“Hahaha, it’s too late! No matter who you are, kill the emperor’s heirs, the emperor will take your life!”,

Boom ka!

Here the monster dragon The group was frightened by Dragon Tortoise, and the group disintegrated. There are constantly monster dragons, and the horrible eyes of Dragon Tortoise are staring to death in the sky. Over there, the three quasi-emperors of King Muyang are already under the assistance of a large group of gods and ancestors. , Successfully shattered the void, and also broke the inherent rules of this space, successfully squeezed in as a quasi-emperor.


The King Muyang first came to this space, without asking anything, he directly faced Ye Fei indifferently, the terrifying knife gang, which had turned into a whistling mountain, in an instant, the sky collapsed, and the world was destroyed!

I don’t know how many Primordial Demon Dragons were stunned to the ground by this blade. Ye Fei felt more breathless when facing this blade. After all, this was an attack by the quasi-emperor because he had Ghost God. Both the Ding and the Destruction Sword orders are impossible to resist.

The gap between the two sides is too huge!


The huge knife gang fell down, and the realm of Ye Fei, which was fast, could not be seen clearly. A fear of death had already hit my heart. But this blade did not cut him, and found that Ye Fei was in danger. A huge black turtle landed from the sky. While fiercely pressed Ye Fei under his abdomen, Dragon Tortoise was already staring, and fiercely stared forward.

Mysterious golden pupil light reappears, piercing the void, and King Muyang’s sword gang is even more disappeared.

Chapter 2605 The Poison of the Quasi-Emperor


At the moment of Dragon Tortoise protecting the lord, the second coming Jin Family quasi-emperor, golden’s palm, has turned into a big seal, fiercely patted Dragon Tortoise’s defenseless body.

Under the tortoise belly, Ye Fei also struggled violently, “Da Hei, get out of the way, I don’t allow you to die!”


Answer Yes, it was Dragon Tortoise’s more fierce roar. Dragon Tortoise didn’t look back at Ye Fei. Its eyes were too terrifying at this time, so it could easily stare at Death God. Ye Fei didn’t want Dragon Tortoise to die, Dragon Tortoise, and so on. Yes, let Ye Fei die like this.

Perhaps, at first, Dragon Tortoise followed Ye Fei with the mentality of eating and drinking here, but after following Ye Fei for so long, all the way from the land boundary to Heaven Realm, from Divine State, In today’s Chilong Tianyu, Dragon Tortoise, already in his heart, regards Ye Fei and Xiaocao as close relatives.

Nowadays, loved ones are in trouble, even if they are timid and afraid of death, Dragon Tortoise still resolutely burns dragon’s blood and uses his body to block Ye Fei in front.

Dragon Tortoise, must use his own death in exchange for Ye Fei’s life!

With the courage to see death at home, Dragon Tortoise, roared fiercely, raised his head, with his own body, resisted the attack of the Jin Family quasi-emperor, when the great hand seal was photographed, Dragon Tortoise’s The tortoise shells were shattered, revealing a rugged skin, but there was no blood. All the blood of Dragon Tortoise has been absorbed by the Eye of True Dragon crazy!


next moment, Dragon Tortoise has already launched a counterattack, it has exhausted all its strength, golden dragon eyes, with endless sadness and love, fiercely glared at The Jin Family quasi-emperor, even the quasi-emperor of the ancestor Ji Realm, could not resist the terrifying eyes of Dragon Tortoise. The quasi-emperor of Jin Family screamed, holding his head, and quickly retreated, “Beware, this The eyes of evil creatures can stare at Divine Soul!”

“hmph, so what, if it offends the Destiny Sect, it will still die! No matter how loyal this evil creature is!”


Sect Master of Destiny, stepping on the sky bridge, holding the life wheel, behind him is the majestic mountain, the dazzling Divine Court, his Divine Soul is hidden in Divine Court, remote control of the life in his hand The wheel, such as moonslash, also moved towards Dragon Tortoise. The broken tortoise shell fiercely blasted!

Dragon Tortoise still does not evade, but uses its body to firmly press Ye Fei under the abdomen to protect Ye Fei. At the same time, Dragon Tortoise’s dragon eyes stared at Jin Family’s standards again. The emperor, the quasi emperor, suddenly screamed. Facing this invisible and invisible eye attack, even the quasi-emperor did not have a good defense method. The quasi-emperor of Jin Family suffered heavy damage again and had to vomit blood and retreat.

But the King Muyang on the other side, while stabilizing his breath, the sword in his hand reappeared, the howling sword, with a thick murderous aura, suddenly moved towards Dragon Tortoise, his neck chopped , Ye Fei eye socket cracked, exhausted all his strength, struggling under the belly of Dragon Tortoise, “Da Hei, get out of the way!”

The attack of two quasi emperors, King Muyang, more It was a knife to seal the throat. Such an attack was enough to cause Dragon Tortoise to cut off his head in an instant. In the beast seal space, Xiaocao was already crying and crying, carrying the vine whip, and was about to come out to help. But Dragon Tortoise, who swallowed the Eye of True Dragon, became strong as an ox. It not only suppressed Ye Fei, but also stopped the grass with a fierce roar.


Destiny Sect Master and King Muyang’s attacks came at the same time. Dragon Tortoise was completely motionless, but angrily raised the dragon claw and slapped the sword at the sealed sword. Gang, but the Sect Master’s fate wheel was fiercely slashed on Dragon Tortoise’s back. Then Ye Fei felt that there were huge tortoise shell fragments, raining, falling on the ground.

“Big Black…” Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s hearts trembled. The most important thing about Dragon Tortoise is the tortoise shell, but now, this tortoise shell has been broken into pieces.


Huge anger suddenly broke out from Ye Fei’s within the body, and Xiaocao’s eyes became even more red! This is Xiaocao’s first time Fan Nu, that amazing anger turned into a colorful light, helping Ye Fei, breakthrough Dragon Tortoise’s suppression.

“Muyang King, I want you to die!”

Dragon Tortoise’s serious injury made Ye Fei completely crazy. Since Dragon Tortoise can protect him and Xiaocao voluntarily Burn out the bloodline, withstand the attack of the quasi-emperor, willing to die. How could he not sacrifice his life in order to save Dragon Tortoise?


Ye Fei took out the sword, but stabbed him. When King Muyang was puzzled, suddenly, Ye Fei stretched out his bleeding arm. When he reached Dragon Tortoise’s mouth, “Da Hei, suck me! Use my blood to enhance your blood, and then use your blood to stimulate the Eye of True Dragon, a stronger power!”


Dragon Tortoise’s fierce dragon eyes suddenly rolled down two rows of crystal clear blood and tears, and then Dragon Tortoise lowered his head and gently bit Ye Fei’s arm, Ye Fei’s bloodline, Follow the mouth of Dragon Tortoise and pour into Dragon Tortoise within the body, while being refining by Dragon Tortoise and transforming into its own bloodline.

With the help of this external force, the Eye of True Dragon suddenly burst out even more terrifying power, causing the dragon eyes of the Dragon Tortoise golden to spew out golden flames like sunspots.


Such a pair of eyes stared out and was about to follow the Jin Family quasi-emperor, who suddenly screamed, “My Dao Heart, My Dao Heart , Its eyes actually shattered my Dao Xin, I will kill it, I will kill it…”

The quasi-emperor of Jin Family, completely crazy, Dao Xin, It is the foundation of the human ancestor and the breakthrough of the ancient emperor. The most important part. Once the human ancestor loses his Dao heart, it is lost. Break through all the possibilities of the ancient emperor!

The quasi-emperor of Jin Family fell into fury, but more, there was still a deep fear. The formidable power of longan became more and more terrifying. I am afraid that in the end, they can kill Dragon Tortoise and Ye Fei will suffer heavy losses in the end.

Especially the Sect Master and King Muyang. Although they have been cultivating for thousands of years, they are actually very young compared to the long lifespan of their ancestors. There is a certain chance that they can break through the ancient emperor. . If they were here, just like the Jin Family quasi-emperor, the Dao Xin was broken by Dragon Tortoise’s eyes, then they would have lost more than the gain.

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