
The snake’s head is high, it is actually a piece of void venom. It is born from Ye Fei’s bloodline and infects Ye Fei’s body. This void snake must use poison to attack the poison and strengthen Ye Fei within the body, void With the power of the poison, Ye Fei’s expression became extremely solemn, and his heart was even more worried. This snake spirit bred from his bloodline is obviously his biggest hidden danger within the body.

At this time, even Ye Fei doesn’t know how to eliminate this hidden danger. After all, he is far from the level of an ancient god.

“roar roar roar!”

While Ye Fei was tense, a huge dragon roar suddenly appeared in his mind, and there was more brilliance in his consciousness The dazzling transparent crystal ball rolled to Ye Fei’s feet. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Dragon Tortoise. Through the method of spiritual communication, it entered Ye Fei’s consciousness. At the same time, on the back of Dragon Tortoise, there was a green dress Cute little girl in dress with croissants.

“Xiaocao, how can you also come in?” Ye Fei was surprised.

“Eh!” Xiaocao riding Dragon Tortoise, very proud, with a proud expression of Xiaocao, unfortunately, Xiaocao still can’t speak, Ye Fei can only look towards Dragon Tortoise, but seeing Dragon Tortoise is also very confused.

Due to the same Emperor Artifact battle with Ye Fei cultivation, Dragon Tortoise and Ye Fei can communicate with each other. Just now, Dragon Tortoise sensed the crisis of Ye Fei within the body and ran in curiously. . As a result, because Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise also signed the dragon seal unique to Emperor Artifact, and can also communicate with Dragon Tortoise’s soul, when the Dragon Tortoise consciousness ran in, Xiaocao’s consciousness actually ran in.

This is probably the Dragon Emperor who created the Emperor Artifact. He didn’t expect that Emperor Artifact would still be able to communicate between the three. Ye Fei naturally thought of it even more impossible.

But that Void Snake Spirit is the biggest hidden danger of Ye Fei within the body. At this time, I can’t think about why Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise can enter his consciousness together. Ye Fei immediately not even think, just moved towards Dragon Tortoise and commanded: “Big Hei, rush up, Xiaocao, drag the snake out for me!”

I feel that something is wrong, that empty snake spirit, deep The snake’s eyes suddenly burst out evil and spiteful rays of light, “si si, if I prevent my birth, you will all die…”


The Void Snake opened his mouth. Sucking, the poison of the void remaining in Ye Fei within the body, actually all condensed and turned into a black evil sword, that sword, from evil to poison, the sword light comes out, Ye Fei’s whole body is at this moment, Exuding a terrifying void poisonous flame, it seems that even the void can be burned.

But Dragon Tortoise is not scared at all. It is not that Dragon Tortoise is bold enough, but that he is too confident in the grass on his back, facing the evil poisonous sword that is rolling over on the grass, Suddenly burst out a strong colorful light.

This is the immortal spirit family, the unique seven magic lights, and all energy bodies, the biggest nemesis, the serpent of the void in front of you, of course powerful, but in the end it is only Ye Fei within the body bloodline curse , The born snake spirit, it is only Spirit Physique, not Fleshy body. At the moment when the Seven Wonders Divine Light was encountered, the Void Snake Spirit had already uttered an extremely screaming cry.

The body that was originally deep and dark has turned into a golden color again. The huge snake head is also faintly discernible, or dragon or snake, which is indeterminate. Obviously, when the snake of the void is weak, Sacred Dragon The power of the eye becomes stronger.

Ye Fei’s heart also became excited.

“This snake spirit has always been my scourge. If I can completely eliminate it with the help of the seven magical lights of the grass, then maybe I can break the within the body without waiting for the ancient gods. Bloodline curse!”

The more I think about it, the more possible it is, Ye Fei finally made up his mind, “Da Hei, continue to punch me, kill this snake, turn back, dragon meat and buns are enough!”



Dragon Tortoise leaks domineering sideways, and burns the terrifying demon Fire Dragon flame all over his body. The evil fiercely rushes to the void snake spirit. At this time, the dragon Tortoise In my eyes, that is no longer a terrifying snake of the void, but a big and delicious dragon meat bun.

In order to eat one more meal, Dragon Tortoise is really desperate this time. On the turtle’s back, the grass is Divine Light Body Protection, dazzling like the stars in the sky, the small hand moved towards the front with a strong wave, one hand with Seven Wonders of Divine Light, the other hand with Divine Beating Whip, has moved towards the huge body of the Void Snake Spirit Smoked.

“I will not let you succeed! As long as your bloodline curse is not broken, I will not die!”

Void snake spirit, with huge eyes full of spite, suddenly Becoming evil, its snake head suddenly disappeared, and it took the initiative to merge into the eyes of Sacred Dragon again. Both Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise were a step slower. The Seven Wonders of Divine Light and Divine Beating Whip hit the eyes of Sacred Dragon, but they were actually bounced back by Sacred Dragon, and in turn hit Dragon Tortoise.

“Roar… Pain…” Dragon Tortoise was conscious of Spirit Physique. After suffering this, his limbs became soft on the spot, his eyes turned in circles, and the consciousness of the grass disappeared in Ye. Fei’s consciousness.

Ye Fei’s face became extremely ugly. He didn’t expect, Sacred Dragon’s eyes, not only could suppress the Void Snake, it would make the Void Snake unable to continue to affect his temperament, but it was reversed. Coming over, the eyes of Sacred Dragon can also shelter the Void Snake, so that Xiaocao’s seven magical lights cannot directly attack the Void Snake’s spirit.

“The two seem to have formed a wonderful symbiosis balance within me within the body! I want to completely kill the snake of the void, it seems that I must, find a way to completely master Sacred The power of the Dragon’s eye will work!” Ye Fei pondered secretly.

After all, the Eye of Sacred Dragon is the lifelong cultivation base of Sacred Dragon. It is made from Taoism, and it is Dragon Race Supreme Treasure. It is fortunate to be able to integrate. If you want to control it completely, it is not so Easy thing.

But once mastered, Ye Fei will be able to control the eyes of Sacred Dragon so that the Void Snake Spirit will have no hiding place, smoothly, and can completely eliminate the hidden dangers of the bloodline within the body.

“hehehehe, Ye Fei, do you think that if you control the eyes of Sacred Dragon, you can clear me out, tell you, this is impossible, your bloodline is my life, I Since the birth of your bloodline, I will die unless you die. If you don’t die, I can live forever! One day, I will devour you, seize your fleshy body, and then become, real, void… …Eternal Life…”

The voice of the Void Snake Spirit became weaker and weaker. Although it hid in the eyes of the Sacred Dragon in time, it still suffered a certain degree of attack from the Seven Wonders of Light. It hurts a lot.

Chapter 2646 will never let her down

Chapter 2646 will never let her down

What makes Ye Fei even more surprised is that the snake of the void condenses The evil sword actually stayed in his consciousness and turned into strange symbols. Looking at those symbols, Ye Fei’s heart was even more shocked.

This evil sword is actually a bloodline seal separated from the void snake spirit within the body!

“Strange, the bloodline seal of my within the body, first the bloodline yoke, and then the star map, these are all curses of ancient gods, evolved, and even the void snake spirit is also cursed Relationship, the self-bloodline was born, and when I hit the Broken Bloodline yoke, my bloodline level continued to improve. Does that mean that when I break this evil sword, my bloodline can be further improved?”

When thinking of this possibility, Ye Fei’s heart faintly became excited. In fact, he has always had a regret in his heart, that is, being affected by the Void Snake Spirit, his bloodline level reached the tenth rank. , Is the limit.

This kind of talent is considered top in the Divine State, but in the Nine Layers Heaven domain, countless Divine Dynasty, ancient countries, ancient geniuses, and the formation of nine Great Influence, Ye Fei ten The product of bloodline is a little bit inadequate.

This is also what the ancient Emperor Chiyue once said that he can only be regarded as the Heaven’s Chosen of a region, not the Heaven’s Chosen of this world. It wasn’t until this time that Ye Fei was poisoned, leading to the Void Snake Spirit, and was hit hard by Xiaocao’s Seven Wonders, that Ye Fei finally saw a way to rise.

That is, not only weaken the Void Serpent, peel off the bloodline seal, and then try to break it, to breakthrough!

“But before that, I have to think of a way to quickly get rid of the poison of Chu Huang’s void!” Ye Fei secretly thought, but because of this, I need Xiaocao to release immortal spirit. Ye Fei can’t help but feel distressed because of the blood, and he has a greater dislike for King Chu Mansion in his heart.

After all, it is not someone else who releases the poison of the void, it is King Chu, and Chu Fengxue!

“Ye Fei, the sugar bottle gourd you want, the teacher has bought it for you.” Outside the clean room, Demon Sovereign’s anxious voice has been heard, and then there are piles of sugar bottles Gourd, like rain, flew in and piled up into a hill. Xiaocao’s eyes immediately gleamed, and he ran out with his short legs, and rolled around on the ground holding a pile of sugar bottle gourd, very happy.

Ye Fei is relaxed. After all, Xiaocao is happy to follow him.

As for the Dragon Tortoise who hugged her thighs and said that she wanted to eat dragon meat buns, Ye Fei was too lazy to scold him. He quickly took two drops of immortal spirit blood released by Xiaocao and walked out. The clean room, once again returned to the Imperial Palace hall, inside, Queen Ye was waiting there very nervously, beside her, stood a beautiful girl in palace costume, 70% similar to Queen Ye, long covering moon, shaming flowers, elegant and poised.

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