Chu Fengxue ’s decision surprised many people. Even if they want to fight back, Chu Fengxue should send someone stronger than Li Yong to kill Ye Fei, so that there is a slight chance of turning defeat into victory.

But now, Chu Fengxue sent the Adopted Daughter of the Palace, who was more than twice weaker than Li Yong. This woman was also the person who pretended to be a princess and framed Wu Yue.

Seeing that she was in the battle, Wu Yue’s face changed, and Chu Ling said ill-humoredly: “Why, I’m not giving up, I feel bad?”

“Senior Sister, You know what I didn’t mean! I’m just wondering why Chu Fengxue sent her to fight in the last battle. How do you think she is impossible, is Ye Fei’s opponent?” Wu Yue was very puzzled.

But Chu Fengxue didn’t say anything, just a cold command, even if he knew that going up was to die, Chuyu still gritted his teeth, stood up, and walked towards Ye Fei, “King Chu Adopted Daughter , Chuyu, the last battle with you!”

Ye Fei shook his head and looked at this woman with some sympathy, “You are not here to fight, but to die! If you fight, my sword, I won’t be tolerant, let’s quit, you are not King Chu Adopted Daughter, you are Chuyu, a flesh and blood person, not a tool that they discard after they use it!”

Ye Fei’s expression changed. It was a very complicated emotion. Ye Fei was clearly an enemy. But when he heard those words, Chuyu had an urge to cry. But before she could speak, Chu Fengxue’s indifferent voice came from behind, “Chu Yu, you are not only an Adopted Daughter in the palace, if you don’t have confidence, I can let someone else replace it!”

“No, His Highness the Prince, Chuyu is willing to go through water and tread on fire for King Chu Mansion!” Chuyu’s expression suddenly began to panic, Chu Fengxue’s eyes became more and more indifferent. “If you want to fight, you must at all costs and win! Even if you die!”

“Yes, the first language, this fight! Kill!”

Beautiful eyes The eyes lost their emotions, only a piece of indifference and coldness remained. At the beginning of the speech, when she shot her, her body, like a shadow, dissipated in place, and split rapidly, moving towards Ye Fei densely packed, rushing over, every silhouette, They all pierced the same dagger, it was not a normal dagger, but a poison, but a sword seals the throat.

Seeing the dagger, the Demon Sovereign behind became nervous, “Ye Fei, be careful, that is a poison that is not easy to be a daughter… Never let it stab!”

“Master, don’t worry, although Poison is terrifying, she can’t get close to my body, Taiji Sword Dance!” Ye Fei Divine Sword whispers, the howling sword energy, sword intent, and Sword Soul merge with each other and transform into a peculiar Taiji Sword dance.

This sword dance is created by Ye Fei’s fusion of his own sword dao and the Earth Sovereign sword dance. It is to use the power of Tai Chi to its limit, and the thousands of silhouettes of Chu Yu assassinated it. He came, but couldn’t get close to Ye Fei at all. The Taiji Sword dance had already broken one after another silhouette. It was also in the middle stage of the gods, Chuyu, simply was not Ye Fei’s enemy of a sword.

But this woman is very crazy. She weakened the Taiji Sword dance with the help of the afterimage of the sky. Then, she burned her own bloodline, and even Divine Soul, at the end, pierced with her body. Entered the Taiji Sword dance, so when she rushed to Ye Fei, she was bound to be crushed to death by Ye Fei’s sword dance and the strangulated fleshy body.

Chu Fengxue’s face also showed a cold expression, “Crazy untouchables, fight with fate! Not only you can, my King Chu Mansion can also!”

In the sky of sword light, his eyes became more and more indifferent, and he didn’t care about Chuyu’s death at all. He even had the intention of wishing Chuyu to die.

But Chu Fengxue’s intention was not successful!

At the critical moment, Ye Fei stopped the sword dance, looking at Chuyu with some pity on his body. This is also a poor woman, controlled by the King Chu Mansion, named Adopted Daughter, But fate is like a must.

“If you enter, you will die! While I still have a kind heart, retreat!” Ye Fei waved his sword and wanted to use the sword gang to shoot Chu Yu back to the camp of King Chu Mansion, but at this time, Chuyu made a crazy move. She burned all of her Divine Soul, and the Divine Sword moved towards Ye Fei smashed into it. The speed was so fast that Ye Fei didn’t react. The sword in her hand, Has penetrated Chuyu’s heart.

“Why?” Ye Fei was full of doubts.

“Since I was young, seven orphans and I have been adopted by King Chu. If I don’t fight, it’s my brother sisters. If I don’t die, they will die! Young Master Ye , You quickly let go, I don’t want you to be…”

In the beginning, her Divine Soul burned out, and she had reached the end of her life. She finally had no scruples and wanted to treat Ye Fei. Say something, but don’t wait for her to say it.

pu’ sound, a cold light in the distance, flying in the air, directly, cut off Chu Yu’s beauty head, it’s Chu Fengxue, she let Chuyu go out to fight to death, and then he flew in Chuyu Zhongjian At that time, he personally killed her.

In this battle, Emperor Tian, ​​lost?

Chapter 2642, Ye Fei must die within seven days

Chapter 2642, Ye Fei must die within seven days


The cold body of Chuyu slowly fell under Ye Fei’s feet. The blood splashed on Ye Fei’s body, and some of them were sprayed on the back of Ye Fei’s sword holding hand.

This is the so-called Adopted Daughter in King Chu Mansion. She fought loyally to the palace, but in the end, she was killed by Chu Fengxue personally!

“Chu Fengxue, you are too much.” Ye Fei’s tone was cold. Even though it was an enemy, Chu Fengxue’s methods were too cold-blooded. Many generals in the imperial city army also looked at Chu Fengxue with a horrified look. They were waiting for Chu Fengxue’s explanation.

Chu Fengxue’s expression is full of indifference, “Useless lowly maid, kill it, with the prestige of my palace, let my palace bear others, and no one shall bear the palace! Ye Fei, this In the battle, you won, but you definitely won’t survive for seven days! All soldiers, kill me!”

As the son of King Chu Mansion, the future Emperor Chu State, Chu Fengxue, Not reconciled to fail, he wants to let go and make the last fight! With the Chu State imperial city army, in one fell swoop, the frontier army was wiped out.

Chu Ling and Wu Yue both showed angry expressions, “Huang Tian, ​​can you not afford to lose?”

“hmph, if you agree to bet you must accept to Lose, we Emperor, will not intervene in this war, but if you lose under the encirclement and suppression of the imperial city army, then it is your problem.” Lu You and the Emperor’s disciples all sneered.

This time Emperor Tian lost too badly, too faceless, even if they can’t make a move, they have to use the army of King Chu Mansion to make the last fight. A cold smile appeared on Chu Fengxue’s face, looking at Ye Fei, “You are very strong, but this is the Chu State war, not the martial stage of the sect. What if you win the battle? Even if Huangtian can’t make a move, this world’s son will have enough time to deploy troops and generals to completely siege you! All soldiers, kill me!” After saying this, Chu Fengxue also retreated to Huangtian’s team. In the middle, although he is the son of King Chu’s mansion, he is also the Emperor’s discipline after all. According to regulations, he is not allowed to intervene. However, at the time of the fight, the imperial city had nearly 500,000 troops, which had already been secretly assembled by Chu Fengxue. Chu Fengxue believed that the imperial city army would surely defeat the exhausted frontier army even without Huang Tian’s attack.

Furthermore, Huangtian’s discipline and Chu Fengxue’s attitude of advancing and retreating at the same time convinced many generals of the imperial city army that even if Huangtian lost this competition, Huangtian’s support for Chu Fengxue would spare no effort. At the same time, Chuyu’s killing also allowed many generals who took refuge in the King Chu Mansion to understand the possible punishment for betraying the King Chu Mansion.

When all these factors are added together, the entire imperial city army immediately burst into the strongest imposing manner. Countless imperial city soldiers lined up in the army, with a loud noise, and launched another charge. .

Ye Fei feels strange that the attitude of the frontier soldiers, facing the siege of Chu Fengxue, 200,000 frontier soldiers, actually did not move, even Demon Sovereign, with wounds, again Back to this battlefield.

“Ye Fei, look at this war, how great is my frontier army?” Demon Sovereign asked with words, but Ye Fei smiled bitterly, “I’m not the enemy. Intervene, Master, your army won’t win too much, but…”

Ye Fei’s mouth suddenly raised a smile, “But although the enemy is crowded, the frontier army can still be in danger. Chaos, to maintain such a high morale, in addition to the Master’s good command, there should be other methods, can you turn defeat into victory?”

He looked at Demon Sovereign.

Demon Sovereign’s pale face finally showed a gratified smile, “My discipline has finally grown up. Now, let me be a teacher and give you the last lesson, and then you can finish apprenticeship , Send an order, send a signal!”

bang bang bang!

Three huge fire lights rushed into the sky. It was the signal of the Demon Sovereign army to launch a general attack. I noticed this Signal, all directions, behind the reinforcements mobilized by Chu Fengxue, a large number of soldiers and horses appeared again, directly behind them, began to besiege the army of King Chu Mansion.

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