Boom ka!

The void is trembling, Lu Mo’s hand has already appeared a huge divine spear, this spear pierced the world and moved towards Ye Fei, fiercely stabbed Come. Under the shroud of spear glow, the heaven and earth altar created by Gongzhu and the others summon has begun to collapse.


Ye Fei gave an order, and all the wizards quickly backed away and stood behind Sloppy Daoist. Ye Fei and Lei Zu roared together. Lei Zu suddenly turned into a huge Thunder Beast. , With a billowing thunderbolt, a soldier of the ancestor, with a thunder light that pierced the sky, collided with the divine spear in Lu Mo’s hand.

But Lu Mo’s divine spear is too powerful. Divine runes exploded several times in a row. The divine spear in his hand has actually penetrated the thunder ancestor’s soldier, fiercely’s hole, and finally this divine spear, Attempting to pierce Lei Zu’s body and behead Lei Zu on the spot, Lei Zu also let out an angry explosion. The swords of thousands of years of fighting were destroyed, and Lei Zu was undoubtedly plunged into violent violent.

He started the most primordial and most terrifying attack. He used the sharp claw on his body, the animal teeth in his mouth, and the thunderbolt hair that was all over his body to fight with Lu Mo.

Lu Mo is not afraid, and his expression is even more cruel and Death Aura, “You Thunder Beast, in my emperor, can only be the life of a mount, fight with me, you can’t die Emperor Ji Tiangang!”

Chapter 2565 Death of Li Moran

Chapter 2565 Death of Li Moran

Boom ka!

Lu Mo burst into terrifying aura, that breath, surprisingly the same as Ye Fei’s Ancient God Golden Body, with a wisp of ancient god’s breath, this breath also suddenly made Lu Mo’s attack even more terrifying.

Huangji Tiangang, not to mention the Divine Dynasty of Chiyue, the Divine Art of all influence, which is obviously a complete ancient god cultivation technique. With this skill, you can become a god!

At this time, when Lu Mo applied this cultivation technique, the whole world became brilliant and bright. Behind Lu Mo, a strong shadow of Tiangang Emperor appeared more clearly. This emperor also held a divine spear and moved towards Lei Zu angrily.


Ghost God town heaven and earth!

Ghost Sect opened, Nether appeared, Ye Fei stepped on the soul tripod, like a Ghost Sect, directly driving the Ghost God tripod, rushing from a distance, moved towards Lu Mo slammed down, Lu Mo Yiran was not afraid, and there was a clear look of contempt on her face.

“A group of ants, I don’t need to do my best, how can I know, I might of Heaven, within nine days. How can you know that this world is so big! There are so many geniuses!”

Boom ka!

The divine spear in his hand stabs Lei Zu, and the emperor behind him, with Lu Mo’s movements, raises his spear in anger and stabs Ye Fei, this move double spear, Ye Fei, who also watched, was extremely moved. He found that he could not find any weak spot from this spear. There seemed to be no other way but to fight head-on.

Lv Mo’s ancestor’s early stage, bloodline talent, not losing to Fengyun, fighting head-on, Ye Fei will undoubtedly suffer a big loss in the realm of the god Lord Early-Stage.

The Lei Zu on the other side is even more direct. Under Lu Mo’s spear attack, the thunderbolt burst and the hair shattered. If Lei Zu is not Thunder Beast, he can turn into a thunderbolt and avoid it in time. With spear glow, that shot, it is very likely that Lei Zu will be seriously injured, and he will even be captured directly on the emperor, becoming a mount for others.

Lei Zu became more and more furious, and Ren Zu’s ominous beast’s temper was completely aroused. No matter what, he just ripped around Lu Mo frantically, but Lu Mo didn’t even look at it. Silhouette unexpectedly got from Lei Zu He disappeared before his eyes and appeared in front of Ye Fei again.

“It is said that there is a situation in Divine State with amazing talents. Even the emperor, Elder, is extremely admired. It is just that situation, in my emperor, but also everyone, you are more unbearable than that situation, because You can’t even enter Huangtian, you will only be a dead person, and when you die, I will be in Huangtian and take good care of Zhao Yu!”


The spear of death Glow, with the indifference of the emperor, fell into Ye Fei’s body, but Ye Fei turned a deaf ear and turned a blind eye. He was still in shock and shocked Lu Mo’s words, “Zhao Yu, actually already not in the Divine King palace, but was sent away Go to the Emperor?”

“Yes, Zhao Yu has been sent to the Emperor!” Seeing Ye Fei being swallowed by endless spear glow, Li Moran, with a contemptuous expression, like Divine of aloof and remote King, walked proudly, “Ye Fei, I admit, I underestimated you a little bit, you are not a salted fish, but a Flood Dragon! But it is a pity that your Flood Dragon meets Huangtian’s True Dragon, just like you, Being completely trampled to death, you can never turn over. In the end, you can’t even protect your beloved woman. You can only watch her enter the emperor sky. From then on, heaven and man will be separated forever!”

Lu Mo’s spear The power of glow is getting more and more blazing. It seems that Ye Fei’s body is about to be wiped out, and the world where Ye Fei is located. But when I heard Li Moran’s words, the blazing spear glow suddenly flickered, a terrifying The sword light, the sword light, split the spear glow and smashed the emperor shadow, and soon appeared in front of Li Moran.

“How is it possible!”

The proud Li Moran couldn’t believe that under the attack of a powerful young ancestor like Lu Mo, Ye Fei, not only did he not die, but also sent Such a terrifying sword, this sword, directly shattered his body protection profound strength, and then Li Moran felt a sharp pain in his forehead. The sword light actually pierced in from the center of his eyebrows and flew out from behind his head.

Until he died, Li Moran couldn’t believe that the young man he had despised, ignored, and humiliated would grow to such a terrifying point in just a few years. Up him!

“Father!” Seeing this scene, Xue Qianqiu in the distance was shattered with fright. He came over to see how Ye Fei died. As a result, he saw Li Moran being killed. Instant kill.

“Happily, just for today’s sword, I have no regrets in blood but death.” He witnessed the enemy being beheaded by Ye Fei, and his heart was ups and downs. He endured fighting for many years. However, he has been constrained by the Death Struggle Palace, not to take action against Li Moran and provoke a war between the two houses. Until then, seeing Ye Fei’s decisive sword, Xue Tu suddenly felt that his forbearance over the years was a complete joke.

The Palace of Death Struggle is not his place.


Xue Tu furiously, tore off his host’s costume and put on a scarlet gown again. From then on, he is no longer the host of the battlefield, but the happy and enmity The Divine King blood slaughter!

Notice the behavior of Xuetu, Mad Dog’s face changed. What’s helpless is that he is now seen by the ancestors of the Ji clan. Not to mention helping Ye Fei. It was difficult to speak, and the mad dog suddenly became furious, “Get out of the way, if Ye Fei fights, I will fight!”

“Ji Feng, you want us to say it several times, my son, the only one The ancient gods are worth following! Besides, Ye Fei offended the emperor Lu Mo, and he must die today. What use is it for you to go up there?”

A middle age person ancestor, thunderous and furious Crazy dogs are about to leave this place of right and wrong, even if they are ancestors, facing the emperor war, and the chaos of the Divine King Palace, they feel extremely dangerous.

Mad dogs, they must also bring them back.

But the mad dog was full of stubbornness. Before the three middle age person ancestors approached, the mad dog had already acted like a mad dog. He directly lifted the knife and digs into his forehead.

“I don’t want anything that belongs to the Ji family. I am not Ji Feng, I am a mad dog, that mad dog who swears to follow Ye Fei for his whole life!”

“Shut up, you Not a mad dog, you are a direct descendant of my Ji family, and your Great Grandfather is a powerful ancient emperor. If you follow a little god, wouldn’t you let my Ji family be ashamed with you? Stop talking nonsense, catch him and return to the clan for life!”

The last person can’t bear it anymore. Want to suppress the mad dog, quickly leave this place of right and wrong. At this time, the battle in the sky also went to the most intense point.

Autumn Divine King and Yang Dingtian two quasi-emperors fought, murky heavens dark earth battle, half of the entire battlefield of life and death was destroyed by the quasi-emperor’s attack, but the most attracting attention , It is still the terrifying battle between Ye Fei and Lu Mo.

Lu Mo’s Emperor Tiangang failed to kill Ye Fei. Instead, Ye Fei used the Ancient God Golden Body to resist. In turn, he used Lu Mo’s illusion to kill him and successfully lured Li Moran to rely on Earlier, this sword killed Li Moran.

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