When Ye Fei led the people and the news of the Destruction Sword Palace was returned, Qing State was boiled, but when the news of Ye Fei beheading the Emperor Angels returned, Qing State was panic again.

“The Supreme Dean, guarding Elder, Uncle Jian, and elders, this is the case. The current Qing State is no longer suitable for our development and growth. The death of Lu Mo, Huangtian, will not be easy to forget. , So I plan to leave Divine State, and leave this 1 Heavenly Layer domain, enter the heaven where the emperor is, and take a look.”

Heaven Realm Nine Layers Heaven is divided into nine domains, Chiyue Divine Dynasty’s celestial realm, only among the nine major realms, is the weakest realm. Outside, there are more and stronger realms filled with countless geniuses.

Like the wind and cloud, the geniuses who can dominate the Divine State are countless in the nine domains. Ye Fei wants to see them.

Seeing that Ye Fei’s determination has been made, everyone is not easy to stop it. Only Emperor Zhao Sheng asked without worry, “Ye Fei, if you go, what about Qing State?”

“It’s simple, give up! The emperor’s revenge will come at any time! Chiyue Divine Dynasty, also impossible. Watching us grow and grow. For the sake of this plan, we can only break into parts and hide in Divine State. Develop silently, and only wait for Ye Fei to return, or the day when we can contend with Divine Dynasty, we will come back and reunite!” Heavenly punishment Zhundi said with difficulty.

When everyone heard this, although they were unwilling, they also understood that this might be the only way at present. As a result, the entire Qing State quickly took action.

In this operation, not only will the power of the land boundary be scattered, but the heavens where the Heavenly Dao tree is located must be abandoned, and a safe place to live will be found again.

Long Guang and Bai Suifeng, already carrying the half-dragon human and the strength of the Panwang Temple, are incognito, re-enter the peripheral zone of the Divine Demon State and settle down.

Most people from the realm also followed in, but there are still many young martial artists from the realm who decided to hide their identity and continue to stay in the Divine State to experience, almost overnight, the forces of the entire Qing State, It seems to be a complete news.

Ye Fei, Emperor Fan, Zhao Qianjun and the others also stand on the imperial city of Tianwu and say goodbye to each other.

“Ye Fei, when we go to other heavens this time, how do we compare and see who first breaks through the ancestor, the ancient emperor!” Difan looked towards Ye Fei’s gaze, not without fighting intent.

“Okay, we will compare!”

Ye Fei did not refuse. His relationship with Difan is a close friend and a strong enemy!

Moreover, there is a born Saint like Difan, who always spurs him, his progress will only be faster, Difan obviously also holds the same idea, the two smiled similarly, both hands are already tight Held together tightly.

Followingly, Zhao Qianjun, Fu Renjie, Lu Qing, Bai Yanran, Bai Shizhong, Pompeii, Xia Jun, Luo Xuan, a pair of hands overlapped. Staring at each other, finally in the sky, only a thunderous sound of care!

The silhouettes of the crowd have risen into the air, each stepping toward their own pursuits.

In the Imperial Palace, Emperor Zhao Sheng, accompanied by the Supreme Dean and the Heavenly Punishment Zhun Emperor, looked at these young people flying high and sighed: “Two Imperial Teachers , You said, Ye Fei and Difan, who has stronger talents, and who will eventually break through the ancient emperor?”

“Your Majesty, it’s hard to say, on the talent There is no one in Difan, but in terms of hard work and hard work, no one can be as crazy as Ye Fei. The old minister believes that no matter what difficulties Ye Fei goes through, he will eventually become my realm, the greatest hope. , Maybe 3-5 years later, when Ye Fei and Difan return, not only can we dignified the Heaven Realm, but also dominate the Divine State, and even this first heaven!”

heavenly punishment The Emperor Zhun and the Supreme Master looked at the silhouette of the emptiness in the distance, expressions all with strong expectations and expectations. Emperor Zhao Sheng’s eyes were even more eager, “Ye Fei, I don’t care if you will break through the ancient emperor, but I only hope you can get Zhao Yu back. She is not only your love, she is more It is my daughter, the hope of my Zhao family!”

Chapter 2571 Demon Rain

Chapter 2571 Demon Rain

Qing State forces disappeared overnight Things, such as hurricanes, quickly spread throughout the Divine State, and the same spread, as well as Ye Fei’s battle at Divine King Palace. Although that battle was rarely seen in person, in God King City, that The magical killing words shocked everyone’s hearts.

On the day Ye Fei left, the discipline of Divine King Palace tried to destroy the horrible killing character, but the result was shocking. No matter who it was, as long as he was close to the killing character, he would feel it. The strong breath, like Sovereign in the sword, shocking people.

Until not long after, a swordsman approached the sword mark to kill the word with a tentative mentality. This time, the swordsman of the noble realm was not hurt by the sword power contained in the sword mark, on the contrary. In the process of comprehending the sword mark, the sword dao of the swordsman, actually advanced by leaps and bounds, has entered an incredible level.

“The chief of the evil spirit, the sword dao of the leaf demon, is so terrifying, can a sword mark help others to enlighten the way?” As the news spread, the entire God King City was shocked. All martial artists who use swords moved towards Jian Mark one after another.

Like the swordsman before, any martial artist who uses a sword to enter the killing area will not be attacked by the sword mark, but in the outline of the sword mark, I can feel Ye Fei’s Sword dao, that kind of feeling, as if they are always in the same realm battle with Ye Fei at any time, even though they always fail, this failure can promote their sword dao and continuous progress.

“This leaf demon’s sword dao is really close to a demon. Such sword marks are engraved in God King City. Equivalent to all sword martial cultivators, they have obtained a special Experience, what is the purpose of Ye Mo’s move?”

Before Ye Fei left, some people were puzzled by the chance that Ye Fei would leave his own sword dao in God King City, but quickly Someone awakened Ye Fei’s intentions. At the Divine King Palace, they received news that Ye Fei’s inscribed sword marks were difficult to remove, and the ancestors had to come forward.

The actions of the Divine King Palace were resisted by the entire God King City swordsmen.

After all, the sword mark engraved by Ye Fei is public. As long as the sword mark exists for one day, all the swordsmen of the entire Divine State can come here to realize that Ye Fei’s sword dao also improves their own If the sword dao is erased, it will undoubtedly break Divine State, a chance for all swordsmen.

“Ye Fei this child, his heart is shameful! He used this sword mark to attract swordsmen from all over the Divine State to observe and observe. If we forcibly erase the sword mark, we will offend all the swordsmen in Divine State. , Cut off their chance, but if it is not erased, this will undoubtedly become a shame to my Divine King Palace!”

When the Qiuyun ancestor heard the news, he immediately jumped into a thunder, and the bottom of the food bowl She was pierced by her, and with the chopsticks inserted, she cursed: “Ye Mo died early, Ye Mo died early, why didn’t the demon die!”

But it’s useless to curse again. Regarding the danger of offending the entire Divine State swordsman and the family power behind them, the Divine King Palace was angry again, and it was impossible to publicly destroy the sword marks, breaking the chance of the Divine State swordsman.

Of course, Divine King Palace is not without countermeasures. Since it is impossible, Divine King Palace also issued a reward. If anyone can crack Ye Fei’s inscribed sword marks on the ground, whoever can enter Divine King Palace As soon as the news came out, the Divine State, the martial artist of the cultivation sword dao, all became a sensation.

Whether it is to comprehend Ye Fei’s sword dao, or to become the quasi-emperor’s discipline, it is a great opportunity for these young swordsmen. With this move, even Ye Fei himself didn’t expect that the sword marks he engraved on God King City with his anger would have such a huge impact.

Of course, Ye Fei would never know how uncomfortable the golden book pages that Dragon Tortoise habitually hides and hides is how uncomfortable the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon is.

Until I returned to the Imperial Palace excitedly, the impatient cultivated the ancient god cultivation technique, the ancient Emperor Chiyue vomited blood and discovered that the cultivation technique he got was actually divided into two parts. The upper part can only be cultivation to the ancient emperor Ji Realm, and only the lower part records the breakthrough of the ancient god’s method and the method of condensing the emperor’s heaven.

At this point, the entire imperial city resounded through the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon, roaring like an ominous beast, “Come on, grab the leaf demon for me. This is abomination. , Even the emperor, he dared to play!”


Suddenly a thunderbolt came down on a sunny day.

After that, the crash-bang rain, like a basin, poured down quickly. Dragon Tortoise is the overlord of the water. When it sees rain, Dragon Tortoise rolls around comfortably in the rain.

Ye Fei and Xiaocao are both native and native. For this rainstorm, my mood is very bad, and this rainstorm is not an ordinary rainstorm, it is called Yaoyu!

Ordinary monsters, if they make waves, will drop such a peculiar rainstorm. Because the rainstorm contains monster qi, if a low-level martial artist is contaminated, monster qi may enter the body and become violent, or even not recognizing. one’s family, kill the ring. Therefore, every time the demon rain appeared, the entire torrential rain area was a dead silence.

Of course, with Ye Fei’s realm at this time, naturally, there is no need to worry about the influence of monster qi. Dragon Tortoise itself is a fierce monster, and it ignores these monster qi even more, but except for Dragon Tortoise, it is always soaked in the rain. Still carrying the strange rain of monster qi, Ye Fei and Xiaocao are in a bad mood.

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