“Really? I want to see, the coercion of the ancient emperor is nothing but how it kills me!”

Ye Fei face covered in blood, very scary, but with a smile, With a trace of unspeakable confidence, he raised his foot again and stepped forward when he was parallel to Qin Ba.

hong long long!

Feeling Ye Fei’s invasion, this space is not only flooded with the ancient Prestige of Sovereign, the Space Stone, but also began to exude a terrifying space pressure. That pressure makes Ye Fei As if carrying a sacred mountain on his back, his body rickets and his feet trembled. Qin Ba also looked at Ye Fei’s embarrassment with a grin, “This Prince is looking forward to it, you are a bitch, the scene of the crushed fleshy body crashing!”

“Such a scene, you are always impossible to watch Here! My destiny, I will carry it alone! Ghost God Ding, burn me!” Ye Fei shouted, and suddenly took out the Ghost God Ding.

This tripod has absorbed a lot of bloodline from him and Dragon Tortoise, and it has already become a blood tripod. Originally, Ye Fei planned to use this tripod against the Five Clawed Golden Dragon that ancient emperor, but The appearance of the grass stunned the Divine Dragon, so the Bloodline Strength accumulated by Ghost God Kanae was also retained.

Although Martial Arts Divine Ability cannot be released in this space, bloodline can be burned. In the Ghost God cauldron, the strongest bloodline of Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise has been accumulated. When these two bloodlines burn , Ghost God tripod, instantly opened the powerful Ghost Gate of the Gods, which appeared behind Ye Fei, and also resisted the ancient emperor projection and the powerful pressure from Space Stone.

“Damn, he that Ding can still be used like this!” Qin Ba watched Ye Fei leaning on the Ghost God Ding, striding forward, and even the wounds on his body had recovered. The signs, crazy jealousy and shock, made Qin Ba’s eyes bloodshot and red. Then, he suddenly decided something, angrily roared and said: “Untouchable, you have treasure, isn’t this Prince, isn’t it? Heavenly King Pill, increase me The bloodline!”

Qin Baqiang endured his heartache, and suddenly took out a Divine Pill with a glow from the space belt. He swallowed the Divine Pill. The imposing manner of the whole person actually followed the gods. In the middle stage, breakthrough reached the middle stage of human ancestry.

This Divine Pill’s medicinal power is actually more terrifying than the Explosive Pill. It’s no wonder that Qin Ba only uses it at the last moment, and with the improvement of the imposing manner, Qin Ba’s footsteps have also changed. Go faster, and then send first, and in turn, surpass the distance of Ye Fei ten paces again, “Untouchable, have you seen it, this is you, the gap with our noble children, we can easily get Even if you run out of life, you can’t fight for it!”


Relying on the medicinal power of the Heavenly King Pill, Qin Ba, with one foot, has already set foot on The palm of the ancient emperor’s projection, but the space pressure here is more terrifying. Even after taking the Divine Pill and Qin Ba, he did not dare to take a step forward easily.

At this time, Ye Fei also relied on the pressure of the Ghost God Ding, to catch up again, one foot, and the same huge palm, but like Qin Ba, he did not Dare to take a step forward easily. In fact, the space pressure ahead is too terrifying. It is not the coercion of the ancient emperor, but the terrifying pressure naturally emitted by the Space Stone.

“What a terrifying pressure, if this pressure can’t bear it, maybe, I might really be crushed here!” Layers of cold sweat appeared on Ye Fei’s forehead.

But at this moment, Qin Ba moved. He withstood the pressure and turned his head very hard, his expression showing a trace of sarcasm and a trace of pity.

Chapter 2599 One Step Away

Chapter 2599 One Step Away

“Untouchables, your struggle, your efforts, this is the end !”

Just as Ye Fei stepped on the palm of the ancient emperor’s projection and leveled the distance again, Qin Ba’s hand once again appeared a treasure, it was the imperial decree of the emperor!

This imperial decree was originally owned by gold, but it was attacked and seized by Qin Ba. But undoubtedly, the formidable power of this imperial decree is terrifying, and even the Ghost God tripod can’t resist it. Ye Fei was shaken out of the Dragon Palace and almost lost his life under the claws of the Five Clawed Golden Dragon.

At this time, Ye Fei was forced to do nothing. Qin Ba finally took the pain again and took out this imperial decree to form a terrifying pressure, but this time, Qin Ba was not used Aiming at Ye Fei, but at the great pressure of Space Stone on the palm of the ancient emperor’s projection.

“Untouchables, look at you with your eyes wide open, this Prince, how easy it is to get this precious Space Stone!” As soon as the imperial decree came out, Qin Ba immediately became high-spirited and vigorous, He completely forgot the depression of being chased by Ye Fei. On the contrary, his eyes, with extreme contempt, surpassed Ye Fei again, moved towards the Space Stone ahead and walked over.

Space Stone immediately broke out even more terrifying pressure, trying to prevent Qin Ba from approaching, but helplessly, that Space Stone, is a dead thing in the end, no matter how strong its pressure is, it can’t be too strong. The ancient sovereign’s prestige pressure circulated by imperial decree.

Qin Ba laughed so proudly, and stepped towards the Space Stone. At this moment, behind Qin Ba, Ye Fei’s indifferent voice suddenly heard, “Qin Ba, It’s too early for you to be happy, the ancient emperor’s imperial decree, do you really think that you have it?”


A Dragon’s Might that is not weaker than the ancient emperor’s , Erupted from the tortoise shell in Ye Fei’s hand. Now that Qin Ba showed his last hole card, Ye Fei would naturally not hide. Dragon Race imperial decree was taken out naturally.

At this time, he even relied on the formidable power of Dragon Race imperial decree to move on. Once again, he caught up with Qin Ba, and Qin Ba’s eyes suddenly showed extreme shock and incomprehension. color.

Obviously, Ye Fei used the imperial decree of the imperial decree to shake out the dragon palace. Why, at this time, Ye Fei actually had the same imperial decree of the ancient emperor in his hands.

And different from Qin Ba’s imperial decree, his imperial decree has been used twice. The formidable power of imperial decree has been reduced, while Ye Fei’s imperial decree is Divine Dragon. Bestowed, never used. Not only is the formidable power stronger, it lasts longer.

“Kids of the royal family? You guys are only this too! You say that I am fighting with you, it is a joke, now I want to see who is the joke!”


Holding the Dragon Race imperial decree in hand, Ye Fei suddenly speeded up. One step forward, this step, also completely opened the distance between him and Qin Ba. Qin Ba’s shocked expression suddenly turned into a pig. The same color as the liver. As if there was an invisible slap in the face, fiercely smacked his face.

Just now, he was still laughing at Ye Fei, mocking Ye Fei’s overestimate one’s capabilities, but the untouchables in his eyes, the disdainful people, but holding the ancients similar to him The imperial decree not only caught up with him, but fiercely surpassed him.

“Ah, Ye Mo, this Prince not only wants you to die, but also destroys your whole family!” Qin Ba was completely furious, and he frantically urged the imperial decree of the emperor to chase Ye Fei. At the same time, a lot of medicine pills appeared in his hands.

The huge anger and the determination to Space Stone made Qin Ba start desperate to swallow a large number of medicine pills, his speed became faster, and a trace of hideousness and cruelty appeared on his face. “I can’t get it, don’t even think about it! As long as you catch up, I can. Push out the Space Stone and let it fall out of the palm of the ancient emperor’s projection. When the time comes, you are in this vast in the sky to find a needle in a haystack. Hahaha!”

I have to say that Qin Ba’s this method is too vicious. After all, both sides hold the imperial decree. If the steps are the same, When he touched Space Stone at the same time, it might really make Qin Ba’s goal succeed. Ye Fei has paid so much, and he will only be busy.

It’s just that although Ye Fei has a certain advantage in the Dragon Race imperial decree, Qin Ba wins various Divine Pills and emerges in endlessly. It actually bridges the gap between the imperial decree of the two sides. Feeling the rear, Qin Ba constantly Following the footsteps, Ye Fei couldn’t help feeling anxious. Seeing that Ye Fei might lose, Xiao Cao became even more anxious. Then, Xiao Cao suddenly decided something and didn’t know where to find it. A lot of medicine pill, these all are Dragon Tortoise were hidden privately, and all of them were thrown out of the beast seal space.

Seeing those medicine pill, Ye Fei face revealed a bitter smile, these medicine pill, Dragon Tortoise can eat well, compared with the Divine Pill that Qin Ba swallowed, the difference is too big, just the quantity More is useless, “Unless, I dare to swallow the bloodline Divine Pill that the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon gave me.”

Qin Ba behind is getting closer and closer, Ye Fei Finally clenched the teeth and took out the bloodline Divine Pill, but before he took it, suddenly, a violent hurricane came behind him.

It was Qin Ba, who burst out all the power of medicine pill, and finally caught up with Ye Fei’s pace. At the same time, one hand was also swiftly protruding, and at the moment Ye Fei was stunned, he won After leaving the bloodline Divine Pill, he swallowed it without hesitation. “Hahaha, pariah, besides a pile of garbage medicine pill, there is actually a bloodline Divine Pill on your body. This Prince is welcome, I will eat it for you!”


After eating the bloodline Divine Pill, Qin Ba’s body, the bloodline burns more and more fiercely, and he feels as if he has endless strength, said with a big smile in ecstasy: “very good, this bloodline Divine Pill is definitely the top grade in Danzhong. Its medicine efficacy is actually even more terrifying than Tianwang Dan, hahaha, Ye Fei, this time I will not only surpass you, but also take the Space Stone in front of your untouchables!” /p>

After all, Qin Ba actually stride proudly ahead, surpassing Ye Fei ten steps in a row, and even one step away from Space Stone. Ye Fei’s complexion has become very ugly, he didn’t expect, Qin Ba was so cunning that he would rush up the moment he took out the bloodline Divine Pill, and even robbed the past when he was stunned.

This scheming and this reaction all show that Qin Ba is an absolute rival. Perhaps because of one of his negligence, the Space Stone is likely to fall into Qin Ba’s. hand.

Ye Fei’s face is full of regret, “Damn it, could it be that I misunderstood the Old Guy of the Scarlet Moon Emperor, the bloodline Divine Pill he gave me, isn’t it at all hands and feet… ”

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