Ye Fei’s eyes became frightened and cold. The bloodline of the ancient god cursed too terrifying. He was really afraid that one day, this terrifying dark giant snake would really get out of his bloodline. , Bred out.

At that time, he was no longer him, but a fierce monster who could only kill!

“Must, we must get rid of this hidden danger!” Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with terrifying sharpness. He did not suppress the True Dragon eyes within the body, but suddenly made a crazy decision. , That is, all the bloodlines within the body are delivered to the Eye of True Dragon.

“Relying solely on my own strength, maybe, before I break through the ancient gods, this terrifying dark serpent may be bred from my within the body and devour everything about me! In that case, why don’t I fight poison with poison, the dark giant snake, wanting to be bred from my bloodline, then I will let the Eye of True Dragon completely swallow the bloodline, and also swallow this one, the poisonous snake entrenched in my bloodline! “

Ye Fei’s eyes flashed crazily.

Feeling Ye Fei’s actions, in his consciousness, the evil triangle head of the Void Snake also burst out a terrifying cold glow. This cold glow seems to swallow everything about Ye Fei, including memory With soul.

But unfortunately, it is not Ye Fei who is facing it at this time, but a holy Divine Dragon transformed by the eyes of Sacred Dragon! The Divine Dragon actually has nine claws, a huge dragon roar, and even with the inviolable Heaven and Earth Might.


In Ye Fei’s consciousness, he saw the dark giant snake bred by the bloodline curse. It seemed that he could not tolerate the swallowing of the Sacred Dragon, and the triangular snake head opened its mouth. Fiercely’s fangs, like sharp sawtooths, carrying a sticky black poisonous light, fiercely’s moved towards Sacred Dragon’s dragon head bit the past.

But the Sacred Dragon is too powerful, so strong that the fangs of the Void Snake cannot be shaken. The huge snake mouth stretches out to bite the Sacred Dragon. Instead, it is the nine of the Divine Dragon. The claws opened, suddenly like heaven and earth, slapped in anger, the snake of the void, has sent out a spiteful and fearful roar.

In the end, it is just a demon born from the curse of Ye Fei bloodline. Even if it will eventually evolve into a terrifying serpent of the void, Ye Fei’s realm is still too low at this time. Let the snake of the void bred in his bloodline have a serious lack of spirituality.

Otherwise, in the Panwang Palace, Ye Fei was also impossible to use the Earth Core Fire species to break the seal little by little, and the successful breakthrough reached the tenth-grade bloodline.

In contrast, the eyes of Sacred Dragon, this is the evolution of Sacred Dragon, and every Sacred Dragon is a born ancient god! Such a terrifying dragon king has evolved special eyes. How terrifying is spirituality? Even more how, Ye Fei was still crazy at this time, sending all the bloodline power to the eye of Sacred Dragon, which looked like an enemy, and indirectly cut it off. The Void Snake was able to absorb the power of his bloodline.

Ye Fei’s entire consciousness immediately heard the furious demon roar of the dark giant snake. It tried to control Ye Fei’s mind through such a roar, and also let Ye Fei sink into nothingness. Emotional murderous monster!

Even, the serpent of the void wants to swallow Ye Fei, so that through the bloodline curse, it is truly bred from this world. Seeing this scene, I felt Ye Fei within the body, the spirituality of the Sacred Dragon, and the demon of the Void Serpent, waking up and fighting each other at the same time, and the Five Clawed Golden Dragon showed an expression of extreme fear and disbelief.

“His bloodline actually awakened Sacred Dragon! His within the body actually gave birth to the most terrifying snake of the void!”

Know that some powerful void The snake can not only poison to death human ancestors, but also easily poison the ancient emperor! It can be said that the Void Snake is the nightmare of all ancestors and ancient emperors. Faintly, Five Clawed Golden Dragon reminds of a terrifying rumor.

“Before I died in the battle, I once heard my husband say that the snake in the void is not born by nature, but a powerful curse, bred from a certain legendary bloodline! Could it be that this kid Within the body, he has some kind of legendary bloodline……”


Ye Fei didn’t know what Five Clawed Golden Dragon was thinking, he just tried his best to The bloodline of the whole body is condensed, frantically and continuously delivered to the nine-claw Sacred Dragon.

As for the dark giant snake that kept roaring and eroded his mind, Ye Fei didn’t even look at it, no matter how threatened the giant snake, how stinged his Divine Soul, even the roar, Like a steel needle, it pierced his most fragile soul, but Ye Fei was still gritting his teeth, his body was trembling, and all his blood vessels burst out.

Under the strong pressure of the dark giant snake, the blood vessels burst open like a waterfall, and Ye Fei quickly turned into a blood man, Divine Soul and Soul, more It was at the same time that it was about to collapse, but Ye Fei’s will was still unshakable like a rock. ,

The demon of the Void Serpent, also in the spirituality battle with the Sacred Dragon, is constantly wounded, with layers of darkness cursing aura, being beaten and swallowed by the Sacred Dragon, watching, that The huge Void Snake has shrunk the body of one third. As long as it persists, Sacred Dragon will be able to swallow the Void Snake completely.

si si!

The crisis of extinction caused the demon of the Void Serpent to let out a final roar. Suddenly, its huge triangular eyes stared at Ye Fei indifferently and cruelly, revealing infinite resentment, more thorough With indifferent mockery.

Only hearing a boom, the demon of the Void Snake has completely dissipated. It once again turned into a star map. At the moment when Sacred Dragon could not shut his mouth, the infinite starlight, With a powerful curse, he rushed into the Sacred Dragon within the body in an instant. Sacred Dragon couldn’t keep his mouth shut, and half of the powerful dragon body turned into a dark color.

Then, Sacred Dragon’s eye is no longer the bloodline that swallows Ye Fei, but it turns into a half black and half white space gem, slowly blending into Ye Fei’s bloodline. Ye Fei, also full of shock, slowly opened his eyes, “Did the dark giant snake die, or continue to hide?”

Chapter 2609 Rising Dragon Sect

Chapter 2609 Rising Dragon Sect

“Did the dark giant snake die or continue to hide in my bloodline?”

Ye Fei does not I know, but he clearly felt that when the Void Snake merged with the Sacred Dragon, the Sacred Dragon’s eye actually turned into a strange black and white power that poured into him In Ye Fei’s left eye, this also made Ye Fei’s left eye, like the previous Dragon Tortoise, seem to possess a certain mysterious power.

He raised his eyes and looked towards Five Clawed Golden Dragon in amazement, but when he saw Five Clawed Golden Dragon, he stared at him with an extremely shocking dragon eye, “You are actually fused The eye of Sacred Dragon!”

“Senior, isn’t that the eye of True Dragon? How come it becomes the eye of become Saint Dragon?” Ye Fei was puzzled, but it was strange to see Ye Fei successfully merged Stone, lively dragon and animated tiger, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise are all happy.

Only the Five Clawed Golden Dragon, the dragon eye looked at Ye Fei in amazement, “Could it be that this is the legendary bloodline, the ability that he possesses, he is obviously not Dragon Race, and within the body, there is no dragon’s blood. , But it can be recognized by the eyes of Sacred Dragon…”

Speaking of this, Five Clawed Golden Dragon’s expression suddenly became serious, “Ye Xiaozi, listen carefully, no matter how you are, Obtained the approval of Sacred Dragon’s Eye, but since you have merged with our Supreme Treasure, you must protect it from now on. You must not let it fall into the hands of evildoers. You must know that Sacred Dragon’s Eye is all Dragon Race’s Nemesis, this is also my clan. I have never wanted outsiders to know that there is a reason for the existence of Sacred Dragon. You must remember.”

Ye Fei only then knew that he was fused with the eyes of True Dragon. It’s the Sacred Dragon’s eye, which is stronger than the True Dragon’s eye. I’m afraid the Primordial Demon Dragon and the Ancient Space Emperor don’t know this.

Moreover, Sacred Dragon is the secret of Dragon Race, which is not known by outsiders. It’s no wonder that Five Clawed Golden Dragon will be so nervous and surprised by integrating the eyes of Sacred Dragon with him, even the attitude has undergone a fundamental change.

But without Five Clawed Golden Dragon, Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise, Xiaocao may have died under the black evil. Ye Fei is also replied with a firm eye on the request of Five Clawed Golden Dragon:” Golden Dragon Senior, please rest assured, unless I die, the eyes of Sacred Dragon will never fall into the hands of anyone. By the way, what is the effect of the eyes of Sacred Dragon that I merged with?”

Ye Fei asked Five Clawed Golden Dragon curiously. He had a vague feeling. With the battle between Sacred Dragon and Dark Serpent, his bloodline within the body seemed to be a little different.

“The eye of Sacred Dragon is transformed by the look of Sacred Dragon’s eyes. It is rumored that it contains all the essence of Sacred Dragon. Any Dragon Race can use this thing to transform into True Dragon, and even Divine Dragon, even, got some kind of powerful ability from Sacred Dragon inheritance. Now, you follow my method and move your left eye. Let me see what kind of ability Sacred Dragon bestows on you.”

Five Clawed Golden Dragon, directly using mind, imparted a peculiar Dragon Race secret technique to Ye Fei. This secret technique allows Human Race to also produce dragon power!

Ye Fei learned this secret technique and immediately displayed it. His profound power within the body was instantly transformed into Dragon Power. Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise were even more surprised to see that it was clearly Human Race’s Ye Fei actually radiates from his body, and only the advanced Dragon Race can possess the powerful Dragon’s Might.


Feeling this Dragon’s Might, Ye Fei’s within the body, there seems to be a peculiar power awakened, and Ye Fei’s left eye is instantly full It has a golden color.

“Ye Fei, looked towards the emperor!” Five Clawed Golden Dragon commanded majesticly.

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