rare that Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise have such fighting spirits . Ye Fei will naturally not be disappointed, but moved towards Wu Yue nodded, “I will use Dragon Tortoise. Please also Brother Wu and pass on my dragon Emperor. Artifact’s cultivation method.”

“Ai, the light dragon is difficult to deal with. Now that you have decided, I can’t oppose it. Fortunately, the Dragon God’s judgment on the Dragon Emperor Artifact is not in strength, but in Ability.”

That’s how it was said, but looking at the fat Dragon Tortoise, not only Wu Yue didn’t have much confidence, but Ye Fei was also very bottomless. He had no choice but to come out of Dragon Tortoise. He couldn’t find the second battle pet. He could only write down the method of Dragon Emperor Artifact cultivation taught by Wu Yue, and then began to comprehend. Through comprehension of Ye Fei, he was surprised to find that the Dragon Emperor Artifact is really a strange world. Gong, and it is extremely suitable for the Dragon Race cultivation technique of dragon’s blood Demonic beast cultivation.

cultivated this cultivation technique, many Demonic beasts with dragon’s blood can not only share life and communicate with their masters, but can even gain the master’s perception and magical powers.

The most important thing is that it is said that the emperor in Dragon Race, the Dragon Emperor, created this cultivation technique.

“so that’s how it is, the dragon emperor created this cultivation technique, not to make the Dragon Race enslaved and become a murder weapon, but to use this special cultivation method to continuously improve the Dragon Beast With the bloodline, ordinary monster dragons have the opportunity to transform into True Dragons and even Divine Dragons!” Ye Fei was secretly shocked. Generally speaking, ominous beasts can only become demon dragons even if they have dragon’s blood in their bodies. There is still a certain gap between the existence of the Dragon Beast and the True Dragon clan.

The dragon emperor, however, took a different approach and created the dragon Emperor Artifact, which allows Demonic beasts with dragon’s blood to transform into various Divine Weapons to continuously temper their fleshy body and improve Your own bloodline, until the fleshy body and bloodline, have reached their limits, and finally, like a fish leaping over the dragon gate, it transforms from a demon dragon into a true dragon!

Therefore, the last magical power of this dragon Emperor Artifact is called Nirvana! What is taken is the demon dragon nirvana, transformed into True Dragon, the meaning of Divine Dragon! However, in the end, the Demonic beast can finally become True Dragon or Divine Dragon, it depends on the efforts of this Demonic beast itself.

“Da Hei, it seems that you have to work hard!” Ye Fei passed all the dragon Emperor Artifacts that he had understood to Dragon Tortoise, and Dragon Tortoise is also very serious without being lazy. cultivation up.

Ye Fei and Xiaocao are very pleased. It seems that after the crisis of the ancient emperor’s trial field, Dragon Tortoise has really begun to grow up. However, Wu Yue didn’t have much confidence in Dragon Tortoise. “The realm and bloodline of this little tortoise are too low. It will be difficult to build the 1st Transformation of the Emperor Artifact…”


Wu Yue did not finish speaking, Dragon Tortoise in the cultivation suddenly opened his mouth and roared, and the dragon’s blood within the body boiled in the void, condensing into a special dragon-shaped divine runes, suddenly submerged in Ye Fei’s shoulder, Ye Fei felt the position of his shoulder, the beast print in the beast print space turned into a dragon print!

Dragon Tortoise’s mind, through this dragon seal, is clearly transmitted to Ye Fei’s heart, “Ye…Fei…”

“Da Hei, you actually know how Speak!” Ye Fei was surprised. Xiaocao was even more shocked. Then Ye Fei’s mind came out with a slightly immature voice, “Hungry…”

Ye Fei and Xiaocao were all over their heads instantly Black line, and I don’t know if it was affected by the Human Sovereign Seal. Ye Fei and Xiaocao can actually hear Dragon Tortoise’s heartfelt voice at the same time.

But it’s about Xiaocao’s safety. Ye Fei didn’t dare to ask Wu Yue casually. Instead, he bored this question in his heart and looked towards Wu Yue: “Da Hei is like this, it’s a perfection of Emperor Artifact. Huh?”

Wu Yue dumbstruck, the emerald small dragon on his body smashed to the ground, and he came back to his senses, “You little turtle aptitude is still so-so. You can become a demon in one day. The 1st Transformation of Dragon Transformation is a little bit slower than A Shui of my house. Now I can take you to Thang Longtai.”

The so-called Thang Longtai is the Thang Long School discipline and The battle pet, the place of the cultivation dragon Emperor Artifact, is said to be founded by the Sect Founder himself. There are 36 big formations, forming the Tiangang formation.

Furthermore, Shenglongtai can only be used by core children.

Since Ye Fei can enter the Dragon God Valley, it must also be Core Disciple. Wu Yue can safely and boldly bring Ye Fei over. From afar, Ye Fei saw 36 steps, leading directly to the depths of the clouds.

When they were in the past, there were already many disciples of the Dragon Sect, with their own battle pets, climbing those steps, and honing their strengths and their battle pets. Among them, Ye Fei also saw an acquaintance, who was actually Chu Ling who had met before. She also held a small light dragon in her arms, and Wu Yue’s eyes were straight when she looked at it.

“It’s so unreasonable. I was chased by the light dragon for three months without even touching the dragon egg. As a result, Chu Ling easily got a powerful light dragon cub! “

“This is how important it is to have a good Master.” Ye Fei looked at the magnificent little light dragon, and looked at the Dragon Tortoise, who was rubbing against his trouser legs and begging for black stones. Inexplicably sour.

Chu Ling also turned her head and looked at Ye Fei with a weird expression. When she saw Ye Fei and Wu Yue were actually with Wu Yue, the girl’s eyes were not disgusting, but despised.” Ye Fei, you don’t love yourself too much. Only when you came to the Dragon Sect, you angered the Ancestor Master. Not to mention why you still mix with shameless like Wu Yue, and you have lost my Master’s face!”

“Chu Ling, what you said is wrong, I admit, I am not of noble origin than you, but I am shameless!” Wu Yue yelled very uncomfortably, but it was a sound of laughter.

Chu Ling even more contemptuously said: “You peeked at Princess Chu State bathing, isn’t it shameless or something?”

There was laughter immediately around, many people used contempt. Looking at Wu Yue, Ye Fei was also speechless, secretly thought Wu Yue, is it really that abnormal?

Wu Yue’s will became depressed in an instant, and suddenly looked towards Ye Fei and said: “brother Ye, if I said, I was framed, do you believe it?”

“I believe it!”

Ye Fei’s tone is affirmative. At that time in Guanglong’s territory, Wu Yueming could use him to attract Guanglong’s attention, and then took the opportunity to steal the dragon egg, but Wu Yue didn’t have that. As a result, Ye Fei believes that no matter how bad Wu Yue is, it will not go bad.

Wu Yue’s body was shocked, the emerald small dragon on his shoulders also looked towards Ye Fei in a daze. Chu Ling also looked at Ye Fei in surprise, and then her face was cold, “Ye Fei . It seems that you really want a way to get dark! In that case, how do we compare?”

“Compared to what?” Ye Fei is a little strange, he didn’t offend Chu Ling, why Chu Ling Seeing him, he became very angry. Unfortunately, Ye Fei didn’t know the gossip of Elder Tong in the palace. Otherwise, he would know why Chu Ling was so angry.

And this time Chu Ling entered the Dragon God Valley, one is to refine the Dragon Emperor Artifact, and the other is for Ye Fei.

“It’s very simple, we will go further than who is on the Shenglongtai!”

Chapter 2628 Shenglongtai

No. 2628 Zhang Shenglongtai

“We are farther than who is on Shenglongtai! If you win, I will not interfere with your affairs, but if you lose, you two must Like that little tortoise, crawling on the ground twice, do you dare to pick it up?”

Chu Ling deliberately looked towards Ye Fei with a very provocative look, Ye Fei was very depressed, he It doesn’t seem to offend Chu Ling, why does this woman have such a big opinion of him?

Is it disarming?

In the end, when he newly joined the Thang Long Sect, he was personally introduced by Sect Master. It is inevitable that some people will not accept him. If they want to test his strength, Chu Ling is very likely to be the leader of this group. .

In this case, Ye Fei is not a person who is afraid of things. Naturally, he can’t do it at this time, because of his imposing manner.

“Okay, I promise you! If I win, I don’t want you to be a tortoise. I only want you. I apologize to Wu Yue!” Ye Fei said solemnly, since he chose to believe in Wu Yue, he naturally didn’t want to. Wu Yue is being misunderstood by others.

Wu Yue’s body was shocked. When other senior and junior brothers doubted him, Ye Fei not only chose to believe him, but also stepped up to help him get his name.

“Regardless of the outcome of this fight, from now on, Ye Fei will be my brother.” Wu Yue vowed secretly in his heart.

Chu Ling also glanced at Ye Fei in surprise again, “I don’t see it, you guy is very loyal to friends, but it’s because you make friends carelessly. Okay, I agree, you just wait. Lose! Xiaojin, let’s go!”

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