“Ye Fei, you really decided to destroy the sword palace?” Sloppy Daoist’s eyes were a bit complicated. His original intention was to borrow the Habayashi army to regain the sword palace power, and Ye Fei , It is actually destroyed directly.

“Sword Demon Senior, I know you feel uncomfortable, but you can also see the sword palace today. From the inside to the outside, it has been completely rotten. Instead of taking back a broken sword palace, it’s better to knock the sword palace down. Reconstruction! The so-called without destruction there can be no construction, only when it is destroyed can the sword palace come to life!” Ye Fei’s expression was firm.

Although Sloppy Daoist was sad, he still sighed and comforted himself mentally when thinking about the dissolution of Sword Sect and the actions of the sword palace inside and outside. “Maybe Ye Fei is right. Palace, it’s no longer the original sword palace, it really needs to be broken and then stand up!”

“All the dragon people, come with me!”

Finally, Sloppy Daoist was still worried and decided to bring With the powerful half-dragon human, go to the sword palace.

Ye Fei did not stop either. The reason why he borrowed troops from Divine Dynasty is compelled by circumstances. He has not forgotten that Divine State Ten Great Influences once jointly attacked Spirit Realm and destroyed the immortal spirit family. And the instigation behind this is probably Chiyue Divine Dynasty!

“The use at this time is just for better revenge in the future!” Ye Fei said coldly.

His words also spread clearly with the vegetation under his feet. In the deepest part of the Martial Sovereign city, Heavenly Dao Tree Sovereign, his solemn expression has also become relieved. He is not saying much, but It was the war tree man behind him who silently returned to the darkness.

Ye Fei also adjusted the position of the immortal spirit gate again after all the Habayashi troops entered the Domain Portal. Only this time, Ye Fei was aimed at God King City. There is the Divine King Palace.

“After three years of absence, finally, I can return to God King City again!” Seeing Ye Fei’s actions, King Pan, and Bai Shizhong who came after hearing the news, Bai Yanran was all faintly Get excited.

Chapter 2560 Emperor Angels

Chapter 2560 Emperor Angels

With the end of the Qing State battle, the battle between Jian Palace and Wind and Cloud Sect Failure, like a hurricane, blew through the entire Divine State, and shocked all the forces in the Divine State. No one didn’t expect that Ye Fei, who thought he was dead, would suddenly return from the Devil State, not to mention that it seemed like a bullet. The Qing State of the land has gathered so many geniuses.

Of course, the most important thing is that Divine Dynasty of Chiyue, suddenly lending troops to Ye Fei, caused many forces in Divine State to become nervous and jealous. After all, Divine Dynasty today is just a name The Divine State rules the Divine State, which has already all split up and in pieces inside. The so-called Ten Great Influences are the top ten princes, each separates one side and enjoys the worship of countless countries.

If the ancient Emperor Chiyue remained inactive all the time, Ten Great Influences could barely endure it, but the obvious move of borrowing troops by the ancient Emperor Chiyue broke the delicate balance within the Divine State.

“Your Majesty, the Lord of Yin and Yang Palace, just heard the news that the War King Palace, Wind and Cloud Sect, and Nalan Family have decided to form an alliance. They also invited Junwang Mountain. It is said that Sword Palace On the one hand, I am also interested in participating in this alliance.” Inside the Imperial Palace, there is an ancestor who bows his head and reports.

“It’s okay, let them all join together. As for the sword palace, they have lost the quasi-emperor of Nine Heavens Sword, the ancestor of Ji Realm. Now the evil sword ancestor has died, and the sword palace is about to be destroyed. “On the Dragon Throne of gold and jade in glorious splendor, the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon had an old face, and his body was already showing a heavy life essence. It was obvious that there was not much life essence. This was also the face of the heroic spirits of Earth Sovereign. Reasons for compromise.

The state of the ancient Emperor Chiyue is no longer enough to support him facing other ancient emperors, but the ancient Emperor Chiyue is still unwilling to accept the rights of the Divine Dynasty and fall into the hands of Ten Great Influences , And even more reluctant to die in the realm of the ancient emperor, therefore, the ancient emperor Chiyue has been making arrangements.

Desperate Heavenly Palace is his layout, controlling the Yin and Yang Palace, it is his layout, this time lending soldiers to Ye Fei, it is also his layout.

Seeing that the layout of the ancient emperor has been determined, the ancestors who reported to the ancestors no longer speak, but are a little reconciled: “Your Majesty has a long-term vision, but let Ye Fei grow like this, even if we take the opportunity to destroy the sword Palace, it will become nurturing a tiger to invite calamity, it will only be cheaper for Ye Fei……”

“haha, nurturing a tiger to invite calamity? Don’t worry, Ye Fei can’t be a tiger, but he It was a calf used by the emperor. The bigger he is now, the faster he will die. When the time comes, the hero of Earth Sovereign will not be able to save him! If I expected it, the emperor must I have already noticed him.” The tone of the ancient emperor Chiyue was full of confidence.

Although the ancient emperor is powerful, there are ancient gods on it! And Huangtian is the terrifying existence above the Divine Dynasty. The Earth Sovereign of the year was defeated by the Huangtian. The Emperor Chiyue did not believe that Ye Fei would be spared.

“The real strength is not how strong the battle strength is, but how long you live. Only if you live long enough, the more hope is, breakthrough higher realm, and greater benefits. As expected, the emissary of the emperor should be coming soon.”


The voice of the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon has not yet fallen, and a huge figure has emerged from the billowing void. A gorgeous war chariot has been rushed out of the Domain Portal and then within the Domain Portal. On top of that war chariot, a young man in a purple clothed armor is driving the war chariot, crossing the Imperial Palace directly, and landing again. Ten steps away from the throne of Chiyue Ancient Emperor.

For such a contempt of imperial power, it stands to reason that Divine Dynasty should be angry, but the ancient emperor Chiyue did not seem to have seen the rudeness of the youth. On the contrary, he greeted the youth in the same way as the same generation. Said: “Emperor angels come here, excuse me for not going out to meet you, forgive sins, forgive sins.”

“Your Majesty, you are polite, it is under the seat of Lu Mo, Huangtian Elder, today I was specially ordered by the teacher to investigate the recovery of the ancient divine corpse spirit. The ancient emperor knew who it was then that awakened the corpse spirit, but those immortal spirit remnants?” Lu Mo’s tone was cold, even though he It’s just the human ancestor Early-Stage, but facing the ancient emperor, there is no fear at all, and even a hint of arrogance.

This is because he is from the Emperor Heaven, and for the Emperor Heaven, whether it is the Chiyue Ancient Emperor or the entire Chiyue Divine Dynasty, they are just subordinates. The so-called identity determines the status, the Chiyue Ancient Emperor, Naturally, he wouldn’t be angry at Lu Mo’s indifference. On the contrary, the ancient Emperor Chiyue smiled and pointed to Lu Mo: “Emissary Lu, you shouldn’t ask me these words, because the ancient gods have only Tao You can only enter, even if the emperor has the intention to answer, it is unexplainable.”

“You shouldn’t be asked, who should I ask?” Lu Mo was a little confused.

The ancient emperor of Chiyue smiled slightly, the ancestor of the side person, suddenly came over, and hurriedly handed the portrait of Ye Fei to Lu Mo, the messenger of the emperor. This portrait is vivid, even Ye Fei’s realm is clearly emerging, and Lu Mo couldn’t help showing his contempt, “God Early-Stage? Who is this person? What is his relationship with the corpse of the ancient gods?”

” People, awakened the ancient divine corpse spirit!” Chi Yue Gu Sovereign Dao.

Lu Mo’s eyes changed, “so that’s how it is, where is this person now, he is just an ordinary god, how can he awaken the ancient divine corpse spirit, I suspect that this person may be The immortal spirit family is related! It must be checked carefully!”

“My envoy, the latest information received, Ye Fei, has gone to the Divine King Palace.” Seeing the hint in the eyes of the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon The ancestor of the report, once again took out a map and planned to pass it to Lu Mo, but Lu Mo didn’t even look at it. He shook his head and said, “This messenger is not interested in a small country like Divine Dynasty. You can send the Domain Portal, mark a good place, and immediately take this messenger over!”

When Lu Mo heard the words of Divine Dynasty contempt, the face of the person who reported was particularly ugly. As if I didn’t hear it, I still smiled spring wind transform to rain.

Compared with the deep city of the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon, the Divine King is on the side of the palace, but the Divine King in autumn is a bit impetuous. Not long ago, there was news from the War Palace that the sword palace had been attacked by the Yu Lin army. Go out! The ancestor of the sword guard, escaped with his children alone, Niu Hao, the Divine Sword of the inner sword palace, led the remaining sword palace discipline to surrender, and he did not surrender to the Divine Dynasty of the Chiyue, but to the Sloppy Daoist and half-dragon human. .

After experiencing the Qing State battle, who doesn’t know at this time, these half-dragon humans are all Ye Fei’s subordinates, and now the sword palace is destroyed, as if they have already contended with Ten Great Influences Ability.

Although the Qing State party does not have a quasi-emperor in charge, if the Chiyue Divine Dynasty is added, it will be impossible for any single force to resist.

“Palace lord, what should I do now? I knew that this leaf demon could go to this step today and be able to form an alliance with Divine Dynasty. We should not rush Zhao Yu to Huangtian. “

After all, sending Zhao Yu to the emperor is a good thing and a bad thing. With Zhao Yu’s beauty and talent, entering the emperor is bound to have a chance. Divine King Gong Jinxian has meritorious service and will be affected by the emperor. Commendation. But this is the same, Ye Fei is offended to death.

Now the sword palace is destroyed, and the Divine King palace Elder is really worried. Maybe the next goal of the Divine Dynasty is to attack the Divine King palace. It’s just that Elder didn’t know about these discussions. At this time, there was a silhouette in God King City, who walked calmly, moved towards the battlefield of life and death, and moved forward slowly.

Chapter 2561 Ji Royal Family

Chapter 2561 Ji Royal Family

The battlefield of life and death, as always, people coming, people going, there are shouts of battle everywhere Countless martial artists are spending money or fighting desperately here. The entire God King City is not affected by the Qing State battle and the destruction of the sword palace.

Only the high-level leaders in the battlefield of life and death know how much the battle of Qing State has had a huge impact on the entire Divine State, especially Ye Fei’s seizure of the two ancestors of Huali and Kuangzhan to seize immortal. The spirit gate, the action of beheading Jiang Hui, made the entire Death Struggle Palace stand on the opposite side of Ye Fei, although the Death Struggle Palace at this time was not as common as the War King Palace, forming an alliance.

But undoubtedly, Ye Fei’s entry still makes the martial artist in the battlefield of life and death nervous and alert. The whole noisy battlefield of life and death became absolute silence with the emergence of Ye Fei.

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