“hmph, hum, my old friend was in the bones before he left, telling the old man, don’t look at this guy who looks honest, loyal, and bullying. In fact, he’s in the bones. , Is a catastrophe that caused trouble, the old man did this to prevent him from being beaten to death.” The ancient god old man had a serious face.

Thinking of Ye Fei, but in the middle stage of the gods, he can use various means to turn upside down the troubled Heaven and Earth, the three quasi-emperors and Muyang palace, Zhang Lang also believes that, “It’s a pity, originally I I also plan to see if he can match him with Chu Ling…”

Of course this remark, Ye Fei won’t hear it, how terrifying is the foot of the ancient god, even if it’s not injured, Ye Fei will After being kicked out, several hundred li’s distances stabilized his figure. Then Ye Fei discovered that he had entered a strange valley. In this valley, there were huge dragon roars everywhere, like a dragon. Of the kingdom.

And the individual is huge, like a moving mountain, Ye Fei is trembling in fear. If this is facing the siege of dragons, a dragon kick is enough to trample him to death. .

Fortunately, these ancestors, and even the dragons in the quasi-emperor realm, did not attack Ye Fei. At most, they curiously explored the Divine Consciousness, and then took them back, no longer interested.

“Here is the Dragon God Valley where the Dragon Sect is located? But these Dragon Beasts are so powerful, not to mention the gods, they are human ancestors, and they may not be able to compete. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. It is important to quickly find a way to go out. “

After he had been shut down for ten years, Ye Fei didn’t have the patience. He simply moved towards the periphery of the Divine Dragon Valley and flew over, but he hadn’t gotten close yet. A powerful force of gravity had already knocked Ye Fei away. From the sky, directly to the ground.

“This Divine Dragon within the valley can’t fly? Then how can I get out?” Ye Fei complexion changed, subconsciously wanting to use space to move, at this time, it came from the woods not far away A lazily voice said, “Brother, don’t waste your energy. Enter the Dragon God Valley. Unless you can make a complete dragon Emperor Artifact, or get the approval of Divine Dragon, we can’t get out.”

Ye Fei was surprised to see that in the grove, walking out was a man in ragged clothes and covered in leaves. He looked like the discipline of the Thang Long Sect. He couldn’t help but curiously asked, “This Senior Brother, what does it take to become a dragon Emperor Artifact, or to be recognized by Divine Dragon?”

Chapter 2626 Dragon Tortoise is coming out

Chapter 2626 Dragon Tortoise is coming out

“As long as the refined Dragon Emperor Artifact is strong enough, you can get the approval of the Dragon God! How about, brother, are you interested in working together to leave this damn Dragon God Valley early?”

Leaf youth, still a familiar one, and neither of them knew him, so he was busy helping Ye Fei to make suggestions: “Frankly, these adult dragons, we cannot afford to offend, but I know that somewhere recently, there is A female dragon in the ancestral realm, who did not know who hooked up, actually gave birth to a dragon egg. If you can get a dragon egg and hatch it, it will take as little as one year or as long as three years, and we will be able to make a dragon Emperor. Artifact, then leave here.”

Looking at the young man coldly, Ye Fei did not agree, but instead asked: “Since you know this method, why don’t you do it yourself?”


Leaf youth sighed, and suddenly flicks with the finger. The leaves all over him disappeared and turned into an emerald-colored small dragon wrapped around him. The small dragon is very beautiful, but a pair of longan eyes. It is incomparably trivial and severely destroys the sense of beauty.

“See, I have the Dragon Emperor Artifact, but unfortunately because of a mistake, Ah Shui’s strength has been sealed, and now only the ability to disguise is left, otherwise I don’t want to cooperate with you brother, yes My name is Wu Yue, brother, if you are interested, we will join hands to steal the dragon egg.” Wu Yue looked eagerly.

“Yes!” Ye Fei didn’t care about nodded, after all, he first came to the Dragon Sect, he was not familiar with the place where he was born, and followed Wu Yue, at least he could get acquainted with this Dragon God Valley as soon as possible, but he didn’t. Objected and also reported his name.

Maybe it is hopeful that he will finally get out of trouble. Wu Yue was very excited to lead the way. The small jade dragon also turned into leaves again, perfectly fuse Wu Yue and the surrounding trees.

The exquisite disguise makes Ye Fei amazed. Wu Yue was also very proud and explained to Ye Fei all the way: “Different dragon Emperor Artifacts have different abilities. This time I took you to steal a dragon egg from a light dragon. The light dragon is inherently holy. Cultivate, you may be able to become a light dragon sacred sword, comparable to the soldiers of the ancient emperor! But we have to be careful, the female dragon is very fierce…”


I didn’t finish speaking, there was a huge dragon roar in the distance, and then, a light dragon, an angry moved towards Wu Yue, killed him, Wu Yue ran away without even saying hello. Ye Fei looked a little sluggish, and then, he saw a huge dragon wing, unable to catch up with Wu Yue, and actually moved towards him and took a picture.

Subconsciously, Ye Fei touched the space belt and wanted to take out the Ghost God tripod to resist, but at the next moment, Ye Fei’s expression was stiff, “Not good, my space belt was The ancient gods are sealed!”


Then, there is the explosion of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, Ye Fei’s body, soar into the clouds and mount again The mists were photographed out of several hundred meters, and the clothes on his body turned into rags. The angry female dragon refused to let Ye Fei, roared, and wanted to continue chasing Ye Fei. But at this moment, Wu Yue yelled from the other direction, “Brother, you have been so hard to stop this female dragon, I took her dragon egg.”

Mother dragon complexion Greatly changed, Ye Fei immediately abandoned Ye Fei and rushed back to the nest, fearing that the dragon egg would be stolen. And when the mother dragon rushed back to the dragon’s nest, the silhouette of Wu Yue appeared in the grass beside Ye Fei, and he moved towards Ye Fei and beckoned: “Brother, when I was running, why didn’t you run? Fortunately, Ah Shui still has some ability…”

Ye Fei only then discovered that the jade small dragon who called on the other side was actually the small jade dragon. The small dragon was good at disguising and transfiguration, and even the light dragon in the ancestral realm. They were all deceived.

However, Ye Fei did not pursue Wu Yue’s loyalty. When they came to a safe place, he began to check his space belt, but Wu Yue waved his hand and said, “No Used, Dragon God Valley, there are only two kinds of people, one is who came in to temper the Dragon Emperor Artifact, and the other is ours who made mistakes and was punished by the sect. It hasn’t been ten or eight years. Your space belt is There is no way to open it.”

Ye Fei’s face changed suddenly, “I can’t open it for ten years, so what should I do with that many profound veins in me?” After all, in Muyang Palace, he won enough. Full of 6,000,000 profound veins, all installed in the space belt.

And hearing this, Beast Seal Space, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise all have a heartache. Ye Fei finally understood that the old man was serious about his attitude.

Obviously, unless he is here, obediently and honestly for ten years of cultivation, thoroughly integrated with the eyes of the Sacred Dragon within the body, or breakthrough ancient emperor, otherwise the old man will not let him leave this dragon Kamiya’s.

“But in ten years, too long, I will only fight for the day!”

One setback failed to bring Ye Fei down, but it completely inspired Ye Fei’s fighting spirit. He must become a Dragon Emperor Artifact, and then walk out of this Dragon God Valley!

“Wu Yue, please help me. I will become a dragon Emperor Artifact within a year!” Ye Fei said in a deep voice. Hearing this, Wu Yue was startled, “One year? This is absolutely impossible, just to steal the dragon egg, I have been chased by the light dragon for three months…”

Speaking of these three months of experience, Wu Yue feels sad.

Ye Fei was even more speechless. The light dragon was so angry that it was stolen for three months in a row… Ye Fei suddenly realized that he continued to steal the dragon egg, maybe It was an extremely wrong decision, otherwise, accidentally, one day he didn’t run fast enough, he might become a Guanglong dinner.

“It seems that Da Hei can only get out of the way!”

After all, Dragon Tortoise is also a dragon species, so naturally it can also cultivation success Dragon Emperor Artifact and grow up with him. More is the realm, just a little too low. But now there is no other way.

“Da Hei, it’s up to you!” Ye Fei finally made up his mind and grabbed Dragon Tortoise from the beast seal space.

“Small dragon turtle in the realm of Taoism?” Wu Yue was a little surprised. “It turns out that you have a pet on your body. Unfortunately, your realm is too low and your talents are average. Can it really pass the test of the Dragon God and become a dragon? “


The answer to Wu Yue was Dragon Tortoise’s domineering roar, full of infinite fighting spirit and anger, and shocked the jade small dragon that returned. Ye Fei and Xiaocao were also shocked, thinking that Dragon Tortoise was injured too badly and his brain was broken.

But when I heard the call of gu gu coming from Dragon Tortoise’s stomach, Ye Fei and Xiaocao were speechless in an instant, and then I realized that Dragon Tortoise can show such fighting spirit, purely Worried about not being able to eat.

After all, if you don’t eat black stone for one or two meals, Dragon Tortoise can tolerate it. If you can’t eat black stone for a full ten years, Dragon Tortoise will definitely not be able to accept it. The animal print space is like a grass. I could also feel Dragon Tortoise’s heart, and Xiaocao’s face immediately turned red, and he also had a fighting spirit, indicating that Xiaocao is very angry now.

Chapter 2627 Provocation

Chapter 2627 Provocation

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