“In this cave, there is a cave! And the two caves are actually overlapped. It must be True-Dragon Blood to be able to open!” Zong Ming’s expression was moved.

Xiao Cao is stared wide-eyed in surprise. Ye Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly. “The ancient emperor’s method is really extraordinary. It can actually allow two different spaces to overlap each other. This requires understanding, extremely high space. Will can do it!”

Martial Dao Will has many, such as Ye Fei’s blood fighting intent will and the immortal Sword Soul, which belong to the very powerful Divine Ability will, but in addition to these conventional wills, There are also some very special wills, such as the flame will and the ice will. These wills have different abilities, and the comprehension is also extremely difficult. Once comprehended, the battle that erupts is more terrifying than the will of the greater part of Divine Ability. .

One of the special ones is the will of space and time. This is also the Divine Eyes of Xiaocao. No abnormal reason was found. The perfect overlapping space. This hand is too brilliant, and it is more proof. Now, the ancient emperor who arranged this trial field is powerful.

“This ancient emperor is very likely to be an ancient space emperor who is proficient in Space Divine Ability!” Qin Ba said incomparably moved, and his eyes flashed hot without consciously, but Qin Ba But not at all, he stepped into the space first, but suddenly stretched out his hand and made a request to Ye Fei, “brother Ye, you are from the emperor, and your status is more noble than us. This trial field, you should be the first Go in.”

When Zongming heard this, he wanted to object, but Jin next to him was not bad, and suddenly winked at him in secret. The two of them kept silent at the same time and went to see Ye Fei’s reaction, but they saw Ye Fei. He didn’t say anything, just a stride meteor, moved towards that ancient emperor trial field and walked over.

Qin Ba’s expression could not help becoming solemn. He let Ye Fei go in first, but it was not a mere politeness, but a temptation. After all, Ye Fei came at a coincidental time, and the identity of the emperor was just a side word. Qin Ba wanted to test it again, but as a result of the test, both Jin Buhuo and Zongming felt Ye Fei.

Faced with such a sophisticated space channel, Ye Fei didn’t hesitate at all, so he walked in first. This is either Ye Fei is not afraid of death, or Ye Fei is truly capable.

Chapter 2589 Demon Dragon Tribulation

Chapter 2589 Demon Dragon Tribulation

“It seems that this person is from the emperor and is pretty close! This time treasure Fighting, this person is probably going to occupy the big head.”

Qin Ba is a little discouraged. Although he is domineering, he also knows that Huang Tian cannot be offended.

“hehe. That’s not necessarily. If the three of me can join hands, even if he comes from the emperor, he may not be able to take advantage.” Jin Buhui suddenly sounded the two of them.

This remark also made Qin Ba and Zongming both look at Jin Buhuai in surprise, and Zongming was even more confused. First of all, it was Jin Buhuai who made friends with Ye Fei. At this time, plot against Ye Fei, gold is not bad again.

“This gold is not bad, and not simple.”

Walking in the forefront, it is not Ye Fei who is bold, but there is grass on him, so you can observe the three people at any time His expression changed, but Xiaocao made gestures to tell Ye Fei that when the three of Jin Buhuai made small movements behind him, Ye Fei secretly paid attention.

After that, Ye Fei walked into that space quietly!

If Jin is not bad, it is the second one. He quickly rushed in. Seeing this, Qin Ba and Zong Ming were not asking too much, they could only sullen their heads and rushed in.

The scene inside the cave space made Ye Fei feel extremely shocked.

Here, it is simply a world of dragons, and there are powerful and powerful Primal Flood Dragons everywhere. These Flood Dragons include Heavenly Monarch, Dao Monarchs, and more God Monarchs. See these Floods. Dragon, Dragon Tortoise’s scared black mouth is a little pale.

After all, the Dragon Tortoise clan and Flood Dragon Race are natural enemies. Dragon Tortoise is powerful and can prey on Flood Dragon. Similarly, Flood Dragon is powerful and can also prey on Dragon Tortoise.

“Oh my God, so many monster dragons! Could it be that the owner of this trial field is an ancient emperor of Dragon Race?” Jin is not bad, Qin Ba, Zong Ming, almost simultaneously rushed in , Looking at this shocking picture in front of me.

Now Ye Fei believes that the Primordial Demon Dragon on Longdi Mountain ran out from here, but soon, he had a question again in his heart, “Since that Demon Dragon can run out, Why doesn’t the demon dragon here go out?”

“Brother Ye, look at it, there is a stone tablet over there…” Suddenly, Jin Buhuo discovered something and rushed in a certain direction. Along the way, his body was constantly penetrating past the body of the demon dragon, and there was room for overlap in it. Ye Fei and the others could only see these demon dragons, but could not reach them.

“It is indeed the most special spatial will!” Ye Fei held back his surprise, and together with Qin Ba and Zong Ming, rushed to the side of the stone tablet that Jin Buhua had discovered. On it, there was a divine engraved on it. Runes, Qin Ba and Zong Ming, can’t understand.

Looking at those complicated lines, Ye Fei was dizzy and suddenly asked Xiaocao: “Xiaocao, what’s written on it?”

“咿咿咿Huh, huh…” Xiaocao rounded his eyes and looked at the huge stone tablet, saying that he was dizzy. Ye Fei said nothing but promised on the spot, “Let’s go back and take the sugar bottle from Dragon City to gourd. I bought all of them.”


Xiaocao became fighting spirit, his eyes burning like flames, staring at the stone tablet constantly, at this moment, There was a voice from the front, “I know this divine runes. It is said that this is the middle of the world. Passing through this stone tablet and entering inside is the test of the ancient emperor. Who can pass the test? , Who can get the space inheritance of this ancient emperor!”

“Then enter it, what danger can be written on it, or what needs to be noticed?” Qin Ba and Zongming asked together. After carefully identifying the stone tablet from beginning to end, Jin Buhua shook his head seriously and said: “There is no clear statement above, only that, as long as we can defeat the demon dragon guarding the outside and enter the dragon palace, we can get inheritance!” /p>


Ye Fei’s heart moved; suddenly asked, “It says above, what does the monster dragon inside need to get out of here?”

“This point, above I didn’t write it either.” Jin Buhuo seemed to be a little frustrated. Qin Ba and Zong Ming’s expressions were a bit hesitant, so they were unclear, how could they dare to go in?

In the end, they are so young, they have broken through the gods, and the future is bound to be bright. At this time, Jin Buhui suddenly gritted his teeth and said: “That’s all, it was Brother Ye who took the lead, this time I will change! Space Will It’s so rare, especially, this is an ancient space emperor. I definitely don’t want to miss the test left by it.”

After that, Jin Buhuai was actually the first one, moved towards stone The tablet smashed into the past, and the stone tablet was actually the entrance of two overlapping spaces. Qin Ba and Zong Ming were also inspired by pride, “The surname Jin always cherishes his life and dared to go in. How can we be inferior to him, brother Ye , What do you mean?”


Ye Fei eyes flashed, knowing that he will not go in first, Qin Ba and Zongming are impossible to enter with confidence, and he is just like The gold is not bad, crashing into the stone tablet, behind it, there is a vast space, or the world is more appropriate.

Above heaven under earth, there are monster dragons everywhere. These monster dragons have no other food sources. They can only multiply and swallow each other. These monster dragons are fighting and fighting every moment.

Across a space, Ye Fei still can’t feel the bloody, until he walks through the stone tablet and officially enters this World, he doesn’t know what is wild and bloody.

Roar roar!

It was discovered that there was an invasion by outsiders. All the demon dragons in this World made a huge dragon roar. That sound, with extreme killing and extreme excitement mood.

“People, someone has come in again, ancient rumors, who can kill outsiders, we can get out of this cruel prison!”

“Kill, kill all These people, I really want to eat human flesh!”

“Go away, these people are mine, no one is allowed to grab them!”

The huge dragon roar, forming a horror His mental distractions, such as a hurricane, fiercely hit the Divine Soul of the Ye Fei four. The weakest Zong fate immediately screamed. He covered his head and burned his bloodline desperately, which resisted the gathering of many monsters and dragons. The huge dragon roar.

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