The ancestors of these three middle age persons all showed great anger, and they also carried a trace of murderous intention. Feeling this murderous intention, Ye Fei’s expression also became cold. Was considering whether it was a confession and a match with this ancient fire.

Suddenly, the mad dog stood in front of Ye Fei, fighting intent coldly shouted: “You abandoned me back then, don’t think I am going back. I said that if you want to follow Ye Fei, you will follow to the end. !”

“This…” The three middle age person ancestors, all looked at each other in blank dismay. Obviously they didn’t expect. Mad dogs would be so stubborn, but the three didn’t know how. It’s a good time.

In the distance in the void, within a God Palace, suddenly there was a tyrannical Divine Consciousness, this Divine Consciousness, sweeping the world, the gaze, suddenly also at this time, fell on Ye Fei’s Body.

“Envoy Lu Mo, the person you were looking for has been found. He is now in the battlefield of life and death.” In the sky, a majestic voice came.

After that, there was a horrible quasi-sovereign aura, suppressing all around, and also frightened the martial artist in the battlefield of life and death. His heart was shaken, and the god Li Moran moved towards the lower shouted coldly:” The Divine King Palace does things, all irrelevant people, go away.”

Swipe, the martial artist in the battlefield of life and death has gone clean, no one dared to offend the Divine King Palace, even more how, in the void, there are not only gods, human ancestors, but also quasi emperors!

When I saw Ye Fei, the ancestor of Qiuyun’s eyes flashed a strong sullenness. If it were not for this person, how could there be a crack in the master and disciple relationship between her and Zhao Yu , Even more compelling, she can only force Zhao Yu into the emperor sky.

Now see Ye Fei bye, the ancestor of Qiuyun was on the spot to get really angry, “Brother, this child is Ye Fei! It is this evil spirit that has harmed my favorite discipline…”

“Old witch, close your dog’s mouth, I won’t tell you, you call Zhao Yu out.” Seeing Qiuyun Ancestor, Ye Fei’s heart is also very bright, if it weren’t for the Qiuyun Ancestor’s obstruction , He had taken Zhao Yu a long time ago, how can he only now have the strength to come to the Divine King Palace and take Zhao Yu away.

Ye Fei didn’t know that Zhao Yu had already been sent to the emperor.

Qiuyun Renzu and Qiu Divine King sneered at the same time, refused to tell Ye Fei, Zhao Yu’s specific whereabouts, their eyes only fell on the three middle age person ancestors at the same time, a little surprised , “We all know the ancestors of Divine State. Where did the Three Daoist Brothers come from?”

After all, Ye Fei borrowed troops from the Divine Dynasty to destroy the sword palace. Autumn Divine King is inevitable. I was also a little more careful, worried that this was Chiyue Divine Dynasty, deliberately targeting his trap.

“Our identities, you ancestors in these small places, don’t need to know yet, you are the juniors over there. Are you from Emperor Tian?” The three middle age person ancestors actually opposed the Divine King of Autumn The quasi-emperor didn’t even look at it. It seemed that he had become accustomed to it. To Lu Mo, they looked a little different.

This kind of tone of favor the rich and disdain the poor made Ye Fei feel a little unhappy. , Qiu Divine King and Qiuyun ancestors, their faces flushed, and they were about to have an attack, but Lu Mo’s attitude shocked them. They saw Lu Mo, who was very indifferent along the way, facing the three. But he was very polite, “It turned out to be a member of the Ji family, really a rare visitor. What wind will blow you to the little Chiyue Divine Dynasty?”

“Nothing, we have a clansman , Living outside, we were ordered to take him back! I wonder why the emperor came here for?” asked a middle age person ancestor.

Lu Mo complexion changed, no longer polite, but extremely indifferent looking towards Ye Fei, “Are you the Ye Devil who made wind and rain recently? You know, this Chiyue Divine Dynasty is my subordinate to the Emperor! If you make trouble here, you are disrespectful to my Emperor!”

What, Emperor?

Lu Mo’s words made Lei Zu’s face change horribly, “Ye Fei, this is bad, when did you provoke the emperor?”

Ye Fei did not speak, just from Lei Zu’s attitude, he knew how powerful this Emperor Tian was. Even Chiyue Divine Dynasty was just a subordinate of Emperor Tian.

When Lu Mo asked, there was a pair of eyes in the crowd, staring at Ye Fei, as if wanting to see a trace of fear or look of dreading from Ye Fei’s face.

But what disappoints these eyes is that Ye Fei’s expression is calm and calm after hearing the name of Huangtian. Only Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise know that he heard the name of Huangtian. At that time, Ye Fei’s body was all erected.

After all, Earth Sovereign was defeated by the ancient gods of Emperor Tian. The greatest last wish of Earth Sovereign was to hope that Ye Fei could inherit his will and hold the sword to slash the Emperor Tian on his behalf!

The former Ye Fei didn’t know where Emperor Tian was and where he was located until he saw Lu Mo and Qiu Divine King, the quasi-emperor. He had a cautiously attitude towards Lu Mo. Only then did he know that the real emperor might be stronger than he imagined.

After all, within the emperor, there are real ancient gods!

Chapter 2563 La Divine Dynasty Funeral

Chapter 2563 La Divine Dynasty Funeral

The appearance of the emperor is aimed at Ye Fei. This Let the three ancestors of the Ji royal family shine in front of them. Because the current Ji Feng’s identity is not what it used to be, they are not easy to use Ye Fei, but if Ye Fei provokes the emperor, the emperor’s angels will do it. If Ye Fei is destroyed, it is of course not their business.

So the three ancestors of the Ji royal family all sneered, wanting to see how Ye Fei would frighten his legs softly in the face of the powerful emperor, but like the owner of those eyes, they All disappointed. Facing the emperor, Ye Fei didn’t seem to hear or see it. Instead, he ignored Lu Mo and just looked towards Li Moran; “You participated in the battle of Qing State and killed a lot of soldiers. In Qing State You escaped. Now in God King City, I see how you escape!”

“Nie barrier, what did you say, you haven’t hurt my son enough, do you dare to threaten this Monarch?” Li Moran burst into flames Furious, the one thing he regrets most is not killing Ye Fei in God King City so that Ye Fei can develop the climate.

Now, this was once despised by him, and it is more like a salted fish junior. Not only has he grown up, but he has the power to threaten him and the Divine King palace. Li Moran has an angry complexion and a body. All trembling.

The ancestor of Qiuyun even wanted to slap Ye Fei to death, but Divine King, Qiu, stopped her in time and shook his head even more profoundly and said: “This child is arrogant and despise me Divine King’s palace is that’s all. Too much, he dared to despise the emperor!”

After all, Qiu Divine King glanced at Lu Mo.

Seeing Lu Mo’s face, it was already extremely ugly. A hint of murderous intention faintly emerged from his body, “Do you know, what serious crimes will there be if you despise my emperor? Do you know, how tragic destiny you will have if you offend me?”


Two, it can be seen that Lu Mo has already taken two steps forward. He is no more than the first stage of his ancestors, but the breath that bursts out is more terrifying than many people’s middle ancestors.

Even faintly, Ye Fei has an illusion of facing the situation. He doesn’t know where this illusion comes from, but Lu Mo’s strength and talent are definitely not under the situation.

But Ye Fei not at all is afraid of this, because Xiaocao has already sensed through Divine Eyes of heaven and earth that the ancient emperor of the red moon is now hidden in the crowd. Although he didn’t know the purpose of the emperor Lu Mo, Ye Fei knew in his heart that the appearance of Lu Mo must be related to the temptation of the ancient Emperor Chiyue.

Since this is the case, what else does he fear.

Ignoring Lu Mo’s verbal threats again, Ye Fei did not retreat but moved forward, equally cold, moved towards Qiuyun Renzuo two steps forward, “This Ye is here for only one thing! Old witch, where did you hide Zhao Yu? Today, I will take her away, otherwise, I will level your Divine King palace!”


Finally, more It was like a thunderstorm, directly exploding in the void of the entire God King City. Once, he was forced to leave God King City and failed to take Zhao Yu away, leaving regrets.

Today, he must make up for this regret and take Zhao Yu away from the Divine King Palace!

“haha, take away Zhao Yu? The little demon of surnamed Ye, you are really wishful thinking, toad lusting after a swan’s flesh, Yu’er’s natural beauty, rare in the world, to be her man, you must It is the strongest existence in this world! What kind of thing are you, your little talent is not as good as Fengyun, let alone Emperor Lu Mo Young Master!” Qiuyun Ancestor, his face was full of mocking sneers.

She is reserved, the most rigid, Ye Fei disrespects God Palace, and is even more famous as a demon, most disliked by the ancestors of Qiuyun people. Hearing the name of Zhao Yu, Lu Mo suddenly felt familiar to the side, and then he suddenly remembered that recently there was a woman from the country who appeared in Huangtian, which seemed to come from the Divine Dynasty of Chiyue. Even though he only met once, Lu Mo was already shocked. Heartbeat.

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