I I can return it to you, and I promise that it will not be spread, but I only have one condition!”

“Do you want to use the immortal spirit gate of my Palace of Death to return to Qing State and save your relatives and friends?” Seemingly rough, he is actually a careful person. He thinks he has seen through Ye Fei’s purpose.

Hua Li Renzu sneered even more, “hmph, after doing it for a long time, you are here to beg our death battle palace, you beg, dare to be so arrogant!”

“Two Senior, you have misunderstood again. I am here not to return to Qing State by way, but to go to Chiyue imperial city by way. I have a major event and I want to meet the ancient Emperor Chiyue!” Ye Fei looked serious. What he said, the group of martial artists behind Long Guang and Mozhou almost fell down in shock.

The ancestor of the mad warriors and the ancestors of the Huali people also reacted in shock for a long time. Many of the nearby Death Struggle Palace disciples were stupid on the spot. Now, who doesn’t know about the Divine State, Ye Fei is in Chi The imperial city of the moon awakened the spirit of the ancient divine corpse, not only destroyed the ancient emperor heavens, but also killed many ancestors of the Divine Dynasty such as the Purple Dragon King.

For this reason, the ancient Emperor Chiyue did not hesitate to project the Demon State, and personally killed Ye Fei on the heavenly demon mountain. In the end, this leaf demon was lucky. It was lucky that he was not dead. The first thing to return to Divine State at this time was to run over, walking right into a trap?

Don’t say that the two ancestors want to be different, even the palace lord who is secretly concerned about the death battle is also unfathomable mystery, “What does Ye Fei mean, now Qing State is in a precarious situation. He didn’t rush back to the rescue. Take the initiative to run to imperial city to die? However, Big Dipper Divine Fist must be taken back, otherwise this kid’s magical nature will make Big Dipper Divine Fist rotten on the street, he can really do it.”

When thinking of rejecting Ye Fei, in the future, Divine State martial artist, just go to a street stall, can buy the strongest Big Dipper Divine Fist in the Palace of Death, Rao has become the quasi-emperor of Human Sovereign Ji Realm, the owner of Palace of Death , I couldn’t help but shudder.

“Ye Fei, your request, my death fight is allowed! For the sake of you and Yan Bing, but friends, mad fight, Huali, you two, immediately send him there imperial city, must not be missed!”

In the sky, there was a calm voice from the Palace Master of Death Struggle. Upon hearing this command, the ancestors of the mad warriors and the ancestors of Huali were all face to face. Looking at each other, I can’t figure out what Chu Palace Lord meant. But the order of the quasi-emperor cannot be violated, and Big Dipper Divine Fist must not let Ye Fei be sold as Chinese cabbage. Even if they were extremely reluctant in their hearts, the two ancestors still requested the immortal spirit door as quickly as possible.

Ye Fei is also honest, walks directly into the door of immortal spirit, and once again stepped into the imperial city of the Divine Dynasty of Chiyue, but at this time, most of the imperial city is in ruins, not yet complete repair.

Chapter 2551 Divine Dynasty borrowed soldiers

Chapter 2551 Divine Dynasty borrowed soldiers

The ancestors of Huali people are not without irony said with a smile “Boy, this is the destruction caused by the ancient divine corpse spirit that you awakened. Today, the imperial city of Chiyue has regarded you as a plague god. Everyone wants to catch you and kill you on the spot! You are sure, you have to step on it. Enter the Imperial Palace and ask to see the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon?”

“Of course, my grudge with the ancient emperor is a misunderstanding, even if the entire imperial city of Scarlet Moon wants to kill me, the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon, I will definitely defend me desperately, but before I enter, let me set up an altar of heaven and earth!”

Seeing the destruction of the ancient divine corpse spirit is so severe, Ye Fei’s face is also extremely ugly, so I can only hurry. Stopped, randomly selected an open space, began to wear swords, condense the altar of heaven and earth.

As a former witch emperor, Ye Fei is naturally proficient in the witchcraft. With his witchcraft, the sky above the imperial city of Scarlet Moon, a cloud of clouds billowed immediately, if there is Great Demon, it will soon The residents of imperial city who had just experienced the tragic battle of the ancient divine corpse from the void, all were terrified and thought that the ancient divine corpse had returned.

Looking at Ye Fei who is dressing up as God, playing the devil, the ancestor of Huali Ren and the ancestor of Mad Fighter are both unfathomable mystery, I feel that Ye Fei is either crazy or stupid. Now Chiyue Divine Dynasty hates Ye Fei. Ye Fei not only walks right into a trap, but also dares to challenge the Imperial Family again. This is obviously not fast enough.

“Could it be that this Ye Mo, knows that he has offended too many forces, so have no desire to improve, want to use his own death in exchange for a glimmer of survival in Qing State?” Huali Renzu coldly Guessed.

Only Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao, who followed Ye Fei, faintly understood Ye Fei’s intentions. They both secretly held a cold sweat for Ye Fei. After all, the heroic spirit of Earth Sovereign has completely dissipated. , Ye Fei At this time, the altar of summon heaven and earth scared the ancient emperor Chiyue. If it can’t be scared, the angry Red Moon Ancient Emperor definitely doesn’t mind swallowing Ye Fei raw.

“Who, dare to run wild in my Chiyue imperial city!”

The action of the Ye Fei summon heaven and earth altar quickly angered Chiyue Imperial Family. There are already a large group of gods and people. The ancestors came after hearing the news, and the leader was the confidant of the ancient Emperor Chiyue, Imperial College of Supreme Learning Shaoqing Zheng Tai. When I saw that it was no one else who was going to go to the altar in the city, it was actually Ye Fei, who was hated by Chiyue Imperial Family. Zheng Tai was also dumbfounded.

Several imperial families who rushed to meet each other like enemies, their eyes were red in an instant, “God opened your eyes, Ye Mo, you actually came to die, today, you return my imperial city, return My ancient emperor heavens, return my Imperial Family, the lost ancestor!”

“Fight, kill! See Ye Mo, if you see the enemy, don’t say anything, you must kill on the spot!” The prince was already furious, ready to take action. This roar finally woke up the ancestor of Zheng Tai. Others did not know what Ye Fei summon did. The ancestor of Zheng Tai who had experienced the battle of heavenly demon mountain, but clearly knew that Ye Fei, this is obviously going to summon the Earth again. Sovereign hero.

“Stop it! Without the order of the ancient emperor, no one is allowed to shoot, Young Master Ye, we have something to say, don’t be impulsive!” Come here and desperately protect Ye Fei.

The ancestors of the mad warriors and the ancestors of the Huali people were completely confused. Even the Chiyue Imperial Family looked at Zheng Tai in amazement, but Zheng Tai did not explain. They were inside the Imperial Palace. The awakened Scarlet Moon Ancient Emperor was also secretly alarmed, “This vertical man is indeed a demon. Heavenly Demon Mountain has already let him go. This time, he actually made an inch and came to imperial city to make trouble!”

The anger returns to the anger, but looking at the heaven and earth altar that will emerge at any time, as well as the Earth Sovereign heroes who may walk out of the altar at any time, the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon is angry, but can only resist his anger, coldly in the air. Asked: “Ye Fei, the emperor has forgotten your past, what have you been doing here?”

The ancient emperor of the red moon had a vague intention of sending the plague god.

The princes who were furious just now were all dumbfounded. The ancestors of the mad warriors and the ancestors of the Huali were dumbfounded on the spot. They sent Ye Fei over to see how Ye Fei died. As a result, Chi Not only did Yue Gu Huang fail to kill Ye Fei’s heart, his tone was quite polite?

Hearing the voice of the ancient God of Scarlet Moon, Ye Fei finally relaxed, knowing that he was betting right this time. The ancient Emperor Scarlett was cautious for a lifetime, as long as he didn’t know that the Heroic Spirit of Earth Sovereign had been completely destroyed. Emperor Yue Gu didn’t dare to take any risks and attacked him.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei is not welcome anymore, and directly, he arched his hand in the direction of the Imperial Palace: “Old Emperor Senior, I am coming this time, not for trouble, just want to borrow a soldier from the ancient Emperor Horse!”

“This Ye Mo is crazy, he actually borrowed troops from Divine Dynasty?” The ancestor of the mad warrior and the ancestor of Huali both sneered, feeling that 80% of Ye Fei was in the cultivation of the magic state. Magic power, cultivation deviation.

The princes of the Divine Dynasty of Chiyue are even more furious, wishing to punch Ye Fei to death, “Ye Fei, you have lost your mind and you can’t be mad. I’m lucky that Divine Dynasty didn’t kill you. You actually hope to borrow a soldier from Divine Dynasty? Please also the Imperial Father’s permission, let us kill this demon!”

Ignore the clamor of these princes, nor the ridicule of others, Ye Fei just With swords and swords, step by step, he walked up to the altar of heaven and earth. Within the Imperial Palace, the ancient Scarlet Moon, a huge illusory shadow suddenly appeared, “You are, threatening the emperor?”

” It’s not a threat, but just a chance for Your Majesty to redeem! If Your Majesty agrees, I will remember this feeling. If you don’t agree, the blood debt of the Human Race of the land boundary, the blood debt of the Hopeless Heavenly Palace, and the blood debt of the immortal spirit clan, today , I must ask Your Majesty!” Ye Fei did not say this, but sound transmission. He was also betting, the more he said, the more secrets he revealed , The more he can let the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon, refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, thinking that he can still summon the Earth Sovereign hero again.

In the Beast Seal Space, when Ye Fei raised the blood debt of the immortal spirit clan, the eyes of the grass were red, and the little hand gripped Dragon Tortoise’s tail tightly, ready to charge ahead and fight side by side with Ye Fei. .

It’s just that, seeing the gradual emergence of the heaven and earth altar, his personality has always been cautious, and even the Scarlet Moon Ancient Emperor, who is greedy for life and fear of death, still dare not gamble like Ye Fei.

After all, Ye Fei is just a nobody, you can gamble, and the ancient Emperor Chiyue has a family and a career, and is also the body of the ancient emperor. Today, the ancient Emperor Chiyue is only thinking about more After living for a few years, looking for the method of becoming a god, he had already lost the courage to dare to work hard, and was silent for a while, the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon made a compromise.

“Okay, the emperor promised to let you borrow troops! But the emperor has one condition!”

“What condition?”

“This condition, Wait until you can solve the crisis of Qing State, let’s talk about it! Imperial College of Supreme Learning, Zheng Tai, Shaoqing, obeyed, I order you, command the Divine Dynasty Yulin army, follow Ye Fei, and go to Qing State to quell the rebellion! Although Divine Dynasty is declining But this Divine State is still my world!”

The silhouette of the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon slowly disappeared. But the order left by the ancient emperor shocked everyone present. The mad warrior ancestor and Huali human ancestor who had just been ridiculed, their complexions were already dull, and then they became red again. When did the ancient Emperor Chiyue change He was so weak that he was threatened by a little god, and he became compromised.

Chapter 2552 The Last Retreat

Chapter 2552 The Last Retreat

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