
Before speaking , Qin Ba in front of him , suddenly his whole body trembled violently, and his proud face became distorted and hideous, as if he was full of great pain.” This is not true. My bloodline is not burning, but directly burning! No, there is a problem with that bloodline Divine Pill! Ye Mo, you actually poisoned me with medicine pill, deliberately insulting me…”


Qin Ba screamed in pain, he was clearly only one step away from the Space Stone, but this step, he couldn’t go out anyway, because he only had to cross one more step, and that one would be scarred. The bloodline Divine Pill that Yue Gu Huang had moved his hands and feet could cause the Qin Ba bloodline to be burned and completely turned into a pile of ashes.

And seeing Qin Ba’s miserable look, Ye Fei and Xiaocao both had expressions of sympathy.

Chapter 2600 The Wrath of the Quasi-Emperor

Chapter 2600 The Wrath of the Quasi-Emperor

In Divine State, the strongest is not the ancient Emperor Chiyue, but the strongest The yin is definitely the ancient emperor of Chiyue. It is this seemingly dying person who controls the yin and yang palace in a calm manner, and even wipes out the desperate Heavenly Palace.

Such an old fox, would be so kind to give the real bloodline Divine Pill? Seeing Qin Ba’s miserable look, Ye Fei understood everything.

“The old fox is really hurting me! Ancient Emperor Chiyue, wait!”

Even if you can’t return to Divine State to take revenge, wait for him to become stronger Now, with the ability to defeat the ancient emperor, Ye Fei swears that he must return to the Divine Dynasty and destroy the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon!

There is also the bloody hatred of the immortal spirit clan, Ye Fei has never forgotten it!

Since he promised the Heavenly Dao tree to help Xiaocao and avenge the immortal spirit clan, he will never break his promise. Maybe other Ten Great Influences can be let go, but the ancient emperor Scarlet Moon , Ye Fei no longer intends to forgive.

Space Stone, still exuding strong space pressure, but Qin Ba unexpectedly left, but Ye Fei came from behind, passed Qin Ba again, and grabbed the Space Stone.

Especially when Ye Fei and Qin Ba passed by, Qin Ba sprayed out a mouthful of blood several times on the spot. He was really too angry. It was him, so he approached first Space Stone is one step away, maybe as long as one step forward, the Space Stone he can obtain, seize the opportunity of this ancient emperor.

What was aggrieved was that Qin Ba’s momentary greed, thinking that he had robbed Ye Fei’s bloodline Divine Pill, he won and humiliated Ye Fei, but he suffered a huge loss and fell. Blood mold, that bloodline Divine Pill that looks top grade is actually poisonous! It is poisonous!

What’s even more irritating is that Qin Ba ate without the slightest hesitation, he actually ate it!


The extremely crazy roar made Qin Ba roar fiercely, and the moment Ye Fei touched the Space Stone, he did not advance and retreated. Qin Ba had lost his desire to fight for treasure. He just wanted to quickly escape from the Dragon Palace while Ye Fei was refining treasure. He must not give Ye Fei a chance to kill him.

In order to survive, Qin Ba ignored the pain of bloodline burning and once again took out a lot of top grade Detoxifying Pill and swallowed it frantically, hoping to suppress the burning power of bloodline Divine Pill . Ye Fei didn’t look back either, allowing Qin Ba to leave quickly. His mind was already attracted by the Space Stone in his hand, only a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“The old fox of the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon, since he was deliberately harming me, how can he let any medicine pill be used to detoxify Divine Pill?”

Not far away, Qin Ba’s screams of fear, anger, aggrieved, and regret have been heard again. Qin Ba has deep scheming, and is not inferior to Ye Fei’s tenth-grade bloodline, especially his Prince’s. Identity, so that he has many medicine pill.

In the usual times, Qin Ba faced a crisis. As long as he smashed the medicine pill out, he could easily ignore the threat of Renzu. Unfortunately. It was not the human ancestor who threatened Qin Ba this time, but the ancient Emperor Scarlet Moon!

With the rigorous schemes and deep foresight of the Red Moon Ancient Emperor, how can Qin Ba be easily detoxified? On the contrary, the more Qin Ba swallows medicine pill, the more poisonous the bloodline Divine Pill is. It was fierce, that is, in the short time when Ye Fei came into contact with Space Stone, Qin Ba’s bloodline, like a bundle of dry wood, was completely ignited by the fire.

Then this raging fire gradually burned Qinba’s Heavenly Palace, life wheel, sky bridge, Daoshan, all layers, when this terrifying pill fire, along Daoshan, When invading Divine Court, Qin Ba’s Divine Soul finally let out a scream of despair and fear. In the raging fire, Qin Ba’s body, Divine Soul, including his personal space belt, and all the treasures inside, All turned into ashes!


At the moment Qin Ba died, in the ancestral hall of Muyang Palace, the Soul Lamp that represented Qin Ba suddenly went out. This Soul Lamp, It is Chilong Great Influence, specially prepared for the core characters. If Soul Lamp is present, people will be there, and Soul Lamp will die, and people will fall!

Now, the Soul Lamp that represents Qin Ba suddenly goes out, and the entire palace is shocked. If Qin Lang’s death only caused waves of the palace, then Qin Ba’s death was set off. Huge waves.

In the end, Qin Ba is Muyang Palace, a rare tenth grade bloodline, it is very likely to break through the ancient emperor in the future, but now, Qin Ba has fallen, and the news spreads into the depths of the palace, suddenly, An angry quasi-Prestige of Sovereign has enveloped the entire palace.

“Why did the king’s son fall?”


The anger of the quasi-emperor made everyone in the palace kneel in fear On the ground, the half ancestor of the royal palace in charge of the ancestral hall, even more trembling with fear replied: “Going back to the lord, a month ago, Qin Lang was killed by a young demonic cultivator in the Dragon City! Qin Ba Shizi took people to the Dragon City. City, to find revenge for the demonic cultivator, and second, to enter Longdi Mountain and compete for the opportunity of the ancient emperor’s trial field!”

“demonic cultivator, Longdi Mountain? Very good!” In the middle, walked out of a golden silhouette, such as a heavenly general wearing a golden armor, carrying a sword, and moving towards Longdi Mountain.

At the same time, from the gate of the Destiny Sect, there was also a roar of anger, “Who is it that killed my son! I want him to pay for my life!”,

Yes, it is the Sect Master of Destiny and the father of Zong Ming.

Zongming entered Longdi Mountain, originally fighting for the chance of the ancient emperor, but fell. The grief and anger of the Sect Master within the body suddenly manifested itself, and the void evolved into a god Bridge, Sect Master of Destiny, walked on the bridge, moved towards the direction of Longdi Mountain, and rushed in anger.

When Sect Master was halfway down the road, a quasi-emperor old man was rushing out not far away. He was shocked when he saw Sect Master burning golden flames.

“The Quasi-Emperor of Jin Family, and the Sect Master of Destiny Sect. Why are you all out?” in the sky, another voice came out, the destiny Sect Master face changed, “Mu King Yang, why did you make the move?”

You must know that when Three Great Influences competed for the ancient emperor’s trial field, there was an agreement that they could only send the strongest young gods there, and the ancestors and their standards The emperor is not allowed to shoot, so that it can maximize the fairness of the three parties.

But at this time, all the quasi-emperors of Three Great Influences came out in a rage. These three quasi-emperors were shocked to each other, and then they tried each other again, Muyang King, Jin Family Quasi The emperor, as well as Sect Master, were all sluggish.

“What, the fate is dead, Jin is not necrotic, even Qin Ba is also dead? Is it possible that besides us, there are other stronger forces that have entered the ancient emperor’s trial field?”

The three quasi-emperors are all looked at each other in blank dismay, but they each lost a young man, Heaven’s Chosen. This is a fact. It also made the three of them unwilling to ask more questions. At a fast speed, moved towards Longdishan came.

Ye Fei still knows nothing about all this.

Chapter 2601 Demon Dragon Dang Zhu

Chapter 2601 Demon Dragon Dang Zhu

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