Speaking, Demon Sovereign was going to hand the medicine pill to Emperor Chu, but Emperor Chu waved his hand sadly, shook his head and said: “Brother, I have taken this love, but Shenglongzong can’t cure it. The poison of King Chu, my younger brother, is too venomous. During these days, I searched through the Imperial Family Secret Art and finally found the poison of King Chu, which is actually the snake heart poison of the Void Snake!”

“This This kind of poison is more terrifying than the poison of the void. Below the human ancestor, it will die within seven days, and above the human ancestor, within three months, it will also die! The ancient emperor will die within one year! Moreover, there is no cure for this poison, and Rising Dragon Pill is also not good… Brother, why is your face so ugly?”

Not only is Demon Sovereign’s face ugly, but Ye Fei’s face is the same. Ugly, Chu Huang’s words reminded Ye Fei of Chu Fengxue’s threat before he left. At that time, Chu Fengxue also said that within seven days, Ye Fei will die!

At that time, Ye Fei and Demon Sovereign didn’t take it seriously. Looking back now, even though Chu Fengxue’s face is dejected, it is impossible to say something unfounded. Since Chu Fengxue said that, then It is very possible that Ye Fei, like the Emperor Chu, was also poisoned by the snake heart of the Void Snake!

Chapter 2644 Detoxification

Chapter 2644 Detoxification

The snake heart poison is made from the snake heart of the snake in the void, and every Void snakes are all poisonous overlords. One mouthful of venom can poison to death the existence of human ancestors. If the snake heart is used as poison, even the ancient emperor can easily poison to death.

Suddenly I heard that I might have been poisoned by the snake heart of the Void Snake. Ye Fei’s complexion couldn’t help becoming extremely ugly, but he didn’t understand a little bit. He clearly and Chu Feng Xue didn’t fight, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise didn’t feel the poison approaching, how did he get Chu Fengxue’s snake heart poison?

“Dare to ask Your Majesty, how did you get poisoned? There is really no cure for this snake heart poison?”

Demon Sovereign looked solemn, he moved towards Chu Huang asked Dao, Emperor Chu and Demon Sovereign befriend brother, they can trust each other, and Emperor Chu does not hide it, but opened the mouth and said with hatred: “A year ago, there was an expert who sneaked into the Imperial Palace and wanted to stab me. I originally thought it was the work of those ancient countries that were destroyed by your brother and my brother, until later, I killed the expert with my own hands, and his blood stained my hands, I didn’t know that it was King Chu. Coveted my throne, deliberately colluded with the remnants of the ancient country, the Poison Blood who was specially arranged!” Queen Ye also wept and said: “The poison of the snake in the void is hidden and hard to detect, King Chu’s wolf ambition , Actually hiding the snake heart poison in the blood, the poison will become more terrifying. Over the past year, Husband and I have thought of a lot of ways, but we can’t get rid of the poison…”

Ye Fei suddenly felt like have one’s hair stand on end. He vaguely speculated that the dead Chuyu, and the orphans adopted by King Chu, were probably the Poison Blood slain that King Chu secretly cultivated. This was also the reason why Chu Fengxue would unexpectedly send Chuyu to the third battle.

At the same time, this is also the reason why Chuyu asked him to let go of the sword before he died. It is very likely that at that time, Chuyu just wanted to remind him that she within the body possessed Void snake venom.

However, Chu Fengxue took the lead and killed Chuyu, and even Chuyu’s blood was contaminated on the back of Ye Fei’s hand. It was for this reason that Chu Fengxue made a certain assertion. Ye Fei, definitely not survived for seven days.

Demon Sovereign, Chu Ling, and Wu Yue all looked at Ye Fei with a stunned and worried look. Emperor Chu felt very strange, “Demon Sovereign, what are you guys?”

Demon Sovereign did not answer, but looked towards Ye Fei incomparably blamed, “It was because the teacher hurt you. If then, I I won’t let you play…”

“Master, if I don’t play, will you be able to attack the imperial city so smoothly?”

Ye Fei said with a slight smile, after all The King Chu Mansion of King Chu has the support of the Emperor. Even if Demon Sovereign instigates many imperial city generals, they dare not openly rebel. The key to the rebellion from these people is Huang Tian’s withdrawal. This is also Chu Fengxue’s must Ye The reason for Fei’s life.

“And Master, it’s just the poison of the void of trifling, Chu Fengxue, if you want to use this trick, kill me, then he is too naive.” Ye Fei’s body suddenly overflowed. With a strong confidence.

This is not his confidence, but his confidence in Xiaocao.

At the beginning, in Qing State, Lei Zu was also conspired by the Yin and Yang Palace, and was poisoned by the void. In the end, the grass was only a drop of immortal spirit blood, which made the poison of the void become invisible. Therefore, the poison of the void is an insoluble antidote for other martial artists, but for Ye Fei, it is too common.

Chu Fengxue’s assertion that he would die within seven days is even more a joke.

“Mischief, the poison of the snake of the void, even the death of the ancient emperor, you said it was just trifling…” Demon Sovereign was very nervous and blamed himself. He would rather die by himself. I don’t want Ye Fei to die.

Hearing Ye Fei’s words, Queen Ye next to her, her eyes brightened and said: “Young Master Ye, is there any way you can detoxify the snake of the void? “

“Queen, don’t talk about it.” Chu Huang said sadly. How could Ye Fei solve a problem that even his ancient emperor could not solve, and from Demon Sovereign and Ye Fei’s During the dialogue, he faintly understood something, his eyes were apologetic, “Little Friend Ye, I’m sorry, I not only hurt the Demon Sovereign brother, but also you…”

Ye Fei slightly smiled, very seriously said: “Your Majesty is polite, Demon Sovereign is my Master, and you are my Master’s Brother Yi. Then there is nothing to be involved. Moreover, I may be able to deal with the poison of this void, but I have one condition.”

“What, can you solve the poison of the void?”

Emperor Chu and Demon Sovereign, stared wide-eyed together, Queen Ye, they even hold giving medicine to a dead horse Suddenly grabbed Ye Fei’s hand, knelt down and said, “Young Master Ye, as long as you can save Husband, I will promise you anything! Even my daughter, I can marry you. “

“Uh, marrying a daughter is exempt. I have only one condition. I want Chu State to buy all the sugar bottle gourd of imperial city!” Ye Fei said a little depressed.

When I heard this, not only Chu Huang was stunned, but also Queen Ye was in a daze. When it came to Demon Sovereign, after vaguely thinking of something, his eyes suddenly brightened, “Okay, as long as I can save you. And Chu Huang, let alone the sugar bottle gourd of imperial city, the sugar bottle gourd of Chu State, I will buy it for you, and this king will order it.”

Looking at the wind and fire, I ran out and ordered The Demon Sovereign, Emperor Chu and Queen Ye were completely dumbfounded, Chu Ling and Wu Yue stared at each other, puzzled.

No one noticed that in the beast print space, Xiaocao had already raised his ears. Hearing that Demon Sovereign was going to buy all the sugar bottle gourd in the city, his eyes were all crescents. , Dragon Tortoise is full of grief and anger. After all, as a growing little tortoise, Dragon Tortoise feels that he hasn’t eaten dragon meat buns for a long time.

But taking advantage of Xiaocao’s happiness, Dragon Tortoise still stretched out his black mouth, put the grass aside the black stone, ate it clean, and continued to look very sad and angry.

“Your Majesty, I also need a clean room, which will not allow anyone to disturb peeping, so that I can find a solution to the poison of the void from my body.” Ye Fei said again.

Emperor Chu did not refuse, and Empress Ye directly brought Ye Fei into the place where Chu Emperor usually cultivation, where countless profound energy gathered. After entering, Ye Fei was not polite, and directly called Xiaocao out and said: “Xiaocao, this time it’s up to you.”


Xiao The grass was nodded very hard. After all, with the sugar bottle gourd of the whole city as a guarantee, Xiaocao happily stretched out his arm and asked Ye Fei to take two drops of immortal spirit blood. Even though it was only two drops, he looked at Xiaocao. The tearful look of grass pain, Ye Fei’s heart is still inevitable, and he has a strong anger towards Chu Fengxue.

After all, if it weren’t for Chu Fengxue to plot against him, Xiaocao would not cry in pain, and would have to squeeze out the blood of his immortal spirit.

“This account must be returned by Chu Fengxue ten times!” Ye Fei’s eyes flashed through the cold glow, and he picked up the grass with regret and put it back into the animal print space. Yes, swallow that drop of immortal spirit blood into the abdomen.


When the blood entrance of the immortal spirit, Ye Fei suddenly discovered that his within the body was filled with a dense black air of the void. These black airs are the poison of the void , And in the Void Break, there is a triangular giant snake that is dark as an abyss, opening its mouth, and constantly drawing the power of the void’s poison. This giant snake is entrenched in Ye Fei within the body, sealing Ye The curse of Fei’s bloodline is also a serpent of the void born from Ye Fei bloodline!

Chapter 2645 Evil Sword

Chapter 2645 Evil Sword

Ye Fei fully awakened, why he has no signs of poisoning, Divine Eyes , He couldn’t see his abnormality. It turned out that this Void Snake Venom was completely used by the Void Snake within the body. It was once suppressed by the Sacred Dragon’s Eye to take advantage. Ye Fei was immediately angry.

Within the body immortal spirit, the energy of blood is whizzing, like a stormy sea, quickly moved towards the poison of the void, and at this time, the darkness that secretly absorbs the poison of the void The giant snake also violently raised the triangular snake head, staring at Ye Fei very bitterly, “It’s you again, bad for me, but I won’t let you succeed. This time, I must swallow you and transform into The real snake of the void!”

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