Qin Ba’s body is covered with knives, layers of blade light, and even the sound waves are chopped up, which barely resists the roar of hundreds of gods and monsters.

“Quickly, for today’s plan, the four of us, only sincere cooperation and joint efforts can we fight out the dragons and rush into the dragon palace in the distance!” A strange shield appeared on Jin’s body. , That shield can actually separate the sound waves all around.

Among the three, only Jin is not bad, and has not been affected by any sound waves of the demon dragon. Ye Fei’s gaze can not help but glance at this person deeply, but there are hundreds of gods and demon in front of him. The dragon, however, forced Ye Fei, Qin Ba, and Zong Ming to unite with Jin Buhuai.

“Kill, Big Dipper Divine Fist!”

Ye Fei’s body, Suddenly appeared incomparably bright stars rays of light, these rays of light fuse together, condense seven ancient stars, this star is Big Dipper!

When Seven Stars are linked together, they suddenly form a god of heaven and earth spoon, struggling to sway forward, like the heaven and the earth, they are all stirred and shaken violently.

Chapter 2590 Dragon Group Sacrifice

Chapter 2590 Dragon Group Sacrifice

All around the dragons, as soon as they touched this huge spoon, they were stirred dizzy and eyes blurred, falling into the sky involuntarily, “These monster dragons are powerful in realm, but their battle strength is not very strong…”

This blow made Ye Fei judge these monster dragons. It’s just that the number is great, but the years of imprisonment in this space have long prevented the Martial Arts Divine Ability of the monster dragon from gaining too much breakthrough, and even the monster dragon, which releases not the gods’ magical powers, but the lords. Supernatural powers.

However, in the past, the strongest Demonic beast was not the magical powers, but the flesh, especially these demon dragons, many of them had ancient bloodlines, and they swallowed each other more. Their fleshy bodies also mutated from this. , Become more powerful, and faintly carry a fierce blood light. This blood light is the blood light resentment produced by the demon dragon swallowing the same kind.

“What’s the matter, my Wheel of Fate can’t exert too strong formidable power…” By Ye Fei’s side, Zongming released his own wheel of fate and turned into a Wheel of Fate.

This is also the power of Destiny Sect. They can condense their own realm into special weapons, such as Ruler Realm’s wheel of destiny, which can be turned into a wheel of destiny, a sky bridge in the Heavenly Monarch realm. It turned into a bridge of heaven and earth. At this time, Zong Ming stood on the bridge and waved the Wheel of Fate, but the result was not satisfactory. The formidable power was very small.

“No, it’s not as simple as the size of the formidable power. These ancient monster dragons swallow each other, not only for the sake of fullness, but they also devour the same kind of blood. Tiangang!”

Ye Fei was shocked. He cultivation the Emperor Tiangang, which was formed by the real Dragon Qi luck. Since he can use the real Dragon Qi luck to condense the Huangji Tiangang, then, These demon dragons can also swallow each other, gather a large number of demon Dragon Qi luck, and train into a special demon dragon Tiangang, but the formation of this Tiangang is very cruel.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei looked towards Qin Ba’s direction again, but found that Qin Ba was not at all affected too much. His Blade Technique originally evolved from killing, not only fierce, but also fierce. Cruel, he swung his sword continuously, and cut a demon dragon that was close to him.

“Be careful, everyone, these monster dragons are born with bloody gangs, their supernatural powers are difficult to hurt. To break through, they must rely on their own divine force or Divine Weapon.”

More In the distance, there was a sound of Jin Buhuai. He entered first and suffered the most attacks from the dragons, but he was very calm. The peculiar round shield in his hand was a kind of rare treasure. With his profound strength Prompted, constantly rotating around, blocking the approach of dragons. That feeling was as if Jin Buhuo had long known the weakness of the dragon group.

Ye Fei’s doubts in his heart are even worse, but before he thinks carefully, he realizes that a simple siege cannot deal with Ye Fei and the others, crazy dragons, and suddenly a huge dragon roar, these dragons Roar, gathered together to form a terrifying sound wave again, Tearing the Void, roaring the stars, the rolling sound wave, accompanied by an invisible mental impact, fiercely crushed over.

Not only the demon dragons of the Divine Sovereign Realm are roaring, other Heavenly Monarchs, Taoists, and even the lowest young dragons, old dragons, wounded dragons, and sick dragons, are suddenly crazy. Send out the most terrifying dragon roar of this life.

When these dragon roars gathered together, between Heaven and Earth, an illusory Divine Dragon appeared. The look of gold is not bad, Qin Ba, and Zong Ming’s expressions are all showing extreme amazement.

After studying witchcraft, Ye Fei’s face changed suddenly, “Not good, this is a sacrifice of heaven and earth! These ancient monster dragons, like humans and gods, all know the taboo witches of summon ancient heroes. Dharma!”


Ye Fei’s scalp is about to explode. On the heavenly demon mountain, he summoned the heroic spirit of Earth Sovereign. Fleeing, if this group of monster dragons, and summon a terrifying ancient Divine Dragon, then they may really only have to wait for death. Finally, Ye Fei did not dare to hesitate any more. In an instant, he Activated the madness warfare, plunged himself into a madness state, and doubled his attack power.

hong long long!

With the madness of Ye Fei, between Heaven and Earth, seven huge stars suddenly appeared. These stars are highly condensed. Suddenly like seven sacred mountains, fiercely’s moved towards the dragon group singing in front of him smashed past.


I saw a powerful light of blood evil suddenly appeared in the dragon group, which turned into a thick astral qi in the blink of an eye, resisting Ye Fei’s Big Dipper Divine Fist, Ye Fei complexion changed, suddenly angry roar, Huangji Tiangang, like a layer of colorful clouds, blended into the Seven Stars, also looked at the gold is not bad, Qin Ba, the fate of the eyes, suddenly bright.

“brother Ye, hold on, let’s help you! Big golden light cut!” The golden buckler was flying, and countless sawtooths appeared on it. These sawtooths rotated at a height and rushed towards The dragon group.

“The King of Qin strives for hegemony!” The sword of Qin Ba is like a wall, advancing layer by layer, like an emperor, step by step, stepping onto the peak of hegemony. The fate around him suddenly burned the bloodline, and Summon produced a magnificent bow. He opened the bow and shot a series of terrifying fire rain, densely packed, and killed the dragons.

Finally, under the joint hands of the four Ye Fei, the dragon formation formed by the Primordial Demon Dragon was bombarded with a huge gap, killing many demon dragons.

But these demon dragons seem to have no idea what death is, and their singing has never been cut off. On the contrary, the dead demon dragons, bloody fleshy bodies, suddenly gathered again, unexpectedly On the ground, an altar of flesh and blood formed!

“What is this…” Qin Bazong ordered his hands and feet to become cold. I personally summoned the Earth Sovereign heroes. Behind Ye Fei, layers of cold sweat suddenly appeared. “These monster dragons are deliberate. They not only swallow the same kind, but also use the same kind of death to sacrifice the world. Summon produces the Divine Dragon hero. !”

And Divine Dragon is a born Sovereign, extremely powerful. If summon comes out, everyone present will have no chance to survive. Seeing this, Zongming has already given birth to a retreat, and he starts Looking back, I want to return where the stone tablet is.

But soon, Ye Fei noticed that the core of this dragon group is where the stone tablet they entered is. Where, there is the largest number and strongest ancient monster dragon.

It is almost impossible to break through.

“We are trapped here!” Qin Ba’s expression is full of indifference, and there is murderous intention. His knife is shaking, but from a distance Jin Buhua is calm and calm. The voice said, “No, we didn’t die with sleepiness, as long as we rushed into the Dragon Palace, we still have hope! Brother Ye, Brother Qin, Brother Zong, let us join forces again and rush over!”


The retreat has been broken, Ye Fei decisively punched again, Big Dipper Divine Fist, Huangji Tiangang, with the rays of light, smashed the demon dragons that were blocking them into broken dragons. corpse.

Jin is not bad, Qin Ba, and Zong Ming joined forces at the same time. Because the three have known each other for a long time, they have a better understanding of each other. The formidable power of the joint forces has killed more monsters and dragons.

Chapter 2591 Turning the face

Chapter 2591 Turning the face

The broken dragon corpse, like a rainstorm, keeps falling under the hands of the three of Jin Buhuai, Ye Fei frowned secretly as they watched. Don’t the three of them know that the more dragon corpse killed, the stronger the power of heaven and earth sacrifice, and the faster the speed of the Divine Dragon heroic spirits from summon?

Only among the huge dragon roar, his sound transmission is difficult, let alone remind it, and then think of the strangeness of the golden is not bad, Ye Fei is too lazy to remind it,


After all, they are not familiar with the three, and even Qin Ba is still hostile.

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