didn’t expect that such a woman came from the Divine King Palace in the Divine Dynasty of Chiyue. Lu Mo instantly thought about it and looked towards the Divine King in Autumn, “I can’t think of the Divine King Palace, but With such a stunning woman, I wonder if Divine King can be the master and let me have some marriage with this woman?”

“haha, Master Lu is interested, Qiu voluntarily becomes the matchmaker.” Qiu Divine King laughed and said something. In, Ye Fei is completely gone, and I even wish I couldn’t indulge in this Lu Mo immediately.

Even though he knew that Divine King did this deliberately to irritate himself, Ye Fei still couldn’t bear this kind of insult like using Zhao Yu as a tool for trading.

After all, Zhao Yu is his woman! He is even his favorite!

If your beloved is insulted, if you don’t fight at this time, you will be a man!


On Ye Fei’s body, the flames of war are burning, and the eyes are sharp as swords. Suddenly, without the Destruction Sword order, it has turned into a black gold Divine Sword. Falling into the palm of Ye Fei’s hand, he pointed to Lu Mo from a distance, and even to the Divine King in autumn, “Divine King Palace, something is coming to me. If you dare to hurt Zhao Yu, I will swear by Ye Fei, In a lifetime, the Divine King Palace will be slaughtered, and the emperor will be smashed!”

“I have heard the words of this evil barrier. If he speaks this madman, the deity will not kill him, it will not work.” Qiu Divine King was waiting for this sentence. As long as Ye Fei said this, he would have a reason to act, and he was not afraid of Divine Dynasty attacking the Divine King Palace with this excuse.

Next to him, he walked out of Lu Mo, and asked Qiu Divine King with a cold tone, “use a cleaver to kill a chicken? I wanted to capture him and return to the emperor’s life, since he is not savvy, then kill It’s the same for him to bring back the corpse!”

Lu Mo was interested in Zhao Yu. At this time, he discovered that Ye Fei and Zhao Yu seemed to have a relationship. Lu Moyan could tolerate it. The murderous intention in his heart, Immediately emerged, the terrifying power of the ancestors had already surged towards Ye Fei. Lei Zu, who was standing behind him, suddenly looked tense and did not seek Ye Fei’s consent. He had opened the door of immortal spirit and tried to exchange for the Divine Dynasty Yulin Army to help out.

In the gate of immortal spirit, apart from the Sloppy Daoist, who came from the puppets of the divine runes, there was no ancestor of the gods and ancestors. From it, the complexion of the thunder ancestors greatly changed, and he lost his voice: “Where is the Yulin army? ?”

“Let’s go! Just leave me alone!” Sloppy Daoist, all four faces are extremely ugly, when I see the Divine King in autumn, and Lu Mo, who has exposed murderous intention, Sloppy Daoist His face also changed tragically in an instant, “Emperor Heaven, and the Ji royal family of the nine domains!”

Seeing that Ye Fei was not enough to provoke the ancient emperor, even the emperor went to provoke the four faces of Sloppy Daoist. It’s even more bitter and ugly, “Such a lineup, not to mention Qing State, even Chiyue Divine Dynasty, can’t resist! Ye Fei, don’t hurry up, let’s break the queen for you!”

Facing Huangtian, Even without the support of Divine Dynasty, no matter how strong Qing State’s potential is, there will be no chance of winning. Suddenly, Sloppy Daoist decided what, he would spare his life and cover Ye Fei to leave safely.

On hearing these words, Ye Fei was moved in his heart, but at the same time, it was inevitable and extremely depressed, “Sword Demon Senior, can’t you guys have a little confidence in me, the emperor is nothing but I can’t cut it. Can cut! What shit Divine King, shit Divine King palace, today I have to take Zhao Yu away, at the mercy of my life, even if this day is destroyed, destroy the entire Chiyue Divine Dynasty!”

Chapter 2564 Huangji Tiangang

Chapter 2564 Huangji Tiangang


With the voice, behind Ye Fei, the Domain Portal opened again, but this time he walked out , Not the reinforcements of Divine Dynasty, but Gongzhu, and a large group of wizards above Heavenly Monarch!

The witch race itself is the descendant of the great wizard mage. It is born to sacrifice the heaven and the earth, but it is not like a man or god, and obtains the secret technique of the summon heroic spirit, but Ye Fei knows this and the work wishes clearly. , Chi Yue Gu Huang, but did not know, Lu Mo and Qiu Divine King did not know.

Ye Fei is betting at this time, betting that the ancient Emperor Chiyue is greedy for life and fear of death, and absolutely dare not let him. At this time, he held a sacrifice of heaven and earth and summon the heroic spirit of Earth Sovereign!

After all, as soon as the heroic spirit of Earth Sovereign came out, with the strength of Earth Sovereign and the resentment towards the Emperor, if you find that the people of the Emperor are more than desperate and bloody battles, there will be no retreat.

Since he frightened the ancient Emperor Chiyue once, Ye Fei didn’t care, and frightened him a second time.

“Red Moon Ancient Emperor, if you lied to me, then I will hold this Lu Mo and your entire Chiyue Divine Dynasty to be buried together today!” Ye Fei roared, Divine Sword in his hand. Refers to the void, all wizards have already burned the wizard bloodline, chanting the ancient incantion.

Hearing those incantions, Lu Mo suddenly complexion greatly changed, “Now, there are so many descendants of Master Taishu, no, they are offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, summon those who died in battle. Ancient heroic spirit! Come on, Autumn Divine King, I order you to kill these wizards quickly!”

Lu Mo’s face became completely solemn. He is from the emperor heaven, and he naturally knows the Great Ancient Era, some rumors about the Great Ancient Era. It is said that the Great Ancient Era has weak profound strength, but extremely powerful soul. For the second sacrifice, Master Taiwu would have to pay a huge price and even sacrifice his own life.

Over time, there are very few people who are willing to cultivated the wizard, but the horror about the wizard has been passed down. Although Divine King did not know this, he saw that Lu Mo was so nervous. His heart also became tense inexplicably, almost not even think, the autumn Divine King has burst out the most terrifying Prestige of Sovereign, and his body has turned into a streak of divine light, descending from the void and killing Ye Fei.

At this moment, Gongzhu and other wizards have become extremely nervous. There are also wizards, and the nervous incantation of the wizards have all read the wrong words. The only one is Ye Fei, with a calm expression and a resolute expression. Follow Gongzhu and the others sacrificed out of the emperor heaven and earth altar, stepped up, as if to sacrifice oneself, sacrifice heaven and earth, once again summon out the Earth Sovereign heroic spirit.

Of course, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise can clearly see that Ye Fei’s calves seem to be cramped. After all, only Ye Fei knows that the hero of Earth Sovereign is gone. He is Sacrifice all the blood essence of oneself, all impossible to summon again.

“Crimson Moon Ancient Emperor, you probably must be afraid of death, you are not afraid of death, I will die this time!”

I have already stepped onto the altar, but I haven’t seen Chi Yuegu The emperor’s shot was instead an attack from the Autumn Divine King. Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise were coming soon. At the same time, their hairs were erected.

However, Xiaocao still remembers Ye Fei’s instructions. The moment Ye Fei stepped on the altar, she and Dragon Tortoise released the blood of immortal spirit and the blood of the demon dragon. Ye Fei also felt in his heart. Yi Heng suddenly drew his sword, trying to cut his fingers, and release his Earth Sovereign bloodline, which also fully demonstrated his determination to hold the Chiyue Divine Dynasty and bury him together.

The ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon, who was hidden in the crowd, finally couldn’t sit still. Almost at the moment when Ye Fei was about to cut his finger, a roar of thunder resounded through the void. The palm smashed on the back of Qiu Divine King, who caught off guard Qiu Divine King immediately let out a roar of suffocation and anger, and his entire body was slapped on the ground uncontrollably.

“Who is it, dare to be an enemy of my Divine King Palace!”

It is the Divine King Palace Lord, even if by the same quasi-emperor, sneak attack from behind, Divine King in autumn , Still erupted with extremely strong battle strength and reaction, and instantly climbed up from the ground, fly into a rage out of humiliation, and flew into a rage out of humiliation, and fought wildly with that quasi-emperor in the sky.

“Impudent, assist the palace lord, and kill this child!” Qiu Divine King was blocked, Qiuyun ancestor, but refused to let Ye Fei, she made up her mind to eradicate Ye Fei. The scourge also broke Zhao Yu’s heart completely.

Not only the ancestors of Qiuyun, but also the ancestors of the Divine King palace, they also took action to kill Ye Fei. Lei Zu and Sloppy Daoist both have one’s hair stand on end, but then They saw that in the crowd, they did not know where they came from. Many powerful masked ancestors rushed out. These human ancestors were the cultivation base that broke out in terror, just like the masked quasi-emperor, and stopped the Divine King Palace. Human ancestors, catch each other and fight together.


Xiaocao suddenly discovered something. Pointing at the quasi-emperor, Dragon Tortoise hurriedly raised a small wooden token.

“Yangdingtian, the palace lord of the Yinyang Palace!” Ye Fei looked extremely shocked. He was a summon wizard and sacrificed heaven and earth. He wanted to force the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon to take action and had to protect him.

As a result, the ancient Emperor Chiyue didn’t force him out, but instead he forced out the people from Yinyang Palace, and he was actually on his side?

“hmph, this kid is like the Earth Sovereign. He is a disaster star. He wants to use heaven and earth to sacrifice and force the emperor to show up. He is still tender.” Among the crowd, the ancient emperor Chiyue sneered. .

It’s just that Ye Fei’s acting is too lifelike. At this time, he was even more careless. He cut his finger and shed a trace of blood. The ancient emperor Scarlet Moon was still frightened and screamed in his stomach.

He was dignified by the ancient emperor, but Ye Fei seized his death hole and repeatedly threatened with the Earth Sovereign heroic spirit. This made the ancient emperor Chiyue feel very faceless, so the ancient emperor Chiyue only sent His own illegal child, Yang Dingtian, led the powerhouse of Yin Yang Palace, and blocked the Divine King Palace, but did not block Lu Mo, the royal angel.

Seeing that there are so many mysterious persons around Ye Fei, Zuzhunhuang help, Lu Mo’s face also showed a huge expression of anger, “I don’t believe it, you dare to sacrifice you Myself, summon the war spirit of the ancient powerhouse, die for me!”

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