“Talking to smart people saves trouble! Yes, it’s me who asked Lu Mo to deal with you. Originally, I wanted to use Lu Mo to deal with you. Let’s see if you really have Ability, once again summon out the Earth Sovereign hero. Secondly, I plan to wait for Lu Mo to catch you and ask all your secrets, I will personally kill Lu Mo, seize his cultivation technique, and then blame you! “

“In this way, I can obtain the ancient god cultivation technique of yearn for something even in dreams, and even more murder a person with a borrowed knife, so that the emperor will continue to trust me while mobilizing more resources. , Used to suppress the realm! Prevent the remnants of Earth Sovereign, take the opportunity to start again!”

The eyes of the ancient emperor of the red moon suddenly showed a strange look, “It’s just that I didn’t expect that there will be Ji beside you The descendants of the royal family can even get the bloodline Divine Pill to kill Lu Mo. In this way, you can’t remember the black pot that killed the Emperor Angel!”

Ye Fei just knew , Cowardly, just the appearance of the ancient Emperor Chiyue, the real ancient Emperor Chiyue is actually a dormant poisonous snake, always coming out inadvertently to bite people, and it is often a critical strike!

If it hadn’t happened to have the bloodline Divine Pill of the Ji family this time, Ye Fei would be terrified of himself, and really could only fall into the ancient Emperor Chiyue’s step-by-step plot against. When thinking of plot against, suddenly Ye Fei Two things came to mind again.

“The ancient god’s cultivation technique can be given to you, but you must answer two questions to me! Back then, why did the Divine State Ten Great Influences jointly destroy the immortal spirit clan, and why did you destroy it? Desperate Heavenly Palace?”

These two questions must be understood clearly by Ye Fei.

Speaking of the immortal spirit clan, Xiaocao also raised his ears and opened his eyes, looking angrily at the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon outside. Unfortunately, the Human Sovereign Seal was affected, even though the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon, Without noticing it, his face revealed a bitter smile and said: “I knew that the only immortal spirit clan that can awaken the ancient divine corpse spirit! The immortal spirit clan was destroyed by the emperor’s order, together with Ten Great Influences. , Destroyed the Spirit Realm!”

A group of powerful forces suddenly pulled Ye Fei into the mysterious void, and then the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon solemnly said: “Of course, that’s just the surface, the real situation. But it was Huangtian for some reason and didn’t want the world to know that it was the Emperor who took action and destroyed the immortal spirit clan, so Huangtian on the surface asked me to lead the Ten Great Influences to attack Spirit Realm, secretly, Huangtian has many The powerful human ancestor, the ancient emperor came forward, broke the Spirit Realm and massacred the entire immortal spirit clan, but why the emperor did this, I don’t know.”


Xiaocao couldn’t believe this remark, and quickly looked towards Ye Fei. Ye Fei’s expression also showed seriousness. He looked at the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon earnestly, only to find that this ancient emperor showed no signs of lying.

This is either the ancient Emperor Chiyue, which is too good to cover up, or it is the ancient Emperor Chiyue, who said it is true. It is not Divine State Ten Great Influences that destroy the immortal spirit family. It was Emperor Tian, ​​with the help of the identity cover of the top ten Divine State forces, attacked Spirit Realm!

“Then, what happened when you destroyed the Hopeless Heavenly Palace?” Ye Fei continued to ask.

The ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon was unhappy, but in order to obtain the ancient god cultivation technique, he coldly replied: “Because the palace lord of the desperate Heavenly Palace is so smart, he has noticed the truth about the demise of the immortal spirit clan , Actually wanted to use this truth to threaten the emperor, wanting the emperor to pass him through the ancient emperor’s method! He wanted to be beautiful, but he didn’t know that the emperor had a secret son by his side, and originally wanted to steal Taking the Desperate Golden Body, the Lord of Despair threatened him, and the emperor was simply angry and destroyed his entire Heavenly Palace!”

Ye Fei became more and more frightened. In this way, the demise of the Heavenly Palace despaired of death. Is having only oneself to blame?

But for the words of the ancient emperor Chiyue, he did not dare to believe it all, but he doubted: “How do I believe you?”

“You don’t need to believe it, the emperor does It’s not uncommon for you to believe it! If you hand over Lu Mo’s cultivation technique, the emperor will let you go, and promises that you will not embarrass you from Qing State. What do you think?”

To show sincerity, Chiyue The ancient emperor even took out a medicine pill on the spot and handed it to Ye Fei, “This is the heart of Scarlet Blood Pill, which can nourish your bloodline to the greatest extent, even if it can’t restore your bloodline, it can also make your bloodline recover. Restored to the level of Grade 6!”

Ye Fei took medicine pill and was still skeptical, but looking at the ugly face of the ancient emperor Chiyue, he knew that the ancient emperor was too tempted. After all, his biggest threat to the ancient emperor’s hole card is to summon Earth Sovereign heroes, and this can only be used to scare people, once used, immediately wear out.

“No matter what the old fox said true or false, I still have no ability to deal with the wrath of an ancient emperor, especially when this ancient emperor is about to die, the most crazy time.”

Ye Fei suddenly showed a simple smile on his face, took out Lu Mo’s space belt, and handed it to Chi Yuegu Sovereign Dao: “Old Emperor Senior, Lu Mo’s space belt is here. But you are sure, Is there really an ancient god cultivation technique in it?”

“hmph, the lord of the emperor, is surnamed Lu! This Lu Mo is his youngest and most beloved illegal child, other emperor’s discipline, impossible to possess ancient gods Cultivation technique, but Lu Mo must have it!” When he spoke, the ancient Emperor Chiyue had already destroyed the restraint of the space belt. After searching for it, he quickly found out a golden book in ecstasy. Hand copied book page, “hahaha, very good, this emperor, this time, breakthrough ancient gods have hope!”

“Ye Fei, give you three days, immediately take your people, leave me Chi In the scope of the Divine Dynasty of the month, you are never allowed to set foot, otherwise, don’t blame the emperor and turn your face ruthless!”

Abandon these ruthless words, the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon, no more polite, put away the space belt, Ye Fei has been coldly blasted out of the void, and each minding their own business has disappeared. Ye Fei was not angry about the profiting from somebody’s misfortune of the ancient Emperor Chiyue, but not long after the ancient Emperor Chiyue left, he suddenly glanced at the Dragon Tortoise beside him, but saw Dragon Tortoise quietly like a black stone sculpture. It wasn’t until Ye Fei slapped its head that Dragon Tortoise opened his mouth, and suddenly a golden book page came out again.

Chapter 2570 Leaving

Chapter 2570 Leaving

We killed Li Moran and Lu Mo, Ye Fei why not do it yourself and search for them The treasure of Dragon Tortoise, that is, Dragon Tortoise has an ability that no one has, then it is diligent and secretive under the black mouth.

Every time I searched treasures in the past, Dragon Tortoise would always hide something privately when Ye Fei and Xiaocao were not paying attention. This time, it did not come out of Ye Fei’s expectation. I took a look at this broken turtle. In motionless there, Ye Fei speculated that 80% of Dragon Tortoise had embezzled treasure again.

Sure enough, Ye Fei patted with his hand, and Dragon Tortoise immediately exposed the filling, but Ye Fei did not scold Dragon Tortoise this time. Instead, Fiercely praised, “Da Hei, good job this time!”

Because this golden book page is actually exactly the same as the ancient Emperor Chiyue, turned out from the belt of Lu Mo space, that is to say, this is very likely, and it is also part of the ancient gods cultivation technique.

Ye Fei was also a rare compliment; Dragon Tortoise also immediately woke up. Not only did it make no mistakes this time, it seemed to have made a lot of credit. At this time, it ignored the bold request for extra meals. , When will you stay?

So a small wooden token naturally stretched out in front of Ye Fei, Ye Fei’s complexion was pitch black, this tortoise, hiding treasure is still reasonable, “Grass, drag it in!”



Seeing that Dragon Tortoise has some shiny and good things that they didn’t take out, and even dared to hide them, Xiaocao said that he was also very angry and dragged Dragon Tortoise’s tail. , Ran into the beast seal space and went to earnestly educate.

At this time, in the God King City, there was already a sound of breaking through the air. It was Lei Zu and Sloppy Daoist, sent back to the entourage wizard, and also driven out of the city. Casually, there is also the blood butcher, “Young Master Ye, you killed Li Moran, you are kind to the blood butcher, from now on, the life of the blood butcher is entrusted to you.”

When the blood butcher came over, it was a big gift. Ye Fei hurriedly avoided giving way and helped the blood butcher and said: “Blood butcher Senior, don’t be like this. If it weren’t for you to call a mad dog to follow me, maybe I would be hit by the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon today. Plot against, planted in God King City.”

“Ye Fei, what did you say, the ancient emperor Chiyue appeared?” Lei Zu and Sloppy Daoist were very nervous, after all, that was the ancient emperor, Divine The most powerful state of State, Lei Zu’s eyes flashed with hatred.

Seeing the appearance of Lei Zu, Ye Fei hesitated, and finally destroyed the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon at the Desperate Heavenly Palace, telling Lei Zu, Lei Zu is hearing this, and thunderous, “Impossible. I understand the palace lord, the palace lord is not that kind of person!”

“Lei Zu, it is useless to say this now, and now Lu Mo is dead! The ancient Emperor Chiyue received the Huangtian cultivation technique, even if he could not break through the ancient God, will definitely extend the lifespan and restore the ancient god Peak again. We must leave Divine State as soon as possible!”

After all, today’s Divine State is still the world of the Chiyue Divine Dynasty. Before, Chiyuegu The emperor’s life essence is approaching, so I can only open one eye and close one eye to the Great Influence of Divine State.

But once the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon becomes stronger again, then Divine State Ten Great Influences will inevitably bear the brunt. In particular, Ye Fei wiped out the Sword Palace in one sigh, and even became the scourge of Divine Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei didn’t have time to read the pages of the golden book. Together with Lei Zu and Sloppy Daoist, he passed through the gate of immortal spirit and returned to Qing State. At this time, Qing State has experienced In a great battle, the people are plunged into an abyss of misery, a depression.

However, Martial Sovereign is all around, but it is very prosperous.

Here, all the essence of Qing State is also gathered!

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