The dragon claw on the leg disappeared, and the Dragon Tortoise, who was afraid of death just now, became masculine and enraged. Not only did he take the initiative to walk towards the dragons, he was also directly under the Five Clawed Golden Dragon. , Got down.

Many Taikoo Flood Dragons are eyeing.

Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s face twitched together, and simply turned around and left, what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over, but after walking a few steps, Ye Fei suddenly went again Thinking of something, he looked towards Five Clawed Golden Dragon with an embarrassed face, “Senior Divine Dragon, I am in that dragon palace, and there is a dead opponent. Not only is the battle strength strong, but also has an imperial decree that can release the ancients. The emperor prohibits it, restricting my speed and magical powers. If this is not resolved, I am afraid I will not be able to pass the assessment inside.”

“The imperial decree of the ancient emperor is only, this thing, I also have Dragon Race, this It’s the Dragon Race imperial decree. Take it, it’s enough to fight against the opponent’s imperial decree.” Five Clawed Golden Dragon moved towards Void Claw, suddenly smashed the black pot that Dragon Tortoise had hidden, grabbed it into the void, and used it directly. Divine Consciousness wrote a Dragon Race imperial decree and gave it to Ye Fei.

Dragon Tortoise is full of grief and anger.

Ye Fei is overjoyed, as long as you have this gangster, bah! It should be Dragon Race imperial decree, and for Qin Ba, he has nothing to fear. With this black pot, he let Xiaocao enter the beast print space, Ye Fei strode the meteor and rushed into the dragon palace again.

At this time, the Dragon Palace is empty, and there are still golden dead bodies on the ground!

In front of the Dragon Palace, there is a long corridor. There is no end to the corridor. Ye Fei did not hesitate. He raised the black pot that was branded with Dragon Race imperial decree and moved towards the corridor. Went in.


The interior of the corridor is full of endless blood-reeking qi. The ancient emperor who created the trial space seems to hate Dragon Race. He caused a group of Primordial Flood Dragons to kill each other outside the Dragon Palace, almost losing their nature and falling into madness.

At the same time, in the corridor, there are actually overlapping layers of space. Each floor space is locked with a dead corpse dragon. These corpse dragons have no thoughts and retain the realm and magical powers of their lives.

As soon as I stepped into this space, the endless corpse dragon flames moved towards Ye Fei and spit out. Ye Fei didn’t act immediately, but first observed the corpse of the corpse dragon and saw it. Trapped in this endless corridor space, constantly wandering, any life that enters the corridor space is its killing target.

Unfortunately, the ancient emperor who created this space did not know that Ye Fei can be afraid of everything, except that they are not afraid of these powerful corpse dragons that are only instinctive and unconscious!

After all, there is no Destruction Sword in his hands! This sword order is the greatest nemesis of all corpse spirits, because, without the Destruction Sword order, all energy, this energy, naturally includes the corpse dragon within the body!


The wandering corpse dragon rushed forward and roared in rage. The huge and rotten dragon’s mouth grew to its limit, with sharp dragon teeth inside. Can crush the magic soldier, even more so, swallow Ye Fei in one bite.


The sword light emperor, like the sun and the moon rise. Ye Fei bloomed with Purple Gold light, holding the Destruction Sword in his hand, and stepping on the tripod of Ghost God, behind him appeared the ghost Gate of the Gods, like a dazzling meteor, not retreating but advancing, directly, rushed into the corpse The dragon’s within the body.


The corpse dragon issued a fierce roar, the billowing corpse gas turned into a billowing bone fire, and the crazy moved towards Ye Fei burned out, but you can’t wait for these bones The fire is approaching, Ye Fei’s hand, without the Destruction Sword order, has already erupted a terrifying attraction, “No Destruction Sword order, suck me! Fiercely suck!”

bang bang bang!

The sword is trembling. It is an excited mood, a terrifying vortex of destruction. With Ye Fei as the center, it spins frantically. Any bone fire that is close is absorbed by the sword and transformed into a special energy. Feeling this energy, Ye Fei’s face couldn’t help showing a pleasant expression, “These bone fires are actually transformed by the essence of the dragon’s body! After refining these bone fires, I will be equivalent to , Refining True-Dragon Blood is normal!”

Ye Fei was completely excited. Although relying on the relationship with Xiaocao, he successfully reached an agreement with Five Clawed Golden Dragon and obtained the Dragon Race imperial decree given to him by Five Clawed Golden Dragon. But there is something that Five Clawed Golden Dragon cannot do, or is unwilling to do, that is to restore the profound energy consumed by Ye Fei, and the bloodline power that is almost sucked up by Ghost God Cauldron again!

Originally, Ye Fei planned to take the risk of swallowing the Divine Pill that was given to him by the Scarlet Moon Emperor to restore the bloodline, but the appearance of these corpse dragons made him instantly change his mind. “I and the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon are enemies and not friends. He is impossible and so kind. He gave me the real Divine Pill, the medicine pill, there must be a problem! Rather, I use the Destruction Sword Order to consume the Life Source of these corpse dragons. Essence, you can still restore my bloodline!”

“Xiaocao, pay attention to all around, help me find clues to Qin Ba by the way!”

Even in the battle, Ye Fei He didn’t forget that his biggest purpose in coming in was to find Qin Ba and avenge him. Only by defeating this person could he truly gain the opportunity of the Ancient Emperor’s Proving Ground.


When I heard Ye Fei’s words, I thought of Dragon Tortoise, who was being held hostage. Xiaocao worked very hard this time. Divine Eyes, Divine Eyes, looked towards all directions.

It was in Ye Fei, who had consumed the essence of this corpse dragon. When the bloodline and profound energy were gradually restored, Xiaocao finally found out where Qin Ba was. Ye Fei didn’t care about continuing to heal his injuries, and immediately moved towards that direction and rushed in.

Then Ye Fei saw the deepest part of the void, and actually sat cross-legged with a silhouette capable to support both heaven and earth. The silhouette was so huge, like a real god, overlooking the Human World. At this time, Qin Ba was carrying the magic sword, step by step, with extreme difficulty, moving towards the silhouette desperately approaching.

When Ye Fei rushed over, Qin Ba was already close to that silhouette, one third distance. Then Ye Fei noticed that the place Qin Ba was facing was the huge silhouette. Open palms!

Chapter 2597 is as solid as a rock

Chapter 2597 is as solid as a rock

A closer look, the huge silhouette is not a physical entity, but an illusory ancient The emperor projection, but this ancient emperor has no consciousness and will not attack. It has only one mission, which is to protect a peculiar crystal gem in the palm of the hand. The gem is transparent throughout and exudes a strong space fluctuation. .


Feeling that space fluctuation, even the Destruction Sword order in hand, also conveys a dignified emotion. After all, in the special will, only space and Strength of Time, the most mysterious, is even more difficult to refining. Obviously, the Space Stone in the hands of the ancient emperor’s projection, even without the Destruction Sword order, instinctively felt that it was difficult to refining.

Needless to say, this must be the treasure that the ancient space emperor stayed here!

“It’s just that, this Qin Ba used the imperial decree of the imperial decree to get me one step ahead and approached the ancient emperor projection. I don’t know if I can give this guy a sword behind him and make him fall short!”

After all, Jin is not bad. This is how he killed Zong Ming. Then Qin Ba also used a sneak attack to forcefully kill Jin not bad. At this time, there is nothing wrong with Sneak Attack Qin Ba.


Just do it if you think of it. If you don’t raise the Destruction Sword order again, you have to cut forward. With this sword, Ye Fei doesn’t expect to kill Qin Ba instantly. Block this person’s footsteps, or make this person seriously injured, so that he can quickly catch up. It’s just that when Ye Fei began to release his magical powers, without Destruction Sword order, there was actually no fluctuation in profound energy.

“It’s you, you untouchable, who didn’t die, and wanted to sneak attack this Prince!” In the end, he is a god expert, and he has a ten-grade bloodline. Qin Ba had a feeling in the heart and suddenly looked back. He was incredible to see that Ye Fei, who was forced out of the Dragon Palace by him and thought he was mortal, was alive, and entered the Dragon Palace again. So quickly, he defeated the wandering corpse dragon and approached the ancient emperor projection.

Shock and anger appeared on his face, but Qin Ba not at all turned his head to fight back. Instead, he used a faster speed, one step, one step, and moved towards the ancient emperor projection. A cold grin appeared, “Untouchables are untouchables, no matter how you survived, but you should not enter here again, because you can only witness my glory, and then become me when I get the Space Stone. The dead soul under the sword!”


Qin Ba’s footsteps were faster, and the void he stepped on was slightly shaking. Upon hearing this person’s words, Ye Fei’s expression also flashed with sorrow, “I will never allow it. Let this Space Stone be given to the person I despise!”

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