Just to feel that aura, Ye Fei felt that Divine Soul was tingling, and there seemed to be signs of disintegration and collapse. He could not help but looked towards Demon Sovereign in amazement, but saw Demon Sovereign look solemn. “This sword is the first generation of Emperor Chu. When he was a sword slave, he secretly used the sword print projection, and it was also incomplete. But it is this incomplete sword light that makes a humble sword slave count Ten years later, Chu State was established, and it was only one step away to break through the ancient gods!”

Demon Sovereign’s words shocked Ye Fei. It was just an incomplete Sword Art that could make a sword slave. Almost breakthrough to the ancient gods, if it is a complete Sword Art, how terrifying would it be?

Ye Fei immediately reflected why the Emperor Chu would treat him The words mean more than they say, and gave the Emperor Chu seal to Demon Sovereign. In the end, such a sword is a Chu State secret If it is openly taught to Ye Fei, it will inevitably lead to great dissatisfaction from the Chu State Imperial Family, but if Ye Fei “inadvertently” learns it from the treasury, no one will say anything.

“Ye Fei, take your two friends around as a teacher, hurry up and see here, remember, you only have three hours.” After Demon Sovereign finished speaking, he left quickly. .

Ye Fei nodded, I understand that this should be Chu Huang’s bottom line. After all, he saved Chu Huang but refused to give him a marriage. Chu Huang must have no choice but to help Chu State be the strongest The sword of Ye was shown to him, it was only the time for Ye Fei to comprehend. There were only three hours. Once the time came, no matter how much Ye Fei understood, there would be no chance. Contact this amazing sword beyond the level of ancient gods.

Ye Fei immediately did not dare to neglect, and immediately concentrated attention completely, looked towards the scary sword light that gradually appeared in the mural. This sword light, fused with heaven and earth, Smashing Starry Sky, has a kind of destroying heaven extinguishing earth , The spirit of slaying the gods and demons, just glanced, Ye Fei felt again, Divine Soul was beginning to tingle, and there was the illusion of being torn apart by this sword.

His eyes are even more shocked. A very terrifying sword, just an incomplete image, risks the collapse of my Divine Soul. If it is a complete sword, it is simply not what I can bear. Yes, not even the ancient gods! “

Immediately, Ye Fei was 100% energetic and began to stare at this stunning sword.

Chapter 2648 Celestial Emperor has regrets

Ye Fei’s concentration, he feels that his Divine Soul seems to have entered a wonderful starry sky. All around the world, there are stars of death. These stars are covered with the traces of the years, and there are still many tall ones faintly visible above. The building faces the starry sky. It is a pity that Life Aura has lost everything in this starry sky.

An inexplicable sad mood surfaced in his heart.

“Chu Slave, how long have you been following this emperor? “Suddenly, another peculiar voice appeared in Ye Fei’s ears. Ye Fei felt heavier. I don’t know when, he actually carried a heavy ancient Divine Sword on his back.

The sword is too heavy. Carrying him, Ye Fei has the illusion of carrying the whole world. His waist began to bend down, as if he was about to be crushed by the ancient Divine Sword, his leg , Also began to tremble, as if to kneel in front of the existence at the moment of hearing that sentence.

What’s more frightening is that Ye Fei sees it in front of her eyes from beginning to end. They are all a back view, but this back view also gave him infinite pressure. Even the ancient gods never gave him the terrifying pressure.

“This person is definitely beyond the ancient The existence of gods is not good. I seem to be caught in some kind of peculiar memory…” Ye Fei was surprised. He also experienced this situation in the ancient gods.

Obviously , This is the memory of the first generation of Chu Huang, this memory is also the memory of the first Chu Huang, following this ancient Sword God, as a sword slave, and, because of the impact of the amazing sword light, Ye Fei’s Awareness, and magically overlapped with the memory of the first Emperor Chu.

Involuntarily, he made an unfamiliar voice in his mouth, “Go back to the master, the sword slave has followed the master. It has been 300 years. Up. “

“Yes, it’s been 300 years, 300 years ago, when you and I met, you were just a slave who was trafficked, and the emperor at that time was just a small ancestor! It took 300 years for this emperor to break through the ancient emperor, the ancient god, and the Celestial Emperor today! Unfortunately, I was still wrong. I thought that when I broke through the Celestial Emperor, when I returned to my hometown in fine clothes, I returned to my hometown! “

“But what I saw when I came back was endless destruction! Everyone is dead, my hometown, my homeland, my family, my relatives, my best friends, and even this piece of Star Domain… Back then, the emperor left with anger, just to fight the sword, now, The emperor returned home in a beautiful dress, but what he saw was a ruin…”

When it comes to this, the hazy silhouette, suddenly there is a cry of pain. It is the Celestial Emperor who is crying, and it is also a sword. Screaming. Suddenly, the Celestial Emperor came out of the sword. His full head fine black hair, turned into white hair, big beckoned, the ancient Divine Sword that almost crushed Ye Fei, has fallen into the hands of the Celestial Emperor, sending out Monarch Overlooking The The sword of Whole World.

“Sword slave, look carefully, you and the emperor for 300 years, today the emperor will pass you a sword! This sword can grow your swordsmanship, open your Sword Domain, and help you to become the Supreme! As for how many levels you can comprehend, it depends on your perception. Remember, this sword is a famous sword! “

The Celestial Emperor has regrets, with the sword of robbery, down the square!

hong long long!

The mighty sword light, such as Heavenly Dao, enveloped the world The square, endless sword light, turned into a stormy sea, swept across the eight poles, and suddenly turned into thousands of sword wires, covered with stars.

Finally, under the shadow of the sword light, this piece of dead silence The Universe Starry Sky suddenly turned back to light, and there was a scene like the reverse of time, the dead stars, renewed the rays of light, the dead world, and the prosperity changed again.

Ye Fei saw that there are countless powerful The ancient emperor, and even the ancient gods, in the Star Domain, Ye Fei saw that countless Li people, low-level martial artists, lived and worked here. Ye Fei also saw that there was a young man walking with a sword, Ignoring the call of my family, stay away from the starry sky and step into the vast void of the universe.

Ye Fei also saw an ancient battleship coming across the starry sky. On the bow, there stood a statue. Powerful shadows, these shadows, such as locusts, killed this Star Domain, killing people and slaughtering the city, plundering all lives.

Suddenly, Ye Fei’s ears heard a crazy roar, That was the Celestial Emperor roaring, “It’s you, but it’s you who ruined my homeland and killed my relatives… I want to find you, I want to kill you all with a sword in my hand!


A terrifying sword power, like ripples, suddenly moved towards all directions, spreading wildly. Anything that is swept by the sword light, everything is Time and Space seemed to be completely broken, and Ye Fei’s heart also had a great crisis.

The sword of the Celestial Emperor unexpectedly emerged from the memory of the first Emperor Chu. , From memory, turned into reality, at this time, he even stabbed at Ye Fei’s Divine Soul, Ling Ran.

Ye Fei’s heartbeat suddenly began to accelerate, but did not flinch. He flinched at this time. Not only was he unable to obtain the terrifying sword of Celestial Emperor, but it was more likely to lose his sword heart. From then on, like the first Emperor Chu, he will always exist under the shadow of this Celestial Emperor ancient Sword God.

And As a swordsman, Ye Fei will never allow his sword to succumb to the Divine Sword of others.

“No Destruction Sword order, cut it for me! “

Ye Fei’s hair is flying, and there is infinite sword energy on his body whistling, Taiji killing sword, Taiji withered sword, immortal emperor sword, Shenjie Blood Sword, Taiji Sword dance…… Ye Fei All the sword dao magical powers he had mastered were released by him in a single breath at this time, and moved towards the pierced Divine Sword cut over.

At the same time, Ye Fei’s body is purple. -The golden flame suddenly burned. The madness and the Ancient God Golden Body superimposed on each other, making Ye Fei’s defense more terrifying. He suddenly shot, suppressing that sword light, his hand has already The sword light was grasped in the hand.

The sword energy of grandiose burst out immediately, not only destroying all the sword dao magical powers of Ye Fei, but also the Ancient God Golden Body. It was destroyed instantly, more directly and directly. Enter Ye Fei’s within the body.

Ye Fei suddenly felt that the pain of sword Qi inside the body caused his entire Divine Soul to be torn apart, but at the same time, an obscure Inexplicable information, like a flood, crazily rushed into Ye Fei’s mind.

“It is the sword dao of the Celestial Emperor! Celestial Emperor has regrets. Therefore, he integrated his sword dao into a sword and gave it to the first Emperor Chu, and the first Emperor Chu. Through his own memory, he kept this sword and inherited it from generation to generation. Offspring! “

This is what the Celestial Emperor has regrets and created his own Sword God!

Ye Fei’s mind continues to roar, but it is full of joy. He uses his own perception And sword dao, finally, successfully solved the Celestial Emperor’s regret, this move terrifying Celestial Emperor sword dao.

“It’s just that compared to the Celestial Emperor, which was played by the Celestial Emperor, the first Emperor Chu The Jiejian in my memory is too vague. I want to fully understand it. It is almost impossible… Wait…”

Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s heart suddenly moved, although the memory of the first Emperor Chu It is too vague to evolve a complete sword for future generations, but he remembers that Dragon Tortoise has the ability to deduction.

Chapter 2649 Huang Tian, ​​Lu Mohan

Although Ye Fei’s current state is impossible to perform the complete Celestial Emperor Sword, he can still make his Celestial Emperor Sword and the formidable power stronger through deduction.

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