so-called half ancestor is the perfection level of the gods. He has half his feet and stepped into the realm of human ancestors. Moreover, Li Yong is not an ordinary half ancestor, but the Inner Disciple of Emperor Tian, ​​battle strength Undoubtedly more terrifying.

At this time, even if Chu Ling lacks combat experience, she should know that this battle is unfair. “Emperor, you are a fraud! Ye Fei was only in the late stage of the gods, but you sent a powerhouse in the half-ancestral realm!”

“hmph, all’s fair in war! This time, we only talk about three wars. Two wins, but there is no restriction on the realm. As long as it is within the scope of the Divine Sovereign Realm, then it is not a violation of the rules!” Next to Chu Fengxue, Lu You eccentric retorted that Huangtian’s discipline is also laughed heartily, with the perfection of the gods. , Regarding Shenjun’s late stage, no matter how you look at it, it is a stable win situation.

“Li Yong Senior Brother, kill him! Let these untouchables of Shenglongzong know the power of my emperor!” There is the emperor’s discipline, angrily cursing, Chu Fengxue’s eyes are also extremely Staring coldly at Ye Fei.

If Bao Min and Zhang Yi died, if they don’t give an explanation, Huang Tian will surely anger King Chu Mansion, and what else could be better than Ye Fei’s life. Better explanation?

“The defeated person died. This is what you said. Now, you can die!” Li Yong moved forward indifferently, his expression was arrogant, but between the steps, each step was accurate to the millimeter The distance between them makes Li Yong, like a killing machine, killing people without wasting a trace of profound energy or causing any additional damage.

This is Li Yong’s knife!

“Measure the heaven and the earth!”

Boom ka!

The horrible blade light, turned into a huge ruler, can measure the height of the heaven and the earth. Testing the angle of killing, when the knife was released, behind Li Yong, there was a strange ruler rune, which faintly flickered, that was the will of Divine Ability that Li Yong had understood. Now it’s also integrated in, making the blade light more sophisticated, breaking through the layers of sword light, and slashing towards Ye Fei’s throat.

Ye Fei does not evade. Facing the half-ancestor, he is useless to evade. After all, Li Yong’s talent and realm are there. What he can do is to surprise him and use the fastest speed. In the shortest time, kill Li Yong instantaneously, otherwise the delay of time will only disadvantage him.

“Big Hei, lend me, your monster force!”


At the critical moment, Ye Fei motivated the Dragon Emperor Artifact, Dragon Tortoise The psychic connection with Ye Fei also spurred the Emperor Artifact decision. When the two Emperor Artifacts were activated at the same time, Ye Fei suddenly felt that he seemed to be completely integrated with Dragon Tortoise.

The terrifying will of the demon emerges from Ye Fei’s body, forming a boiling monster qi, sweeping all over the place, and in the middle of that monster qi, there is a big black pot, with a fierce aura, facing you , He smashed at Li Yong.

This scene also makes Huangtian’s disciplines inwardly startled in one’s heart. In the end, the Rising Dragon Sect is a Great Influence that is not lost to the Emperor, especially the existence of the Dragon Emperor Artifact, which can make Shenglong The discipline of the sect and the abilities of the battle pet are superimposed on each other to produce double critical strikes. Also relying on this, the discipline of the Thanglong sect can often use the advantages of the battle pet to make up for the lack of battle strength and talent, and cross the realm. It’s a fight across talent.

Even though Ye Fei’s thrown ill-fated behavior was very strange, Li Yong didn’t dare to be careless. Suddenly, the blade light in his hand moved towards one point on both sides, and it was divided evenly from one knife. Two knives, then three knives, four knives, countless blade lights, whizzing around, claiming to be heaven and earth, forming a blade world, turning Dragon Tortoise into a black pot. Trapped in the blade light.

The remaining blade light is like a precise trajectory of stars. The knives are dazzling, whizzing and gathering together, and once again become the original sword of the gods, moving towards Ye Fei’s neck. , “Without the Dragon Emperor Artifact, it depends on what you do. It will kill me if you resist me!”

“Since I can’t resist, then I can’t stop it! With my sword, kill Fiendgod! Blood Sword, Asura !”

Boom ka!

sword light flashes, Blood Sword Hua Tai Chi. Ye Fei ignored the life-threatening magic knife. Suddenly, a terrifying purple-gold rays of light burst out of his body. At the same time, the blood fighting intent and the will of the demon burned at the same time, and also moved towards Li Yong, stabbing the life. One sword, this sword, completely exceeded everyone’s expectations, and completely separated from Li Yong’s subtle plot against.

In Li Yong’s opinion, Ye Fei lost the Dragon Emperor Artifact and would dodge in a panic and try to recall the Dragon Emperor Artifact again. But Ye Fei did not do that, but directly, with Li Yong, Fighting fate, this kind of desperate madness and bravery, is precisely what Huangtian’s disciplines lack, and Ye Fei is best at it.

Because Ye Fei has Ancient God Golden Body!

This is an ancient god cultivation technique, which is more resistant. An ancestor hit. When he saw the Purple Gold rays of light released by Ye Fei again, Lu You in the distance tried to remind him, but he didn’t wait for him to remind Ye. Fei’s sword and Li Yong’s sword hit each other at the same time.


A horrible knife gang made Ye Fei Ancient God Golden Body, in an instant, full of cracks, even the blade, only from Ye Fei’s throat, Less than half a centimeter away.

This is the power of Li Yong. With the half-ancestral realm, he can fight and kill human ancestors. Even the Ancient God Golden Body cannot completely resist this horrible killing, but Li Yong never broke Ye Fei gold The joy of the body and the look in his eyes flashed a touch of horror and a touch of fear, because Ye Fei’s sword had penetrated his heart, and the destruction of sword energy, even more instantly, shattered his Divine Soul.

Another icy corpse fell under Ye Fei’s feet. Ye Fei exchanged injuries for his life and successfully beheaded Li Yong, a powerful half-ancestor!

“The next battle, who will come?”

Forcibly resisting the blood pouring to his mouth, Ye Fei stood with a sword, even if he was injured, the sword intent on his body will not disappear. The flames of war in my heart will not extinguish.

Chapter 2641 Victory and Failure

Chapter 2641 Victory and Failure

I feel Ye Fei’s blood fighting intent for the rest of his life, a bloody battle to the end. With the will of the demon like the emperor among the demon, and the discipline of the emperor, many faces became pale.

You must know that Li Yong was already the highest among them, but Ye Fei still used a reckless fighting style to forcefully kill him.

The emperor’s disciples present are all noble. They are either from the princes, or from the Imperial Family, and at the very least, they are the direct descendants of certain big clans. Let them be like Ye Fei, to fight with recklessness and fate. It is very difficult for them to change their lives. After all, the more high-ranking people are, the more they cherish their lives. At least, these people who follow Chu Fengxue must not be able to do it.

“Three battles, two games have been won! There is no need to continue this battle, Emperor Tian, ​​defeat!” Behind the army formation, Demon Sovereign’s breath was weak, but his spirit was bright.

Ye Fei In this battle, Zhang Hui and Li Yong were killed in succession. It can be said that Demon Sovereign and the entire frontier army are proud, without any orders, 200,000 frontier soldiers have shouted in unison: ” !” This roar made everyone in the army of imperial city change color. Many of the generals who had taken refuge in looked at Chu Fengxue with panic eyes. They took refuge in King Chu Mansion and worked for Chu Fengxue. , What I fancy is the identity of Chu Fengxue Huangtian’s discipline.

Now, if Emperor Tian is defeated and no longer participates in the Chu State dispute, what will they take to fight against the Demon Sovereign side army and the Thang Long Sect?

Chu Fengxue’s face is even more terrifying at this time. The war originally will definitely end with the destruction of the Demon Sovereign army. As a result, the emergence of Ye Fei has not only reversed the crisis of the frontier army. , And even killing Bao Min, Zhang Yi, Li Yong, and the three Huangtian disciplines.

This is not only the defeat of King Chu Mansion, but also the defeat of Huangtian. It is also like a slap in the face. He slapped Huangtian’s discipline hard on the face, facing the 200,000 frontiers, and shouted. , Huangtian’s disciplines, unable to find a reason, made a rebuttal and issued an angry roar.

After all, Ye Fei has won two games in a row, it is a fact! They are indeed defeated!

“Chu Fengxue, it seems that we can’t do without admitting defeat.” Huangtian’s discipline said unwillingly. Hearing this remark, Chu Fengxue’s pale expression suddenly became gloomy and cold. Withdrawal, those forces that take refuge in the King Chu Mansion will immediately split, and there may even be the possibility of turning back to the frontier army. As the King Chu Mansion First Prince, the future Chu State emperor, Chu Fengxue, naturally will not allow this to happen. .

Suddenly, Chu Fengxue seemed to have decided something, and looked at the woman who was still kneeling on the ground, “Chu Yu, the palace has nurtured you for 20 years, so that you can become a talent. Now, it’s time for you to give back to the palace. , You go up and fight!”


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