speaking, the ancient emperor stared at the Destruction Sword order in Ye Fei’s hand. Just now, it was this sword that resisted his ancient emperor’s magical powers. He had to spend his mind to get out of the world in the mirror.

The ancient mirror is also an extraordinary product. It is a sacred relic of Huangtian. It contains the universe, which is Huangtian. In order to capture the recovered ancient divine corpse spirit, it was specially handed over to Lu Tian. Huang Tian originally wanted to use this ancient mirror to kill the ancient divine corpse by surprise. But didn’t expect it was not used on the ancient divine corpse spirit, but it was used on Ye Fei.

Seeing that ancient mirror, Ye Fei was even more depressed. Before, if Lu Tian had such a treasure, he could not only make a fuss in Muyang Palace, avenge Dragon Tortoise, but also leave calmly.

But what shocked Ye Fei even more was the identity of the strange man in front of him. He was actually the Sect Master of the Dragon Sect!

“Why, is it strange for me to be a Sect Master?”

Zhang Lang faint smiled and glanced at Ye Fei, but he was actually very puzzled, considering Ye Fei’s age And the realm comes from the Chilong Divine Dynasty, such a small area, it stands to reason that Ye Fei shouldn’t have any intersection with his Master. However, old fogey just gave the order to die. Within the day, bring Ye Fei back to the Dragon Sect.

It was this order that made Zhang Lang determined. He turned around, turned his head, and glanced coldly at the ancient emperor who came out of that ancient mirror, “Go away, or die!”

No explanation, only strong!

This is the Thang Long Sect! As long as it is a protector of the Thang Long Sect, regardless of whether it crosses the boundary or not, when it is time to make a move, he will definitely not be soft! This kind of sect style made Ye Fei suddenly like it.

The ancient emperor in that ancient mirror has a pale face, but he did not act as forcefully as he did against Ye Fei. Instead, he dared not move, but coldly shouted: “Zhang Lang, don’t go too far, you should rise Sect Master Long, it’s only a year, and the old man is in the emperor…”

“If you don’t roll, then die!”

Ye Fei suddenly felt that the silhouette of Zhang Lang beside him disappeared, and suddenly appeared above the head of the ancient emperor in the mirror, like the Divine Dragon of heaven and earth, with his feet on all sides, the ancient emperor in the mirror hurriedly resisted, but his hand has not been stretched out yet When he came out, the Earth Dragon chanted, like a dragon traveling the world, Zhang Lang’s feet had been crushed into the void, and the same was crushed, as well as the half of the ancient emperor’s body in the mirror.

But the ancient emperor, not at all, died. Ye Fei was surprised to find that the ancient emperor who attacked him was not the body, but just like Lu Tian, ​​using within the body sovereign aura, Condensed External Body Incarnation.

After that, Zhang Lang furiously shouted coldly. One foot landed and the other foot slammed out again, only to hear a loud bang. The incarnation of the ancient emperor in the mirror was completely Disappeared.


Lü Tian was horrified to find that the ancient mirror containing the ancient emperor incarnation in his hand was also broken at the same time, and a deep crack appeared. In this way, an ancient emperor incarnation, one piece Emperor Tian’s Supreme Treasure was all broken by Zhang Lang.

On the contrary, Lu Tian couldn’t utter a word, but he went backwards in horror and horror.

“Don’t worry, I am now a Sect Master Long, my temper is not as violent as before.” Zhang Lang smiled, but that smile fell in the eyes of Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, like a demon Smile.

Ye Fei looked at the broken ancient emperor incarnation and the ancient mirror, and was speechless for a while.

“Okay, all the eyesore are dismissed, Little Brat, hurry up with me to rise to the Dragon Sect and return to the Master!” Ignoring Lu Tian, ​​there are three quasi-emperors Muyang King.

As a Sect Master Long, Zhang Lang still has some demeanor. He just grabbed Ye Fei and jumped into the air. Ye Fei did not resist, but asked curiously, “Senior, I don’t know you. Master, who is it? What does it have to do with Five Clawed Golden Dragon Senior?”

“What, you don’t even know who my Master is… What else is Five Clawed Golden Dragon, I Master’s companion is obviously an eight-armed monster dragon!” Zhang Lang looked at Ye Fei a little strangely.

Ye Fei has a more weird look, and Beast Seal Space, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise are also looked at each other in blank dismay.

But Zhang Lang didn’t do too much explanation at all. Instead, he grabbed Ye Fei and directly opened a huge Domain Portal. Moreover, this Domain Portal overlapped and couldn’t see the end. But they can be connected to each other for continuous transmission.

This kind of teleportation is called celestial teleportation. Every time it is teleported, it will cost millions of profound veins! Ye Fei didn’t know that such a Transmission Array is not suitable for ordinary persons. Generally, Sect Master will activate it in person only when the most urgent incident occurs in the sect.

When I saw the precious Transmission Array used by Thang Longzong to attract Ye Fei, Lu Heavenly Eye’s eyes were round, full of disbelief, and a hint of faintly discernable jealousy. .

Be aware that Lu Tian is not qualified to use such a Transmission Array as a direct descendant of Emperor Tian. As a result, Ye Fei, who was once despised by him, not only sat on it, he was promoted to Sect Master Long and came in person. Pick up.

Of course, the most feared ones are King Muyang, Sect Master of Destiny, and the ancestor of Jin Family. They originally hated Ye Fei for the bones, and they wanted to snatch all the treasures from Ye Fei.

But seeing the strength of the Sect Master Long, they didn’t agree with each other. They killed an ancient emperor incarnation on the spot. They were the quasi emperor. They also frightened their legs and became weak. gates of hell The feeling of passing.

“I can’t think of that little vertical man, who has such a chance to be so favored by the Rising Dragon Sect!”

“hmph, the appearance of the Rising Dragon Sect must be tested by the ancient emperor The scene is related, hateful, but let that little vertical man take a step ahead!”

“I knew that, when we were in the trial field, we should desperately kill him!”


The old ancestor of Jin Family has a look of resentment, but after the resentment, a deep fear emerged in his heart. Ye Fei didn’t have the Shenglongzong as a backer, so he got Muyang City. Heaven and Earth turning upside down. Now Ye Fei has joined the Shenglongzong. It seems that his identity is still very noble. If you wait for Ye Fei to grow up, then come back. Revenge… Thinking of this, the ancestor of Jin Family suddenly shivered all over.

“No, I must immediately move my Golden Dragon Sect away from here, preferably to Huangtian, a region directly controlled…”

Obviously, I must be Sect Master Long. The strong shot has already made the three quasi-emperors completely afraid. At this time, instead of daring to retaliate against Ye Fei, they are afraid of Ye Fei. They will have revenge in the future. The ancestors of the Jin Family have a clan. The only thought of migration was Lu Tian, ​​standing there with a pale face. Before, he was the focus of everyone’s attention, but now, he is ignored by everyone as air.

The martial artist of the entire Muyang City, there is only one person talking at this time!

“Ye Fei!”

Lv Tian was angry like pig liver, his fists were clenched and turned blue on the spot, and he already had deep resentment towards Ye Fei in his heart.

Chapter 2624 Dragon Emperor Artifact

Chapter 2624 Dragon Emperor Artifact

Of course, this kind of resentment, Ye Fei will not know it, in Tianyu Under the transmitted rays of light, Ye Fei quickly came to a hilly area. After taking a closer look, looking at the mountains, they were all True Dragons, even Divine Dragons, which turned into a mountain range after death. Many of them are larger than Longdi Mountain, and those that surpass Longdi Mountain are countless.


In the animal print space, Xiaocao also holds the Dragon Tortoise, curiously looking at the environment all around, especially those in the dragon mountain, the dragon Qi is permeating , Filled with a strange energy, looks delicious.

However, Ye Fei hurriedly stopped Xiaocao’s prying eyes. After all, this is the Dragon Sect, not only the ancient emperor, but also the ancient gods.

“Welcome to Sect Master!”

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