“These are not the frontier army, but the king. During this period of time, the soldiers and horses sent to the cities of Chu State! King Chu Mansion, thinks himself, taking advantage of Chu Emperor’s illness , You can control the Imperial Palace and order Chu State, but I don’t know that the Emperor of Chu has a magnificent talent and has long given this King Armament symbol, which can summon Chu State, the soldiers of a hundred cities, the soldiers, the king of Qin!”

“My colleagues Now, the defeat of King Chu’s army, the success or failure, all depends on the present! Who fights side by side with this king!” At this time, Demon Sovereign exudes a powerful prestige of king!

Obviously, when entering Heaven Realm, Demon Sovereign has also grown tremendously, and hearing Demon Sovereign’s words, Ye Fei was surprised to see that many of the generals who belonged to the imperial city army, suddenly Exposing his right arm, making a counter-attack, frantically fighting with the former friendly army.

When no one didn’t expect, Demon Sovereign not only summoned the whole nation, but also came to King Qin, but also instigated the army of King Chu Mansion in secret.

For Demon Sovereign’s tactics, Ye Fei was completely convinced, and Demon Sovereign was a very vivid lesson for him. Chu Ling and Wu Yue, looking at the master and disciple standing together, felt a sense of fear in their hearts.

“It’s too insidious, but I like it. Look at Chu Fengxue’s ugly face… I almost forgot, Chu Fengxue, you are also the Emperor’s discipline. You are no longer eligible to participate in this war. I can only stare wide-eyed and watch the army of the King Chu Mansion completely perish.”

Looking at the chaos of the army of the King Chu Mansion, Wu Yue was completely disgusted in his heart. And when I heard Wu Yue’s words, Chu Fengxue and the Huangtian Discipline that began to stir behind him were both complex ashens. What was helpless was that they had already lost the fight. Now, they can only watch, Demon Sovereign’s The frontier army, King Qin’s army, and the imperial city generals who had turned against each other, divided, surrounded, and quickly swallowed the army that originally belonged to the King Chu Mansion.

“Surrender, I am willing to surrender, please, don’t kill me…” There are already generals in the King Chu Mansion, who can’t bear the pressure, and directly ignores Chu Fengxue and is present in person, already begging for surrender. Up.

More imperial city generals are all split up and in pieces. The big tree hasn’t fallen, and the hunks will fall apart first. After fighting for only a few hours, the army of King Chu Mansion had been destroyed, and countless surrendered on their knees.

All of this, Chu Fengxue saw all of this in his eyes. His face became more and more ugly, as if he had been slapped fiercely. It was red, blue, and white. It could be described as depleted. The Emperor’s disciples behind him, all annoyed by Qiqiao’s smoke, looked towards Chu Fengxue, “Chu Fengxue, we were ordered to support you, and in the end, you returned our support like this. Not only did Bao Min, Zhang Yi, and Li Yongsan die? Senior Brother, now even the 500,000 army is gone!”

“Shut up!”

Faced with the question of the Emperor’s discipline, Chu Fengxue’s expression suddenly turned It became extremely gloomy, “The army is destroyed, it can be rebuilt, as long as my King Chu Mansion is still there! And, I can assure you that within seven days, Ye Fei will die, as long as he dies, Shenglongzong, what else Reason, to interfere with my Chu State?”

Chapter 2643 Meet the Emperor Chu

Chapter 2643 Meet the Emperor Chu



Chu Fengxue’s words, like thunder, shocked many Huangtian’s disciplines, and Chu Ling and Wu Yue were also stunned. Due to the identity of Chu Fengxue’s Emperor’s discipline, Demon Sovereign did not dare to openly respond to this battle. When Chu Fengxue shot, he could only let Chu Fengxue leave quickly, surrounded by the Emperor’s discipline.

It was just Chu Fengxue’s words that made Demon Sovereign nervous before leaving, and hurriedly checked Ye Fei’s body. Ye Fei was also puzzled in his heart, and hurriedly asked: “Master, what happened?”


“There is no problem!” Demon Sovereign looked solemn. He is now in the middle stage of his ancestors, and he can’t see Ye Fei’s body. There is any problem. This just explains the problem, “Ye Fei, be careful. King Chu is known as the king of poisons. He is best at using poisons, and you can’t guard against it. I was poisoned by the King Chu mansion at the beginning. Weaken a realm, if it weren’t for Ms. Chu’s Divine Pill, she would almost die.”

“Master, you suspect that Chu Fengxue has poisoned me? How could it be…” Ye Fei shook his head. Suddenly he called out Dragon Tortoise and said: “Da Hei, you see if it is poisonous.”

After all, Dragon Tortoise used to refining Poison Dragon Pearl and has a strong sensitivity to poison. At this time, Dragon Tortoise is facing Ye Fei’s body smelled, and finally shook his head, indicating that he did not sense the poisonous breath.


In the beast print space, Xiaocao also opened the Divine Eyes. Looking up and down on Ye Fei, it also said that no abnormalities were found, Ye Fei this is relaxed, comforting Demon Sovereign, “Master, this may be Chu Fengxue’s bluff and deliberately frightened me.”

That’s what I said, Ye Fei still feels a little uneasy in his heart. , Demon Sovereign’s expression is still solemn.

It’s just that the army of King Qin must have a head coach. Ye Fei is really fine. Demon Sovereign can only cheer up and go to appease the army of King Qin in each city. By the way, he will take prisoners and clean up the war. Attack imperial city and get ready.

Seeing Demon Sovereign leaving, Chu Ling and Wu Yue also walked over with some worry. Chu Ling took out a medicine pill again and said: “Ye Fei, Rising Dragon Pill can not only heal injuries, but also Detoxification, do you want to try?”


Ye Fei thought for a while, took a Rising Dragon Pill and ate it, but found nothing The question, he was relieved. Wu Yue and Chu Ling were also relaxed. After all, if it weren’t for Ye Fei this time, Wu Yue couldn’t be so smooth and prove their innocence. The two of them had already regarded Ye Fei as a member of the Thang Long Sect.

The soldiers are very fast.

Demon Sovereign can become the king of the word side by side. In terms of military strategy, it is very powerful. It only took a day for Demon Sovereign to rectify the army and start an attack on imperial city.

In order not to be liquidated, the remnants of King Chu Mansion also made extremely tenacious resistance. However, under Ye Fei, Chu Ling, and Wu Yue, the imperial city’s city gate at noon, Already shattered, nearly a million troops, divided from four sides, entered the imperial city.

But because of the Emperor’s discipline, all of them have been admitted to King Chu Mansion. King Chu is good at poisoning. The army entering the city cannot attack King Chu Mansion. Even Demon Sovereign There is no good way. In the end, we can only completely surround King Chu Mansion.

So the first thing to take back the Imperial Palace, Demon Sovereign is to hold Ye Fei, Chu Ling, Wu Yue, and enter the Imperial Palace together to visit the already seriously ill Emperor Chu. Entering the Imperial Palace, Ye Fei was surprised. He found that there was no one in the entire Imperial Palace, only a woman in palace dress, standing at the door of the Imperial Palace to welcome the arrival of Demon Sovereign.

Demon Sovereign did not dare to neglect, so he hurriedly dismounted, pulled Ye Fei and walked over and said: “I have seen Queen Ye! What happened to Emperor Chu’s condition, where are the guards of the Imperial Palace?”


Queen Ye shook her head and said, “Husband ordered them to disband. He doesn’t want his men to become victims of the imperial power struggle. By then, Imperial Uncle, you are a step late. Husband is already poisoned. Now.”

Demon Sovereign was shocked, and suddenly looked towards Ye Fei, “Ye Fei, I want to ask you something.”

“You are my Master, your business It’s my business!” Ye Fei was nodded indifferently, no need to ask, he already understood the meaning of Demon Sovereign, suddenly turned around, moved towards Chu Ling and said, “Chu Ling, I have a presumptuous request.”

“You master and disciple are trouble, isn’t it Rising Dragon Pill, I have them!” Chu Ling threw away a bottle, and I saw Ye Fei and Demon Sovereign one after another flushed with shame.

Wu Yue is full of envy, “As expected of Direct Disciple, the most precious Rising Dragon Pill of the sect is also a bottle, that Senior Sister Chu, I seem to be injured, can you… …”

“get lost!” Chu Ling said fiercely.

Wu Yue is inexplicably sad and angry. He is both senior and junior brothers. He is obviously a little more handsome than Ye Fei. Why can’t he get the Rising Dragon Pill?

“You are also surnamed Ye, could it be that you are the Ye Fei that the second uncle has been looking for, very good, now my Husband is saved.” Queen Ye was very excited, grabbing Ye Fei with one hand and grabbing with the other Living in Chu Ling, I moved towards the Imperial Palace and walked inside. Wu Yue became more and more sorrowful and indignant. This was too ignorant of the handsome guy.

Ye Fei finally saw Emperor Chu in the Imperial Palace. He was a very majestic man, but his pale face and pale face had betrayed Emperor Chu’s weakness.

However, when he saw Demon Sovereign, there was still a touch of comfort on Chu Huang’s face, “Brother, you are finally here, you are leaving with my queen, so I Even if I die, I feel at ease.”

“No, I won’t go. Where are you, I will be there. Even if I die, I will die with you.” Queen Ye cried and helped Living in Emperor Chu, you can see that the feelings of these two people are very deep.

Looking at Chu Ling almost broke into tears. Demon Sovereign was also very emotional, and hurriedly took out the bottle of Rising Dragon Pill and said: “Imperial Brother, don’t say frustrating words, this is the most famous Rising Dragon Pill of the Thang Long Sect. It will definitely detox the poison of King Chu.”

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