“Young Master Ye is dead, all the coalition forces are killed!”

The low horn sounded, resounding through the void, as Ye Fei’s command was conveyed, a group of black clothed soldiers, Form an army formation, control the war chariot, release magical powers, and burst out endless killing thoughts. When these killing thoughts gather together, countless killing light beams are formed. I saw the light beam passing by, the soldiers of the coalition army, immediately fell in pieces. Down, was ruthlessly killed.

Moreover, all of these are the people of the Sword Country. The Emperor of the Sword Country, who is in charge of controlling the coalition forces, suddenly roared in anger, “Ye Mo, it is not enough to kill my prince, but I dare to brutalize my soldiers and come. Beat the drums, the whole army will attack, and kill the Ye Devil!”

Kill Kill Kill!

The soldiers of the coalition army were not intimidated by the Habayashi army. Instead, they formed an army formation and collided with the Habayashi army like two torrents of steel, and on the farther sky, The ancestor of the Evil Sword, the huge Evil Sword, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Ye Fei strangely and indifferently, “Although you are strong, you have too many offensive forces. Today you will die!”

“That’s not necessarily! Evil Sword Ancestor, your opponent is me!” The thunderbolt flashes all over the sky, a Thunder Beast riddled with scars, driving the thunderbolt, from the sky Martial Sovereign city, “Ye Fei, you came back just right , Save Difan first, then destroy the coalition forces!”


This guy also came back, and actually broke through the god? Ye Fei only saw that among the rolling monster qi farther away, there was a purple silhouette, constantly evading and moving, avoiding the attack of the war front and the snow demon Nalan, but Divine Ability could resist the people of the same realm. , But couldn’t resist Jiang Hui who had taken the Explosive Realm Pill and the battle had increased greatly.

Especially when Ye Fei didn’t know where he came from, brought a large group of experts and returned to Qing State, Jiang Hui was in a mess, and finally suffered the assassin, taking advantage of Emperor Fan to dodge the front and Na In Lan Xue Yao’s gap, a bright seven Star God fist blasted towards Emperor Fan’s body.

Chapter 2555 The world collapses, the sun and the moon fall

Chapter 2555 The world collapses, the sun and the moon fall


Difan tried his best to resist, but Jiang Hui, Zhan Feng, and Nalan Xue Yao joined forces, and the three moral statues were all blown up. Even the main body suffered heavy losses. “But good Now, I insisted on Ye Fei’s return. He was there and died without regret!”

Di Fan closed his eyes and waited for death to come. At this time, there was a huge Destruction Sword light that turned into Tai Chi and resisted in front of Di Fan. Then, Ye Fei’s ice-cold voice came to Di Fan’s ears, “Brother Emperor, you have worked hard. , Next, leave it to me!”

“Be careful, these three have extraordinary talents, and even more peculiar Divine Pill, but they can burst out an ancestor attack. It is not as good as you and me to join forces. Maybe there is a chance of winning… “Di Fan vomited blood, struggling to fight, suddenly a black mouth, abruptly poked over, bit one of Di Fan’s leg, dragged away, for fear of running fast enough.

In this scene, Jiang Hui, Zhan Feng, and Snow Demon Nalan, who also watched, became angry at the same time, “You are the broken black turtle again!”

The ground is the Dragon Tortoise disrupting the game, which made them miss an opportunity to kill Ye Fei. At this time, the black turtle dared to appear. Under Jiang Hui’s rage, the power of the ancestor was released again. After taking the explosive pill, Jiang Hui seems to be really an incarnation ancestor, Martial Arts Divine Ability, all have an explosive improvement.

Zhan Feng and the Snow Demon Nalan looked at each other. Suddenly, they did the same thing, that is, just like Jiang Hui, they took out the explosive pill and swallowed them.

“Ye Fei, the shame of the evil spirits, we must come back!” The snow demon Nalan swallowed the blasting pill, and the whole person seemed to have become an ancient humanoid demon, his The attack becomes more and more terrifying, like an ancient monster, crisscrossing the world.

“Kill, the king of war is undefeated!”

The battle front is full of energy and blood, like a golden warlord, with his fists cracking the sky, his feet broken, and his body like a big sun. Qi is like thunderbolt. The terrifying Battle Saint fist, also at this time, undergoes an astonishing transformation, becoming the strongest fighting fist of the Primordial Warlord.

Directly with invincible victory, I want to crush Ye Fei strongly.

Seeing this scene, above the city of Martial Sovereign, the Supreme Dean, the heavenly punishment Zhundi, Xia Jun, Pompeii, Dongfang Yu and the others, all holding a cold sweat, after all, Ye Fei is the hope of Sky Martial Country and Qing State. If Ye Fei fails, then Sky Martial Country will inevitably fail miserably.

Emperor Fan even had to burn his own Saint’s blood to increase the battle strength regardless of his injury, and to help Ye Fei to share part of the pressure, but in the sky, Ye Fei was like an ancient god. Like a roar.

The tyrannical Ancient God Golden Body, blooming with dazzling brilliance, completely resisted the double attack of the battle front and the snow demon Nalan. At the same time, Ye Fei’s double fists suddenly sparkled like stars.

“Jiang Hui, I will release you once in the ground, but I will never release you a second time. I want you to die for everything you do to Difan and Qing State!”


Boom ka!

The world collapsed, the sun fell.

Strong seven starlight lights, come from the void and surround the body of Ye Fei. What Ye Fei displays is the strongest knack in the Palace of Death, Big Dipper Divine Fist, when this punching method is out At that time, that terrifying fist blasted the world out of the huge black hole space, and many of the forces watching the battle almost protruded.

Big Dipper Divine Fist, they have not seen it before, and even Jiang Hui has used it more than once, but Jiang Hui’s Big Dipper Divine Fist is definitely not as scary as Ye Fei, because Jiang Hui urged Big Dipper Divine Fist is only profound strength, and Ye Fei not only has profound strength, but also has a trace of Ancient God Strength. It is also this peculiar strength that makes Ye Fei’s Big Dipper Divine Fist become so terrifying, so ancient. The seven ancient stars of China have fallen into the starry sky, killing all enemies.

“This impossible, I am immersed in Big Dipper Divine Fist for 30 years. Isn’t it as good as you steal to learn for three years? I don’t believe it, I don’t accept it. Kill, Big Dipper serial!” Jiang Hui was hit hard. At this moment, he actually burned the bloodline desperately to enhance the formidable power of his Big Dipper Divine Fist while taking Explosive Realm Pill, but even so, his Big Dipper Divine Fist rays of light were still completely destroyed by Ye Fei. The ancient god rays of light contained in the god fist cruelly crushed.

When the fists of the two collided like stars, Jiang Hui’s Big Dipper all burst, but Ye Fei still had three ancient stars, with a killing aura. Angrily came down, “After all, you are not the real ancestor, you can explode the ancestor’s offensive power, but your will, your Divine Ability, are too weak.”

Hearing this, The faces of Zhan Feng and the Snow Demon Nalan are very ugly. Indeed, the Explosive Realm Pill can allow them to temporarily break through the realm of the human ancestors, but this realm is very unstable. They can directly crush the ordinary gods. But in the face of invincible gods like Ye Fei, their advantage is very weak.

Feeling the murderous breath of Ye Fei, Jiang Hui’s heart suddenly showed a strong fear, “No, you can’t kill me! Palace Lord, save me!”


The intense fear finally made Jiang Hui take out the life-protecting treasure, that is, the Avatar projection condensed by the quasi-emperor. As the scroll unfolds, the Avatar projection of the palace lord of the death battle walks away with anger Come out, “Stop, Jiang Hui, you can’t kill…”

“Shut your dog’s mouth, I can’t kill him, just let him kill me, kill my best friend, go away!”


The terrifying ancient star disappeared, and a terrifying black god cauldron appeared in the void. It was the ghost god cauldron and Ye Fei’s most ultimate weapon against human ancestors. When such a god cauldron was as big as a mountain, it was Ye Fei. The moment he snatched with bare hands and smashed it out in anger, the entire sky was shattered by this terrifying divine cauldron.

The Avatar projection of the Palace Lord of Death Strike is even more angry and burst into the air. The moment the projection disappears, the afterlight of the Lord of Death Strike Palace, you can see Jiang Hui’s body, here in Ghost God Under the tripod, he was instantly smashed into a pile of meat.

At the same time, a deep and ancient divine word uttered from Ye Fei’s mouth. Despite the anger, Ye Fei did not forget to plunder Jiang Hui’s bloodline. Asura cut the blood, and immediately used it. The Asura blood bead, which has a strong bloodline fluctuation, has fallen into Ye Fei’s hands.

“The devil, he is a complete demon!”

There are already forces watching the battle, but Ye Fei’s horrible means has made his legs weak. After taking the Explosive Realm Pill, the fully trusted War Front and the Snow Demon Nalan were even colder.

At the beginning of the battle, no one didn’t expect that the mighty Jiang Hui died like this, and Ye Fei was even more crazy; even the quasi-emperor like the Palace Master of Death Fight did not have the face give.

“Crazy man, he is completely mad, even if we don’t do it, he will definitely not live long, Snow Demon Nalan, let’s go!” The same enemy, fighting together, will undoubtedly make the war front and Snow demon Nalan walked together and became a close friend. When he saw Ye Fei Yiding, Jiang Hui was killed. Zhan Feng and Xue Yao decisively turned around and left the battlefield.

Ye Fei has not chased him in the past despite his anger. After all, compared to chasing down these two enemies, it is the most important thing to do to resolve the crisis in Martial Sovereign city as soon as possible. The key person is worshiping the cloud god!

Chapter 2556 The Death of Lou Baiyun

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