The rays of light transmitted by the domain of the day fell, Ye Fei has come to a peculiar palace. Around it, there are still many Thang Long Sect Elders and disciplines standing around. When they saw that Sect Master moved the crowd and opened When Tianyu Teleport only brought back a little god, the complexion of many people became weird.

“No, the Master spent millions of profound veins to turn on the teleportation of the heavens, but it turned out to be for this person?” In the crowd, there was a young girl who was particularly eye-catching. She was very tall and looked only young. She was in her early twenties, but she was such a charming woman, whose realm was already in the middle stage of a god.

Ye Fei’s heart was sad. He was outside, fighting for life and death, only to break through the middle stage of the gods. As a result, this woman, seeing no wind and rain, but being so young, she became a god , This is Great Influence, the gap with ordinary forces.

“Chu Ling, you must not be impudent! From today, Ye Fei will join my Rising Dragon Sect, starting directly from Core Disciple.” Zhang Lang said in a final word, and gave Chu Ling a glance, but watched After coming out, Zhang Lang is very fond of this discipline and has no intention of blaming him, but Zhang Lang did not explain the origin of Ye Fei, but only elevated Ye Fei’s status to a high level.

This makes a lot of Elders even more puzzled. Looking from left to right, they don’t see what is special about Ye Fei. It is worthy of Sect Master’s activation of heaven teleportation. After all, the consumption of millions of profound veins is not cheap. It’s just that Zhang Lang didn’t say anything, and these Elders didn’t dare to ask more. They just guessed secretly in their hearts. Then, it seemed that someone had thought of something and looked at Ye Fei with a weird expression and then at Chu Ling.

Ye Fei was being taken by Zhang Lang and was talking. She didn’t have time to pay attention, but Chu Ling was a little unearthly. Seeing one of Elder looked strangely towards her twice, and looked towards Ye Fei, Chu Ling I couldn’t bear it anymore, and hurried over and asked: “Elder Tong, you always look at me, then at what that guy is doing, and say, are you hiding something from me?”

At the time, Chu Ling still grabbed Elder Tong’s arm and shook it vigorously. Chu Ling’s attitude also attracted the attention of other Elders. They came over and asked in a low voice, “Old boy, do you know any inside story? Celestial Teleportation has always been opened only when the sect is in the most urgent situation. Sect Master suddenly opened this time just to bring back a little god. This is too unusual.”

“Yes. It’s okay to see this kid’s cultivation base, but the bloodline is also only a trifling ten-pin, can’t be considered cream of the crop. Why does Sect Master want to be so exciting? Could it be that this person is the heir of Sect Master?”

“Fart, my Master hasn’t married my wife yet, the children who have emerged there?” Chu Ling eyes wide staring angrily. She still maintains her Master’s reputation very well, and everyone else is doing it together. Despised that gossip like Elder.

In the end, Elder Tong spoke, unperturbed and waved his hand: “Don’t guess, that kid, absolutely impossible Sect Master’s heir, not Sect Master Guo eyes high above the top, the old man never looked at him , I admire a young man like this. I happened to hear Sect Master say not long ago that he has always regretted not being able to find a husband-in-law who is satisfactory to Chu Ling and can make him particularly admire…”

“so that’s how it is, this makes sense, why Sect Master is so invigorating and moving the crowd.”

After all, with Zhang Lang’s doting on Chu Ling, this kind of thing is completely done Out. I only felt sorry for the client, Chu Ling, whose momentary curiosity was inexplicably involved in the major event of her marriage. And look at Elder Tong’s very determined eyes.

Chu Ling was ashamed and panicked in her heart, and quickly recalled the process of meeting Ye Fei. It turned out that not only was Ye Fei not handsome, but she also glanced at her body with an extremely “dirty” look. Ling panicked completely, and for no reason, she felt a certain dislike for Ye Fei.

Ye Fei also dreamed that he didn’t expect. He just took a look at Chu Ling under Zhang Lang’s introduction, and he was actually labeled as wretched.

Walking out of the palace, Zhang Lang quickly took Ye Fei and continued to move towards the depths of the mountains. Ye Fei knew that what he had just entered was only the most common teleportation hall of the Dragon Sect. .

In the deeper part of the mountain range, there are many palaces such as the cultivation technique hall, the hall of supernatural power, the hall of human ancestors, and the hall of gods. These Inside the palaces all exude a very powerful atmosphere, or human ancestors, Or the ancient emperor.

From time to time, you can see many disciples of the Thang Long Sect, driving various monster dragons, fighting each other in the air, and competing. Moreover, those demon dragons can actually turn into weapons to assist in combat.

For a while, Ye Fei couldn’t help but fascinated, but Zhang Lang smiled as hehe, as if intentionally, let Ye Fei see the power and characteristics of the Thang Long Sect. He pointed to those fighting disciplines. : “My Shenglong Sect is different from other sects. We not only pay attention to our own cultivation, but also destined to cooperate with the pets, such as these Outer Disciples. If they want to enter the Inner Sect, not only their own talents must be strong, but also their own Battle pets should also be upgraded to a very strong level. It is best to reach the level of interpersonal communication. Only in this way can they train into my Dragon Sect, the most famous weapon, the Dragon Emperor Artifact!”

“Dragon Emperor Artifact? Is it possible to use Dragon Beast to transform soldiers?” Ye Fei looked at the Thang Long Sect discipline who was fighting in the distance. They did not use weapons in their battles, but directly, turning their pets into weapons. .

This is the first time Ye Fei has seen this kind of cultivation, and he has a strong curiosity. Zhang Lang also patiently explained, “These are not True Dragon Emperor Artifacts. It can only be regarded as the embryonic form of the Dragon Emperor Artifact. The True Dragon Emperor Artifact not only allows the battle pet to communicate with the owner and soul, but also allows the battle strength and realm of the two sides to overlap each other, resulting in double critical strikes at any time…”

Ye Fei only then learned that the characteristic of Thang Long Zong is the Dragon Emperor Artifact, just like the Emperor, it can condense sovereign aura and become an External Body Incarnation, Heaven Realm 9th layer nine domains, among which the strongest sect , There are nine in total, each in charge of one side of the universe. Among them, Emperor Tian and Shenglong Sect are one of the strongest nine forces. Of course, in addition to these highest sects, there are also some very powerful secondary forces below, such as ancient Clan, the powerful ancient Divine Dynasty, or the sect of the ancient gods, is the second echelon of Heaven Realm.

Force such as Muyang Palace, Heavenly Destiny Sect, Golden Dragon Sect, these forces are simply a rateless force. This is also the reason why Lu Tian was able to rank above the three quasi-emperors in the realm of a god at that time .

Chapter 2625 Old Man

Chapter 2625 Old Man

“Ye Fei, if you join the Dragon Sect, you must have one Your battle pet is used to cultivation the Dragon Emperor Artifact, but don’t worry about this. I rise the dragon sect. There are many dragon species in captivity. I will take you to see the Master in a while. I will take you over to challenge the battle pet. It’s up to you whether you can get the approval of which battle pets.”

After introducing the general situation of the Thang Long Sect along the way, Zhang Lang, with Ye Fei, walked into the mountains. At the deepest point, the strange thing is that there is no palace here, only a simple wood house.

All around the wood house, there are also a lot of flowers and grass. Looking at these flowers, Dragon Tortoise immediately remembered the years of being trapped in the mountains by Sloppy Daoist and planting radishes in the mountains. Dragon Tortoise instantly hated it. .

Ye Fei was also a little surprised. He always thought that the ancient god was aloof and remote, not interested in mundane affairs. Now it seems that he has misunderstood. Standing in front of the wood house is a very handsome man. His middle-aged man is just hair grey-white, leaving traces of time. The most peculiar thing is that he can’t feel any breath.

This is completely different from the ancient gods Ye Fei had seen in the ancient gods. Seeing the flowers and grass all around, Ye Fei actually had the feeling that this ancient god has fuse together with the world.

Suddenly, in Ye Fei’s mind, a famous saying from later generations appeared, “The way is natural!”

He blurted out.

This remark also made the eyes of the ancient god in front of the wood house suddenly brighten, “It’s a natural way of saying that the old man has spent 300 years in this way, and he has been able to understand the road. In one word, you can tell the truth! That fellow Ao Guang did not misread you.”

“Dare to ask Senior, Ao Guang is the Five Clawed Golden Dragon Senior? He asked me to come to the Dragon Sect. What is your command? “Faced with the ancient gods, Ye Fei could only probe carefully.

What he fears most is that the Five Clawed Golden Dragon is unwilling to let the eyes of Sacred Dragon fall into the hands of foreigners. This is so exciting that the ancient emperor will bring him to the Sacred Dragon Sect. The Eye of Sacred Dragon.

You must know that the current Sacred Dragon Eye is the only Supreme Treasure that suppresses him within the body of the Void Serpent. If it is handed over, Ye Fei cannot predict the consequences.

Side Zhang Lang also looked towards the old man with a puzzled look, “Master, your companion, isn’t it the eight-armed Divine Dragon? Where did the Five Clawed Golden Dragon come from?”

“When the old man was still young, he just broke through the ancient emperor, Five Clawed Golden Dragon, it was the old man’s first dragon Emperor Artifact. At that time, we were young and energetic, and we explored Taixu together, but we encountered a powerful enemy. , Five Clawed Golden Dragon, died for me, the old man regretted his life! Until recently, a group of evil dragons recalled the old friends and heroes, the old man could reunite with his old friends.”

Speaking of which, Gu The god old man, couldn’t help sighing, and then looked towards Ye Fei again, “Don’t worry, old friends have told me to take care of you, and I will do it, so let’s go. Reluctantly, temporarily put you in the Divine Dragon Valley for ten years. When will you break through the ancient emperor, it will not be too late for you to come out again.”

“What, shut me down for ten years!” Ye Fei A little confused, this is different from what Five Clawed Golden Dragon said at the beginning. At that time, Five Clawed Golden Dragon said that as long as he joins the Thang Long Sect, he can eat delicious and spicy food.

The result is good now. He didn’t drink a sip of water and was about to be locked up.

“I can’t follow my fate. If the Shenglongzong does not retain people, Junior will leave!” Ye Fei was so angry that he turned to leave. In ten years, he would have the opportunity to find Demon Sovereign. Shangluo, even Wang Bai, he didn’t have that much time to waste here.

Immediately Ye Fei turned around and left. The old man, the old man, did not stop him. He just laughed and watched Ye Fei turn around. Then, Ye Fei felt like he was kicked on his ass. Feet, soar into the clouds and mount the mists on the spot, just moved towards the mountains and flew out, Ye Fei had the heart to kill people on the spot.

“Old Guy, I’m going to your uncle…”

This voice has turned into a rolling sound wave, spreading all around, many disciples and Elders of the Thang Long Sect, They all changed color suddenly, the ancient gods, that existed like gods and demons. The ones who saw the ancient gods were not trembling with fear. They were respectful and abnormal. As a result, this new discipline was not good. I don’t know where they offended the ancient gods and were kicked. Even if he flew, he still dared to insult the ancient god.

Before the wood house, Sect Master Zhang Lang looked even more confused, “Master, why are you?”

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