“You guys, are you trying to force this emperor, to clean up the sect!” The mighty ancient emperor Dragon’s Might, like the world, the abrupt moved towards headed by these monster dragons suppressed the past, They are all old dragons that have lived for thousands of years and existed before the ancient emperor of space sealed them.

Needless to say, these old dragons have naturally killed people and slaughtered the city, and they have a nonchalant attitude towards this behavior. Ye Fei only then realized that in Dragon Race, there are good and bad, good Dragon Race can coexist with Human Race, bad Dragon Race, just like these monsters dragon-like, is definitely the most evil and hated existence.

“No wonder, in fairy tales, there is always no shortage of dragon-slaying heroes. Now, I don’t mind being such a dragon-slaying hero once!” Ye Fei licked his lips and hands Without the Destruction Sword order, a dazzling divine light had erupted. Upon sensing that divine light, Five Clawed Golden Dragon’s face suddenly changed. But it rarely attacked Ye Fei.

For Ye Fei’s battle strength, these gods, Old Jun, monster dragons also showed jealous expressions. They were not jealous of Ye Fei, but were jealous of Ye Fei’s non-Destruction Sword order and Ghost. God tripod.

“God Sir Long, don’t forget who it is that brought you out of the ancient time and space summon! No matter how dissatisfied you are with our clan, according to the rules of heaven and earth sacrifice, you must , Fight for our race, otherwise, once we interrupt, sacrifice to heaven and earth, God Sir Long, I’m afraid you, the last trace of heroic spirit, will also cease to exist!”

Sacrifice is a real walk the heavens-defying road, and the method of sacrifice mastered by the monster dragon seems to be more perfect than the method of sacrifice of humans and gods. Not only can they summon the ancient heroic spirits, it seems, Can also grasp the existence of ancient heroic spirits.

Although the heroic spirits from summon are all powerhouses that have died in battle in the ancient times, since they can live again in the manner of heroic spirits, without that heroic spirit, they will willingly disappear suddenly like this.

Hearing the threat of the monster dragons, the heroes of the Five Clawed Golden Dragon obviously became hesitant.

hong long!

At this time, the cracks in the void of heaven and earth have become bigger and bigger, faintly, and can already be sensed, three powerful divine senses , Peeked in through the crack.

Ye Fei’s heart suddenly sank.

The expressions of those Primordial Demon Dragons have also changed drastically. They can threaten the Five Clawed Golden Dragon because they can control the survival of the heroic spirit through the magic power of the witch.

But they can’t threaten the three quasi-emperors outside, as well as gods and ancestors!

Seeing that the Five Clawed Golden Dragon has been slow to do it, finally, the Primordial Demon Dragon headed by it completely lost its patience, “God Sir Long, since you refuse to do it, then we will do it ourselves, swallow Got this Human Race, and then grabbed the little girl from his body!”


I heard these evil dragons actually want to eat themselves, little The grassy little face was red, stared wide-eyed, and at the moment of charge ahead, dozens of Divine Beating Whips had been moved towards the ancient monster dragon, but the ancient monster dragon was not at all absorbed. On the contrary, the strength is on the body, with the blood pierced into the sky, which spins like a whirlwind, and actually bounces the grass’s Divine Beating Whip back.


After that, there was a dragon roar full of huge killing aura. Several Primordial monster dragons that were attacked, all moved towards Ye Fei swooped down. The strange thing is, Only one of them rushed towards the grass, and the rest, all moved towards Ye Fei rushed over.

Ye Fei’s heart was suddenly filled with doubts, “Isn’t the goal of these monster dragons to catch grass? Why does the grass appear? They are not directed at the grass, but at me?”

Could it be that there is something on his body that makes the monster dragon feel more precious than the grass?

That’s right!

At the moment of crisis, Ye Fei suddenly remembered that when he entered the Dragon Palace, these monster dragons once said that after passing the trial, not only could they obtain the opportunity of the ancient emperor, but also master the entire ancient monster Dragon Race. The life and death of the group.

For this reason, the Primordial Demon Dragon was very kind to Ye Fei.

Until, Muyang King and other three quasi-emperors outside suddenly joined forces to attack the trial field, causing the Space Rule here to collapse. The Primordial Demon Dragon did not need to rely on Ye Fei. To be able to rush out of this cage, the nature of these evil dragons is immediately exposed. They want to eat people and steal treasures, and even more respect the Five Clawed Golden Dragon.

“Could it be that there is something in my hand that can restrain these Primordial Demon Dragons. The primary goal of these demon dragons seems to be the grass, but in fact it is me at all, and this Space Stone in my hand. “

Chapter 2603 The Eye of True Dragon

“Grass, come back, these evil dragons are definitely coming for the Space Stone in my hand!”

The fighting all the way, let Ye Fei maintain a clear mind even at the most dangerous critical moment. This mind also allowed him to make accurate judgments and quickly returned Xiaocao to the beast seal space. At the same time, Ye Fei’s hand has an extra fist sized crystal gem that is full of weight. This gem is the Space Stone that Ye Fei obtained through the trial of the ancient emperor!

The moment he took out this stone, the Primordial Demon Dragon who was besieging him was obviously hesitant and fearful. Five Clawed Golden Dragon saw that Space Stone, a huge dragon eye. , There was also a flash of shock and thinking.

But it is the summon of the demon dragon group. In order to avoid being interrupted by the dragon group to sacrifice, it completely dissipates between Heaven and Earth. The Five Clawed Golden Dragon, its huge body entangled in one corner, can only look coldly. How Ye Fei responded.

“Don’t be afraid, even if he gets the eyes of True Dragon, with his realm, he will definitely not be able to use its formidable power, as long as we kill him, we can regain it! And then completely destroyed, this The sacred relic that puts my race to shame!”

The archaic monster dragon with the largest size said angrily. Undoubtedly, he is the leader of this group of evil dragons. The existence at the top, the perennial accumulation of power, made other Primordial Demon Dragons subconsciously make their decisions to obey orders. Moreover, even though Ye Fei took out the Space Stone, he could not exert the power of the Space Stone at all.

At the critical moment, he could only hold the Space Stone in his hand, suddenly disappeared from the eyes of the dragon group, and appeared behind the dragon group again.


Without the Destruction Sword order, it was directly transformed into the black gold divine light of several hundred meters. It was snatched up by Ye Fei and slashed forward. The tail of a fairy dragon, this monster dragon, is also the most The weak demon dragon, only saw the sword light passing by, the bright Divine Sword light, ka-cha cut the demon dragon into two pieces from the middle!

But not waiting for Ye Fei to continue to play the sword. The other demon dragons around saw that their companions were injured. Not only did they fail to rescue them, they opened their bloody mouths wide open like a sacrificial bowl. After a few breaths, they broke the demon dragon in two. Nibbled into a pile of white skeletons.

Ominous Fiend Qi swallowed the same kind of demon dragon, Ominous Fiend Qi, even more terrifying, one of them, also fell into madness in an instant, unexpectedly opened the mouth of the dragon, fiercely biting the black gold Divine Sword.

Ye Fei had no choice but to explode profound energy and wanted to move space again, but at this moment, a vast ancient emperor Dragon’s Might was suppressed from the void.

Five Clawed Golden Dragon was originally entrenched. The huge body turned into a strong band of light, directly blocking this space, and it was delayed. Outside, the three of Muyang King broke the Space Rule.

The King Muyang outside suddenly let out an angry roar. “You are just a dead hero, and dare to block the way I wait for the stranger? See how much power you can still use in your lifetime!”

hong long long!

The shot of the Five Clawed Golden Dragon undoubtedly angered the three quasi-emperors outside together. After all, the combined power of their three people is not afraid of the ordinary ancient emperor, and the Five Clawed Golden Dragon, although powerful , Has already died. Even though he was sacrificed by the monster dragon, he has projected his own heroic spirit from the ancient time and space, but this heroic spirit is not the main body, nor can it exert the prosperous battle strength of the main body.

“The emperor can only do it for you, delay a quarter of an hour!” From the void, there was a reluctant roar of the Five Clawed Golden Dragon, and upon hearing this roar, the ancient monster dragon all around, Roar’s is even crazier.

Ye Fei also suddenly felt that a great pressure, moved towards him enveloped him, actually making him fall into a muddy swamp, not only the movement became slow, but also Space Stone’s ability to move , And was completely suppressed.

“Finally, you are still on the side of the evil dragon, knowing that the opponent is full of evil, and you also took care of it. The backbone of Divine Dragon, this Ye, today, can be regarded as an insight.”

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