Jin Buhua ’s face also showed the winner’s smile, “Are you surprised, why can I know your true identity? It’s very simple, do you remember the one you let go? Was the Primordial Demon Dragon? In order to keep the child in her stomach, she easily sold all your information.”

Ye Fei then remembered that the first time he entered Longdi Mountain, he encountered that The head of the Primordial Demon Dragon, at first, seeing that the other party helped him find the true dragon’s blood pool, and he was pregnant, he couldn’t bear to kill it, so he let go of the Primordial Demon Dragon, didn’t expect, but it became a way to expose his identity. clue.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei couldn’t help but ask, “What happened to that Primordial Demon Dragon?”

“Of course it was killed! That beast killed me My cousin, this was the only chance to escape this trial ground. Now that I have used it up, I naturally have to take the beast and the evil species in her stomach, peeling the skin and cramping, in order to sacrifice my cousin, in the spirit of heaven!” Jin Buhua showed his face! Cold, suddenly shouted at Qin Ba, “Qin Ba, don’t you want to kill this person and avenge Qin Lang? Now I give you a chance to kill him. I will let you go. If you don’t kill him, I will kill. You!”


While speaking, a golden scroll suddenly appeared in Jin Buhuai’s hands, which made Qin Ba exclaimed, “Huang Tian imperial decree!”

This imperial decree was issued by the emperor, and it is more effective than the imperial decree of the Divine Dynasty. After all, the imperial decree is still defying, but the imperial decree represents the emperor, let alone a small one. The small Muyang Palace, the emperor of the Chilong Divine Dynasty, did not dare to resist. As the princely son of the palace, Qin Ba, naturally more impossible to resist.

Understand the opportunity of this ancient emperor’s trial field. As the emperor’s Outer Disciple, the gold is not bad, and it is already determined to win. Qin Ba succumbed to the fire, and fiercely transferred all the anger in his heart to Ye Fei’s Body.

“It’s all you, if you don’t kill Qin Lang, how can this Prince be insulted today! Ye Mo, give me death!”

blade light, like electricity, moved towards Ye Fei smashed strongly, and the gold beside him was not bad, but also sneaked. Mentioned the divine spear, he had moved towards Ye Fei and stabbed in anger. The purpose of not being bad is simple.

He first killed Zong Ming, eradicated the weakest rival, then exposed Ye Fei’s identity, forced Qin Ba and Ye Fei desperately, and finally, he used the imperial decree of the Emperor to suppress Qin Ba.

In this way, the opportunity of this ancient emperor’s trial field will definitely belong to him alone.

Qin Ba also understood this, but because of the existence of the imperial decree, he couldn’t resist. The huge aggrieved and anger made Qin Ba’s Dao Gang mad.

The layers of space are all under Qin Ba’s knife, disintegrated and collapsed, and before the void is restored, the divine spear rays of light, which is not bad, already carries a huge whistling, like a golden The python, grandiose, moved towards Ye Fei spurred.

Critical moment, Ye Fei can’t hide his strength anymore. On his body, the sword light is diffused. Without the Destruction Sword order, he suddenly turned into a huge mountain of swords, killing the sky and destroying the earth. The magic knives collided. At the same time, Ye Fei’s spare left hand suddenly clenched his magic fist, the bright stars, with the special imperial sky, also turned into Big Dipper again, fiercely slammed forward.

bang bang bang!

Under the continuous strikes of Ye Fei’s divine fist and Tiangang, the golden divine spear was actually smashed backwards, like the same python, The smashed inch by inch broke apart, Jin Buhuai’s face suddenly changed, “How can his real battle strength be so strong?”

“hmph, no matter how strong he is, it offends me Muyang Palace , He must die too!”

Qin Ba Dao Gang became more and more fierce. During the battle, he suddenly took out a peculiar medicine pill and threw it into his mouth. Qin Ba’s battle strength immediately At this moment, there was an explosive improvement. The battle knives in his hand were all at this time, and the flame knife gangs that bloomed with the powder of Star Fragmentation chen, the void collapsed across the gangway, and countless horrible cracks appeared in the space.

At the very core of this rift, Jin is not bad and stands with a gun. In his hand, although there is no peculiar medicine pill that can improve battle strength like Qin Ba, he has a trump card in his hand. The trump card is the imperial decree!

This thing is not as simple as an imperial decree. There is also a ban on the ancient imperial powerhouse. When the gold is not bad, the moment this imperial decree is unfolded, this world, All seemed to be stuck in solidification.

Ye Fei was even more surprised to find that under the pressure of the ancient emperor’s prohibition, his sword light and fist light were all as if they were stuck in a quagmire, becoming extremely slow.

And at this moment, Qin Ba’s sword is approaching!

Chapter 2593 Divine Dragon Hero

Chapter 2593 Divine Dragon Hero

“Qin Ba, kill him!”

Gold Not bad coldly ordered. He is holding the imperial decree of the imperial decree, and he is also the Outer Disciple of the imperial. Qin Ba simply cannot resist, and can only furiously shouted, pushing the strongest sword gang forward, and in an instant, ten thousand ghosts cry, there is Death Aura, moved towards Ye Fei quickly enveloped him. In the end, this knife gang completely swallowed Ye Fei.


Qin Ba held the sword tightly and gasped for breath. The knife just now was his pinnacle! A touch of joy also appeared on Jin Buhuo’s face. Then, his eyes became a little strange, staring coldly at Qin Ba’s back.

Since he can control the imperial decree of the emperor and suppress Ye Fei’s speed and supernatural powers, he can naturally also suppress Qin Ba. As long as Qin Ba dies, this ancient emperor’s trial ground is really golden. It’s a bad one!

Silent and silent, the golden divine spear has been raised, and Qin Ba’s expression also showed surprise at this time, “This is impossible, you are not dead…”

hong long long!

Isn’t it just not dead? Under the protection of Ancient God Golden Body, Ye Fei simply was unharmed, and directly used his body to forcibly block Qin Ba’s strongest soul-breaking knife!

Jin Buhuo’s face also instantly became extremely ugly. The divine spear he held up suddenly turned, with a golden Python-like luster, and suddenly moved towards Ye Fei, and at the same time he A trace of the emperor’s heavenly scent also appeared on his body, making his formidable power of this spear more powerful and terrifying. Just now, he was relying on this spear, and suddenly a sneak attack killed the life with one shot.

Unfortunately, Jin Buhua is facing Ye Fei this time. Not only does he have the Ancient God Golden Body, but also the Ghost God!

Since Jin is not bad with Qin Ba and wants Ye Fei’s life, Ye Fei will naturally not wait to die. He uses Ancient God Golden Body to resolve Qin Ba’s strongest sword, and at the same time suddenly summon Ghost God tripod.

Dingzhen Tiandi, smashed into the world, and collided with the divine spear that was not broken. The divine spear collapsed in an instant. The hands of the spear that were held by the golden spear were all smashed by Ghost God. That huge force shattered, leaving red blood stains.

“Qin Ba, what are you waiting for, don’t join hands with me to kill this person!” Jin Buhua both shocked and angry, he has already opened the imperial decree again in his hand, and suddenly, an ancient The emperor’s power broke out again, and Ye Fei immediately felt that the Ghost God cauldron he smashed out had become much stagnant under this power, and at this critical moment, Qin Ba roared in anger, he In his hands, a peculiar medicine pill appeared again.

The medicine pill and Ye Fei are still very familiar. It is the explosive pill that has been used in God King City, Battle Front, and Snow Demon Nalan. Taking this medicine pill, martial artist is the realm It will be temporarily elevated to a level, from the gods to the ancestors temporarily!

This is where Qin Ba dared to enter this trial ground. He possesses the Explosive Realm Pill, and can explode at any time with an offensive power comparable to that of the ancestors, which is enough to disregard people of the same realm.

But this time, Qin Ba did not attack Ye Fei, but the magic sword suddenly turned, moved towards Jin Buhua and killed it. This scene. It completely exceeded Jin Buhuo’s expectations, even Ye Fei looked at Qin Ba in surprise.

“There are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits! Gold is not bad, do you really think that by relying on the imperial decree, can you give orders to this Prince? You are too naive!”

Qin Ba’s cruel face is reflected in the dazzling sword gang, which is not bad like gold. He is also determined to win this opportunity in the ancient emperor’s trial field! Even if Jin Buhuo took out the imperial decree, he still could not threaten Qin Ba. Almost at the moment when Jin Buhuo used the imperial decree to trap Ye Fei’s body, Qin Ba’s sword had already been extremely cruel. The bad body was split in half from head to toe.

The pain caused Jin Bu to break the only complete head, which became distorted and hideous, “Qin Ba, you dare to kill me! Do you dare to violate the imperial decree…”

“hahaha, what if you violated it? Anyway, there are only you, me, and Ye Fei. When you kill you, then kill Ye Fei. Who knows that this Prince violated the imperial decree? I can blame you. , Ye Fei, fate, on anyone!” Qin Ba’s pupil light, bloody, terrifying knife gang, has already moved along Jin’s undamaged head, with a backhand, which also splits the gold’s undamaged head into two. half!

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