Ye Fei’s coldly shouted, the huge dragon eyes of Five Clawed Golden Dragon couldn’t help showing a trace of shame and thinking.

The strongest Primordial Demon Dragon made a fierce roar, “Boy, it’s useless to resist. As a Human Race, you can’t use the power of True Dragon Eyes. Give up resistance. This seat can swallow you in one bite and make your death easier!”

“get lost!”

The huge black gold Divine Sword was cut out by Ye Fei’s rage. The suppression of the Divine Dragon heroic spirit, his sword light, extremely slow, the ancient monster dragon, easily dodges the past, at the same time, a dozen dragon claws and fiercely moved towards Ye Fei’s body tore over, and Ye Fei Fei’s clothes were torn to pieces.

The Ancient God Golden Body could not withstand the combined attack of dozens of gods, monsters and dragons. Ye Fei screamed. The Ancient God Golden Body was broken on the spot, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. .

What worries Ye Fei even more is that due to a sudden heavy injury, the Space Stone, which was originally held tightly in his other hand, was actually released and flew out because of the shock. Ye Fei’s face changed instantly. To be pale, Space Stone is his last hole card to suppress the monster dragon. If he loses his hole card in the hands of the monster dragon, it is really possible for him to become the ration of the monster dragon.

It’s just because of the suppression of the Divine Dragon heroes. At this time, Ye Fei didn’t even talk about the past fights, just wanted to stop the dragons. He could only watch, those monster dragons, all with With ecstasy, rushed over, wanting to compete for the Space Stone.

“Unexpectedly, I did not die in the hands of the quasi-emperor, but died in the mouth of a group of cunning dragons…” Ye Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly, with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, but Xiaocao shook his head fiercely , Loudly said: “Eat!”

Almost at the moment when Xiaocao issued the order, at the most unremarkable gap in the dragon group, a big black mouth suddenly stretched out, actually grabbing in front of all the monster dragons, Space Stone, grabbed it.

“At the critical moment, it was actually the problem of the big black greedy mouth, pulling strongly against a crazy tide!” Ye Fei didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. After all, Dragon Tortoise was as fast as it was when the black mouth was down. Lightning, but its own realm is not only in the middle stage of the Taoist monarch. In such a realm, going to a group of gods and monsters to compete for the Space Stone is clearly an act of dying!

“Da Hei, run quickly!”

Ye Fei hurriedly yelled at Dragon Tortoise, ignoring his injury. The space all around also resounded through dozens of heads. The god monarch demon dragon roared to the extreme with anger.

They didn’t expect that this black turtle is not only fatter, but also fatter, so it dares to lay a black mouth under the dragon’s mouth to grab treasure. The hatred of the dragons towards Dragon Tortoise immediately surpassed Ye Fei by at least ten times, and they all wished to swallow the turtle in front of them.

Ye Fei’s body suddenly burned with fierce blood flames, and the expression in his eyes suddenly became crazy. He couldn’t just watch Dragon Tortoise send it away. Even if he lost his life, Rescuing Dragon Tortoise back, this obsession and madness made Ye Fei suddenly break free from the suppression of the Divine Dragon heroes and moved towards Dragon Tortoise madly.

The furious Primordial Demon Dragon also immediately separated several Divine Monarch Demon Dragons, and began to move towards Ye Fei’s crazy attack, in the sky, and also resounded through the helpless voice of the Five Clawed Golden Dragon.

Chapter 2604 Dragon Tortoise Going to Death

“It’s useless, even if you break free from the bondage of the emperor’s spiritual realm, you are not a Dragon Race, and within the body, there is no dragon’s blood. You can’t use the true formidable power of the Eye of True Dragon!”

Five Clawed Golden Dragon this remark, seemingly compassionate, but invisibly reveals an extremely important message, that is, only Dragon’s blood can inspire Space Stone, which is the true power of True Dragon Eye.

“Dahei, it’s up to you!”

Although Ye Fei’s within the body does not have dragon’s blood, Dragon Tortoise has Grade 8 bloodline, which is nothing compared to How weak is the surrounding Primordial Demon Dragon, even more how, at this time, the Space Stone bit in the mouth of Dragon Tortoise. Hearing the words of the Five Clawed Golden Dragon, Dragon Tortoise, who had been scared with black and whitish mouth, suddenly decided What, when the neck is raised, the Space Stone will be swallowed into the abdomen.

“Shut up! The tortoise, you are only in the middle stage of the Taoist monarch. If you swallow the Eye of True Dragon, its power will inevitably take your bloodline and devour it thoroughly. In the end, you will only lose For a corpse!” The surrounding gods and monsters suddenly gave up besieging Dragon Tortoise. On the contrary, they stared nervously at Dragon Tortoise, the most massive Primordial monster dragon. , And even more persuasively said: “Wu Na Xiaogui, following this human being is nothing more than coveting his profound veins and wanting to rely on him to feed yourself, but if you hand over the eyes of True Dragon, you will also have a monster bloodline. , We can accept you, join our clan, and become a member of the Primordial Demon Dragon!”

Dragon Tortoise’s expression suddenly changed. He glanced at Ye Fei subconsciously, but there was nothing in his eyes. Shaken, but full of a deep nostalgia, as well as tragic emotions.

This is the first time Ye Fei saw Dragon Tortoise show such eyes, his heart trembled suddenly, Xiao Cao couldn’t help it, and wanted to jump out anxiously, shouting loudly. “Eat!”


The answer was Dragon Tortoise’s firm roar. Then, under the incredible gaze of many Primordial monsters, in Ye Fei, Xiaocao Under the extremely surprised gaze, Dragon Tortoise, who was once greedy for life and fear of death, was so lazy and resolute. He swallowed the Space Stone in his abdomen and began to refining. The hearts of Ye Fei and Xiaocao trembled at the same time.

Just now the dragon group said that if the Space Stone is swallowed in the realm of Dragon Tortoise, the bloodline must be swallowed to death, but in order to save Ye Fei and Xiaocao, Dragon Tortoise still swallows very resolutely. Go down.

In an instant, the billowing monster blood, like a raging fire, burned on the body of Dragon Tortoise. At the same time, a wave of Dragon’s Might, which did not belong to Dragon Tortoise, was emitted from Dragon Tortoise within the body, like a billowing pillar of fire. , Flaming up.


Dragon Tortoise couldn’t help uttering huge screams and roars because of the huge pain. Dragon Tortoise’s eyes were instantly full of fierceness. Fierce, leaving Ye Fei in a daze, as if returning to the first encounter with Dragon Tortoise.

At that time, the Dragon Tortoise was also such a fierce, violent, and chasing Flood Dragon in the sea. There was no way in the sky, no way into the earth! Ye Fei’s heart trembled, and many of the surrounding Primordial Demon Dragons were already trembling.

“This little tortoise really wants his life. He knows that if he swallows it, he will die. For the sake of the Savior, he would rather swallow it in his belly!”

“This evil obstacle is loyal. , But I did follow the wrong owner!”

“Today, even if these monsters do not kill him, we must not let this person go. The emperor’s son, cannot die in vain!”

In the cracks of the void, there are already three powerful silhouettes, a little bit, squeezed into this space, but due to the strong block of the Five Clawed Golden Dragon, they are still temporarily unable to let the body come completely, but Therefore, they can see clearly the specific scene in this space.


And hearing these words, Dragon Tortoise, who fell into a violent rage, was undoubtedly completely angered. The Dragon Tortoise suddenly became bigger, as big as a mountain, with eyes, even more so From black and white to pure gold, like the scorching golden sun, bred in the eyes of Dragon Tortoise.


Dragon Tortoise raised his eyes, golden eyes, unexpectedly burst out a terrifying divine light, silently, just moved towards the void with a glare, that terrifying divine light, It actually penetrated the head of a god monarch demon dragon, that demon dragon, too late to scream, had already burst Divine Soul, leaving only a complete body, falling to the ground.

“Not good, close your eyes! This little tortoise’s realm is too low, and it won’t be long before True Dragon’s eyes will be swallowed up…”

The body is the most The huge monster dragon, the words in his mouth have not been finished, Dragon Tortoise has already carried the fierce golden dragon eyes, fiercely staring at the opponent, even if he closes his eyes, the ancient monster dragon also feels a pair of golden eyes. Penetrating its body, directly facing its Divine Soul, and then, its entire Divine Soul couldn’t bear the line of sight, and completely collapsed.

It’s another huge dragon corpse, falling into the void. I don’t know how many low-level Primordial demon dragons have been killed and injured. The other Primordial demon dragons are scared the soul flew away and Scattered, True Dragon Eyes are their biggest nemesis. Dragon Tortoise, which can inspire the power of True Dragon Eyes, is undoubtedly the dragon god who determines their life and death!

At this time, the group of demon dragons no longer dared to besieged Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise. Instead, they stepped back crazily and avoided, wanting to wait for Dragon Tortoise to be consumed by the True Eye. Come again, take the opportunity to avenge, and fight for that True Dragon eye.

Ye Fei also didn’t expect, swallowing the eyes of True Dragon, Dragon Tortoise’s eyes, will become so terrifying, just a stare, you can instantly kill a Divine Sovereign Realm Primordial Dragon .

It’s just that this is not the true power of Dragon Tortoise, but Dragon Tortoise, which burns its own bloodline and borrows the power from True Dragon’s eyes. Not only is it impossible to last, it is also possible that Dragon Tortoise will consume bloodline. To die, Ye Fei’s heart was fiercely trembling, and hurriedly shouted at Dragon Tortoise: “Da Hei, come back, spit out that thing immediately!”

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