only thing that did not split in half was the imperial decree controlled by Jin Buhua. At this time, the imperial decree fell into the hands of Qin Ba. Qin Ba was high-spirited and vigorous. Holding the edict in his hand, he continued to suppress Ye Fei’s speed and magical powers. With one hand, he was carrying a bloody magic knife, staring at Ye Fei extremely cruelly, “This Prince does not bother to kill you such a bitch! Compared to killing you, you are more There is a more cruel and more painful way to die, that is, to force you out of the Dragon Palace, and let the Primordial Demon Dragon outside, and the Divine Dragon heroic spirit, devour you alive!”

Boom ka!

The Ghost God Cauldron burst out the most violent rays of light, Ye Fei looked cold, stepping on the Soul Cauldron, cutting the square with a sword, and wanted to break the void and break the cage! But his movements were fast, he swallowed the explosive pill, and the imperial decree of Emperor Qin Ba, whose battle strength was even more terrifying.

At this time, Qin Ba exploded the imperial decree of the emperor, all the formidable power, squeezed all around the space, deformed, and distorted, and at the same time, this pressure evolved into A more terrifying counter-thrust force, fiercely’s moved towards Ye Fei pushed, even with the Ghost God tripod, Ye Fei could not resist the force of terror.

Ye Fei’s silhouette was suddenly pushed out of the dragon hall, and fell outside again!

At this time, there are already countless demon dragons around the Dragon Hall, crawling on the ground. They are all extremely pious, looking towards the flesh and blood altar outside the Dragon Hall, that altar is full The corpse of the demon dragon!

At the same time, the essence and flesh of countless demon dragons have passed into the void through sacrifice, and summon a Five Clawed Golden Dragon! This Golden Dragon came from the summon of the ancient time and space, and seemed to be experiencing a tragic fight. The scales on his body were shattered, and the dragon’s blood was like flames, adding a bit of fierceness and terror.

“It’s you who offended Dragon’s Might!”

hong long!

The voice of Five Clawed Golden Dragon, like heaven and earth, comes from in the sky , Its dragon body stretches out, it is as many as 1000 meters, like a giant mountain range. It’s just that dragon claw lightly slaps down, layers of void, already broken, Ye Fei feels even more that the whole breath seems to be stagnant, and it becomes difficult to breathe.

Silent, his Ancient God Golden Body has been broken, and a mouthful of red blood spurts out of his mouth! This is the power of Divine Dragon. Each Divine Dragon possesses the terrifying battle strength of the ancient emperor realm!

Ye Fei’s mood sank to the bottom in an instant, and a strong feeling of anger emerged in his heart, “If I don’t die today, I will kill that Qin Ba directly! Retire! !”

The bloodline burns and the dragon wings shine.

Faced with the terrifying Five Clawed Golden Dragon, Ye Fei did not dare to have any love battles at all, but used all his strength to display the wings of Azure Dragon, trying to retreat to the dragon palace again.

It’s just that, before Ye Fei really retreats, suddenly, a huge Dragon’s Might, like a mountain of profound iron, fiercely moved towards Ye Fei’s body, suppressed!

Chapter 2594 Seven Wonders of Lights

Chapter 2594 Seven Wonders of Lights

Seeing Ye Fei escape for his life, he actually displayed the Dragon Race magical power, Five Clawed Golden Dragon’s huge dragon eyes, but also flashes of drama, only heard a thunderous roar, the Five Clawed Golden Dragon, has lifted the huge dragon claw like a mountain, fiercely moved towards the bottom, this world, both Under this dragon claw, the shot was blown apart.

A cloud of death struck my heart instantly, Ye Fei did not dare to have any negligence, directly launched the madness warfare, and burned his own bloodline, and at the same time, the fighting intent and the immortal Sword Soul It burned violently and was affected by the Ye Fei fighting intent. Without the Destruction Sword order, a bright edge burst out, suddenly changing from a long sword to a sword mountain, and then a sword vein!

At this time, Ye Fei, just let out a roar that shook the sky, with both hands, dragging the huge mountain range of the sword, exhausted all his strength, moved towards the void dragon claw and cut it over, Divine Sword collided with dragon claw, and there was a loud noise, like heaven falls and earth rends, but the dragon claw was too strong, and in turn, it caught the mountain range of the sword that was not transformed into the Destruction Sword order. Come over and grab it.

Ye Fei was shocked to feel that a powerful force would forcibly take the Destruction Sword order from his hand, “Ancient God Golden Body!”

The turbulent Purple Gold Divine flame, from the inside out, from within the body of Ye Fei burns violently, and at the same time a terrifying divine force makes Ye Fei grasp the Destruction Sword order with bare hands, and force the Divine Sword drew back.

The huge dragon eyes flashed with shock, but quickly turned into rage. This Divine Dragon, which came from ancient time and space, is just a fighting projection, a dead hero. But it is never allowed to be offended by ants!

“If you violate my Dragon’s Might, the gods and demons will also punish me!” In the sky, dragon claw falls faster and stronger. When you grab it directly, you will not destroy the Destruction Sword order and shoot fiercely away. , Continue to fall to Ye Fei’s body!

Ye Fei’s eyes became colder and colder. At this critical moment of life and death, he no longer had any reservations. The blood flames on his body were like a demon, madly injected into the Ghost God cauldron. This time, he actually emptied his bloodline again, controlled the tripod of Ghost God, and smashed into the void.

The Five Clawed Golden Dragon above the void also issued a surprised dragon roar, “The golden body of the ancient god, the soul tripod of the Ghost God? And the terrifying magical nature, you Human Race, to some Weird, but unfortunately, you still have to die!”

hong long long!

The huge dragon claw continues to fall slowly and heavily. It feels like the sky is about to fall. No matter how hard Ye Fei works and how powerful Divine Ability he releases, he can’t stop this impending death. dragon claw. In Ye Fei’s heart, it is inevitable that there was also a trace of despair and fear, “Could it be that I am really going to die here? But I am dead, what should I do with Xiaocao, what should Dragon Tortoise do, who is looking for Zhao Yu, who Go get back Demon Sovereign, Wang Bai, and Shangluo!”

Especially Zhao Yu, Ye Fei’s heart suddenly felt fiercely sting, and this sting made him more and more painful. Suddenly, Ye Fei made an action, which was to slash his finger, letting Ghost God Kan, absorb his blood crazily. In this scene, I also saw Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise startled. You know, this The Ghost God tripod absorbs bloodline, almost endless.

If Ye Fei allows the Ghost God tripod to suck down like this, even if it can inspire the strongest power of the Ghost God tripod, it will eventually become a corpse, but it is easier than being Five Clawed Golden Dragon To kill, Ye Fei was more willing to be killed by the Ghost God Kanae sucked blood.

“At least, I can hit the Five Clawed Golden Dragon with a final blow before I die, and give Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao alive, and buy a certain amount of time, Da Hei, listen up , When I wielded the soul tripod, you took the grass and fled immediately, and then the grass will be protected by you.” Ye Fei closed his eyes and sent his bloodline crazily.

When Dragon Tortoise heard this, a series of tears suddenly rolled down in his eyes, and there was a subconsciously urge to run away with the grass in his heart, but then, Dragon Tortoise became fierce again. Ye Fei, but the owner of it, for Dragon Tortoise, life is okay, but the daily food can’t be skipped. If Ye Fei died like this, under the world, where can I find Ye Fei so good? The owner?

When thinking of this, a huge dragon roar burst out of Dragon Tortoise’s mouth. After that, Dragon Tortoise actually resisted the innate fear of Divine Dragon and rushed directly out of the beast seal space. Ye Fei, let the Ghost God trip, absorb his own monster blood madly, Ye Fei’s complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, and even cursed with some fear: “Go away, who will let you be a hero? The farther you go, the better!” With this kick, Ye Fei used all his strength and kicked Dragon Tortoise screamingly on the spot, but the moment Dragon Tortoise got up, he roared again and continued to rush over again. Asking Ghost God to suck his own monster blood, Xiaocao burst into tears, but when he saw the Divine Dragon claws that were about to fall, Xiaocao’s eyes suddenly flashed a touch of colorful rays of light.

The howling colorful divine light, with the anger of the grass, suddenly turned into a huge colorful light beam, fiercely moved towards the void dragon claw blasted over, and then made Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise stunned. happened.

He and Dragon Tortoise spent a lot of blood essence to spur the Ghost God tripod. The claws of Divine Dragon, which could not be resisted, were blasted into a huge hole by the colorful beam of grass.

This scene shocked the nearby Primordial Demon Dragon. The void Five Clawed Golden Dragon also looked at the hole in the dragon claw, seeming to be stuck in a certain sluggishness. Then, Ye Fei He reacted fiercely and almost didn’t slap himself, “I’m such a fool, Xiaocao’s divine light, itself is the nemesis of Divine Soul, in Qing State, Xiaocao can restrain Leizu’s Divine with tricolor light. Soul, now that Xiaocao’s divine light has turned into five colors, it should be able to restrain the ancient emperor’s Divine Soul!”

Although the colorful Divine Dragon in front of him is not Divine Soul, Ye Fei has a bold assumption. Perhaps, Divine Soul and Heroic Spirits are similar energy bodies, but Divine Soul represents the life, the heroic spirits, and the afterlife!

“Xiaocao, don’t stop, continue to brush it!” Taking advantage of the Five Clawed Golden Dragon’s unresponsiveness, Ye Fei violently moved towards Xiaocao and pointed out. Hearing Ye Fei’s words, Xiaocao paid back With tears in her eyes, she suddenly made a very terrifying and terrifying expression, indicating that Xiaocao was starting to get angry, and then another huge Five Colored Divine Light rushed out of Xiaocao’s body and turned directly into a colorful god pillar. To the void.

The claws of the Divine Dragon photographed by the Five Clawed Golden Dragon are actually just like that. Under the light and anger of Xiaocao, they turn into a stream of light in the sky, and disappear in the blink of an eye.

“The Seven Wonders of the Immortal Spirit Clan…” Five Clawed Golden Dragon’s huge dragon eyes were completely sluggish, as if I could not believe that Xiaocao’s tiny body became angry, unexpectedly Such a terrifying power will burst out!

Of course, this is also related to the Five Clawed Golden Dragon, not the body descending, but the heroic spirit coming from the Divine Soul projection. If it is the Five Clawed Golden Dragon, the body coming, even if it is the Seven Wonders of Light, I can’t hurt it, but I feel depressed. At this time, the Five Clawed Golden Dragon is not the body, but the ancient dead heroic spirit. The summon returned by the demon dragon’s sacrifice method. ,

Facing with the claws, Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise can be easily slapped to death. At this time, the Five Clawed Golden Dragon, not only did not dare to do it, but also stared at the grass with great fear. Probed in a gentle and deliberate tone: “The immortal spirit family is the most mysterious and proud race in this universe. Why do you choose to follow such a weak ant, and fight against the Dragon Race?”

Chapter 2595 The Powerful Grass

Chapter 2595 The Powerful Grass

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