Furthermore, Lei Zu and Sloppy Daoist are protected by his side.

Dragon Tortoise also rushed up at the fastest speed, pulling down Li Moran’s space belt. I also saw that many people in the Divine King Palace, their eyelids were jumping, but no one stopped it, just as Dragon Tortoise When going to grab La Lumo’s space belt.

The whole atmosphere suddenly became dignified. Not only the Divine King in Autumn, but also the Sun Dingtian, they were all staring at the space belt. Faintly more contentious.

The expressions of Lei Zu and Sloppy Daoist suddenly changed, and Dragon Tortoise was also worried, and quickly looked back towards Ye Fei.

“You can think clearly, Lu Mo is from Emperor Tian. Whoever takes his possessions is an enemy to Emperor Tian, ​​unless you are like me! Da Hei, give me your belt Bring it over!”


A black shadow flashed back to Ye Fei’s side. Dragon Tortoise not only brought back the space belt, but also the bodies of Li Moran and Lu Mo. Put it in a black pot and take it away.

At that speed, many ancestors who wanted to fight for the corpse were secretly surprised. Qiu Divine King’s gaze stared at Ye Fei coldly, “Now you have become a waste, you have treasures. , What’s the use? I would like to advise you, now kneel down and ask the emperor to ask the emperor to commit crimes, so that your family will not be implicated!”

“Sorry, I am a man, I don’t kneel down and don’t respect gods and demons! Just believe, the sword in your hand! The thoughts in your heart! Divine King Palace, you have turned your backs and sent Zhao Yu into the emperor heaven. Today I cannot avenge myself, but one day, I will fulfill my vow and level down this Divine King Palace. !”

Ye Fei’s voice is not loud, and it is even extremely weak, but his eyes are very bright, and that kind of look makes Divine King as strong as autumn, and has inexplicable fear.

The ancestor of Qiuyun was even more motivated to kill, and shouted angrily: “Niezha, your bloodline is ruined, and you dare to say rants. I really think that you are the deity. Don’t you dare to kill you?”

“If you have a seed, kill it! Lei Zu, Senior Sword Demon, let go, today, let me see who dares to kill me!” Ye Fei sneered and ignored Qiu directly. Yun Renzu, he took the Dragon Tortoise, dragged the heavy black gold Divine Sword, just then, step by step moved towards God King City and walked outside.

“Today, I drag the sword and leave, and in the future, I will return with the sword! Zhao Yu, I will find it, even if I slaughter the emperor!” Ye Fei’s body is more fighting intent. Even if the blood runs out, even if Divine Soul is scattered.

Just to find his beloved!

Ye Fei, drag the sword forward, moved towards God King City. Walking outside, along the way, the ancestors of the Divine King Palace, the gods, all expressions are glaring at Ye Fei. Some people have more There was a terrible anger and killing intent, but no one dared to do it.

The ancestor of Qiuyun did not dare to do it, and the Divine King did not dare to do it, just because the words left by the mad dog before he left, “Who is my brother, I will destroy his whole family!” “

If an ordinary person says this, Divine King Palace will only treat it as a joke, but it is Ji Feng who said this, from the Ji family who is stronger than the Divine Dynasty, let alone Qiu Divine King didn’t dare to do it, even in the crowd, the ancient Emperor Chiyue hesitated again and again. In the end, he ordered Yang Dingtian to give up the best opportunity to attack and kill Ye Fei.

After all, Ye Fei is killed now, although it can be completely wiped out. Ye Fei uses the Earth Sovereign hero to threaten Divine Dynasty. But if this news spreads, wait for Ji Feng to return to the Ji family. Can you not avenge Ye Fei?

So, the ancient Emperor Chiyue was also silent. Seeing the silence of the ancient emperor, Yang Dingtian, as a child minister, naturally did not dare to attack Ye Fei. So, under the eyes of everyone, the entire God King City, with countless lines of sight, just stared at Ye Fei, dragged the sword, walked slowly, and walked out of the God King City.

Many people are very puzzled, why Ye Fei was not under the protection of Lei Zu and used the gate of immortal spirit to leave. They were panicked until someone vacated and looked towards the path that Ye Fei walked along the way. Discovery.

In the area where Ye Fei Divine Sword dragged, not only deep sword marks were left, but when these sword marks gathered together, they actually formed a magical killing word!

“This child actually engraved such dazzling sword marks in front of countless powerhouses in the Divine King Palace. What exactly is he going to do? Why, the ancestors of the Divine King Palace didn’t make a move to kill this child? “

More and more God King City powerhouses leaped into the sky, looking at the scars of the scary sword that pierced through most of God King City. The scars are so dazzling and so dazzling. People are horrible.

Among the crowd, Ziyue’s expression is even more sad. She still remembers that today, a few years ago, it was the first time she and Ye Fei met in the Supreme Emperor Zhutian. Ye Fei, weak, rustic, and unknown, she doesn’t want to have too much intersection with Ye Fei. But now that several years have passed, has the young man who had made her despised and made her proud, has grown to the point where it is today?

Seriously wounded body, dragging the sword, in the God King City, the word killing is inscribed, the entire God King City, the entire God King City, but no one dares to take action, even if Ye Fei at this time, back To everyone, there is no Lei Zu and Sloppy Daoist to protect them.

“This child does not die today, and in the future, he will fish leaping over the dragon gate and dominate the entire Divine State!” This is the martial artist of God King City, and his evaluation of Ye Fei.

“hmph and bloodline are all ruined. He is just an ordinary martial artist, a waste man! What else is he crazy, a waste man, who also wanted to flatten my Divine King Palace. It’s just a joke!” The voice of Divine King in autumn came out of God King City coldly, and it also told the world that Divine King Palace was not afraid of Ye Fei, but poor Ye Fei becoming a useless person.

“Such a waste, Divine King Palace, don’t bother to kill them!” Abandoning these words, the martial artists of Divine King Palace all rose into the air and left the battlefield of life and death that had been turned into ruins.

Ye Fei, who had already walked out of God King City when he heard the words of the autumn Divine King, had a clear sneer on his face, “Disdain? Three years at the latest. I have to see who it is. Disdain for anyone…”


In the Beast Seal Space, Xiaocao also clenched his fists and cheered Ye Fei. As for Ye Fei’s loss Bloodline, Xiaocao is not worried, because Xiaocao has already seen it with Divine Eyes.

Ye Fei’s bloodline is exhausted, but the bloodline seal of Ye Fei within the body is still there, and as long as the seal is still there, it proves that Ye Fei’s within the body is still hidden. Powerful bloodline.

Moreover, it is a bloodline that surpasses the ten products!

Chapter 2569 The layout of the ancient emperor

Chapter 2569 The layout of the ancient emperor

“Just, how can I break the seal and wake up again, I am within The bloodline of the body?” Ye Fei was a little worried, and killed Lu Mo, a breath of malice in his heart, but the price he paid was a bit high.

“hmph hum, I want to wake up the bloodline, this emperor can help you!” Ye Fei spoke silently, and in the space in front of him, there was already an emperor wearing a crown and wearing yellow. Robe’s old man silhouette, this old man, with blood and blood, exudes a strong life essence, it is obvious that the life essence is exhausted and is about to die.

But the old man’s breath is terrifying, and there is a faint Sovereign power.

“The ancient emperor Scarlet Moon! You finally appeared!” Ye Fei squinted, looking at the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon.

“Aren’t you afraid?”

“I’m afraid, I’m going to die!” Ye Fei’s expression is very indifferent. Divine Eyes stares at the grassy world. He already knew that Chi Emperor Yue Gu had been watching him in secret. This is also the reason why Ye Fei wants to dispel Lei Zu and Sloppy Daoist. In front of the ancient emperor, any tricks are useless, it is better to face it calmly.

“Red Moon Ancient Emperor, tell me your purpose, what do you want from me!” Ye Fei asked directly.

“Do you remember the condition that I borrowed from you? I said, I asked you to do one thing for me. Now, that thing should be done too. You bring Lu Mo’s space belt to I, my emperor only needs a cultivation technique in it!” Ancient Emperor Chiyue said with eager eyes.

Hearing these words, Ye Fei suddenly came to his senses, “Lv Mo, this person, was you attracted? I am your bait, and he is your target. Your purpose is not to use Huangtian killed me, but used me to kill this Lu Mo and seize his ancient god cultivation technique!”

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