After all, he tried his best and could only fight with the three of the war fronts, and barely survived. However, when Ye Fei returned, he crushed the war fronts, and even killed Jiang Hui and Yin Tianjin. , Two Great Powerhouses.

This also proves that he is still inferior to Ye Fei, but Difan did not get discouraged, but said with a high spirit, “Ye Fei, although I lost this time, next time, I will definitely catch up with you. “

“Brother Emperor, you don’t say this. Actually, I am just a little bit stronger than you.” Ye Fei is very modest, but this kind of modesty reminds Ye Fei even The quasi-emperor’s projection was so terrifying that Zhao Qianjun and the others could not help but look weird.

Difan is even more groaned, “You are so humble, not being beaten to death is a miracle. By the way, I heard that you got the ancient god’s chance, I don’t know if you have heard of it, the Ancient Sect site in Divine State “

“Ancient Sect site, what is that place?” Ye Fei was obviously interested, and Zhao Qianjun and Fu Renjie also pricked their ears. Breaking the army was even more outspoken. Asked, “Difan, could it be that your breakthrough God is related to this Ancient Sect?”

After all, before leaving Qing State, Ye Fei and Difan were not far from everyone else, Ye The rapid progress of the Fei realm is based on the ancient god’s opportunity, so the emperor’s cultivation progress is so fast, it is inevitable that people can think of whether this is related to the Ancient Sect.

“Yes, I can break through so fast, but it has something to do with Ancient Sect! There seems to be the Divine State, the most secret place, while the battle for the evil of the earth, the ancient Sect site will also Turn on. Only at this point, only the top of Ten Great Influences can know that I was a coincidence and got mixed in. Therefore, I did not participate in the evil list, but went directly to the Ancient Sect site.”

While speaking, Emperor Fan took out an ancient map, “This is an Ancient Sect map I obtained from an army king mountain and Death God. The Ancient Sect seems to have two parts. Open, the other part is open to the gods and above. I came back this time just to invite people to enter the Ancient Sect Inner Sect together to explore the ruins, didn’t expect, but just caught up with the danger of Qing State.”

Everyone knew the reason why Emperor Fan could break through so fast. Ye Fei’s heart couldn’t help but have a huge interest. Difan can get the opportunity of breakthrough god in outer sect, so what will there be in inner sect?

“Senior Brother Zhao, what do you think?” Ye Fei thought for a while, looked towards Zhao Qianjun. Zhao Qianjun not even think, nodded and said: “It is said that Ancient Sect is the sect of the ancient gods! The Demon State is even more rumored. Today’s Demon Palace and God Palace are split from those Ancient Sects. Since Difan discovered the remains of Ancient Sect, it is of course worth a visit. Today, the strength of Qing State is still too weak.”

Hearing this, Dongfang Yu, the broken army and the others all sighed. After a while, Xia Jun and Luo Xie were even more sad. With their talents, they were placed in the land boundary, which was the cream of the crop, but they were placed in the Heaven Realm, which is dominated by the bloodline. Without the powerful bloodline, they are too ordinary.

Aware of everyone’s sadness, Ye Fei slightly smiled, shook his head and said: “Dongfang Yu, you don’t need to worry about bloodline. I have a few Asura blood beads here, each of which hides a powerful bloodline. You take it to refining, and you can have a powerful bloodline.”

Since Ye Xiaochan doesn’t need bloodline, Ye Fei went along and gave it to these good brothers. Among them, what Jing Wushou got was evil. The Grade 9 evil sword bloodline of the ancestor of the sword. What Dongfang Yu obtained was Yin Tianjin’s Yin and Yang bloodline.

There are also Xia Jun and Luo Xie, who obtained the demonic path bloodline of the two ancestors of the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns.

In the end, only Wanku Old Demon was left, the bloodline of the quasi-emperor. Because Wanku Old Demon self-destructed early, Ye Fei only condensed a trace, and could not form a complete Asura blood bead.

Ye Fei can’t help but feel a little embarrassed, “I have another kind of bloodline, which is left by the quasi-emperor, but it is too thin. I don’t know whether it can be refining and fusion, which of you want?”

I heard that it was the quasi-emperor bloodline, and many people had bright eyes.

Chapter 2559 Counterattack Sword Palace

Chapter 2559 Counterattack Sword Palace

I just heard that there is only a trace of the bloodline, and I don’t know if it can be successfully integrated. , Many people’s eyes became sad again. After all, each martial artist has only one chance to integrate bloodline. If it fails, it will inevitably lose a lot.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Ye Fei also shook his head, planning to put the bloodline away. At this time, Lin Heaven’s Chosen, who was sitting in the corner, suddenly gritted his teeth and stood up and said: “I’ll come! You all have a special bloodline as the foundation. Only me, a descendant of Martial God, does not have a strong bloodline and talent. Instead of remaining unknown, It’s better to fight for it!”

Lin Heaven’s Chosen, the four great Heaven’s Chosen in the Northern Territory, finally couldn’t hold back the desire to become stronger. Ye Fei also understands this mood, so Although he was a little worried, he solemnly handed the incomplete Asura blood bead to Lin Heaven’s Chosen, “Brother Lin, be careful! If you can’t merge, don’t force it.”

“I I know, I just give it a try.”

So when Lin Heaven’s Chosen took over the bloodline, his expression still showed anxiety and excitement. The rest of the people were envious and secretive. Worried, but this is Lin Heaven’s Chosen’s own decision, no one can interfere.

Just as Lin Heaven’s Chosen said, maybe he succeeded?

Seeing that Ye Fei has allocated the bloodline, at this time, Difan, Zhao Qianjun, and Fu Renjie have already walked together, “Ye Fei, Qing State’s affairs are over, we plan to explore that one again Ancient Sect, do you want to go.”

“Of course, but before that, we have one more thing to do!” Ye Fei was nodded first, and then shook his head. The danger of Qing State only passed temporarily, only the sword palace and Wind and Cloud Sect will not die in one day, then Qing State will always have hidden dangers.

Just because of the existence of the wind and cloud, Chiyue Divine Dynasty has scruples and is unwilling to kill Wind and Cloud Sect, so the only goal left that can retaliate seems to be the sword palace.

“Sword Palace’s grievances, it’s time, it’s time to end! And Divine King Palace, I should also go!” Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s mood is faint A little excited. He once promised Zhao Yu that he would step down on the Divine King Palace and bring Zhao Yu back. Looking at the Yu Lin army who had already assembled outside the city, Ye Fei felt that it was time now.

“Senior Brother Zhao, wait for me in the imperial city first, and I will come as soon as I go.”

Leaving the restaurant, Ye Fei rushed to the Yulin Army as quickly as possible. But I saw there, the heavenly punishment Zhundi, the Supreme Dean, was with Lei Zu Pan Wang, waiting there, Sloppy Daoist, also driving the restored divine runes puppet, was talking to Zheng Tai Renzu. Seeing Ye Fei coming over, their spirits were shocked.

“Ye Fei, you came just right. We were about to go with Master Zheng, lead the Yu Lin army, and follow us to counterattack the sword palace, they did not agree…” Sloppy Daoist was very dissatisfied.

The ancestor of Zheng Tai, his face was rigid, “We are only ordered to resolve the danger of Qing State, but we have not said that we will attack the sword palace!”

Ye Fei slightly smiled, Stop Sloppy Daoist, “Sword Demon Senior, since others don’t want it, why should we reluctantly, at most, I will go to imperial city again, Gongzhu, and order all wizards above Heavenly Monarch to follow me.”

“The Order of the Witch King, all wizards above Heavenly Monarch, come and gather…”

“Don’t, Young Master Ye, we have something to say, I don’t have to go to the imperial city, I’m here Discuss with the four Sir Commanders to see if it can be accommodating. It’s just the cost of the troop dispatch…”

Zheng Tai is extremely embarrassed. After all, opening the door of immortal spirit once, but it is very expensive, even more how Thousands of Yulin Army. Ye Fei hearing this, smiled silently, just glanced at the void in the distance.

There are already a large number of Heavenly Monarch witches. After receiving the order, they came quickly from a distance. Zheng Tai’s ancestor’s eyelids jumped. He didn’t expect, the small Qing State, actually hidden There are so many great wizards who have disappeared. Although the realm of these wizards is very weak, as long as they think that human beings can perform sacrifices to heaven and earth with pure souls, the eyelids of Zheng Tai’s ancestors are fierce.

“Pass the order, the army sets off, and immediately go to attack the sword palace!” Zheng Taitie’s face was green, almost roaring at the Yulin army, the four Great Commanders all looked at each other in blank dismay, one after another Sound transmission said, “Master Zheng, Your Majesty doesn’t seem to have such an order.”

“I don’t know, but since Your Majesty lends soldiers to Ye Fei, it also shows Your Majesty’s attitude. If the sword palace is destroyed, we will not suffer!” Zheng Tai said with a sneer, he is the confidant of the ancient emperor, how can he not understand the ancient emperor’s plan.

Although Ye Fei is holding the handle, the ancient Emperor Chiyue is not good at attacking Ye Fei, but if it is unprofitable, how can the ancient Emperor be threatened by lending his troops to Ye Fei,

Only Zheng Tai knew that the ancient emperor of the Scarlet Moon borrowed troops. One was to fear Ye Fei’s ability to summon Earth Sovereign heroes, and the other was to use Ye Fei to weaken Ten Great Influences again.

After all, only the weaker Ten Great Influences, the stronger the authority of the ancient emperor!

Furthermore, Sword Palace is also the only force in Ten Great Influences that has lost the quasi-imperial guard. At this time, taking the opportunity to destroy it, it will only benefit the Chiyue Dynasty, but it will not harm!

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