Only when the eyes of True Dragon are swallowed, Ye Fei knows how terrifying this thing is. It can only be activated by dragon’s blood, but once activated, it can swallow everything Bloodline, whether it is Dragon Tortoise’s bloodline of the demon dragon, or Ye Fei’s Earth Sovereign bloodline, can not stop the plunder of the bloodline by the eyes of True Dragon.

The feeling of Divine Soul being burned by the fire suddenly came to my heart. Ye Fei was shocked to find that when Dragon Tortoise swallowed it, what cruel torture he was going through every moment. .

However, Dragon Tortoise can endure this kind of pain. Ye Fei is naturally impossible to forget the pain and stop. On the contrary, when the eyes of True Dragon enter the body, all the bloodline of Ye Fei is completely Burn.

Chapter 2607 The Eye of Sacred Dragon

Chapter 2607 The Eye of Sacred Dragon

This kind of burning, like cooking oil on a fire, Ye Fei’s body, is The oil, and the Eye of True Dragon, is the flame. According to the general situation, Ye Fei’s bloodline is not dragon’s blood. If you want to merge with the Eye of True Dragon, it will only become more difficult and dangerous than Dragon Tortoise. It is also the reason why Five Clawed Golden Dragon is unwilling to let Ye Fei take risks.

The success probability of only one third is too slim. Once Ye Fei fails to merge, not only he will die, but also Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao, but it is this crisis that inspired Ye Fei’s strong fighting spirit.

“For so many years, I have been fighting in blood, just to step on the Peak and protect the people I love! The people loved! The people I respect! The people I respect! Life and death are ignored, so why don’t you care about me? Body! Bloodline, burn me completely!”

hong long long!

Ye Fei’s within the body, the bloodline is like a torrent that bursts a bank, and fiercely’s moved towards True Dragon’s eye is refining past, although True Dragon’s eye has the terrifying function of devouring the bloodline. But if it is, too much bloodline is swallowed, too strong, bloodline can still burst the Eye of True Dragon, and even make it acknowledge allegiance!


I felt Ye Fei’s intentions, True Dragon’s eyes, there seems to be spirituality, awakened from the inside, next moment, this spirituality is irritated, and emits like Divine Dragon The five Clawed Golden Dragon who listened to the same roar, his expression greatly changed, “Not good, this emperor and the ancient space emperor, both looked away. It is not an ordinary True Dragon eye, but a Sacred Dragon Eyes!”

Divine Dragon is a more noble existence than Divine Dragon. If Divine Dragon is a born ancient emperor, then Sacred Dragon is a born ancient god! But Sacred Dragon is even rarer than Divine Dragon.

Except for the Divine Dragon Race itself, outsiders rarely hear the existence of Sacred Dragon. For this reason, the Primordial Monster Dragon clan who got it back then just regarded it as an ordinary True Dragon eye, used for worship and enshrinement, and hoped that through the power of True Dragon Eye, they could be transformed from Monster Dragon into True Dragon.

For this reason, the demon dragon clan, they did not hesitate to kill people everywhere, the cultivation Blood-Sacrifice Art, which was not enough to allow this True Dragon eye to acknowledge allegiance, instead committed a heinous crime, even True Dragon. Intolerable.

If the monster dragon clan at the time knew that what they got was not the True Dragon eye left by a certain powerful True Dragon after the death, but the Sacred Dragon eye, they might not have done it. Out of that many heinous crimes.

For this, they also attracted the anger of the ancient space emperor. They directly used the magical Space Divine Ability to trap the entire demon Dragon Race in this Dragon Emperor Mountain, and let them kill each other. Thousands of years of time.

Unfortunately, the ancient emperor of the space is strong, but with the ancient demon dragon-like, they don’t know that the sacred relic of the demon Dragon Race is not the ordinary True Dragon eye, but the Sacred Dragon eye! As a result, the ancient emperor of space did not take away this Supreme Treasure, but opened up this ancient emperor trial field, suppressing the demon dragon, and at the same time using the True Dragon eye as the most core formation eye in this space. Stay here.

“Which ancient emperor of space, if he knows, his temporary ignorance, he mistakenly regarded my Dragon Race Supreme Treasure as an ordinary treasure. I wonder if he will regret his intestines…”

Five Clawed Golden Dragon is a bit inexplicably taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, just watching Ye Fei bathed in the holy fire, the look of Five Clawed Golden Dragon becomes extremely complicated, if it is pure True Dragon The Eye, no matter how strong, he won’t feel heartache.

But the eyes of Sacred Dragon are different. This is absolutely sacred relic in the entire God Dragon Race. Now it is very uncomfortable to be refining by a Human Race, Five Clawed Golden Dragon.

“But fortunately, this kid has a strong bloodline, and he is refining ordinary True Dragon eyes. If he has a third chance to succeed, then he’s probably only 10% of refining Sacred Dragon eyes. Chances are, if this kid fails in refining, the emperor may be able to bring this sacred relic back to the Dragon Race before the hero dissipates…”

Five Clawed Golden Dragon muttered to himself, the Dragon next to him Tortoise, but the cold hair was blown up, and Xiaocao was very angry with her waist, and with a wave of her hand, while flying the Five Clawed Golden Dragon, Xiaocao ran to Ye Fei nervously.


Xiao Cao speaks loudly, wanting to remind Ye Fei that he can be immersed in the pain swallowed by the eyes of Sacred Dragon, Ye Fei simply cannot hear the outside But Ye Fei still felt the approach of the grass. He was not only shocked, “What is the Eye of True Dragon? It almost sucked up the bloodline of Dragon Tortoise not enough, it was about to suck up my bloodline. , If Xiaocao comes again…”

Ye Fei can’t imagine how terrifying the bloodline of Xiaocao will be when the bloodline is sucked dry. Now, he has only two choices, one is to give up refining , Self-destruct, but if he is destroyed, once the black evil outside invades, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise will not escape certain death situation. When thinking of that kind of scene, suddenly, there is an extreme madness and anger, from Ye Fei Deep in the bloodline, burst out.

“I can’t die! I’m dead, the grass is over, and the Dragon Tortoise is over! I want to live, I want to refining this damn Eye of True Dragon, I don’t believe it, my Lord of Human Sovereign In the realm of gods, you can’t refining the eyes of a True Dragon!”

In the end, True Dragon is just an ancient emperor, even more how, it’s just a True Dragon after its death. Gem! Of course, if Ye Fei knew that this was not made by True Dragon, but by the stronger Sacred Dragon, Ye Fei would not have been so crazy and confident.

If the gap between the gods and the ancient emperors is just a gap, then the gap between the gods and the ancient emperors is a whole world. Crossing the gap is easy, but heavenly ascension is difficult!

But it is also precisely because Ye Fei does not know the difficulty of this heavenly ascension. The so-called ignorance is a bliss, Ye Fei, still resolutely, launched the final impact on the eyes of Sacred Dragon.

This time, he is no longer passively letting True Dragon’s eyes absorb his bloodline, but suddenly decides something, directly urging his bloodline, turning into the mouth of a blood beast, fiercely Swallowed this True Dragon eye in one mouthful.


Ye Fei’s within the body, suddenly there was a mysterious dragon roar. Hearing that dragon roar, Dragon Tortoise and Five Clawed Golden Dragon, they all have kind of legs. Soft, if you want the feeling of acknowledge allegiance, that is the roar of Sacred Dragon! It is comparable to the roar of the ancient gods!

But this roar, also in the wrong place, angered Ye Fei within Another power of the body is the curse power of the ancient gods! This power was originally meant to seal Ye Fei’s Earth Sovereign bloodline, a vicious curse of inheritance from generation to generation. As long as you have a person who is abandoned, you will inevitably be entangled by this curse. From then on, the bad luck will be overwhelming, and your luck will decline.

For example, the previous Earth Sovereign, because of this curse, the soldiers were defeated and killed, leaving the wrath sword to slash the emperor’s grudge, I want Ye Fei to inherit, and this kind of curse, outsiders cannot break, unless Ye Fei can overcome numerous difficulties and bring the Ancient God Golden Body and cultivation to the ancient god realm. Only then can Fei forcefully break the curse with its own divine force.

From this we can see how terrifying his curse within the body is! But it was such a terrifying curse that when Sacred Dragon roared, he felt a great crisis, and he automatically awakened from the seal of the star map!

Chapter 2608 Dragon Snake Fighting

Chapter 2608 Dragon Snake Fighting

The curse of the ancient gods that seals Ye Fei bloodline is the same as the eyes of Sacred Dragon Have spirituality. The concrete manifestation of this spirituality is that it remains in Ye Fei within the body, and it restricts Ye Fei’s astronomical diagram of Broken Bloodline.

This star map, usually, will not change, unless Ye Fei’s within the body can produce foreign forces that threaten it, and even break the bloodline curse, this star map, Will be awakened from sleep like a poisonous snake.


Ye Fei’s Divine Soul was extremely shocked to see that the star map that entangled his bloodline seal was actually a dark poisonous snake with a triangle. If Lei Zu were here, he would inevitably give out fear Exclaimed, because the dark serpent with a flat triangular head was the serpent of the void that almost made him fall!

This snake, a bite of venom, can poison to death the ancestor! Even more invisible, you can’t guard against it!

Who would have thought that within the body of Ye Fei, such a terrifying dark snake was actually conceived?

“Could it be that the magical nature that exists in my bloodline is emitted by this dark poisonous snake? It must be, it has been trying to affect my temperament and will!”

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