After swallowing this medicine pill, Jiang Hui’s breath suddenly changed from Divine Sovereign Realm to Human Ancestral Realm, and his battle strength also increased sharply at this time. Dajie, becoming extremely powerful, actually delivered a human ancestor blow.

Such a scene, I was caught off guard. When Emperor Fan reflected, Jiang Hui’s ancestors attacked and fiercely bombarded one of Emperor Fan’s incarnations, and also blasted the incarnation with one punch.

I lost this incarnation, Emperor Fan’s battle strength, and quickly declined. Although the battle front and the Nalan Xuemon did not ashamed of Jiang Hui’s actions, in the end, the coalition forces would break the Qing State soon, and they too You must work hard to share the benefits. The battle front roared immediately, his fists were like a scorching sun, and the Battle Saint fist was displayed, just like the resurrection of the king of war, full of strong pressure.

Nalan Snow Demon also roared. At this moment, he seemed to be completely incarnation as an ancient demon. He was surrounded by monster qi, countless sharp claw, teaching the world, moved towards Emperor Fan.

“Not good, the Allied forces are deceiving, the Emperor is in danger!” Sloppy Daoist, the first to notice that the situation is wrong, he drove the divine runes puppet, without the slightest hesitation out of the imperial city.

“hmph, I am finally willing to come out. The deity has said that as long as they trap their important figure, these rebels will run out of the imperial city and hate the war front and the na Snow demon Lan is too lofty and never carries out the plan of the deity!”

The Evil Sword Ancestor is very dissatisfied. If it is Jiang Hui, Zhan Feng, and Nalan Xue Demon, they also swallow the Ancestor Spirit blood refinement. The Explosive Realm Pill, that Difan, is not just one incarnation explosion, but three incarnations with the same meteorite. When the time comes, only the body of strength great injury is left. Any god can sack Difan. .

However, Jiang Hui’s cooperation allowed the Evil Sword ancestor to seize the opportunity to instantly kill Emperor Fan. Between Heaven and Earth, an Evil Sword ran across the sky. kill.

“Evil sword, you dare!” At a critical moment, Sloppy Daoist controlled the divine runes puppet, trying to block the light of the awe-inspiring evil sword, but at this moment, the face of the evil sword ancestor suddenly appeared Weirdly sneered, following his sword pointing a little ahead, the light of the evil sword that had been cut out suddenly turned towards Emperor Fan, but at this time it cut towards Sloppy Daoist.

It was Sloppy Daoist, and was caught off guard. The divine runes puppet was shattered by this evil sword light and shattered three arms in a row. Inside the puppet, Sloppy Daoist couldn’t help but vomit blood and couldn’t control it anymore. This puppet exerts human ancestor battle strength.

In the end, Sloppy Daoist itself cuts its cultivation base. It is no longer human ancestor. Its battle strength is all played by divine runes puppets. At this time, the evil sword ancestor used the evil sword sneak attack to smash it. The divine runes puppet, Sloppy Daoist, naturally cannot continue to resist.

“hahaha, Longtuo, you are really old and useless. Back then, you cut your realm, which was done by a reckless man. Now the Sword Sect is gone, and the divine runes are broken, I think You old dog slave of Nine Heavens Sword, what kind of face does it have to compete with the deity!” The ancestor of the evil sword seems to have a huge resentment. This resentment makes the evil sword stronger and more evil. Envelop Difan and Sloppy Daoist together.

The ancestor of the wind and clouds in the distance smiled even more with his palms, “Brother Jian still has a strategy. As long as he traps this one old and one young, Sky Martial Country’s resistance, he will break two arms, everyone. , Break through the Sky Martial Country and destroy the Qing State. Just today, beat the drums and slaughter the city!”

Kill! kill! kill!

Waiting for good coalition officers a long time ago. Roaring together, like a swarm of ants, crazy moved towards Martial Sovereign, the city launched the strongest attack, this time, gods, ancestors, all get involved, they are not only going to attack the city, but also to slaughter the city and plunder Martial. Everything in Sovereign City!

Chapter 2554 kill without mercy

Chapter 2554 kill without mercy

Chiyue imperial city, with the Imperial College of Supreme Learning Shaoqing Zhengtai’s With an order, all three thousand Yulin Army appeared, held the ancestors, and worshiped Ye Fei, “All Yulin Army, return to Young Master Ye!”

“Ye Demon, you must die! You have offended the sword palace and Wind and Cloud Sect not enough, do you still want to offend my death battle palace?” Huali human ancestor and mad warrior ancestor were suppressed by the Yulin army, and they knelt down in front of Ye Fei, as Human Ancestor, how can they bear it, the Qi Orifices of Qi on the spot gave rise to smoke, and Ren Ancestor vomited blood with anger.

Ye Fei hearing this didn’t get angry, but looked towards them with a pleasant look: “I don’t provoke the death battle palace, you better not come to provoke me, open the door of immortal spirit and let me immediately, Return to Qing State. By the way, Master Zheng, I shouldn’t have to pay for this transmission fee, right?”

“How can you, Your Majesty let us play with Young Master, and all the costs are free for you. We bear it.” Zheng Tai squeezed out a smile extremely reluctantly, and the princes of Divine Dynasty were furious in their hearts.

The Yulin Army, originally the Iron Army of the Divine Dynasty, Ye Fei even if he borrowed his troops, he was still stingy. He refused to get half of the profound veins. The princes are so angry, if it hadn’t been ordered by the ancient emperor, they would secretly It is suspected that Ye Fei may be the same as the Purple Dragon King and Yang Dingtian. They are both illegal children of the Scarlet Moon Ancient Emperor. The princes are about to jump.

As for the Evil Sword Human Ancestor and the Mad Fighter Ancestor who were taken away from the gate of immortal spirit, two thick smoke came out of their nostrils, furious and suffocated, watching Ye Fei take them away The door of immortal spirit, and face-to-face refining, set up to go to the Domain Portal of Qing State.


The range of the Domain Portal opened by Ye Fei is very unfortunate. It is actually the middle of the battlefield between the Alliance Army and the Martial Sovereign City. With the opening of the Domain Portal, the Alliance Army’s The team all uttered cheers. After all, being able to open the Domain Portal among the coalition forces shows that the opponent is on the side of the coalition forces.

The Qing State army, everyone is desperate. They were weak in the face of the coalition, and they could only rely on the eternal Divine Formation to resist. Now, the coalition has come to support again, it seems that Qing State has the last chance to win All have disappeared, and Human Sovereign, which Qing State placed high hopes on, has never appeared.

Heavenly punishment Both the Emperor Zhun and the Supreme Dean sighed, Lu Qing and Ye Shanshan also had tears in their eyes, “Qing State is in such a critical situation, he still did not appear, is he…”

“Master will not die, he must be alive!” Ye Xiaochan, always standing stubbornly at the head of the city, standing in the most dangerous and conspicuous place, this female Sword God, full of stubbornness, yet There is a glimmer of hope that is dying.

But just as her hope was about to die with the cheers of the coalition forces, the hearts of Ye Xiaochan, Lu Qing, and Bai Yanran suddenly missed a beat at the same time.

Ling Siqi was holding a machete and looked towards the direction of Domain Portal in surprise, “Small pot?”

The cheers of the coalition army stopped.

Everyone looked at the Domain Portal in the middle of the battlefield in disbelief, only to see a silhouette wearing a Purple Gold shirt, striding out from the inside, behind this silhouette, I also followed Long Guang, Long Jiaojiao, Liu Henmo and other martial artists from the magic state.

“Qing State, I am back again!”

Step out of the Domain Portal and look at this familiar and unfamiliar battlefield, Ye Fei overwhelmed by emotions, Long Guang and Long Jiao Jiao was also very excited, because they saw the half-dragon human in battle, and the predecessor patriarch who controlled the broken divine runes puppets and fought desperately with the ancestor of the evil sword.

The Evil Sword Ancestor also noticed Ye Fei instantly, his eyes showed an expression of extreme shock, “How is it possible that this leaf demon shouldn’t have died on the Heavenly Demon Mountain?”

“Sorry, let the Evil Sword Man Ancestor disappoint you! Last time I was forced to leave the Sword Palace, the Evil Sword Man Ancestor, you seem to have cut my sword, this Ye is in my heart!” Ye Fei showed his face Smiling, staring at Feng Yun Ren Ancestor with a gloomy look, “Are you the ancestor of Wind and Cloud Sect? Forgot my agreement with Feng Yun, as long as I am not dead, Wind and Cloud Sect will not be allowed to step into Qing State. Those who brought you, it’s too late to get out now!”

“Ye Mo, you are too impudent!”

Worshiping the cloud god in the distance, both shocked and angry. The ancestor of Fengyun Ren smiled and waved his hand greatly: “Total destruction, right in front of him, he is justified in cursing others. As human ancestors, aloof and remote, we enjoy the respect of thousands of people, so why bother? Too much fuss about a dead dog? Kill it!”


All the wind and clouds, gathered together, the ancestors of the wind and clouds, instantly moved towards Ye Fei, kill and start , Quick and ruthless, “You have an agreement with Fengyun, but there is no agreement with the deity. The deity kills you like a pig and dog!”

“Feng Dayou, you are too much!”

Suddenly, in the Domain Portal, Zheng Tai, the ancestor, exuded the monstrous power of the ancestor, walked out of it, and directly resisted the attack on Ye Fei by the ancestor of Fengyun.

The ancestor of Fengyun was extremely shocked, “Human ancestor, who are you?”

The ancient emperor was threatened and had to lend his troops to Ye Fei. This is really a shame. How could the ancestor of Zheng Tai be able to make a big fanfare, not only him, but all the soldiers of the Habayashi army who came across the gate of immortal spirits, all took off their armors and put on their heads, without appearing in their true colors. In this way, the ancestor of Zheng Tai would naturally not talk too much, he just looked towards Ye Fei, waiting for Ye Fei’s order.

Looking at the Martial Sovereign city on the verge of collapse, Ye Fei’s face was instantly indifferent, “Passing orders, all the remaining coalition forces, kill without mercy!”

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