Jin Buhuo and Zongming both looked at Ye Fei with a little surprise. Qin Ba is so powerful. They are obvious to all. Now, there are people who can compete with Qin Ba without losing the wind?

This person is definitely not an unknown person. However, even if Jin is not bad and Zong Ming wants to break his head, they cannot tell what Ye Fei comes from. After all, Ye Fei is not a member of the Divine Dynasty, but from the declining Divine Dynasty. They naturally can’t think of it. .

“No, Qin Lang died under the sword, not under the fist! Who are you, use your sword! Kill, King Qin fights for hegemony!” Qin Ba’s clothes suddenly burst, and his whole body was burning. The blood flames soaring to the sky, in order to force Ye Fei, used the real Divine Ability, Qin Ba, burned its own bloodline, which is still a very powerful 10-Rank bloodline!

Just seeing this kind of bloodline, currently only Grade 9 bloodline’s fate and gold are not bad, and there is a touch of jealousy in the eyes, and then it is Ye Fei that shocked them. .

I don’t want to expose my bloodline, let alone be defeated by Qin Ba. Ye Fei quickly decided what, Big Dipper Divine Fist, more and more brilliant, and while displaying Big Dipper Divine Fist, Ye Fei For the first time, I tried to release the Emperor Heavenly Gang, and then, something shocking and pleasant happened to him. He only saw the Emperor Heavenly Gang, and he was fuse together with Big Dipper Divine Fist.

In the sky full of starlight, the mysterious emperor rays of light are still integrated. The ordinary boxing gang has also become the tiangang, faintly as if there is a power of Heavenly Dao into the stars. Ye Fei’s Big Dipper Divine Fist, which has also made Ye Fei’s Big Dipper Divine Fist, has risen abruptly at this time. Even without bloodline, Ye Fei’s Big Dipper Divine Fist fused with Huangji Tiangang, is also in a crash, once again the Qin Ba’s Daogang , Broken and clean!

“This impossible…Qin King’s battle for hegemony is my palace’s strongest blade and heavenly blade. Why can you resist?” Qin Ba was a little lost and looked towards Ye Fei, and his eyes flashed faintly. Pass the wild beast as fierce light.


With a roar like a beast in his mouth, Qin Ba raised his knife again, and the bloodline burned more fiercely. He wanted to do his best to fight Ye Fei. Jin is not bad and Zong Ming beside him. Regardless of the fact that they were both at odds, they rushed forward at the same time, blocking Qin Ba and Ye Fei, “Brother Qin, no, you know what his identity is!”

“This Senior Brother, misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding! We have misunderstood your identity, and we apologize to you!” Jin Buhua has no arrogance at all, and he even showed a very kind smile.

It’s hard to believe that this is the person who ordered people to seal the mountain and want to get into the mountain.

Seeing the strange performance of Zongming and Jin is not bad, Qin Ba is not stupid, and quickly reacted to something wrong, “Zongming, Jin is not bad, do you know this person?”

“I don’t know, but we know him to show it, it is the Emperor Tiangang!” Jin Buhui glanced at Qin Ba coldly, and even some taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune. Hearing this remark, Qin Ba’s face also changed. It was no longer the evil eyes facing each other. Instead, he squeezed out a smile and looked at Ye Fei apologetically, “It is indeed a misunderstanding. It turns out that you are from Huangtian.”


Ye Fei looked at the three people whose attitudes changed extremely silently, Beast Seal Space, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, all with sluggish expressions, obviously they didn’t know what to do How to reflect.

Seeing Ye Fei’s indifferent appearance, Qin Ba is still a little nervous. After all, the Emperor’s power is unimaginable. Even the Chilong Divine Dynasty has to acknowledge allegiance to the Emperor and accept the Emperor’s order, even more how is his little Muyang Palace?

In a rage, Qin Ba slapped the deity who reported on the spot and said: “damned bastard, you actually misunderstood the Emperor’s discipline, and killed Qin Lang!”

“Seven Prince, misunderstanding. This is a misunderstanding. It was because the subordinates looked away. It was not him who killed the little Prince, but someone else.” The god at this time did not dare to tell Qin Ba, Ye Fei no matter what Both the body shape and the fighting behavior are similar to those of the young demonic cultivator. The most important thing is that Ye Fei displays Divine Ability, which is completely different from the demonic cultivator youth. This also makes him afraid to make judgments.

Zongming and Jin are not bad, and once again apologized to Ye Fei, “Dare to ask the name of Senior Brother? From the emperor, what is the matter, if it is useful to us, Senior Brother just speak.”

The two of them did this. Naturally, they weren’t afraid of Ye Fei, but wanted to make Ye Fei so that they could get the chance to enter the Emperor Heaven. After all, the Emperor Heaven is powerful, and the following commands the Chiyue Divine Dynasty and Chilong Divine. Dynasty This Two Great Divine Dynasties, there are countless sects, family acknowledge allegiance, sacrifice every year, and tribute every year. In return, Huangtian will also select the best discipline from these subordinate forces to join Huangtian at intervals.

At this time, Zongming and Jin Buhuai wanted to enter the emperor through friendship with Ye Fei.

I found that these two people were flattering themselves, Ye Fei was also completely speechless. When it was reflected, Ye Fei had already sighed, “Ai, I didn’t think I had been so low-key, and I was not careful. It reveals my true identity.”

Chapter 2588 Space Will

Chapter 2588 Space Will

“Yes, I am from Emperor Tian, ​​Master Ming I have experienced the world, and I must keep a low profile, didn’t expect, I was actually recognized by you.” Ye Fei shook his head and sighed again, but secretly observed the reaction of the three.

But when I saw Qin Ba and Zong Ming, they were convinced that they were not bad, but Jin’s expression changed slightly, but he soon smiled again, nodded and said: “It turned out to be So, by the way, is the Senior Brother interested in this ancient emperor’s trial field? Is the Senior Brother coming alone, or is there any other emperor Senior Brother Heavens coming too.”

Hearing this, The expressions of Qin Ba and Zong Ming also became a little nervous. In the end, there is only one trial ground for the ancient emperor. If the emperor is eyeing on them, how can they have a chance to fight, but if they give up, they will not be reconciled.

Ye Fei has been in the realm with Heaven Realm for so long anyway, and it is natural to hear that Jin is not bad, this is a test, and then his heart is moved, “Although Liu Yue told me Gu Huangxi The specific location of the refining field, but I don’t know where the specific entrance is. Since these three have misunderstood me, why don’t I take the opportunity to pretend to be someone from the emperor, get in and seek a chance!”

Thinking in my heart, Ye Fei cautiously asked Xiaocao in his heart: “Xiaocao, help me see if there is anyone hiding nearby.”

“Eh!” Xiaocao eyes opened and looked around. , Which means that there are only gods around, and no breath of human ancestors. Ye Fei’s heart is suddenly determined. He has Ancient God Golden Body and Ghost God tripod. As long as he is not facing too strong human ancestors, he has nothing to worry about.

Ye Fei said with a slight smile on his face: “As the saying goes, you don’t know each other if you don’t fight. Since everyone is here for the ancient emperor’s trial field, the four of us, why not go in together and try one’s luck?”

This remark, Ye Fei revealed two pieces of information, one, the ancient emperor’s trial field, he must go in, and two, not at all the other emperor’s people around will come to compete for this opportunity .

Neither Jin Buhuo nor Zongming are idiots. I immediately understood what Ye Fei meant. Although Qin Ba was upset with Ye Fei, he was impossible to refuse because of Ye Fei’s identity. nodded and said: “Yes!”

The three passed their names on each other, and Jin Buhuai immediately suggested: “brother Ye, Brother Qin, Brother Zong, this ancient emperor’s trial field is bound to be extremely dangerous. After entering, the four of me fight each other, why not abandon the previous suspicion, temporarily unite and obtain treasure, we either take what we need, or even split.”

“Okay, I agree!” As bad as it is, Zong Ming also wanted to make friends with Ye Fei from Emperor Tian, ​​so naturally he would not object.

“I also agree.” Considering that there are still three people, looking for the entrance to the emperor, it is not easy to turn his face at this time, Ye Fei does not matter nodded and said, in the end only Qin Ba is left, his face is ugly , But Ye Fei and the three have joined forces. Naturally, Qin Ba would not be so stupid as to isolate himself, and finally nodded and said, “It should not be too late, we are now entering the trial field!”

Speaking, Qin Ba has taken the lead to move towards the depths of Longdi Mountain Flew in. Those gods who followed the three of them did not go in, but stood in different directions and guarded the path to Longdi Mountain. Ye Fei was fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, his cultivation succeeded in Huangji Tiangang, let Jin Not bad and misunderstood.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to get in just by relying on the many gods guarding beyond the mountain. The actions of Three Great Influences also aroused the anger of many martial artists outside the mountain. But helplessly, no one dared to criticize. After all, in the area of ​​Dragon City, no one dared to offend Three Great Influences.

“He still didn’t come…”

Among the crowd, a woman whispered disappointment. This woman was actually Liu Yue. She told Ye Fei about the ancient emperor’s trial field. However, she is selfish. She hopes to see Ye Fei and Muyang Palace further conflict, preferably irreconcilable with the Palace, so that she can achieve the purpose of taking revenge, but unfortunately, the person Liu Yue expects, not at all appears.

“It seems that the demonic cultivator is still a bit cunning. He knows that our Three Great Influences will inevitably send heavy troops to guard here. Therefore, he abandoned the ancient emperor’s opportunity and never showed up.”

“hmph, I know that demon, not afraid of the power of my palace, has become terror-stricken at the news, and fled in fright.” The gods of the palace, with contempt and disdain, are just these talking gods, And the hidden Liu Yue, who didn’t know, they were disappointed and despised Great Demon. At this time, they came to a peculiar cave with Qin Ba, Jin is not bad, Zongming, talking and laughing.

This cave is very ordinary, just like an ordinary animal den. Xiaocao secretly opened up Divine Eyes, without any clue. Qin Ba coldly pointed at the cave and said, “True dragon’s lair, right here, enter this lair, you can enter the Land of Trial of the ancient emperor!”


While speaking, Qin Ba’s hand already took out a drop of dragon’s blood and bounced towards the cave. Ye Fei was also surprised to see that the drop of dragon’s blood was actually in the air when he entered the cave. A series of ripples were stimulated, and then a translucent light gate emerged from the within cave.

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