“Eh, oh, oh!”

Xiao Cao stared at her big smoky eyes, with her hands on her hips, and worked hard to make a fierce and angry expression. Xiaocao doesn’t want to talk to this big insect now.

The powerful Five Clawed Golden Dragon was actually regarded as a big insect by a little girl. Not to mention the many monster dragons creeping on the ground. The angry expression in the dragon’s eyes is the Five Clawed Golden Dragon. There was also a flash of anger.

But there is no way. Xiaocao’s seven magic lights are born to be the nemesis of Divine Soul and heroic spirits. Even Xiaocao’s current seven magic lights have only five colors, far from being able to display the seven magic lights. The strongest formidable power, Five Clawed Golden Dragon, also produced a strong sense of fear.

“Little girl, even if your immortal spirit clan is very talented, after all you have not grown up yet, how much immortal spirit clan ability can you exert?”


Five Clawed Golden Dragon’s huge body is shrinking, but it does not affect its strength. Instead, this Golden Dragon becomes more and more dangerous. At this time, Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise have already used themselves The bloodline made the entire Ghost God cauldron become a blood cauldron, but he did not dare to smash this blood cauldron out. The strength of this Five Clawed Golden Dragon was really terrifying.

This is one true ancient emperor, even if it is just a heroic spirit that emerges from the projection of time and space, it is not Ye Fei that can be resisted. Therefore, he could only look towards Xiaocao and asked solemnly: “Xiaocao, are you sure, can you resist this big guy?”


Xiao Cao’s tone was full of affirmation. Even if he couldn’t, Xiao Cao expressed that he would do his best to protect Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise. Facing the Dragon’s Might suddenly strengthened by the Divine Dragon hero, Xiao Cao’s eyes widened and his short legs One step.

Dragon Tortoise has been very fascinating and ran over, letting the grass step on the turtle’s back, surrounded by colorful lights, and letting the grass’s small body suddenly become mysterious and mysterious. Be strong.


Xiaocao stepped on the Dragon Tortoise and took a brave step towards Divine Dragon. This step also made Divine Dragon’s huge dragon eyes flash through the rays of light and huge body. It also shrinks and shrinks, so as to avoid the body from being swept away by the Seven Wonders.

The Five Clawed Golden Dragon, which is just shrinking, still didn’t attack Xiaocao, and seemed very hesitant. The creeping monster dragons on the ground suddenly became anxious. One of the oldest and strongest monster dragons finally gathered up the courage and begged loudly: “Great Divine Dragon, please help us. The ancient emperor of space has been trapped here for nearly a thousand years, and can only survive by devouring the same clan every day! We are tired of this kind of cannibalism, and please Divine Dragon to kill the person in front of us and help us break this Prison!”

“Shut up! Although the emperor was summoned by you, you don’t need to remind the emperor how to do it…” This Five Clawed Golden Dragon seems to fly into a rage out of humiliation.

“This Divine Dragon is obviously afraid of Xiaocao! Maybe, I can reach a settlement with this Divine Dragon without fighting!” Seeing Divine Dragon hesitating, Ye Fei’s heart moved. .

After all, Xiaocao is still small, no one can guarantee that Xiaocao can release a few times of colorful light, and once the light is exhausted, the Divine Dragon hero has not been hit hard, when the time comes without Divine Dragon With hands, the surrounding demon dragon group can also tear them with bare hands.

Rather than being seen through when the time comes, it’s better to take advantage of the fact that Xiaocao still threatens Divine Dragon, hurry up and negotiate with Divine Dragon.

He made up his mind, Ye Fei immediately ignored his weakness and took a step forward. Standing on Dragon Tortoise’s back, he hugged Xiaocao and said to the demon dragon who was all around: ” Seniors, the reason you hate me is just because I am Human Race. The ancient emperor who imprisoned you in this space is also Human Race. But if I can find a way to rescue you from this prison, do we, Can you dissolve each other’s hostility?”

“roar!” The answer to Ye Fei was the angry roar of the monster dragon group, “Boy, you kill us that many of our kind, and now I want to be friends with us. Nothing?”

“Yes, I killed a lot of monster dragons, but I did it to protect myself, just like you, in order to survive, continue to devour your own kind, I protect myself to kill dragons , There is a mistake, then you are not wrong to eat the same kind in order to feed your stomach?” Ye Fei’s voice became cold, this remark, like a needle, pierced the most vulnerable heart of the dragon group.

The voice of the dragon roar gradually became much weaker. But there were also demon dragons who were hit by the pain and became very violent. The fierce blood gangs turned into empty blood clouds.

The expression of Five Clawed Golden Dragon also changed a few changes at this time. Although it is a summon of the monster dragon group, it is extremely unfavorable to the monster dragon group’s practice of devouring the same kind of survival and reproduction. Acknowledgment, coupled with Xiaocao’s immortal spirit clan identity, also made Divine Dragon very jealous. Finally, this Divine Dragon decided what, a dragon roar, overwhelming the voice of all the monsters present.

“Well, for the future of the demon Dragon Race, the emperor will make an exception and give you a chance to redeem your merits! If you can lead the dragon group out of this space, I won’t kill you. If you leave, if you can’t, the emperor will kill you, and it will be no different from trampling on a small insect on the ground!”

Five Clawed Golden Dragon, the final word, never mention the fact that you are afraid of the grass , Ye Fei will naturally not be stupid enough to expose it in person, but rather a frowning looked towards the surrounding dragons, “What can I do to get you out of this space?”

“It’s very simple, as long as You let enough people come in and die. This piece of Law of Space means that every time you kill an intruder and kill the demon dragon on the other side, you can get an exemption from the Space Rule and get out of the Sea of ​​Bitterness!”

The most powerful demon dragon on the ground said coldly, “Of course, if you can pass the trial of the ancient space emperor, you will not only gain his spatial inheritance, but also control the destiny of all our demon dragons. ! If you want us to live, we will live, if you want us to die, we will die!”

When it comes to this, Ye Fei clearly feels that the eyes of the surrounding dragons are not good, Ye Fei suddenly A solemn promise: “Senior, don’t worry, I swear that even if I pass the trial, I will never enslave you.”

“hmph, there is no proof, Human Race is the most untrustworthy, you We must keep the hostages before we can believe you!”

“Yes, keep the hostages!”

The demons and dragons roared.

Ye Fei’s expression is also ugly. He looked towards Five Clawed Golden Dragon, but saw that Five Clawed Golden Dragon is indifferent and obviously supports the conditions of the monster dragon. Ye Fei understands that if the hostages are not left, It is impossible to gain the trust of the demon dragon. Five Clawed Golden Dragon is also very likely to shoot again. At that time, even if the grass can defeat the Five Clawed Golden Dragon, how can they defeat the hundreds of demon dragons around?

In that way, Qin Ba will only be cheaper and gain the space inheritance of the ancient emperor!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s heart was full, and he glanced at Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise suddenly, “It’s okay to keep the hostages, but who should I keep?”

” Down the grass?”

Chapter 2596 Dragon Race imperial decree

Chapter 2596 Dragon Race imperial decree

“Eat 咿咿咿!”

Xiao Cao shook his head continuously, indicating that these large insects are too ugly. They are not as pleasing to the eye as the Flood Dragon Xiao Hei raised in Ye Fei’s house before. Hearing this, whether it was Five Clawed Golden Dragon or Primordial Demon Dragon, all their faces were darkened, and two angry flames spurted from their nostrils.

Ye Fei made a decisive decision not to leave the grass. After all, children’s words carry no harm, if the grass says something, it’s not going to end well. “It seems that you can only be black Be a hostage.”


Dragon Tortoise suddenly hugged Ye Fei’s thigh and weeping bitter tears, indicating that if Ye Fei keeps it here, it would be the Dragon Tortoise clan The terrible relationship with Flood Dragon Race, these Primordial Flood Dragons must crush their bones.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) I passed the trial to help them get rid of Sea of ​​Bitterness. You will be wronged first, and I will add two more meals to you!”

Maybe the extra meal had an effect. Dragon Tortoise stopped making a statement and hugged Ye. Fei’s thighs, die without claws, Ye Fei can only clenched the teeth, reluctantly said, “Add three meals!”


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