If the murderer cannot be caught by the palace, they will be caught by the Destiny Sect, then it is undoubtedly fiercely that slapped the palace in the face. Qin Ba’s expression suddenly changed.

But before he could say anything against it, on the other side of the sky, there was another brilliant sword light, and another group of gods flew quickly, and the leader was also a young god, who was full of spirits and brought a pair of peach blossoms. Seeing this person, Qin Ba and Zongming’s expressions changed, “Golden Dragon Mansion, gold is not bad! It is rumored that you went to imperial city, when will you come back?”

” , I just came back a month ago! Didn’t expect to encounter such an opportunity as the Ancient Emperor’s Proving Grounds. My gold is not bad, so I naturally want to come and try one’s luck! You guys, quickly blocked this Longdi Mountain, I want to go into the mountains with Brother Qin and Brother Zong to look for the murderer!” Jin Buhua made the first noise, very imposing manner.

The power of the Golden Dragon Mansion is also very large. Among them, there is a woman who is married to a certain super ancient clan in imperial city. This also makes Jin not bad, and has the confidence to face the Qin Ba and the fate.

In addition to the Three Great Influences, there are some powerhouses of small forces who also came from a distance. They gathered at the entrance of Longdi Mountain. Although they are not as strong as the three, they are also crowded. .

It’s just all of this. Ye Fei, who was immersed in cultivation, didn’t know. He hid in the cave of Longdishan, and he began to cultivation Emperor Tiangang with all his strength. He lost his true dragon’s blood pool. Only with True Dragon Qi and Ye Fei can you obtain the Qi Luck of the True Dragon emperor, and this kind of Qi Luck is the best foundation for cultivating the emperor’s emperor Tiangang.

It’s no exaggeration to say that for those who have true Dragon Qi luck, cultivation Huangji Tiangang is twice the results for half the effort, which can take as little as a few days or as long as a few months. But if you don’t have this kind of luck, it will take years, even several decades of hard work, to practice.

“Furthermore, this cultivation technique of Emperor Tiangang, the more powerful a person’s luck, the more terrifying the formidable power he exerts after cultivation. Therefore, the people of the imperial sky have always had noble births. Can join.”

Ye Fei thought of this, his eyes flashed with determination. Although his background is not as noble as those people, no matter his talent, perception, or will, Ye Fei thinks that he is worse than those people. Strong or weak!

What he is missing now is only time and chance!

“The ancient emperor’s trial field, must find a way to enter into a break! And this emperor’s heavenly gang, must condense as soon as possible! Tiangang, gather!”

hong long long!

As Ye Fei condenses Tiangang, the whole cave is the earth shook and the mountain quivered. This kind of movement, naturally, can’t hide from the Three Great Influences, especially Qin Ba, his face changed drastically, “Someone is cultivating in Longdi Mountain! Could it be the demonic cultivator who killed Qin Lang?”

” No matter who he is! This ancient emperor’s chance, only the three of me can fight, anyone else enters, and we will kill them all!” Jin Buhuan with murderous aura on his face, he also told other martial artists outside the mountain. Listen, these martial artists are young gods of small powers, and they want to enter, just try one’s luck. Jin Buhuo naturally refuses.

Zong Ming was also indifferent and nodded, and suddenly ordered to follow Elder behind him: “Third Elder, you go in and grab the hidden demonic cultivator for me!”

“Yes, Young Sect Master!”

“Fuck! It’s not your turn to catch the murderer. This Prince, you have to catch this person by yourself!” Qin Ba complexion changed, if he kills the murderer of the palace, he is always hostile The Tianmingzong caught him, it would definitely be more slapped than Qin Lang was killed.

Immediately Qin Ba took the initiative and slammed into Longdi Mountain. At this time, it was Ye Fei who condensed the emperor heavenly gang, to the most critical point, the rolling sovereign aura, gathered on his body, condensed into a special astral qi, this astral qi is True Dragon Qi, the air of the emperor, Emperor’s gas, Sovereign’s gas! When these air transports condense together, it will transform into a special body-protecting Tiangang.

This sky is different from swords, swords, and spears, but among all astral qis, they all exist as emperors. This is the emperor heaven above other astral qis, generally The astral qi is hard to match!

Ye Fei was unwilling to stop after discovering that he had cultivation success. He suddenly had a bold thought, “I have seen Lu Mo display the Emperor Heavenly Gang, he can become a sword-gang. , Gun Gang, can even evolve into Boxing Gang.

Now that my sword dao is inconvenient to use, can I use Big Dipper Divine Fist to spur the emperor’s heavenly Gang? Such Tian Gang is also inevitable The formidable power is more powerful than ordinary boxing mans.

Just do it when you think of it, and Ye Fei Ma Shan sits down and intends to perform deduction. At this time, in the beast print space, Xiaocao is holding Dragon Tortoise, Rolling in a pile of shiny treasures, Xiao Cao suddenly sensed something, and hurriedly gestured to Ye Fei, “Eh! “

Ye Fei also woke up from the cultivation immediately, “It’s not the ancestors, but the gods, or are there many young gods?” Could it be that those Great Influences finally started the trial of the ancient emperor?


The prohibition outside the cave was suddenly destroyed by man. Ye Fei frowned, but he does not wear a mask now. Martial Arts Divine Ability is also very different. He is also boldness of execution stems from superb skill, so he just walked out.

“Who, disturb my cultivation! “

“Afu, but this person killed Qin Lang? “

Qin Ba hunts and hunts, looking extremely indifferent towards a god behind him. This god is one of the gods who fled a few days ago. He stared wide-eyed and stared at Ye Fei. After a few glances, he shook his head, “The subordinates are not sure. At that time, the demon, wearing a bronze-mask, obviously hid his identity on purpose. “

“Then you recognize his Martial Cultivation Art? “Qin Ba ignored Ye Fei and continued to ask coldly. The god behind him was nodded with red eyes, “I recognize it!” Turned into ashes, all subordinates will recognize it! “

“Very good! In that case, look carefully! Kill, King Qin breaking the formation! “

Ye Fei was not given any chance to distinguish. Qin Ba spoke with a knife and a horrible knife, turned into a bloody wind, and directly moved towards Ye Fei. It can be seen that Qin Ba, How tyrannical, in Ye Fei’s eyes, this person is simply unreasonable, human life as grass!

“It’s no wonder that when I killed Qin Lang, I sensed many martial artists and was secretly happy. , It is really this Muyang Palace, too tyrannize. “Ye Fei shook his head secretly in his heart, and the speed of punching was not slow at all.

The bright stars suddenly burst out of Ye Fei’s body, forming a special Big Dipper, continuously moved Towards Qin Ba’s knife gang blasted over, Qin Ba’s knife gang suddenly changed, changed ten, ten changed hundreds, constantly splitting and killing, Ye Fei was also taken aback, it was clearly the Blade Technique of heavenly blade! /p>

“It seems that Heavenly Blade passed his sword to this person, but Heavenly Blade still kept his hand. The sword he passed to Qin Ba obviously has several points of weak spot! “

Ye Fei’s gaze is like a torch, staring fiercely at the unbroken killing knife-gang, and when the knife-gang splits to its limit, suddenly, Ye Fei stepped forward, his body, unexpectedly Facing the sky full of swords, rushed up!

Chapter 2587 Identity Revealed

Chapter 2587 Identity Revealed

When Ye Fei shot, the god , Staring at Ye Fei’s figure firmly, faintly feeling a little familiar, but once again, when Ye Fei rushed to the silhouette of the knife gang, regardless of Ye Fei, the scared face of the god became pale, “Prince be careful, he has A terrifying golden body…”

“Big Dipper series! “

Unexpectedly, Ye Fei rushed forward, not at all showing the familiar Ancient God Golden Body, but continued to urge Big Dipper Divine Fist, a terrifying fist with starlight. , Such as one after another Comet, moved towards the densest place where the sword gangs are smashed, where, it should be the strongest Qin Ba Blade Technique, the general martial artist absolutely dare not move towards that place .

But Ye Fei is different. He has seen the Blade Technique of the heavenly blade. Naturally, he can see at a glance that Qin Ba’s seemingly strongest blade technique actually hides the biggest weak spot. When Ye When Fei’s fist blasted there, the sky full of swords burst into countless scattered air currents, and the squeaking void buzzed. Qin Ba’s face was also extremely ugly.

He has a strong nature and loves to use a knife, especially the feeling of cutting his opponent into two with a single knife. Qin Ba likes it very much. Therefore, Qin Ba is not the dullest in the palace, but the most cruel. There have been many training partners. Sabrewielder was brutally murdered by him, but Qin Ba also realized a peculiar Blade Technique from the continuous killing.

Until the rays of light strikes of stars come down, Qin Ba suddenly angry roar, The knife in my hand was suddenly as big as a mountain, like a mountain falling down, and moved towards Ye Fei slashed in anger. It looked like a heavenly blade knife, but it was colder and bloodier than the heavenly blade knife.

When Dao Gang appeared, Ye Fei faintly saw that in the knife soul, there seemed to be countless souls wailing, Ye Fei’s expression also became dignified, Big Dipper Divine Fist, he pushed to the limit, Continually colliding with Qin Ba’s Blade Mountain, no matter how heavy the Qin Ba’s Blade Mountain is, he can’t slash to Ye Fei’s body. It can only collide with Ye Fei’s condensed fist stars. Consumption.

“How is it possible…”

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