Don’t ask, this one may be the real princess of Chu State. Feeling Ye Fei’s gaze, the girl blushed instantly, but she still mustered the courage to move towards Ye Fei and salute. “Young Master Ye, please save my Imperial Father, my palace, no, little girl, I am willing to repay you for being a slave and a maid.”

That shy voice made Wu Yue and the emerald small dragon on his shoulders , Brushing her eyes straightened, “Damn it, why is it not me who can save Emperor Chu, such a beautiful beauty…”

“get lost!”

Before she finished speaking, Chu Ling kicked Wu Yue and kicked flying on the spot. Showing the beauty of violence different from that of the princess, Ye Fei who saw it was sweaty on the spot, and quickly pretended not to see it, but just stepped aside and said: “The princess is serious. The Emperor Chu is the brother of my Master, that is, my elder. , I should do all this.”

Speaking, Ye Fei handed two drops of immortal spirit blood to Emperor Chu, who smiled nodded and swallowed them in one mouthful. There was no doubt at all. Ye Fei could not help but secretly nodded, observing his words and observing his actions, he knew that Chu Huang was the kind of magnanimous Mingjun, otherwise he would not be convinced by Demon Sovereign, and would be able to worship Demon Sovereign. brother.

After all, in the bones, Demon Sovereign is actually very proud. Except for Ye Fei, for anyone else, for everything, Demon Sovereign has a kind of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth.


The pale complexion of Emperor Chu, who had refined the blood of immortal spirit, suddenly returned to ruddy, and the death air lingering on his body was also instantly wiped out. The powerful ancient Prestige of Sovereign burst out of Chu Huang, and instantly enveloped the entire Imperial Palace.

“Ye Fei, many thanks you this time!” On the throne, Emperor Chu stood up with a solemn expression, and suddenly moved towards Ye Fei, kneeling down and saying: “life-saving grace, nothing to return Please be respected by me!”

This ancient emperor, Monarch of the entire Country, actually wanted to bow to Ye Fei of Divine Sovereign Realm. This scene shocked many people, and Ye Fei was also Shocked, I have to say that Emperor Chu is not only a Mingjun, but also has a unique personality charm.

“Your Majesty is polite, I said, you are my elder, you should be saved.” Ye Fei quickly avoided, the gift of the Emperor of Chu was too heavy, too heavy for him to bear.

Demon Sovereign also said: “Your Majesty, Ye Fei is my discipline, not an outsider. If you are like this, you will be out of sight.”,

Chu Huang shook his head to say with a bitter smile, “I only owe two people in my life, one is Demon Sovereign, and the other is Ye Fei.”

Hearing this, Empress Ye suddenly blinked and quietly pinched Emperor Chu’s Hand back: “Husband, if you don’t want to owe kindness, I will have a way, it’s better to marry your daughter to Ye Fei. For the Imperial Family of Chu State, I’m already cold, why not, speaking of Chu State, How about giving it to Ye Fei?”,

“haha, this is good attention! Demon Sovereign and I are brothers, my daughter and his discipline, we should be together and control Chu State.” Chu The emperor also eyes shined, smilingly looked towards Ye Fei and said: “Ye Fei, can you agree to it?”

The decision of the emperor Chu shocked everyone present. Could it be that Ye Fei Want to ascending to the skies with a single leap, and then become Chu State, the new prince?

The princess of Chu State raised her head even more shyly, and looked at Ye Fei with some expectation. Chu Ling was even more urged by the impatient: “Ye Fei, hurry up and promise, once she became a Prince Consort, even more With the ancient emperor being the father-in-law, how many people is this, yearn for something even in dreams.”

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

Ye Fei’s expression is very serious, even a little cold. Chu Ling had never seen Ye Fei’s expression before, and she couldn’t help being frightened. Emperor Chu also noticed Ye Fei’s abnormality, and couldn’t help wondering, “Ye Fei, what is your dissatisfaction?”

“Your Majesty, I’m not dissatisfied, it’s just your kindness, I I can’t agree, this Ye, I already have someone I love. In this life, I will never let her down, born in this world, and die in this world, to never leave each other!”

Ye Fei’s expression is full of determination.

Feeling this firmness, Chu Ling was a little stunned. Emperor Chu and Queen Ye were also stunned. Princess Chu State’s expression also became sad. Only Demon Sovereign, slightly smiled, he Sure enough, I didn’t read this discipline wrong.

Chapter 2647 A shocking sword

Chapter 2647 A shocking sword

For Ye Fei’s insistence, the Emperor Chu was not angry, but more and more towards Ye Fei appreciates it, “Ye Fei, since you have some love, I will not force you. However, I once said that whoever can detox my poison, the treasure of the treasury can be taken away at will, now you can go to the treasury , Take away any eye-catching things.”

The emperor of Chu is indeed very generous. The treasures stored in the ancient country must be extremely valuable, but the emperor of Chu said that as long as Ye Fei sees it, it can be Take it away, not to mention that Chu Ling was surprised. Even Wu Yue who walked in was taken aback. Only Demon Sovereign, who seemed to know what Emperor Chu was a long time ago, said calmly: “Ye Fei, since the Emperor Chu said that, Then don’t be polite, especially the three treasures of Chu State, but even as a teacher, you are very eager. Go, you can go to the treasury as a teacher.”

“Demon Sovereign , You are eager to empty my treasury…” Emperor Chu couldn’t help but laughed and cursed. Demon Sovereign also laughed heartily and responded, “To save you, I have gathered a million troops. How can people be convinced?”

Looking at these two people singing and making a peace, Ye Fei couldn’t help but smiled slightly, knowing that Emperor Chu’s friendship with Demon Sovereign didn’t care about any treasures, so he moved in his heart, and nothing happened. He was scrupulous, and hurriedly moved towards Chu Huang arched his hand and said: “Your Majesty, I wonder if your ability can help me unlock the seal of the space belt?”

Although he left Dragon God Valley smoothly, Ye Fei His space belt is still under seal. Since he is going to the treasury to select treasures, he naturally has to untie the space belt.

The Emperor Chu’s gaze was also brushed, and he noticed that Ye Fei’s space belt was shocked and said, “This is the divine runes seal of the ancient gods? But fortunately, this seal should be It was done by the ancient gods, not at all formidable power.”


When Chu Huang spoke, he already had a streak of divine light, and he pointed it out from his fingertips. It is also a sword dao, a very powerful sword dao, a sword can smash the seal of the space belt.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but looked at Emperor Chu in surprise, and Emperor Chu also stared at Ye Fei deeply, “Your sword dao is not bad, now go to the treasury, you choose treasure carefully, maybe you can meet It’s a pleasant surprise.”

After saying that, Emperor Chu closed his eyes, not speaking, but just a big seal, which fell into the hands of Demon Sovereign. It was actually the seal of Chu Emperor, a token of imperial power of Chu Emperors in the past. Emperor Chu gave Demon Sovereign casually. This courage alone is not comparable to ordinary people.

Fortunately, Demon Sovereign did not live up to the trust of Emperor Chu. Over the years, joining hands with Emperor Chu to open up new territories has wiped out many powerful ancient countries and not only allowed Chu State’s national power to flourish, It is the treasury of Chu State, and there are many treasures gathered together.

When Demon Sovereign brought Ye Fei, Wu Yue, and Chu Ling to the Chu State Treasury, Rao Chu Ling, the Direct Disciple of the Thang Long Sect, couldn’t help being surprised.” The accumulation of the Chu State treasury has almost caught up with Master’s private treasury.”

“What, Sect Master also has a small treasury?” Wu Yue, who was on the side, came over very gossiping, but what was greeted was Chu Ling kicked violently, Ye Fei also glanced at Wu Yue with sympathy, and quickly walked into the treasury.

Ye Fei doesn’t even look at the ordinary profound veins and profound stones. He just follows behind Demon Sovereign and walks towards the deepest part of the treasury. There, there is a small door with a picture on it. Many of the densely packed divine runes are still the Heavenly God pattern first.

Demon Sovereign pointed to the small door and said: “Here is the Chu State Treasury, where the treasure of the town is stored. Each of you can choose the same. As for Ye Fei, you come with me.”

Ye Fei was not asked to choose the so-called treasures of the town. Instead, Demon Sovereign took Ye Fei to the most unremarkable open space in the treasure house. The sculptures there were actually very ordinary stone sculptures, many of which were distributed Rotten breath.

“Master, what did you bring me here for?” Ye Fei was puzzled.

Demon Sovereign mysterious smiled and raised the Chu Huang seal in his hand and said: “Do you know the origin of this seal? It was left by the first Chu Huang, and the first Chu Huang is said to be a strange man. As a sword slave, he followed a powerful ancient Sword God. Later, the ancient Sword God went crazy because of some things and disappeared in this world. The first generation of Emperor Chu returned to his homeland and founded Chu State. Leave this sword seal!”


When speaking, Demon Sovereign had already activated the Chu Emperor’s seal, and Ye Fei was shocked to see that Chu Emperor’s seal. It is actually a condensed from a sword light. When the sword light was emitted, the seemingly ordinary stone sculpture suddenly moved. A special projection appeared on it. In the projection, one was shrouded by the sword light. The silhouette of standing in the universe.

The silhouette of the gathered sword, the whole world, like a sword, fell into his hands, suddenly cut forward, the world opened, the sun and the moon replayed, there are countless stars in the sky, All instantly turned into powder.

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